hexgon dsp 初探

1 背景

想将一些负载卸载到hexgon dsp上,希望先行探索一下可行性。

2 安装sdk

https://developer.qualcomm.com/software/hexagon-dsp-sdk/tools 下载sdk。
sdk 安装可能遇到没有办法自动下载依赖的情况(找不到已经安装7z),需要按照其doc文档中的提示手工进行安装。

3 尝试example

安装后的sdk中有doc目录,按照其说明,可以先行尝试最简单的calculator 示例。

python calculator_walkthrough.py -T sm8150 -N

即可完成测试。-T 需要根据手机硬件正确选择型号。


#include "remote.h"
int hexnn_controller_request_unsigned_pd() {
int ret = -1;
#pragma weak remote_session_control
if (remote_session_control) {
printf("***************** remote_session_control is TRUE ****************\n");
struct remote_rpc_control_unsigned_module data;
data.enable = 1;
data.domain = CDSP_DOMAIN_ID;
ret = remote_session_control(DSPRPC_CONTROL_UNSIGNED_MODULE, (void *) &data, sizeof(data));
printf("***************** remote_session_control returned %d ****************\n", ret);
} else {
printf("***************** remote_session_control is FALSE ****************\n");
return ret;


calculator_DLLS += $(LIB_DSPRPC)

4 初步性能测试

在修改代码后,可以使用如下命令上传并查看结果(加入-N 不用每次都走签名并重启的流程)

python calculator_walkthrough.py -T sm8150 -N

手动进入adb shell,可以是使用如下命令启动测试。

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH="/vendor/lib/rfsa/dsp/sdk;/vendor/lib/rfsa/dsp/testsig;"


logcat |grep dsp

5 随机内存读写测试结果

5.1 测试用例


int local_sum_idx_test(const int* data, int datalen, const int* idx, int idxlen, int64* res)
int ii = 0;
*res = 0;
int64 sum_res = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < idxlen; ++ii) {
int id = idx[ii];
sum_res += data[id];
*res = sum_res;
return 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < num; ++ii) {
test[ii] = ii;

for (ii = 0; ii < idx_num; ++ii) {
idx_array[ii] = lrand48() % num;

if (runLocal) {
printf("\n---Compute sum locally\n");

nErr = local_sum_idx_test(test, num, idx_array, idx_num, &result);

5.2 测试设置

使用reno 10倍变焦版,关闭所有的节能功能,打开高性能模式,将电池充满后,使用wifi 连接上手机adb,然后断开usb连接线,再开始测试。
测试开始前使用dumpsys batterystats –reset清空电池记录,测试过程中不要断开adb 连接(否则手机会深度休眠),测试完成后再使用dumpsys batterystats获得能耗统计。

wifi adb连接方法如下:
首先将手机连上pc 机器的usb
确保adb shell能进入手机
adb tcpip 5555
将手机连入oppo test这个wifi
使用216机器(自己的pc不行,需要申请权限) ,adb connect 手机ip:5555
在216上adb shell,可以进入手机中

5.1 性能测试结果

time ./android_Debug_aarch64/calculator 1 500000000

—Starting calculator test
***** remote_session_control is TRUE ****
***** remote_session_control returned 0 ****

—Allocate 2000000000 bytes from ION heap
—Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 499999999

—Compute sum locally
time_sec is 5715603223 us
—Sum = 1857335897458637

95m31.26s real 26m51.72s user 0m02.41s system

130|OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $ time ./android_Debug_aarch64/calculator 0 50000000

—Starting calculator test
***** remote_session_control is TRUE ****
***** remote_session_control returned 0 ****

—Allocate 200000000 bytes from ION heap
—Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 49999999

—Compute sum on the DSP
time_sec is 1516344157 us
—Sum = 19504722859575

25m18.75s real 0m00.74s user 0m07.11s system


5.2 功耗测试结果

cpu 能耗:
Capacity: 4065, Computed drain: 140, actual drain: 122-163
Uid 2000: (android.uid.shell:2000)55.1 ( cpu=53.3 wifi=1.72 ) Excluded from smearing

Capacity: 4065, Computed drain: 48.8, actual drain: 81.3-122
Unaccounted: 32.5 ( ) Including smearing: 0 ( ) Excluded from smearing

预估dsp内存随机读写任务的能耗大致比cpu要高5~6倍(32.5*10 / 55.1)。

6 原始记录

6.1 CPU

OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $ time ./android_Debug_aarch64/calculator 1 500000000

—Starting calculator test
***** remote_session_control is TRUE ****
***** remote_session_control returned 0 ****

—Allocate 2000000000 bytes from ION heap
—Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 499999999

—Compute sum locally
time_sec is 5715603223 us
—Sum = 1857335897458637

95m31.26s real 26m51.72s user 0m02.41s system
OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $ dumpsys batterystats
Battery History (6% used, 251KB used of 4096KB, 77 strings using 6902):
0 (14) RESET:TIME: 2020-12-16-18-11-37
0 (1) 100 status=not-charging health=good plug=none temp=322 volt=4420 charge=3715 modemRailChargemAh=0 wifiRailChargemAh=0 +running +wake_lock +wifi_scan +wifi_radio +screen phone_signal_strength=great brightness=dim +wifi wifi_signal_strength=4 wifi_suppl=completed +ble_scan
0 (2) 100 top=u0a76:”com.oppo.launcher”
0 (2) 100 user=0:”0”
0 (2) 100 userfg=0:”0”
+16ms (2) 100 -wifi_scan stats=0:”dump”
+2s173ms (2) 100 volt=4393
+4s958ms (2) 100 brightness=dark
+7s157ms (3) 100 -screen stats=0:”screen-state”
+7s786ms (2) 100 -ble_scan +job=u0a120:”com.coloros.providers.fileinfo/.service.DataUpdateJobService”
+7s859ms (3) 100 +screen_doze -job=u0a120:”com.coloros.providers.fileinfo/.service.DataUpdateJobService”
+7s988ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+8s814ms (2) 100 +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+8s825ms (2) 100 -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+8s841ms (2) 100 +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+8s876ms (2) 100 -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+10s482ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+12s158ms (2) 100 charge=3714 stats=0:”screen-state”
+13s131ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+13s341ms (3) 100 -screen_doze stats=0:”screen-state”
+13s849ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+17s005ms (2) 100 -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+17s803ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher”
+17s810ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+18s469ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18s477ms (14) TIME: 2020-12-16-18-11-56
+18s689ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a156:”IntentOp:com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService”
+18s916ms (2) 100 -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+19s512ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a49:”walarm:com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2”
+19s578ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+20s821ms (2) 100 -running stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+22s160ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22s521ms (1) 100 -running
+23s177ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23s562ms (1) 100 -running
+24s303ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24s692ms (1) 100 -running
+25s334ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25s687ms (1) 100 -running
+26s038ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26s456ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26s867ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27s344ms (1) 100 -running
+27s691ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28s111ms (1) 100 -running
+28s299ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28s682ms (1) 100 -running
+28s908ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29s295ms (1) 100 -running
+30s038ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30s410ms (1) 100 -running
+31s060ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31s447ms (1) 100 -running
+31s984ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32s357ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: DIAG_WS”
+33s214ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33s584ms (1) 100 -running
+34s334ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34s742ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35s269ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35s707ms (1) 100 -running
+35s884ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36s201ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+37s911ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+37s942ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+37s987ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”athena:onekeyclear_wakelock_tag”
+38s631ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+39s247ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39s635ms (1) 100 -running
+40s373ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40s654ms (2) 100 charge=3713 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+41s727ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+42s533ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42s923ms (1) 100 -running
+43s656ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44s056ms (1) 100 -running
+44s674ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45s076ms (1) 100 -running
+45s812ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46s212ms (1) 100 -running
+46s832ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+47s204ms (1) 100 -running
+47s964ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48s332ms (1) 100 -running
+48s982ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49s405ms (1) 100 -running
+49s704ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50s145ms (1) 100 -running
+50s214ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50s688ms (1) 100 -running
+50s721ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51s119ms (1) 100 -running
+51s945ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+52s747ms (2) 100 -wifi -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+53s055ms (3) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats” +wifi stats=0:”wifi-on”
+53s148ms (2) 100 -wake_lock +wifi_scan +wifi_running stats=0:”wifi-running”
+53s357ms (3) 100 +wake_lock=1041:”AudioMix” +job=u0a50:”com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService”
+53s855ms (2) 100 +job=u0a71:”com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService”
+53s876ms (2) 100 -job=u0a71:”com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService”
+54s075ms (2) 100 -job=u0a50:”com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService”
+56s365ms (2) 100 -wake_lock -wifi_scan wifi_signal_strength=3 wifi_suppl=associated wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+56s651ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats” wifi_suppl=completed
+56s685ms (2) 100 -wake_lock +job=u0a50:”com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService”
+56s853ms (3) 100 +wake_lock=u0a50:”job/com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService” -job=u0a50:”com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService”
+56s874ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+57s064ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”deep:sleep”
+57s067ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+57s085ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”deep:sleep”
+57s094ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+58s695ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+59s116ms (1) 100 -running
+59s746ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59s943ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+59s957ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats”
+59s969ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+1m00s089ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats”
+1m00s098ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+1m00s855ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m01s249ms (1) 100 -running
+1m01s987ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$PersistentReceiverIntentOperation” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m02s237ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+1m02s354ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats”
+1m02s363ms (2) 100 -wake_lock -wifi_running wifi_suppl=disconn stats=0:”wifi-state”
+1m02s418ms (2) 100 -running stats=0:”wifi-stopped”
+1m03s011ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m03s363ms (1) 100 -running
+1m04s142ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m04s559ms (1) 100 -running
+1m05s166ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m05s528ms (1) 100 -running
+1m06s290ms (2) 100 charge=3712 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m07s103ms (4) 100 +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” +screen_doze wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: smp2p” stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m07s674ms (3) 100 +screen -screen_doze screenwake=1000:”android.service.fingerprint:WAKEUP”
+1m07s719ms (3) 100 +phone_scanning phone_state=out phone_signal_strength=none brightness=dim stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m08s889ms (2) 100 +wifi_scan wifi_signal_strength=4 +job=u0a71:”com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService”
+1m08s899ms (2) 100 +ble_scan -job=u0a71:”com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService”
+1m11s502ms (2) 100 volt=4348 charge=3711 -wifi_scan
+1m17s244ms (2) 100 charge=3710 -phone_scanning phone_state=in phone_signal_strength=great brightness=dark
+1m19s427ms (3) 100 -screen +screen_doze -ble_scan stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m20s252ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m22s516ms (2) 100 charge=3709 stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m27s135ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m27s881ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m28s104ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m28s403ms (4) 100 volt=4372 -wake_lock -screen_doze stats=0:”screen-state”
+1m29s426ms (1) 100 -running
+1m29s541ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m29s808ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1m29s969ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+1m29s970ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1m29s977ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+1m29s978ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1m29s979ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+1m30s680ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m30s684ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+1m31s585ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m32s031ms (1) 100 -running
+1m32s813ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m33s164ms (1) 100 -running
+1m33s940ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m34s547ms (1) 100 -running
+1m34s961ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m35s295ms (1) 100 -running
+1m36s085ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m36s357ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1m37s116ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m37s476ms (1) 100 -running
+1m38s238ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m38s609ms (1) 100 -running
+1m39s268ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1m39s622ms (1) 100 -running
+1m40s391ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m40s766ms (1) 100 -running
+1m41s413ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m41s771ms (1) 100 -running
+1m42s540ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m42s900ms (1) 100 -running
+1m43s567ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m43s900ms (1) 100 -running
+1m44s687ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m45s068ms (1) 100 -running
+1m45s714ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m46s057ms (1) 100 -running
+1m46s843ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m47s212ms (1) 100 -running
+1m47s863ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m48s217ms (1) 100 -running
+1m48s990ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m49s345ms (1) 100 -running
+1m50s022ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m50s384ms (1) 100 -running
+1m51s142ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m51s506ms (1) 100 -running
+1m52s165ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m52s518ms (1) 100 -running
+1m53s297ms (2) 100 charge=3708 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m53s641ms (1) 100 -running
+1m54s211ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m54s716ms (1) 100 -running
+1m55s127ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m55s603ms (1) 100 -running
+1m56s364ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m56s701ms (1) 100 -running
+1m57s077ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m57s624ms (1) 100 -running
+1m58s414ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m58s811ms (1) 100 -running
+1m59s440ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m59s834ms (1) 100 -running
+2m00s580ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m00s928ms (1) 100 -running
+2m01s591ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m01s973ms (1) 100 -running
+2m02s717ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m03s097ms (1) 100 -running
+2m03s745ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m04s142ms (1) 100 -running
+2m04s868ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m05s198ms (1) 100 -running
+2m05s883ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m06s208ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+2m08s155ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+2m08s305ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+2m09s056ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m09s412ms (1) 100 -running
+2m10s087ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m10s429ms (1) 100 -running
+2m11s217ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m11s603ms (1) 100 -running
+2m12s236ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m12s592ms (1) 100 -running
+2m13s366ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m13s715ms (1) 100 -running
+2m14s388ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m14s761ms (1) 100 -running
+2m15s519ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m15s896ms (1) 100 -running
+2m16s536ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m16s901ms (1) 100 -running
+2m17s666ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m18s022ms (1) 100 -running
+2m18s687ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m19s027ms (1) 100 -running
+2m19s804ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m20s214ms (1) 100 -running
+2m20s859ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m21s214ms (1) 100 -running
+2m21s975ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m22s340ms (1) 100 -running
+2m22s994ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+2m23s338ms (1) 100 -running
+2m24s119ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m24s465ms (1) 100 -running
+2m25s144ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m25s624ms (1) 100 -running
+2m26s265ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m26s638ms (1) 100 -running
+2m27s309ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m27s655ms (1) 100 -running
+2m28s418ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m28s768ms (1) 100 -running
+2m29s331ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m29s743ms (1) 100 -running
+2m30s467ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m30s843ms (1) 100 -running
+2m31s494ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m31s828ms (1) 100 -running
+2m32s612ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m32s958ms (1) 100 -running
+2m33s636ms (2) 100 charge=3707 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m34s073ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+2m34s765ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m35s100ms (1) 100 -running
+2m35s884ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m36s183ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+2m38s013ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+2m38s029ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+2m39s062ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m39s423ms (1) 100 -running
+2m40s089ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m40s444ms (1) 100 -running
+2m41s216ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m41s570ms (1) 100 -running
+2m42s246ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m42s613ms (1) 100 -running
+2m43s371ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m43s718ms (1) 100 -running
+2m44s391ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m44s759ms (1) 100 -running
+2m45s520ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m45s863ms (1) 100 -running
+2m46s539ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m46s899ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+2m47s671ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m48s068ms (1) 100 -running
+2m48s802ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m49s164ms (1) 100 -running
+2m49s822ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m50s176ms (1) 100 -running
+2m50s944ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m51s298ms (1) 100 -running
+2m51s976ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+2m52s372ms (1) 100 -running
+2m53s113ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m53s483ms (1) 100 -running
+2m54s123ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m54s480ms (1) 100 -running
+2m55s248ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m55s589ms (1) 100 -running
+2m56s270ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m56s612ms (1) 100 -running
+2m57s396ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m57s744ms (1) 100 -running
+2m58s414ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m58s787ms (1) 100 -running
+2m59s556ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m59s895ms (1) 100 -running
+3m00s565ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m00s926ms (1) 100 -running
+3m01s692ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m02s053ms (1) 100 -running
+3m02s721ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m03s089ms (1) 100 -running
+3m03s844ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m04s186ms (1) 100 -running
+3m04s872ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m05s237ms (1) 100 -running
+3m05s998ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m06s335ms (1) 100 -running
+3m07s017ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m07s360ms (1) 100 -running
+3m08s142ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m08s539ms (1) 100 -running
+3m08s880ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m09s137ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+3m10s197ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m10s543ms (1) 100 -running
+3m11s324ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m11s680ms (1) 100 -running
+3m12s451ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m12s811ms (1) 100 -running
+3m13s483ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m13s827ms (1) 100 -running
+3m14s600ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m14s949ms (1) 100 -running
+3m15s620ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m15s646ms (2) 100 temp=312 charge=3706 -running
+3m16s768ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m17s269ms (1) 100 -running
+3m17s769ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m18s135ms (1) 100 -running
+3m18s896ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m19s308ms (1) 100 -running
+3m19s944ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m20s303ms (1) 100 -running
+3m21s066ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m21s400ms (1) 100 -running
+3m22s071ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m22s441ms (1) 100 -running
+3m23s207ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m23s547ms (1) 100 -running
+3m24s224ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m24s588ms (1) 100 -running
+3m24s851ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m25s313ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+3m26s375ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m26s730ms (1) 100 -running
+3m27s401ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m27s758ms (1) 100 -running
+3m28s529ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m28s882ms (1) 100 -running
+3m29s550ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m29s893ms (1) 100 -running
+3m30s674ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m31s026ms (1) 100 -running
+3m31s701ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m32s099ms (1) 100 -running
+3m32s832ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m33s187ms (1) 100 -running
+3m33s851ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m34s197ms (1) 100 -running
+3m34s970ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m35s335ms (1) 100 -running
+3m35s997ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m36s342ms (1) 100 -running
+3m37s126ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m37s483ms (1) 100 -running
+3m38s147ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m38s512ms (1) 100 -running
+3m39s290ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m39s646ms (1) 100 -running
+3m40s300ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m40s678ms (1) 100 -running
+3m41s445ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m41s791ms (1) 100 -running
+3m42s453ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m42s808ms (1) 100 -running
+3m43s573ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m43s932ms (1) 100 -running
+3m44s609ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m44s978ms (1) 100 -running
+3m45s734ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m46s088ms (1) 100 -running
+3m46s758ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m47s102ms (1) 100 -running
+3m47s879ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m48s257ms (1) 100 -running
+3m48s903ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m49s289ms (1) 100 -running
+3m50s053ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m50s420ms (1) 100 -running
+3m51s071ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m51s418ms (1) 100 -running
+3m52s182ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m52s531ms (1) 100 -running
+3m53s205ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m53s554ms (1) 100 -running
+3m54s328ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m54s683ms (1) 100 -running
+3m55s359ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m55s727ms (1) 100 -running
+3m56s483ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m56s839ms (1) 100 -running
+3m57s512ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m57s868ms (1) 100 -running
+3m58s631ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m58s991ms (1) 100 -running
+3m59s659ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m00s010ms (1) 100 -running
+4m00s787ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m01s154ms (1) 100 -running
+4m01s820ms (2) 100 charge=3705 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m02s178ms (1) 100 -running
+4m02s933ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m03s305ms (1) 100 -running
+4m03s959ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m04s317ms (1) 100 -running
+4m05s084ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m05s436ms (1) 100 -running
+4m06s105ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m06s499ms (1) 100 -running
+4m07s241ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m07s597ms (1) 100 -running
+4m08s257ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m08s585ms (1) 100 -running
+4m09s374ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m09s754ms (1) 100 -running
+4m10s424ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m10s785ms (1) 100 -running
+4m11s554ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m11s902ms (1) 100 -running
+4m12s596ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m12s947ms (1) 100 -running
+4m13s689ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m14s044ms (1) 100 -running
+4m14s709ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m15s163ms (1) 100 -running
+4m15s834ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m16s184ms (1) 100 -running
+4m16s860ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m17s217ms (1) 100 -running
+4m17s985ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m18s367ms (1) 100 -running
+4m19s010ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m19s369ms (1) 100 -running
+4m20s141ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m20s500ms (1) 100 -running
+4m21s160ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m21s513ms (1) 100 -running
+4m22s285ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m22s686ms (1) 100 -running
+4m23s307ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m23s666ms (1) 100 -running
+4m24s440ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m24s769ms (1) 100 -running
+4m25s456ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m25s810ms (1) 100 -running
+4m26s585ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m26s954ms (1) 100 -running
+4m27s611ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m27s949ms (1) 100 -running
+4m28s730ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m29s096ms (1) 100 -running
+4m29s756ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m30s123ms (1) 100 -running
+4m30s890ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m31s251ms (1) 100 -running
+4m31s918ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m32s275ms (1) 100 -running
+4m33s044ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m33s337ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+4m33s381ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+4m33s381ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+4m33s389ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+4m33s390ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+4m33s391ms (2) 100 -wake_lock stats=0:”get-stats”
+4m34s665ms (1) 100 -running
+4m35s187ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m35s534ms (1) 100 -running
+4m36s314ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m36s667ms (1) 100 -running
+4m37s341ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m37s698ms (1) 100 -running
+4m38s474ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m38s812ms (1) 100 -running
+4m39s489ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m39s860ms (1) 100 -running
+4m40s614ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m40s970ms (1) 100 -running
+4m41s642ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m41s974ms (1) 100 -running
+4m42s757ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m43s102ms (1) 100 -running
+4m43s817ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m44s176ms (1) 100 -running
+4m44s924ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m45s257ms (1) 100 -running
+4m45s939ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+4m46s223ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+4m47s067ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m47s419ms (1) 100 -running
+4m48s193ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m48s540ms (1) 100 -running
+4m49s219ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m49s573ms (1) 100 -running
+4m50s350ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m50s698ms (1) 100 -running
+4m51s370ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m51s723ms (1) 100 -running
+4m52s503ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m52s848ms (1) 100 -running
+4m53s520ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m53s902ms (1) 100 -running
+4m54s658ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m54s987ms (1) 100 -running
+4m55s665ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m56s016ms (1) 100 -running
+4m56s795ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:hans” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m56s819ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+4m57s819ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m58s162ms (1) 100 -running
+4m58s946ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m59s301ms (1) 100 -running
+4m59s972ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m00s314ms (1) 100 -running
+5m01s105ms (2) 100 charge=3704 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m01s354ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+5m02s123ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m02s484ms (1) 100 -running
+5m03s243ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m03s593ms (1) 100 -running
+5m04s277ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m04s648ms (1) 100 -running
+5m05s399ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m05s745ms (1) 100 -running
+5m06s417ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m06s772ms (1) 100 -running
+5m07s548ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m07s899ms (1) 100 -running
+5m08s574ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m08s955ms (1) 100 -running
+5m09s702ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m10s296ms (1) 100 -running
+5m10s715ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+5m11s081ms (1) 100 -running
+5m11s857ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m12s201ms (1) 100 -running
+5m12s874ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m13s253ms (1) 100 -running
+5m14s010ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m14s372ms (1) 100 -running
+5m15s024ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m15s390ms (1) 100 -running
+5m16s153ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m16s506ms (1) 100 -running
+5m17s171ms (2) 100 charge=3703 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m17s462ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+5m18s303ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m18s653ms (1) 100 -running
+5m19s427ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m19s798ms (1) 100 -running
+5m20s450ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m20s820ms (1) 100 -running
+5m21s580ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m21s957ms (1) 100 -running
+5m22s601ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m22s938ms (1) 100 -running
+5m23s720ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m24s072ms (1) 100 -running
+5m24s750ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m25s117ms (1) 100 -running
+5m25s880ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m26s210ms (1) 100 -running
+5m26s897ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m27s237ms (1) 100 -running
+5m28s024ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m28s356ms (1) 100 -running
+5m29s045ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m29s399ms (1) 100 -running
+5m30s173ms (3) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” +job=u0a165:”com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService”
+5m30s293ms (2) 100 -job=u0a165:”com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService”
+5m31s998ms (2) 100 +job=1000:”android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService”
+5m32s007ms (2) 100 +job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+5m32s013ms (2) 100 -job=1000:”android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService”
+5m32s954ms (2) 100 -job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+5m34s218ms (2) 100 +job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+5m34s368ms (2) 100 -job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+5m35s274ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+5m36s937ms (1) 100 charge=3702
+5m41s350ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+5m52s041ms (1) 100 charge=3701
+5m57s389ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+5m58s041ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m58s382ms (1) 100 -running
+5m59s164ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m59s521ms (1) 100 -running
+6m00s185ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m00s547ms (1) 100 -running
+6m01s312ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m01s670ms (1) 100 -running
+6m02s336ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m02s686ms (1) 100 -running
+6m03s472ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m03s841ms (1) 100 -running
+6m04s510ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m04s877ms (1) 100 -running
+6m05s623ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m05s968ms (1) 100 -running
+6m06s644ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m07s004ms (1) 100 -running
+6m07s780ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m08s169ms (1) 100 -running
+6m08s803ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m09s179ms (1) 100 -running
+6m09s917ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m10s268ms (1) 100 -running
+6m10s932ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m11s282ms (1) 100 -running
+6m12s065ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+6m12s417ms (1) 100 -running
+6m13s084ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m13s443ms (1) 100 -running
+6m14s216ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m14s363ms (2) 100 temp=302 -running
+6m15s238ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m15s591ms (1) 100 -running
+6m16s358ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m16s724ms (1) 100 -running
+6m17s384ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m17s780ms (1) 100 -running
+6m18s518ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m18s804ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+6m19s828ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:hans” device_idle=light
+6m23s085ms (1) 100 charge=3700
+6m24s829ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+6m34s931ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+6m38s189ms (1) 100 charge=3699
+6m44s447ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m45s132ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m45s492ms (1) 100 -running
+6m45s540ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m45s909ms (1) 100 -running
+6m46s458ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m46s895ms (1) 100 -running
+6m47s616ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m48s024ms (1) 100 -running
+6m48s841ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m49s863ms (1) 100 -running
+6m49s964ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m50s361ms (1) 100 -running
+6m51s077ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m51s451ms (1) 100 -running
+6m52s212ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m52s565ms (1) 100 -running
+6m53s224ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m53s579ms (1) 100 -running
+6m54s360ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m54s704ms (1) 100 -running
+6m55s368ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+6m55s732ms (1) 100 -running
+6m56s501ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m56s858ms (1) 100 -running
+6m57s528ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m57s913ms (1) 100 -running
+6m58s656ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m59s015ms (1) 100 -running
+6m59s680ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m00s048ms (1) 100 -running
+7m00s820ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m01s155ms (1) 100 -running
+7m01s821ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m02s197ms (1) 100 -running
+7m02s957ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m03s295ms (1) 100 -running
+7m03s975ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m04s333ms (1) 100 -running
+7m05s110ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m05s499ms (1) 100 -running
+7m06s124ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m06s505ms (1) 100 -running
+7m07s254ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m07s605ms (1) 100 -running
+7m08s278ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m08s641ms (1) 100 -running
+7m09s407ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m09s783ms (1) 100 -running
+7m10s431ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m10s773ms (1) 100 -running
+7m11s555ms (2) 100 charge=3698 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m11s920ms (1) 100 -running
+7m12s577ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m12s934ms (1) 100 -running
+7m13s703ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m14s058ms (1) 100 -running
+7m14s733ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m15s206ms (1) 100 -running
+7m15s866ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m16s238ms (1) 100 -running
+7m16s883ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m17s241ms (1) 100 -running
+7m18s012ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m18s359ms (1) 100 -running
+7m19s028ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m19s382ms (1) 100 -running
+7m20s155ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m20s513ms (1) 100 -running
+7m21s186ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m21s528ms (1) 100 -running
+7m22s309ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m22s670ms (1) 100 -running
+7m23s336ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m23s675ms (1) 100 -running
+7m24s458ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m24s794ms (1) 100 -running
+7m25s475ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m25s789ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+7m26s607ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m26s979ms (1) 100 -running
+7m27s732ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m28s082ms (1) 100 -running
+7m28s758ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m29s131ms (1) 100 -running
+7m29s904ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m30s277ms (1) 100 -running
+7m30s926ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m31s291ms (1) 100 -running
+7m32s048ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m32s432ms (1) 100 -running
+7m33s063ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m33s431ms (1) 100 -running
+7m34s187ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m34s544ms (1) 100 -running
+7m35s217ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m35s598ms (1) 100 -running
+7m35s723ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m36s242ms (1) 100 -running
+7m36s346ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m36s695ms (1) 100 -running
+7m37s461ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m37s833ms (1) 100 -running
+7m38s489ms (2) 100 charge=3697 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m39s049ms (1) 100 -running
+7m39s621ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m39s976ms (1) 100 -running
+7m40s735ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m41s095ms (1) 100 -running
+7m41s759ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m42s133ms (1) 100 -running
+7m42s893ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m43s246ms (1) 100 -running
+7m43s914ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m44s266ms (1) 100 -running
+7m45s045ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m45s393ms (1) 100 -running
+7m46s066ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m46s435ms (1) 100 -running
+7m47s191ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m47s576ms (1) 100 -running
+7m48s220ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m48s594ms (1) 100 -running
+7m49s346ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m49s710ms (1) 100 -running
+7m50s373ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m50s760ms (1) 100 -running
+7m51s497ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m51s878ms (1) 100 -running
+7m52s528ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m52s890ms (1) 100 -running
+7m53s649ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m54s009ms (1) 100 -running
+7m54s668ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m55s019ms (1) 100 -running
+7m55s787ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m56s170ms (1) 100 -running
+7m56s811ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m57s155ms (1) 100 -running
+7m57s938ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m58s273ms (1) 100 -running
+7m58s959ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m59s321ms (1) 100 -running
+8m00s090ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m00s971ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+8m01s531ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m02s137ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m02s468ms (1) 100 -running
+8m03s255ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m03s652ms (1) 100 -running
+8m04s293ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=1000:”NtpTimeHelper” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m04s478ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+8m05s420ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m06s023ms (1) 100 -running
+8m06s449ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m06s835ms (1) 100 -running
+8m07s568ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m07s949ms (1) 100 -running
+8m08s594ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m08s963ms (1) 100 -running
+8m09s721ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m10s071ms (1) 100 -running
+8m10s742ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m11s112ms (1) 100 -running
+8m11s871ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m12s235ms (1) 100 -running
+8m12s899ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m13s267ms (1) 100 -running
+8m14s024ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m14s415ms (1) 100 -running
+8m15s055ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m15s423ms (1) 100 -running
+8m16s169ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m16s517ms (1) 100 -running
+8m16s680ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m17s051ms (1) 100 -running
+8m17s113ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+8m17s454ms (1) 100 -running
+8m18s219ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m18s604ms (1) 100 -running
+8m19s245ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m19s589ms (1) 100 -running
+8m20s369ms (2) 100 charge=3696 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m20s722ms (1) 100 -running
+8m21s389ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m21s735ms (1) 100 -running
+8m22s519ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m22s884ms (1) 100 -running
+8m23s543ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m23s861ms (1) 100 -running
+8m23s942ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m25s221ms (1) 100 -running
+8m25s695ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m26s051ms (1) 100 -running
+8m26s821ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m27s177ms (1) 100 -running
+8m27s850ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m28s195ms (1) 100 -running
+8m28s972ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m29s333ms (1) 100 -running
+8m30s005ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m30s346ms (1) 100 -running
+8m31s123ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m31s475ms (1) 100 -running
+8m32s145ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m32s491ms (1) 100 -running
+8m33s273ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m33s629ms (1) 100 -running
+8m34s302ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m34s669ms (1) 100 -running
+8m35s431ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m35s805ms (1) 100 -running
+8m36s448ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m36s787ms (1) 100 -running
+8m37s573ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m37s914ms (1) 100 -running
+8m38s596ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m38s935ms (1) 100 -running
+8m39s720ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m40s202ms (1) 100 -running
+8m40s745ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m41s103ms (1) 100 -running
+8m41s880ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m42s239ms (1) 100 -running
+8m42s889ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m43s266ms (1) 100 -running
+8m44s027ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m44s411ms (1) 100 -running
+8m45s051ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m45s416ms (1) 100 -running
+8m46s172ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m46s526ms (1) 100 -running
+8m47s194ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m47s551ms (1) 100 -running
+8m48s325ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m48s683ms (1) 100 -running
+8m49s347ms (2) 100 charge=3695 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m49s611ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+8m50s465ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m50s839ms (1) 100 -running
+8m51s603ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m51s963ms (1) 100 -running
+8m52s624ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m52s974ms (1) 100 -running
+8m53s749ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m54s149ms (1) 100 -running
+8m54s780ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m55s145ms (1) 100 -running
+8m55s901ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m56s273ms (1) 100 -running
+8m56s939ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m57s286ms (1) 100 -running
+8m58s053ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m58s406ms (1) 100 -running
+8m59s080ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m59s515ms (1) 100 -running
+9m00s204ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m00s555ms (1) 100 -running
+9m01s227ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m01s594ms (1) 100 -running
+9m02s370ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m02s730ms (1) 100 -running
+9m03s379ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m03s755ms (1) 100 -running
+9m04s505ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m04s880ms (1) 100 -running
+9m05s535ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m05s875ms (1) 100 -running
+9m06s654ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m06s995ms (1) 100 -running
+9m07s677ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m08s031ms (1) 100 -running
+9m08s799ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m09s177ms (1) 100 -running
+9m09s825ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m10s195ms (1) 100 -running
+9m10s956ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m11s314ms (1) 100 -running
+9m11s987ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m12s320ms (1) 100 -running
+9m13s100ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m13s481ms (1) 100 -running
+9m14s135ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m14s504ms (1) 100 -running
+9m15s260ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m15s547ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a7:”fiid-sync” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+9m20s912ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+9m21s393ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m21s754ms (1) 100 -running
+9m22s527ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+9m22s865ms (1) 100 -running
+9m23s546ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m23s881ms (1) 100 -running
+9m24s670ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m25s025ms (1) 100 -running
+9m25s695ms (2) 100 charge=3694 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m26s065ms (1) 100 -running
+9m26s827ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m27s184ms (1) 100 -running
+9m27s859ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m28s228ms (1) 100 -running
+9m28s979ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m29s332ms (1) 100 -running
+9m29s998ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m30s354ms (1) 100 -running
+9m31s130ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m31s497ms (1) 100 -running
+9m32s149ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m33s279ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+9m33s285ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+9m33s791ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+9m34s295ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m34s650ms (1) 100 -running
+9m35s424ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m35s795ms (1) 100 -running
+9m36s466ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m36s819ms (1) 100 -running
+9m37s582ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m37s886ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+9m38s601ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m38s957ms (1) 100 -running
+9m39s730ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m40s133ms (1) 100 -running
+9m40s769ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m41s129ms (1) 100 -running
+9m41s899ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m42s259ms (1) 100 -running
+9m42s922ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+9m43s178ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+9m44s027ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m44s381ms (1) 100 -running
+9m45s159ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m45s551ms (1) 100 -running
+9m46s191ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m46s537ms (1) 100 -running
+9m47s303ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m47s654ms (1) 100 -running
+9m48s330ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m48s705ms (1) 100 -running
+9m49s462ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m49s825ms (1) 100 -running
+9m50s486ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m50s869ms (1) 100 -running
+9m51s611ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m51s988ms (1) 100 -running
+9m52s631ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m52s993ms (1) 100 -running
+9m53s757ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m54s116ms (1) 100 -running
+9m54s783ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m55s062ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+9m57s371ms (1) 100 -running
+9m58s059ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m58s446ms (1) 100 -running
+9m59s085ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m59s440ms (1) 100 -running
+10m00s203ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m00s549ms (1) 100 -running
+10m01s234ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m01s599ms (1) 100 -running
+10m02s363ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m02s727ms (1) 100 -running
+10m03s387ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m03s662ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+10m04s512ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m04s849ms (1) 100 -running
+10m05s632ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m05s999ms (1) 100 -running
+10m06s667ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m07s045ms (1) 100 -running
+10m07s787ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m08s130ms (1) 100 -running
+10m08s810ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m09s150ms (1) 100 -running
+10m09s932ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m10s277ms (1) 100 -running
+10m10s962ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m11s357ms (1) 100 -running
+10m12s087ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m12s427ms (1) 100 -running
+10m13s109ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m13s450ms (1) 100 -running
+10m14s237ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m14s582ms (1) 100 -running
+10m15s263ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m15s655ms (1) 100 -running
+10m16s408ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m16s743ms (1) 100 -running
+10m17s414ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m17s780ms (1) 100 -running
+10m18s550ms (2) 100 charge=3693 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m18s914ms (1) 100 -running
+10m19s561ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m19s910ms (1) 100 -running
+10m20s691ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m21s042ms (1) 100 -running
+10m21s708ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m22s089ms (1) 100 -running
+10m22s847ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m23s181ms (1) 100 -running
+10m23s865ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m24s217ms (1) 100 -running
+10m24s993ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m25s363ms (1) 100 -running
+10m26s013ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m26s379ms (1) 100 -running
+10m27s144ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m27s499ms (1) 100 -running
+10m28s166ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m28s520ms (1) 100 -running
+10m29s291ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m29s657ms (1) 100 -running
+10m30s319ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m30s677ms (1) 100 -running
+10m31s445ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m31s785ms (1) 100 -running
+10m32s463ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m32s797ms (1) 100 -running
+10m33s587ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m33s905ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+10m34s619ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m34s980ms (1) 100 -running
+10m35s748ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m36s125ms (1) 100 -running
+10m36s773ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m37s128ms (1) 100 -running
+10m37s895ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m38s239ms (1) 100 -running
+10m38s918ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m39s276ms (1) 100 -running
+10m40s054ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m40s415ms (1) 100 -running
+10m41s066ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m41s438ms (1) 100 -running
+10m42s211ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m42s582ms (1) 100 -running
+10m43s252ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m43s613ms (1) 100 -running
+10m44s356ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m44s709ms (1) 100 -running
+10m45s380ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m45s769ms (1) 100 -running
+10m46s502ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m46s868ms (1) 100 -running
+10m47s524ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m47s674ms (2) 100 temp=292 charge=3692 -running
+10m48s646ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m49s001ms (1) 100 -running
+10m49s675ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m50s056ms (1) 100 -running
+10m50s802ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m51s147ms (1) 100 -running
+10m51s822ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m52s150ms (1) 100 -running
+10m52s934ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m53s301ms (1) 100 -running
+10m53s974ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m54s313ms (1) 100 -running
+10m55s093ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m55s439ms (1) 100 -running
+10m56s120ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m56s479ms (1) 100 -running
+10m57s252ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m57s593ms (1) 100 -running
+10m58s272ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m58s626ms (1) 100 -running
+10m59s403ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m59s771ms (1) 100 -running
+11m00s432ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m00s835ms (1) 100 -running
+11m01s565ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m01s915ms (1) 100 -running
+11m02s573ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m02s847ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+11m03s689ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m04s049ms (1) 100 -running
+11m04s825ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m05s176ms (1) 100 -running
+11m05s848ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m06s222ms (1) 100 -running
+11m06s988ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m07s351ms (1) 100 -running
+11m08s001ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m08s365ms (1) 100 -running
+11m09s129ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m09s513ms (1) 100 -running
+11m10s147ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m10s521ms (1) 100 -running
+11m11s281ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m11s634ms (1) 100 -running
+11m12s308ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m12s662ms (1) 100 -running
+11m13s427ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m13s775ms (1) 100 -running
+11m14s445ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m14s803ms (1) 100 -running
+11m15s580ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m15s933ms (1) 100 -running
+11m16s599ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m16s951ms (1) 100 -running
+11m17s725ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m18s006ms (2) 100 charge=3691 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+11m19s832ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” device_idle=off
+11m24s836ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock device_idle=light stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+11m26s129ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m26s509ms (1) 100 -running
+11m27s159ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m27s510ms (1) 100 -running
+11m28s277ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m28s645ms (1) 100 -running
+11m29s295ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m29s661ms (1) 100 -running
+11m30s431ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m30s795ms (1) 100 -running
+11m31s447ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m31s807ms (1) 100 -running
+11m32s580ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m32s923ms (1) 100 -running
+11m33s600ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m33s955ms (1) 100 -running
+11m34s729ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m35s082ms (1) 100 -running
+11m35s747ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m36s100ms (1) 100 -running
+11m36s877ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m37s234ms (1) 100 -running
+11m37s901ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m38s281ms (1) 100 -running
+11m39s028ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m39s138ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+11m40s037ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+11m40s379ms (1) 100 -running
+11m41s170ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m41s538ms (1) 100 -running
+11m42s206ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m42s569ms (1) 100 -running
+11m43s341ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m43s724ms (1) 100 -running
+11m44s363ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m44s717ms (1) 100 -running
+11m45s487ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m45s844ms (1) 100 -running
+11m46s210ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m46s751ms (1) 100 -running
+11m47s534ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m47s897ms (1) 100 -running
+11m48s568ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m48s908ms (1) 100 -running
+11m49s596ms (2) 100 charge=3690 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m49s941ms (1) 100 -running
+11m50s602ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m50s961ms (1) 100 -running
+11m51s641ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m52s030ms (1) 100 -running
+11m52s665ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m53s041ms (1) 100 -running
+11m53s702ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m54s121ms (1) 100 -running
+11m54s708ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m55s110ms (1) 100 -running
+11m55s764ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m56s101ms (1) 100 -running
+11m56s747ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m57s129ms (1) 100 -running
+11m57s805ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m58s200ms (1) 100 -running
+11m58s809ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m59s198ms (1) 100 -running
+11m59s856ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m00s198ms (1) 100 -running
+12m00s855ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m01s185ms (1) 100 -running
+12m01s888ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m02s228ms (1) 100 -running
+12m02s894ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m03s296ms (1) 100 -running
+12m03s947ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m04s328ms (1) 100 -running
+12m04s946ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m05s322ms (1) 100 -running
+12m05s992ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m06s333ms (1) 100 -running
+12m06s988ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m07s347ms (1) 100 -running
+12m08s027ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m08s387ms (1) 100 -running
+12m09s034ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m09s398ms (1) 100 -running
+12m10s078ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m10s438ms (1) 100 -running
+12m11s089ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m11s472ms (1) 100 -running
+12m12s149ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m12s481ms (1) 100 -running
+12m13s131ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m13s507ms (1) 100 -running
+12m14s185ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m14s530ms (1) 100 -running
+12m15s189ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m15s547ms (1) 100 -running
+12m16s234ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m16s575ms (1) 100 -running
+12m17s230ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m17s597ms (1) 100 -running
+12m18s282ms (2) 100 charge=3689 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m18s635ms (1) 100 -running
+12m19s276ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m19s647ms (1) 100 -running
+12m20s337ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m20s690ms (1) 100 -running
+12m21s329ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m21s720ms (1) 100 -running
+12m22s385ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m22s736ms (1) 100 -running
+12m23s384ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m23s732ms (1) 100 -running
+12m24s430ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m24s781ms (1) 100 -running
+12m25s431ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m25s794ms (1) 100 -running
+12m26s471ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m26s812ms (1) 100 -running
+12m27s479ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m27s835ms (1) 100 -running
+12m28s519ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m28s854ms (1) 100 -running
+12m29s516ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m29s888ms (1) 100 -running
+12m30s568ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m30s945ms (1) 100 -running
+12m31s579ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m31s947ms (1) 100 -running
+12m32s610ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m32s979ms (1) 100 -running
+12m33s610ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m33s964ms (1) 100 -running
+12m34s647ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m35s016ms (1) 100 -running
+12m35s664ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m36s025ms (1) 100 -running
+12m36s711ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m37s053ms (1) 100 -running
+12m37s720ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m38s049ms (1) 100 -running
+12m38s743ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m39s100ms (1) 100 -running
+12m39s757ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m40s144ms (1) 100 -running
+12m40s806ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m41s187ms (1) 100 -running
+12m41s814ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m42s201ms (1) 100 -running
+12m42s862ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m43s184ms (1) 100 -running
+12m43s736ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m44s198ms (1) 100 -running
+12m44s875ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m45s213ms (1) 100 -running
+12m45s899ms (2) 100 charge=3688 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m46s265ms (1) 100 -running
+12m46s958ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m47s264ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+12m48s518ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+12m49s580ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+12m50s012ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m50s343ms (1) 100 -running
+12m51s046ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m51s401ms (1) 100 -running
+12m52s042ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m52s411ms (1) 100 -running
+12m53s092ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m53s446ms (1) 100 -running
+12m54s093ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m54s475ms (1) 100 -running
+12m55s156ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m55s542ms (1) 100 -running
+12m56s142ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m56s499ms (1) 100 -running
+12m57s184ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m57s554ms (1) 100 -running
+12m58s205ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m58s542ms (1) 100 -running
+12m59s243ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m59s579ms (1) 100 -running
+13m00s246ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+13m00s603ms (1) 100 -running
+13m01s281ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m01s621ms (1) 100 -running
+13m02s290ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m02s681ms (1) 100 -running
+13m03s336ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m03s688ms (1) 100 -running
+13m04s345ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m04s679ms (1) 100 -running
+13m05s376ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m05s744ms (1) 100 -running
+13m06s393ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m06s740ms (1) 100 -running
+13m07s436ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m07s791ms (1) 100 -running
+13m08s441ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m09s023ms (1) 100 -running
+13m09s474ms (2) 100 charge=3687 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m09s837ms (1) 100 -running
+13m10s521ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m10s870ms (1) 100 -running
+13m11s544ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m11s887ms (1) 100 -running
+13m12s629ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m12s979ms (1) 100 -running
+13m13s593ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m13s945ms (1) 100 -running
+13m14s679ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m15s038ms (1) 100 -running
+13m15s644ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m15s973ms (1) 100 -running
+13m16s722ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m17s077ms (1) 100 -running
+13m17s687ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m18s051ms (1) 100 -running
+13m18s778ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m19s121ms (1) 100 -running
+13m19s733ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m20s076ms (1) 100 -running
+13m20s808ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m21s174ms (1) 100 -running
+13m21s783ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m22s113ms (1) 100 -running
+13m22s856ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m23s239ms (1) 100 -running
+13m23s891ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m24s224ms (1) 100 -running
+13m24s922ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m25s288ms (1) 100 -running
+13m25s930ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m26s298ms (1) 100 -running
+13m26s981ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m27s333ms (1) 100 -running
+13m27s980ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m28s374ms (1) 100 -running
+13m29s052ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m29s371ms (1) 100 -running
+13m30s022ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m30s432ms (1) 100 -running
+13m31s062ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m31s418ms (1) 100 -running
+13m32s074ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m32s459ms (1) 100 -running
+13m33s117ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m33s494ms (1) 100 -running
+13m34s136ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m34s507ms (1) 100 -running
+13m35s182ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m35s551ms (1) 100 -running
+13m36s170ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m36s554ms (1) 100 -running
+13m37s241ms (2) 100 charge=3686 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m37s625ms (1) 100 -running
+13m38s240ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m38s583ms (1) 100 -running
+13m39s274ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m39s618ms (1) 100 -running
+13m40s272ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m40s624ms (1) 100 -running
+13m41s314ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m41s653ms (1) 100 -running
+13m42s326ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m42s663ms (1) 100 -running
+13m43s363ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m43s722ms (1) 100 -running
+13m44s367ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m44s727ms (1) 100 -running
+13m45s418ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m45s766ms (1) 100 -running
+13m46s419ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m46s769ms (1) 100 -running
+13m47s460ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m47s802ms (1) 100 -running
+13m48s463ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m48s819ms (1) 100 -running
+13m49s491ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m49s875ms (1) 100 -running
+13m50s521ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m50s881ms (1) 100 -running
+13m51s561ms (2) 100 charge=3685 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m51s924ms (1) 100 -running
+13m52s566ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m52s906ms (1) 100 -running
+13m53s591ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m53s938ms (1) 100 -running
+13m54s612ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m54s937ms (1) 100 -running
+13m55s636ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m55s999ms (1) 100 -running
+13m56s654ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m57s031ms (1) 100 -running
+13m57s706ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m58s046ms (1) 100 -running
+13m58s695ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m59s057ms (1) 100 -running
+13m59s735ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m00s098ms (1) 100 -running
+14m00s756ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m01s098ms (1) 100 -running
+14m01s792ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m02s144ms (1) 100 -running
+14m02s794ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m03s196ms (1) 100 -running
+14m03s844ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m04s139ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+14m06s837ms (1) 100 -running
+14m06s915ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m07s295ms (1) 100 -running
+14m07s962ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m08s311ms (1) 100 -running
+14m08s977ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m09s376ms (1) 100 -running
+14m10s066ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m10s440ms (1) 100 -running
+14m11s039ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m11s358ms (1) 100 -running
+14m12s108ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m12s454ms (1) 100 -running
+14m13s067ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m13s419ms (1) 100 -running
+14m14s168ms (2) 100 charge=3684 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m14s436ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+14m15s140ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m15s486ms (1) 100 -running
+14m16s214ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m16s566ms (1) 100 -running
+14m17s244ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m17s592ms (1) 100 -running
+14m18s278ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m18s654ms (1) 100 -running
+14m19s280ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m19s645ms (1) 100 -running
+14m20s325ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m20s666ms (1) 100 -running
+14m21s337ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m21s674ms (1) 100 -running
+14m22s371ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m22s750ms (1) 100 -running
+14m23s391ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m23s729ms (1) 100 -running
+14m24s421ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m24s800ms (1) 100 -running
+14m25s469ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m25s820ms (1) 100 -running
+14m26s563ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m26s919ms (1) 100 -running
+14m27s519ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m27s896ms (1) 100 -running
+14m28s608ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m28s953ms (1) 100 -running
+14m29s636ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m30s016ms (1) 100 -running
+14m30s678ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m31s028ms (1) 100 -running
+14m31s706ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m32s094ms (1) 100 -running
+14m32s745ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m33s101ms (1) 100 -running
+14m33s747ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m34s109ms (1) 100 -running
+14m34s802ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m35s168ms (1) 100 -running
+14m35s798ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m36s168ms (1) 100 -running
+14m36s839ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m37s205ms (1) 100 -running
+14m37s845ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m38s209ms (1) 100 -running
+14m38s893ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m39s231ms (1) 100 -running
+14m39s904ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m40s254ms (1) 100 -running
+14m40s947ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m41s299ms (1) 100 -running
+14m42s029ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m42s399ms (1) 100 -running
+14m43s073ms (2) 100 charge=3683 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m43s457ms (1) 100 -running
+14m44s074ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m44s416ms (1) 100 -running
+14m45s105ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m45s473ms (1) 100 -running
+14m46s146ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m46s473ms (1) 100 -running
+14m47s234ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m47s586ms (1) 100 -running
+14m48s274ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m48s605ms (1) 100 -running
+14m49s316ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m49s674ms (1) 100 -running
+14m50s317ms (4) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” +screen_doze wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”screen-state”
+14m52s907ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock stats=0:”screen-state”
+14m53s476ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m53s826ms (1) 100 -running
+14m54s513ms (3) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”screen-state”
+14m55s389ms (2) 100 -wake_lock stats=0:”screen-state”
+14m55s602ms (4) 100 +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” -screen_doze stats=0:”screen-state”
+14m56s110ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock stats=0:”screen-state”
+14m56s566ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m56s949ms (1) 100 -running
+14m57s601ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m57s964ms (1) 100 -running
+14m58s619ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m59s023ms (1) 100 -running
+14m59s667ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m00s001ms (1) 100 -running
+15m00s658ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m01s018ms (1) 100 -running
+15m01s700ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m02s051ms (1) 100 -running
+15m02s697ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m03s091ms (1) 100 -running
+15m03s746ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m04s088ms (1) 100 -running
+15m04s757ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m05s088ms (1) 100 -running
+15m05s778ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m06s158ms (1) 100 -running
+15m06s804ms (2) 100 charge=3682 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m07s158ms (1) 100 -running
+15m07s841ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m08s183ms (1) 100 -running
+15m08s845ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m09s210ms (1) 100 -running
+15m09s893ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+15m10s247ms (1) 100 -running
+15m10s898ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m11s251ms (1) 100 -running
+15m11s937ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m12s287ms (1) 100 -running
+15m12s948ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m13s329ms (1) 100 -running
+15m13s973ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m14s347ms (1) 100 -running
+15m15s087ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m15s450ms (1) 100 -running
+15m16s227ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m16s603ms (1) 100 -running
+15m17s259ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m17s542ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+15m18s683ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+15m18s736ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+15m18s778ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”deep:sleep”
+15m18s779ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+15m19s842ms (1) 100 -running
+15m20s513ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m20s883ms (1) 100 -running
+15m21s544ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m21s937ms (1) 100 -running
+15m22s672ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m23s025ms (1) 100 -running
+15m23s692ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m24s075ms (1) 100 -running
+15m24s828ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m25s199ms (1) 100 -running
+15m25s848ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m26s197ms (1) 100 -running
+15m26s973ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m27s350ms (1) 100 -running
+15m27s993ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m28s353ms (1) 100 -running
+15m29s119ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m29s485ms (1) 100 -running
+15m30s142ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m30s499ms (1) 100 -running
+15m31s269ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+15m31s614ms (1) 100 -running
+15m32s290ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m32s641ms (1) 100 -running
+15m33s422ms (2) 100 charge=3681 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m33s803ms (1) 100 -running
+15m34s448ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m34s809ms (1) 100 -running
+15m35s582ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m35s945ms (1) 100 -running
+15m36s596ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m36s957ms (1) 100 -running
+15m37s724ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m38s101ms (1) 100 -running
+15m38s767ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m39s106ms (1) 100 -running
+15m39s874ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m40s255ms (1) 100 -running
+15m40s909ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m41s267ms (1) 100 -running
+15m42s028ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m42s367ms (1) 100 -running
+15m43s046ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m43s408ms (1) 100 -running
+15m44s187ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m44s517ms (1) 100 -running
+15m45s196ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m45s574ms (1) 100 -running
+15m46s344ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m46s700ms (1) 100 -running
+15m47s359ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m47s768ms (1) 100 -running
+15m48s496ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m48s768ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+15m49s500ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m49s909ms (1) 100 -running
+15m50s638ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m50s993ms (1) 100 -running
+15m51s651ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m52s021ms (1) 100 -running
+15m52s794ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m53s154ms (1) 100 -running
+15m53s821ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m54s177ms (1) 100 -running
+15m54s931ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m55s288ms (1) 100 -running
+15m55s954ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m56s307ms (1) 100 -running
+15m56s361ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m56s860ms (1) 100 -running
+15m57s071ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m57s437ms (1) 100 -running
+15m58s214ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m58s549ms (1) 100 -running
+15m59s228ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m59s590ms (1) 100 -running
+16m00s356ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m00s694ms (1) 100 -running
+16m01s374ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m01s741ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”unknown”
+16m02s530ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m02s883ms (1) 100 -running
+16m03s637ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m03s981ms (1) 100 -running
+16m04s655ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m05s009ms (1) 100 -running
+16m05s779ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m06s140ms (1) 100 -running
+16m06s813ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m07s171ms (1) 100 -running
+16m07s937ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m08s292ms (1) 100 -running
+16m08s957ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m09s328ms (1) 100 -running
+16m10s083ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m10s436ms (1) 100 -running
+16m11s103ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m11s481ms (1) 100 -running
+16m12s236ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m12s597ms (1) 100 -running
+16m13s256ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m13s618ms (1) 100 -running
+16m14s394ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m14s720ms (1) 100 -running
+16m15s401ms (2) 100 charge=3680 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m15s756ms (1) 100 -running
+16m16s532ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m16s830ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+16m18s599ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+16m19s633ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+16m19s861ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:com.oppo.intent.action.ALIGN_TICK” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+16m19s903ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+16m20s631ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m21s000ms (1) 100 -running
+16m21s757ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m22s109ms (1) 100 -running
+16m22s781ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m23s156ms (1) 100 -running
+16m23s917ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m24s272ms (1) 100 -running
+16m24s934ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m25s322ms (1) 100 -running
+16m26s067ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m26s439ms (1) 100 -running
+16m27s092ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m27s594ms (1) 100 -running
+16m28s207ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m28s567ms (1) 100 -running
+16m29s331ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+16m29s673ms (1) 100 -running
+16m30s348ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m30s738ms (1) 100 -running
+16m31s489ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m31s828ms (1) 100 -running
+16m32s503ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m32s865ms (1) 100 -running
+16m33s641ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m34s003ms (1) 100 -running
+16m34s661ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m35s008ms (1) 100 -running
+16m35s785ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m36s143ms (1) 100 -running
+16m36s814ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m37s190ms (1) 100 -running
+16m37s937ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m38s292ms (1) 100 -running
+16m38s961ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m39s337ms (1) 100 -running
+16m40s090ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m40s460ms (1) 100 -running
+16m41s121ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m41s456ms (1) 100 -running
+16m42s235ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m42s587ms (1) 100 -running
+16m43s254ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m43s627ms (1) 100 -running
+16m44s388ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m44s743ms (1) 100 -running
+16m45s405ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m45s784ms (1) 100 -running
+16m46s553ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m46s923ms (1) 100 -running
+16m47s559ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m47s936ms (1) 100 -running
+16m48s683ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m48s689ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+16m48s690ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+16m48s690ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+16m49s715ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m50s094ms (1) 100 -running
+16m50s840ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m51s195ms (1) 100 -running
+16m51s866ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m52s224ms (1) 100 -running
+16m52s993ms (2) 100 charge=3679 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m53s360ms (1) 100 -running
+16m54s011ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m54s369ms (1) 100 -running
+16m55s139ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m55s491ms (1) 100 -running
+16m56s161ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m56s501ms (1) 100 -running
+16m57s287ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m57s657ms (1) 100 -running
+16m58s311ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m58s670ms (1) 100 -running
+16m59s441ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m59s803ms (1) 100 -running
+17m00s466ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m00s837ms (1) 100 -running
+17m01s589ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m01s926ms (1) 100 -running
+17m02s608ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m02s957ms (1) 100 -running
+17m03s734ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+17m04s092ms (1) 100 -running
+17m04s761ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m05s101ms (1) 100 -running
+17m05s888ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m06s239ms (1) 100 -running
+17m06s915ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m07s214ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+17m08s050ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m08s410ms (1) 100 -running
+17m09s173ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m09s526ms (1) 100 -running
+17m10s186ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m10s544ms (1) 100 -running
+17m11s322ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m11s671ms (1) 100 -running
+17m12s346ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m12s699ms (1) 100 -running
+17m13s470ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m13s809ms (1) 100 -running
+17m14s488ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m14s848ms (1) 100 -running
+17m15s621ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m15s959ms (1) 100 -running
+17m16s639ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m16s984ms (1) 100 -running
+17m17s769ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m18s147ms (1) 100 -running
+17m18s790ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m19s141ms (1) 100 -running
+17m19s920ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m20s307ms (1) 100 -running
+17m20s948ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m21s331ms (1) 100 -running
+17m22s072ms (2) 100 charge=3678 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m22s450ms (1) 100 -running
+17m23s114ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m23s482ms (1) 100 -running
+17m24s226ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m24s585ms (1) 100 -running
+17m25s236ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m25s597ms (1) 100 -running
+17m26s370ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m26s728ms (1) 100 -running
+17m27s395ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m27s757ms (1) 100 -running
+17m28s526ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m28s882ms (1) 100 -running
+17m29s542ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m29s898ms (1) 100 -running
+17m30s668ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m31s027ms (1) 100 -running
+17m31s701ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m32s067ms (1) 100 -running
+17m32s827ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m33s177ms (1) 100 -running
+17m33s850ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m34s206ms (1) 100 -running
+17m34s974ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m35s367ms (1) 100 -running
+17m36s000ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m36s380ms (1) 100 -running
+17m37s127ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m37s493ms (1) 100 -running
+17m38s138ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m38s493ms (1) 100 -running
+17m39s273ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m39s654ms (1) 100 -running
+17m40s290ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m40s695ms (1) 100 -running
+17m41s434ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m41s806ms (1) 100 -running
+17m42s448ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m42s786ms (1) 100 -running
+17m43s572ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m43s942ms (1) 100 -running
+17m44s600ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m44s953ms (1) 100 -running
+17m45s725ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m46s098ms (1) 100 -running
+17m46s765ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m47s112ms (1) 100 -running
+17m47s875ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m48s233ms (1) 100 -running
+17m48s903ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m49s287ms (1) 100 -running
+17m50s028ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m50s389ms (1) 100 -running
+17m51s056ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m51s454ms (1) 100 -running
+17m52s180ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m52s520ms (1) 100 -running
+17m53s195ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m53s558ms (1) 100 -running
+17m54s332ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m54s729ms (1) 100 -running
+17m55s356ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m55s713ms (1) 100 -running
+17m56s483ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m56s868ms (1) 100 -running
+17m57s501ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m57s851ms (1) 100 -running
+17m58s627ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m58s994ms (1) 100 -running
+17m59s647ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m00s006ms (1) 100 -running
+18m00s778ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m01s136ms (1) 100 -running
+18m01s808ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m02s148ms (1) 100 -running
+18m02s926ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m03s299ms (1) 100 -running
+18m03s964ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m04s327ms (1) 100 -running
+18m05s090ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m05s381ms (2) 099 charge=3677
Details: cpu=377180u+231980s
/proc/stat=389560 usr, 213620 sys, -1970 io, 13060 irq, 11500 sirq, 70470 idle (89.9% of 1h 56m 2s 400ms), PlatformIdleStat Empty
, SubsystemPowerState Empty
+18m05s385ms (3) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “ stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+18m05s436ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+18m05s436ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+18m05s442ms (2) 099 -wake_lock stats=0:”get-stats”
+18m05s445ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+18m05s447ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+18m06s748ms (1) 099 -running
+18m07s126ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m07s507ms (1) 099 -running
+18m08s247ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m08s582ms (1) 099 -running
+18m09s271ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m09s626ms (1) 099 -running
+18m10s404ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m10s790ms (1) 099 -running
+18m11s424ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m11s778ms (1) 099 -running
+18m12s553ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m12s903ms (1) 099 -running
+18m13s578ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m13s947ms (1) 099 -running
+18m14s707ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m15s051ms (1) 099 -running
+18m15s721ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m16s077ms (1) 099 -running
+18m16s854ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m17s207ms (1) 099 -running
+18m17s884ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m18s232ms (1) 099 -running
+18m19s002ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m19s376ms (1) 099 -running
+18m20s030ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m20s634ms (1) 099 -running
+18m21s154ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m21s506ms (1) 099 -running
+18m22s284ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m22s632ms (1) 099 -running
+18m23s305ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m23s662ms (1) 099 -running
+18m24s437ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m24s774ms (1) 099 -running
+18m25s449ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m25s829ms (1) 099 -running
+18m26s583ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m26s916ms (1) 099 -running
+18m27s604ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m27s959ms (1) 099 -running
+18m28s730ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m29s093ms (1) 099 -running
+18m29s763ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m30s135ms (1) 099 -running
+18m30s884ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m31s229ms (1) 099 -running
+18m31s909ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m32s265ms (1) 099 -running
+18m33s036ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m33s376ms (1) 099 -running
+18m34s056ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m34s426ms (1) 099 -running
+18m35s204ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m35s559ms (1) 099 -running
+18m36s217ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m36s586ms (1) 099 -running
+18m37s349ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m37s703ms (1) 099 -running
+18m38s358ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m38s743ms (1) 099 -running
+18m39s488ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m39s835ms (1) 099 -running
+18m40s503ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m40s860ms (1) 099 -running
+18m41s640ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m42s021ms (1) 099 -running
+18m42s663ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m43s028ms (1) 099 -running
+18m43s786ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m44s142ms (1) 099 -running
+18m44s811ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m45s169ms (1) 099 -running
+18m45s943ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m46s284ms (1) 099 -running
+18m46s959ms (2) 099 charge=3676 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m47s211ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+18m48s089ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m48s458ms (1) 099 -running
+18m49s232ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m49s585ms (1) 099 -running
+18m50s249ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m50s638ms (1) 099 -running
+18m51s389ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m51s745ms (1) 099 -running
+18m52s406ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m52s745ms (1) 099 -running
+18m53s516ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m53s868ms (1) 099 -running
+18m54s536ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m54s898ms (1) 099 -running
+18m55s666ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m56s038ms (1) 099 -running
+18m56s685ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m57s046ms (1) 099 -running
+18m57s813ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m58s174ms (1) 099 -running
+18m58s834ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m59s191ms (1) 099 -running
+18m59s966ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m00s333ms (1) 099 -running
+19m00s994ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m01s348ms (1) 099 -running
+19m02s118ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m02s471ms (1) 099 -running
+19m03s141ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m03s513ms (1) 099 -running
+19m04s271ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m04s598ms (1) 099 -running
+19m05s281ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m05s636ms (1) 099 -running
+19m06s413ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m06s771ms (1) 099 -running
+19m07s443ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m07s785ms (1) 099 -running
+19m08s568ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m08s916ms (1) 099 -running
+19m09s591ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m09s944ms (1) 099 -running
+19m10s720ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m11s082ms (1) 099 -running
+19m11s743ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m12s091ms (1) 099 -running
+19m12s867ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m13s218ms (1) 099 -running
+19m13s891ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m14s270ms (1) 099 -running
+19m15s041ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m15s411ms (1) 099 -running
+19m16s047ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m16s333ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+19m17s932ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+19m19s047ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+19m19s215ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m19s725ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+19m20s339ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m20s695ms (1) 099 -running
+19m21s475ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m21s851ms (1) 099 -running
+19m22s495ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m22s867ms (1) 099 -running
+19m23s624ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m23s998ms (1) 099 -running
+19m24s648ms (2) 099 charge=3675 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m25s007ms (1) 099 -running
+19m25s774ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m26s121ms (1) 099 -running
+19m26s793ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m27s151ms (1) 099 -running
+19m27s919ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m28s254ms (1) 099 -running
+19m28s939ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+19m29s280ms (1) 099 -running
+19m30s067ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m30s400ms (1) 099 -running
+19m31s089ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m31s448ms (1) 099 -running
+19m32s221ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m32s575ms (1) 099 -running
+19m33s243ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m33s596ms (1) 099 -running
+19m34s368ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m34s731ms (1) 099 -running
+19m35s403ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m35s740ms (1) 099 -running
+19m36s520ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m36s860ms (1) 099 -running
+19m37s544ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m37s908ms (1) 099 -running
+19m38s670ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m39s037ms (1) 099 -running
+19m39s701ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m40s064ms (1) 099 -running
+19m40s823ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m41s194ms (1) 099 -running
+19m41s851ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m42s213ms (1) 099 -running
+19m42s984ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m43s363ms (1) 099 -running
+19m44s016ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m44s358ms (1) 099 -running
+19m45s126ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m46s228ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+19m46s234ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+19m46s744ms (2) 099 -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+19m47s744ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=u0a7:”fiid-sync”
+19m50s149ms (2) 099 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+19m53s014ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+19m53s415ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m53s775ms (1) 099 -running
+19m54s549ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m55s099ms (2) 099 charge=3674 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+19m57s226ms (1) 099 -running
+19m57s618ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m57s976ms (1) 099 -running
+19m58s740ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m59s107ms (1) 099 -running
+19m59s769ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m00s153ms (1) 099 -running
+20m00s890ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m01s243ms (1) 099 -running
+20m01s920ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m02s283ms (1) 099 -running
+20m03s055ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+20m03s413ms (1) 099 -running
+20m04s065ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m04s419ms (1) 099 -running
+20m05s200ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m05s550ms (1) 099 -running
+20m06s219ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m06s573ms (1) 099 -running
+20m06s832ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m07s344ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m08s471ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m08s846ms (1) 099 -running
+20m09s493ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m09s883ms (1) 099 -running
+20m10s643ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m10s994ms (1) 099 -running
+20m11s653ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m12s006ms (1) 099 -running
+20m12s775ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m13s116ms (1) 099 -running
+20m13s793ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m14s154ms (1) 099 -running
+20m14s931ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m15s263ms (1) 099 -running
+20m15s946ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m16s360ms (1) 099 -running
+20m17s086ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m17s442ms (1) 099 -running
+20m18s095ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m18s458ms (1) 099 -running
+20m19s229ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m19s584ms (1) 099 -running
+20m20s246ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m20s621ms (1) 099 -running
+20m21s388ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m21s730ms (1) 099 -running
+20m22s401ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m22s744ms (1) 099 -running
+20m23s524ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m23s883ms (1) 099 -running
+20m24s548ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m24s907ms (1) 099 -running
+20m25s683ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m26s019ms (1) 099 -running
+20m26s694ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m27s054ms (1) 099 -running
+20m27s830ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m28s202ms (1) 099 -running
+20m28s861ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m29s209ms (1) 099 -running
+20m29s975ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m30s328ms (1) 099 -running
+20m31s005ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m31s356ms (1) 099 -running
+20m32s124ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m32s487ms (1) 099 -running
+20m33s158ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m33s518ms (1) 099 -running
+20m34s280ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m34s615ms (1) 099 -running
+20m35s301ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m35s666ms (1) 099 -running
+20m36s436ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m36s773ms (1) 099 -running
+20m37s449ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m37s803ms (1) 099 -running
+20m38s580ms (2) 099 charge=3673 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m38s881ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+20m39s602ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m39s962ms (1) 099 -running
+20m40s734ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m41s094ms (1) 099 -running
+20m41s762ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m42s115ms (1) 099 -running
+20m42s886ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m43s227ms (1) 099 -running
+20m43s902ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m44s268ms (1) 099 -running
+20m45s030ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m45s394ms (1) 099 -running
+20m46s068ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m46s425ms (1) 099 -running
+20m47s185ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m47s629ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+20m47s630ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+20m47s650ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+20m47s650ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+20m47s652ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+20m48s216ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m48s554ms (1) 099 -running
+20m49s337ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m49s683ms (1) 099 -running
+20m50s357ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m50s730ms (1) 099 -running
+20m51s480ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m51s852ms (1) 099 -running
+20m52s510ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m52s867ms (1) 099 -running
+20m53s633ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m53s990ms (1) 099 -running
+20m54s658ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m54s938ms (3) 099 temp=282 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+20m55s803ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m56s167ms (1) 099 -running
+20m56s914ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m57s302ms (1) 099 -running
+20m57s935ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m58s321ms (1) 099 -running
+20m59s062ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m59s448ms (1) 099 -running
+21m00s091ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m00s444ms (1) 099 -running
+21m01s219ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m01s596ms (1) 099 -running
+21m02s255ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m02s592ms (1) 099 -running
+21m03s356ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m03s739ms (1) 099 -running
+21m04s380ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m04s796ms (1) 099 -running
+21m05s504ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m05s859ms (1) 099 -running
+21m06s529ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m06s885ms (1) 099 -running
+21m07s661ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m08s039ms (1) 099 -running
+21m08s684ms (2) 099 charge=3672 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m09s038ms (1) 099 -running
+21m09s819ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m10s205ms (1) 099 -running
+21m10s853ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m11s205ms (1) 099 -running
+21m11s968ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m12s318ms (1) 099 -running
+21m12s996ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m13s368ms (1) 099 -running
+21m14s119ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m14s488ms (1) 099 -running
+21m15s155ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m15s518ms (1) 099 -running
+21m16s273ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m16s627ms (1) 099 -running
+21m17s285ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m17s635ms (1) 099 -running
+21m18s422ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m18s710ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+21m19s832ms (3) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:hans” device_idle=off +job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+21m19s973ms (2) 099 +job=u0a106:”com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService”
+21m20s053ms (2) 099 -job=u0a106:”com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService”
+21m20s119ms (2) 099 -job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+21m24s833ms (2) 099 -running -wake_lock device_idle=light stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+21m25s785ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m26s066ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+21m26s819ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m27s184ms (1) 099 -running
+21m27s944ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m28s306ms (1) 099 -running
+21m28s973ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m29s588ms (1) 099 -running
+21m30s106ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m30s448ms (1) 099 -running
+21m31s218ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m31s532ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+21m32s249ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m32s602ms (1) 099 -running
+21m33s360ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m33s741ms (1) 099 -running
+21m34s394ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m34s742ms (1) 099 -running
+21m35s509ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m35s896ms (1) 099 -running
+21m36s531ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m36s898ms (1) 099 -running
+21m37s676ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+21m38s027ms (1) 099 -running
+21m38s696ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m38s875ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+21m39s826ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m40s207ms (1) 099 -running
+21m40s852ms (2) 099 charge=3671 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m41s773ms (1) 099 -running
+21m41s975ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m42s359ms (1) 099 -running
+21m43s108ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m43s482ms (1) 099 -running
+21m44s122ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m44s481ms (1) 099 -running
+21m45s252ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m45s611ms (1) 099 -running
+21m46s268ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m46s609ms (1) 099 -running
+21m47s395ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m47s756ms (1) 099 -running
+21m48s432ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m48s792ms (1) 099 -running
+21m49s557ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m49s913ms (1) 099 -running
+21m50s575ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m50s916ms (1) 099 -running
+21m51s701ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m52s035ms (1) 099 -running
+21m52s713ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+21m53s123ms (1) 099 -running
+21m53s858ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m54s213ms (1) 099 -running
+21m54s869ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m55s235ms (1) 099 -running
+21m56s004ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m56s381ms (1) 099 -running
+21m56s412ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m56s772ms (1) 099 -running
+21m57s026ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m57s410ms (1) 099 -running
+21m58s160ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m58s521ms (1) 099 -running
+21m59s182ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m59s585ms (1) 099 -running
+22m00s318ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m00s670ms (1) 099 -running
+22m01s329ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m01s699ms (1) 099 -running
+22m02s461ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m02s828ms (1) 099 -running
+22m03s475ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m03s814ms (1) 099 -running
+22m04s606ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m04s945ms (1) 099 -running
+22m05s626ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m05s969ms (1) 099 -running
+22m06s751ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m07s106ms (1) 099 -running
+22m07s782ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m08s180ms (1) 099 -running
+22m08s901ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m09s273ms (1) 099 -running
+22m09s937ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m10s296ms (1) 099 -running
+22m11s058ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m11s451ms (1) 099 -running
+22m12s097ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m12s438ms (1) 099 -running
+22m13s206ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m13s578ms (1) 099 -running
+22m14s227ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m14s623ms (1) 099 -running
+22m15s364ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m15s725ms (1) 099 -running
+22m16s382ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m16s756ms (1) 099 -running
+22m17s519ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m17s896ms (1) 099 -running
+22m18s531ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m18s905ms (1) 099 -running
+22m19s656ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m19s917ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+22m20s684ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m21s039ms (1) 099 -running
+22m21s807ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m22s163ms (1) 099 -running
+22m22s828ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m23s178ms (1) 099 -running
+22m23s956ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m24s310ms (1) 099 -running
+22m24s979ms (2) 099 charge=3670 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m25s311ms (1) 099 -running
+22m26s103ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m26s680ms (1) 099 -running
+22m27s133ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m27s489ms (1) 099 -running
+22m28s260ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m28s608ms (1) 099 -running
+22m29s286ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m29s640ms (1) 099 -running
+22m30s402ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m30s753ms (1) 099 -running
+22m31s431ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m31s784ms (1) 099 -running
+22m32s558ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m32s909ms (1) 099 -running
+22m33s575ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m33s944ms (1) 099 -running
+22m34s721ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m35s087ms (1) 099 -running
+22m35s520ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m35s999ms (1) 099 -running
+22m36s759ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m37s108ms (1) 099 -running
+22m37s780ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m38s130ms (1) 099 -running
+22m38s908ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m39s278ms (1) 099 -running
+22m39s935ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m40s306ms (1) 099 -running
+22m41s058ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m41s408ms (1) 099 -running
+22m42s085ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m42s439ms (1) 099 -running
+22m43s205ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m43s548ms (1) 099 -running
+22m44s234ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m44s574ms (1) 099 -running
+22m45s357ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m45s733ms (1) 099 -running
+22m46s389ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m46s740ms (1) 099 -running
+22m47s511ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m47s871ms (1) 099 -running
+22m48s542ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m48s897ms (1) 099 -running
+22m49s660ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m50s021ms (1) 099 -running
+22m50s685ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m51s046ms (1) 099 -running
+22m51s806ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m52s164ms (1) 099 -running
+22m52s838ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m53s193ms (1) 099 -running
+22m53s962ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m54s720ms (1) 099 -running
+22m55s001ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m55s351ms (1) 099 -running
+22m56s110ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m56s464ms (1) 099 -running
+22m57s134ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m57s487ms (1) 099 -running
+22m58s252ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m58s610ms (1) 099 -running
+22m59s288ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m59s705ms (1) 099 -running
+23m00s422ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m00s783ms (1) 099 -running
+23m01s436ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m01s805ms (1) 099 -running
+23m02s564ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m02s907ms (1) 099 -running
+23m03s585ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m03s937ms (1) 099 -running
+23m04s712ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m05s061ms (1) 099 -running
+23m05s738ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m06s088ms (1) 099 -running
+23m06s859ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m07s231ms (1) 099 -running
+23m07s882ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m08s274ms (1) 099 -running
+23m09s006ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m09s345ms (1) 099 -running
+23m10s028ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m10s400ms (1) 099 -running
+23m11s167ms (2) 099 charge=3669 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m11s519ms (1) 099 -running
+23m12s181ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m12s553ms (1) 099 -running
+23m13s312ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m13s688ms (1) 099 -running
+23m14s331ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m14s693ms (1) 099 -running
+23m15s457ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m15s831ms (1) 099 -running
+23m16s480ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m16s882ms (1) 099 -running
+23m17s605ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m17s965ms (1) 099 -running
+23m18s632ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m18s995ms (1) 099 -running
+23m19s764ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m20s142ms (1) 099 -running
+23m20s782ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m21s138ms (1) 099 -running
+23m21s909ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m22s246ms (1) 099 -running
+23m22s926ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m23s338ms (1) 099 -running
+23m24s054ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m24s425ms (1) 099 -running
+23m25s082ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m25s397ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:18800000.qcom,icnss device failed to power down”
+23m26s206ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m26s585ms (1) 099 -running
+23m27s335ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m27s692ms (1) 099 -running
+23m28s357ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m28s712ms (1) 099 -running
+23m29s497ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m29s907ms (1) 099 -running
+23m30s533ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m30s873ms (1) 099 -running
+23m31s643ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m32s009ms (1) 099 -running
+23m32s675ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m33s077ms (1) 099 -running
+23m33s802ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m34s159ms (1) 099 -running
+23m34s820ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m35s212ms (1) 099 -running
+23m35s946ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m36s294ms (1) 099 -running
+23m36s959ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m37s316ms (1) 099 -running
+23m38s097ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m38s460ms (1) 099 -running
+23m39s125ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m39s477ms (1) 099 -running
+23m40s247ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m40s607ms (1) 099 -running
+23m41s269ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m41s649ms (1) 099 -running
+23m42s407ms (2) 099 charge=3668 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m42s776ms (1) 099 -running
+23m43s413ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m43s806ms (1) 099 -running
+23m44s550ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m44s923ms (1) 099 -running
+23m45s572ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m45s911ms (1) 099 -running
+23m46s689ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m47s053ms (1) 099 -running
+23m47s730ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m48s067ms (1) 099 -running
+23m48s845ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m49s187ms (1) 099 -running
+23m49s865ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m50s241ms (1) 099 -running
+23m51s014ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m51s357ms (1) 099 -running
+23m52s023ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m52s365ms (1) 099 -running
+23m53s145ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m53s507ms (1) 099 -running
+23m54s181ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m54s557ms (1) 099 -running
+23m55s319ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m55s689ms (1) 099 -running
+23m56s329ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m56s687ms (1) 099 -running
+23m57s453ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m57s765ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+23m59s743ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+24m00s726ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m01s109ms (1) 099 -running
+24m01s757ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m02s136ms (1) 099 -running
+24m02s883ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m03s234ms (1) 099 -running
+24m03s908ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m04s251ms (1) 099 -running
+24m05s029ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m05s384ms (1) 099 -running
+24m06s048ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m06s401ms (1) 099 -running
+24m07s180ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m07s514ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+24m08s191ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m08s551ms (1) 099 -running
+24m09s327ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m09s684ms (1) 099 -running
+24m10s361ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+24m10s693ms (1) 099 -running
+24m11s471ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m11s829ms (1) 099 -running
+24m12s506ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m12s858ms (1) 099 -running
+24m13s627ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m13s979ms (1) 099 -running
+24m14s655ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m15s017ms (1) 099 -running
+24m15s782ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m16s088ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+24m16s803ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m17s150ms (1) 099 -running
+24m17s406ms (3) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a215:”job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” +job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+24m17s459ms (3) 099 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed” -job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+24m19s051ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m19s423ms (1) 099 -running
+24m20s073ms (2) 099 charge=3667 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m20s441ms (1) 099 -running
+24m21s210ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m21s573ms (1) 099 -running
+24m22s228ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m22s623ms (1) 099 -running
+24m23s363ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m23s717ms (1) 099 -running
+24m24s377ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m24s752ms (1) 099 -running
+24m25s518ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m25s855ms (1) 099 -running
+24m26s529ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m26s879ms (1) 099 -running
+24m27s652ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m27s987ms (1) 099 -running
+24m28s677ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m29s030ms (1) 099 -running
+24m29s803ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m30s155ms (1) 099 -running
+24m30s829ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+24m31s227ms (1) 099 -running
+24m31s956ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m32s313ms (1) 099 -running
+24m32s979ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m33s320ms (1) 099 -running
+24m34s109ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m34s471ms (1) 099 -running
+24m35s131ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m35s507ms (1) 099 -running
+24m36s356ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m36s700ms (1) 099 -running
+24m37s384ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m37s761ms (1) 099 -running
+24m38s515ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m38s858ms (1) 099 -running
+24m39s537ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m39s892ms (1) 099 -running
+24m40s667ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m41s012ms (1) 099 -running
+24m41s686ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m42s045ms (1) 099 -running
+24m42s818ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m43s144ms (1) 099 -running
+24m43s827ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m44s199ms (1) 099 -running
+24m44s962ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m45s297ms (1) 099 -running
+24m45s982ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m46s365ms (1) 099 -running
+24m47s113ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m47s455ms (1) 099 -running
+24m48s137ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m48s477ms (1) 099 -running
+24m49s266ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m49s631ms (1) 099 -running
+24m50s287ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m50s656ms (1) 099 -running
+24m51s417ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m51s788ms (1) 099 -running
+24m52s442ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m52s755ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+24m53s551ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m53s924ms (1) 099 -running
+24m54s691ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m55s045ms (1) 099 -running
+24m55s714ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m56s073ms (1) 099 -running
+24m56s846ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m57s224ms (1) 099 -running
+24m57s866ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m58s239ms (1) 099 -running
+24m58s996ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m59s342ms (1) 099 -running
+25m00s014ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m00s387ms (1) 099 -running
+25m01s144ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m01s491ms (1) 099 -running
+25m02s159ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m02s534ms (1) 099 -running
+25m03s297ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m03s639ms (1) 099 -running
+25m04s312ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m04s651ms (1) 099 -running
+25m05s440ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m05s782ms (1) 099 -running
+25m06s460ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m06s841ms (1) 099 -running
+25m07s590ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m07s928ms (1) 099 -running
+25m08s607ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m08s960ms (1) 099 -running
+25m09s746ms (2) 099 charge=3666 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m10s100ms (1) 099 -running
+25m10s768ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m11s157ms (1) 099 -running
+25m11s894ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m12s239ms (1) 099 -running
+25m12s920ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m13s453ms (1) 099 -running
+25m14s044ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m14s414ms (1) 099 -running
+25m15s179ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m15s561ms (1) 099 -running
+25m16s195ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m16s576ms (1) 099 -running
+25m17s322ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m17s701ms (1) 099 -running
+25m18s348ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m18s707ms (1) 099 -running
+25m19s477ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m19s860ms (1) 099 -running
+25m20s486ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m20s843ms (1) 099 -running
+25m21s619ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m21s997ms (1) 099 -running
+25m22s640ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m22s981ms (1) 099 -running
+25m23s770ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m24s130ms (1) 099 -running
+25m24s798ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m25s158ms (1) 099 -running
+25m25s935ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m26s284ms (1) 099 -running
+25m26s943ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m27s315ms (1) 099 -running
+25m28s071ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m28s420ms (1) 099 -running
+25m29s100ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m29s465ms (1) 099 -running
+25m30s220ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m30s560ms (1) 099 -running
+25m31s244ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m31s596ms (1) 099 -running
+25m32s375ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m32s727ms (1) 099 -running
+25m33s398ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m33s748ms (1) 099 -running
+25m34s526ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m34s892ms (1) 099 -running
+25m35s549ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m35s893ms (1) 099 -running
+25m36s669ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m37s031ms (1) 099 -running
+25m37s708ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m38s047ms (1) 099 -running
+25m38s818ms (2) 099 charge=3665 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m39s083ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+25m39s861ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m40s210ms (1) 099 -running
+25m40s970ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m41s329ms (1) 099 -running
+25m41s993ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m42s357ms (1) 099 -running
+25m43s122ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m43s465ms (1) 099 -running
+25m44s153ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m44s482ms (1) 099 -running
+25m45s271ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m45s643ms (1) 099 -running
+25m46s304ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m46s654ms (1) 099 -running
+25m47s427ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m47s796ms (1) 099 -running
+25m48s442ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m48s782ms (1) 099 -running
+25m49s572ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m49s944ms (1) 099 -running
+25m50s615ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m50s975ms (1) 099 -running
+25m51s746ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m52s112ms (1) 099 -running
+25m52s771ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m53s137ms (1) 099 -running
+25m53s885ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m54s242ms (1) 099 -running
+25m54s903ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m55s240ms (1) 099 -running
+25m56s022ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m56s380ms (1) 099 -running
+25m57s055ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m57s394ms (1) 099 -running
+25m58s179ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m58s524ms (1) 099 -running
+25m59s203ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m59s562ms (1) 099 -running
+26m00s333ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m00s671ms (1) 099 -running
+26m01s352ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m01s696ms (1) 099 -running
+26m02s479ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m02s857ms (1) 099 -running
+26m03s509ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m03s851ms (1) 099 -running
+26m04s627ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m05s000ms (1) 099 -running
+26m05s659ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m05s997ms (1) 099 -running
+26m06s780ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m07s159ms (1) 099 -running
+26m07s798ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m08s159ms (1) 099 -running
+26m08s933ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m09s284ms (1) 099 -running
+26m09s956ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m10s318ms (1) 099 -running
+26m11s088ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m11s442ms (1) 099 -running
+26m12s104ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m12s383ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+26m13s234ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m13s610ms (1) 099 -running
+26m14s360ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m14s698ms (1) 099 -running
+26m15s372ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m15s729ms (1) 099 -running
+26m16s511ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m16s863ms (1) 099 -running
+26m17s533ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m17s889ms (1) 099 -running
+26m18s658ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m18s953ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:hans” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+26m19s875ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+26m21s138ms (1) 099 -running
+26m21s930ms (2) 099 charge=3664 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m22s291ms (1) 099 -running
+26m22s964ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m23s315ms (1) 099 -running
+26m24s091ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m24s459ms (1) 099 -running
+26m25s109ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m25s454ms (1) 099 -running
+26m26s239ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m26s598ms (1) 099 -running
+26m27s261ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m27s618ms (1) 099 -running
+26m28s386ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m28s798ms (1) 099 -running
+26m29s414ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m29s785ms (1) 099 -running
+26m30s534ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m30s891ms (1) 099 -running
+26m31s567ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m31s900ms (1) 099 -running
+26m32s676ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+26m33s026ms (1) 099 -running
+26m33s717ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m34s083ms (1) 099 -running
+26m34s845ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m35s218ms (1) 099 -running
+26m35s869ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m36s251ms (1) 099 -running
+26m36s990ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m37s347ms (1) 099 -running
+26m38s017ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m38s419ms (1) 099 -running
+26m39s150ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m39s418ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+26m40s165ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m40s524ms (1) 099 -running
+26m41s297ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m41s638ms (1) 099 -running
+26m42s312ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m42s672ms (1) 099 -running
+26m43s443ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m43s795ms (1) 099 -running
+26m44s461ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m44s809ms (1) 099 -running
+26m45s591ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m45s933ms (1) 099 -running
+26m46s608ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m46s812ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+26m47s748ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m48s149ms (1) 099 -running
+26m48s769ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m49s102ms (1) 099 -running
+26m49s890ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m50s271ms (1) 099 -running
+26m50s910ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m51s288ms (1) 099 -running
+26m52s062ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m52s426ms (1) 099 -running
+26m53s079ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m53s473ms (1) 099 -running
+26m54s213ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m54s569ms (1) 099 -running
+26m55s222ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m55s577ms (1) 099 -running
+26m56s348ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m56s688ms (1) 099 -running
+26m57s360ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m57s712ms (1) 099 -running
+26m58s489ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m58s892ms (1) 099 -running
+26m59s533ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m59s906ms (1) 099 -running
+27m00s645ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m01s018ms (1) 099 -running
+27m01s661ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+27m02s025ms (1) 099 -running
+27m02s793ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m03s152ms (1) 099 -running
+27m03s815ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m04s167ms (1) 099 -running
+27m04s940ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m05s218ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+27m05s984ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m06s382ms (1) 099 -running
+27m07s104ms (2) 099 charge=3663 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m07s517ms (1) 099 -running
+27m08s133ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m08s482ms (1) 099 -running
+27m09s243ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m09s585ms (1) 099 -running
+27m10s269ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m10s609ms (1) 099 -running
+27m11s390ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m11s718ms (1) 099 -running
+27m12s407ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m12s763ms (1) 099 -running
+27m13s536ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m13s897ms (1) 099 -running
+27m14s572ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m14s952ms (1) 099 -running
+27m15s710ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m16s049ms (1) 099 -running
+27m16s723ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m17s076ms (1) 099 -running
+27m17s851ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m18s203ms (1) 099 -running
+27m18s873ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m19s227ms (1) 099 -running
+27m19s998ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m20s334ms (1) 099 -running
+27m21s014ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m21s375ms (1) 099 -running
+27m22s150ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m22s523ms (1) 099 -running
+27m23s187ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m23s537ms (1) 099 -running
+27m24s291ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m24s657ms (1) 099 -running
+27m25s331ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m25s705ms (1) 099 -running
+27m26s448ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m26s800ms (1) 099 -running
+27m27s471ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m27s820ms (1) 099 -running
+27m28s595ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m28s969ms (1) 099 -running
+27m29s639ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m29s986ms (1) 099 -running
+27m30s749ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m31s112ms (1) 099 -running
+27m31s774ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m32s135ms (1) 099 -running
+27m32s904ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m33s260ms (1) 099 -running
+27m33s925ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m34s295ms (1) 099 -running
+27m35s052ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m35s426ms (1) 099 -running
+27m36s079ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m36s427ms (1) 099 -running
+27m37s203ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m37s566ms (1) 099 -running
+27m38s219ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m38s577ms (1) 099 -running
+27m39s357ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m39s721ms (1) 099 -running
+27m40s386ms (2) 099 charge=3662 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m40s743ms (1) 099 -running
+27m41s502ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m41s863ms (1) 099 -running
+27m42s519ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m42s859ms (1) 099 -running
+27m43s650ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m44s004ms (1) 099 -running
+27m44s670ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m45s039ms (1) 099 -running
+27m45s805ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m46s160ms (1) 099 -running
+27m46s830ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m47s189ms (1) 099 -running
+27m47s959ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m48s374ms (1) 099 -running
+27m48s991ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m49s360ms (1) 099 -running
+27m50s106ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m50s445ms (1) 099 -running
+27m51s128ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m51s484ms (1) 099 -running
+27m52s244ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m52s593ms (1) 099 -running
+27m53s276ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m53s641ms (1) 099 -running
+27m54s410ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m54s768ms (1) 099 -running
+27m55s434ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m55s789ms (1) 099 -running
+27m56s558ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m56s900ms (1) 099 -running
+27m57s581ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m57s920ms (1) 099 -running
+27m58s701ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m59s052ms (1) 099 -running
+27m59s725ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m00s096ms (1) 099 -running
+28m00s854ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m01s212ms (1) 099 -running
+28m01s884ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m02s242ms (1) 099 -running
+28m03s015ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m03s396ms (1) 099 -running
+28m04s041ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m04s565ms (1) 099 -running
+28m05s155ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m05s508ms (1) 099 -running
+28m06s284ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m06s628ms (1) 099 -running
+28m07s307ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m07s597ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+28m08s771ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+28m09s818ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+28m10s700ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m11s068ms (1) 099 -running
+28m11s609ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m11s955ms (1) 099 -running
+28m12s735ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m13s096ms (1) 099 -running
+28m13s764ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m14s134ms (1) 099 -running
+28m14s887ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m15s245ms (1) 099 -running
+28m15s910ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m16s288ms (1) 099 -running
+28m17s040ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m17s409ms (1) 099 -running
+28m18s056ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m18s415ms (1) 099 -running
+28m19s187ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m19s553ms (1) 099 -running
+28m20s226ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m20s566ms (1) 099 -running
+28m21s334ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+28m21s694ms (1) 099 -running
+28m22s349ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m22s698ms (1) 099 -running
+28m23s474ms (2) 099 charge=3661 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m23s871ms (1) 099 -running
+28m24s515ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m24s860ms (1) 099 -running
+28m25s639ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m25s981ms (1) 099 -running
+28m26s656ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m27s014ms (1) 099 -running
+28m27s784ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m28s289ms (1) 099 -running
+28m28s814ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m29s206ms (1) 099 -running
+28m29s937ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m30s283ms (1) 099 -running
+28m30s965ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m31s343ms (1) 099 -running
+28m32s094ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m32s435ms (1) 099 -running
+28m33s111ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m33s469ms (1) 099 -running
+28m34s244ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m34s583ms (1) 099 -running
+28m35s263ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m35s617ms (1) 099 -running
+28m36s378ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m36s790ms (1) 099 -running
+28m37s418ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m37s797ms (1) 099 -running
+28m38s534ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m38s896ms (1) 099 -running
+28m39s571ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m39s953ms (1) 099 -running
+28m40s696ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m41s068ms (1) 099 -running
+28m41s716ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m42s106ms (1) 099 -running
+28m42s853ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m43s221ms (1) 099 -running
+28m43s879ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m44s219ms (1) 099 -running
+28m44s988ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m45s348ms (1) 099 -running
+28m46s008ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m46s346ms (1) 099 -running
+28m47s136ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m47s480ms (1) 099 -running
+28m48s163ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m48s507ms (1) 099 -running
+28m49s292ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m49s641ms (1) 099 -running
+28m50s317ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m50s667ms (1) 099 -running
+28m51s439ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m51s785ms (1) 099 -running
+28m52s459ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m52s823ms (1) 099 -running
+28m53s583ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m53s933ms (1) 099 -running
+28m54s615ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m54s968ms (1) 099 -running
+28m55s746ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m56s090ms (1) 099 -running
+28m56s767ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m57s265ms (1) 099 -running
+28m57s898ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m58s231ms (1) 099 -running
+28m58s909ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m59s262ms (1) 099 -running
+29m00s040ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m00s394ms (1) 099 -running
+29m01s072ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m01s412ms (1) 099 -running
+29m02s191ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m02s534ms (1) 099 -running
+29m03s218ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m03s584ms (1) 099 -running
+29m04s340ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m04s650ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+29m06s462ms (1) 099 charge=3660 -running
+29m07s516ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m07s862ms (1) 099 -running
+29m08s441ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m08s795ms (1) 099 -running
+29m09s566ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m09s917ms (1) 099 -running
+29m10s581ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m10s965ms (1) 099 -running
+29m11s721ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m12s089ms (1) 099 -running
+29m12s743ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m13s076ms (1) 099 -running
+29m13s856ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m14s224ms (1) 099 -running
+29m14s898ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m15s261ms (1) 099 -running
+29m16s020ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m16s309ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+29m17s607ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+29m17s652ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+29m19s289ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m19s645ms (1) 099 -running
+29m20s221ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m20s568ms (1) 099 -running
+29m21s337ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m21s704ms (1) 099 -running
+29m22s379ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m22s753ms (1) 099 -running
+29m23s509ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m23s881ms (1) 099 -running
+29m24s522ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m24s873ms (1) 099 -running
+29m25s640ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m26s004ms (1) 099 -running
+29m26s670ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m27s024ms (1) 099 -running
+29m27s791ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m28s191ms (1) 099 -running
+29m28s814ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m29s166ms (1) 099 -running
+29m29s942ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m30s301ms (1) 099 -running
+29m30s975ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+29m31s332ms (1) 099 -running
+29m32s096ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m32s457ms (1) 099 -running
+29m33s129ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m33s487ms (1) 099 -running
+29m34s240ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m34s598ms (1) 099 -running
+29m35s273ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m35s653ms (1) 099 -running
+29m36s399ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m36s751ms (1) 099 -running
+29m37s409ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m37s765ms (1) 099 -running
+29m38s548ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m38s906ms (1) 099 -running
+29m39s574ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m39s929ms (1) 099 -running
+29m40s703ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m41s046ms (1) 099 -running
+29m41s716ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m42s055ms (1) 099 -running
+29m42s843ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m43s188ms (1) 099 -running
+29m43s870ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m44s225ms (1) 099 -running
+29m44s996ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m45s356ms (1) 099 -running
+29m46s023ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m46s380ms (1) 099 -running
+29m47s154ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m47s497ms (1) 099 -running
+29m48s173ms (2) 099 charge=3659 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m48s810ms (1) 099 -running
+29m49s318ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m49s702ms (1) 099 -running
+29m50s431ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m50s790ms (1) 099 -running
+29m51s449ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m51s811ms (1) 099 -running
+29m52s582ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m52s922ms (1) 099 -running
+29m53s598ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m53s981ms (1) 099 -running
+29m54s723ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m55s011ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+29m57s189ms (1) 099 -running
+29m58s000ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m58s371ms (1) 099 -running
+29m59s021ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m59s336ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down”
+30m00s152ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m00s512ms (1) 099 -running
+30m01s276ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m01s662ms (1) 099 -running
+30m02s298ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m02s653ms (1) 099 -running
+30m03s423ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m03s788ms (1) 099 -running
+30m04s458ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m04s814ms (1) 099 -running
+30m05s582ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m05s946ms (1) 099 -running
+30m06s611ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m07s011ms (1) 099 -running
+30m07s747ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m08s115ms (1) 099 -running
+30m08s769ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m09s132ms (1) 099 -running
+30m09s884ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m10s225ms (1) 099 -running
+30m10s902ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m11s242ms (1) 099 -running
+30m12s029ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m12s402ms (1) 099 -running
+30m13s056ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m13s423ms (1) 099 -running
+30m14s185ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m14s536ms (1) 099 -running
+30m15s208ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m15s581ms (1) 099 -running
+30m16s335ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m16s684ms (1) 099 -running
+30m17s355ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m17s726ms (1) 099 -running
+30m18s483ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m18s845ms (1) 099 -running
+30m19s514ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m19s879ms (1) 099 -running
+30m20s635ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m21s017ms (1) 099 -running
+30m21s662ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m22s036ms (1) 099 -running
+30m22s785ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m23s139ms (1) 099 -running
+30m23s804ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m24s157ms (1) 099 -running
+30m24s938ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m25s286ms (1) 099 -running
+30m25s958ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m27s040ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+30m27s046ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+30m27s556ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+30m28s215ms (2) 099 charge=3658 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m28s592ms (1) 099 -running
+30m29s350ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m29s696ms (1) 099 -running
+30m30s360ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m30s691ms (1) 099 -running
+30m31s481ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m31s871ms (1) 099 -running
+30m32s519ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m32s902ms (1) 099 -running
+30m33s658ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m34s021ms (1) 099 -running
+30m34s661ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m35s015ms (1) 099 -running
+30m35s793ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m36s141ms (1) 099 -running
+30m36s810ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m37s181ms (1) 099 -running
+30m37s941ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+30m38s363ms (1) 099 -running
+30m38s963ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m39s322ms (1) 099 -running
+30m40s089ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m40s435ms (1) 099 -running
+30m41s118ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m41s534ms (1) 099 -running
+30m42s244ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m42s598ms (1) 099 -running
+30m43s266ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m43s631ms (1) 099 -running
+30m44s397ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m44s753ms (1) 099 -running
+30m45s409ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m45s762ms (1) 099 -running
+30m46s540ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m46s889ms (1) 099 -running
+30m47s561ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m47s921ms (1) 099 -running
+30m48s699ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m49s051ms (1) 099 -running
+30m49s713ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m50s096ms (1) 099 -running
+30m50s843ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m51s222ms (1) 099 -running
+30m51s870ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m52s211ms (1) 099 -running
+30m52s992ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m53s355ms (1) 099 -running
+30m54s015ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m54s381ms (1) 099 -running
+30m55s158ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m55s526ms (1) 099 -running
+30m56s160ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m56s510ms (1) 099 -running
+30m57s296ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m57s661ms (1) 099 -running
+30m58s321ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m58s675ms (1) 099 -running
+30m59s449ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m59s781ms (1) 099 -running
+31m00s460ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m00s810ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+31m01s597ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m01s969ms (1) 099 -running
+31m02s721ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m03s110ms (1) 099 -running
+31m03s743ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m04s118ms (1) 099 -running
+31m04s882ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m05s232ms (1) 099 -running
+31m05s899ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m06s275ms (1) 099 -running
+31m07s024ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m07s411ms (1) 099 -running
+31m08s052ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m08s407ms (1) 099 -running
+31m09s174ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m09s550ms (1) 099 -running
+31m10s213ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m10s581ms (1) 099 -running
+31m11s322ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m11s684ms (1) 099 -running
+31m12s354ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m12s714ms (1) 099 -running
+31m13s477ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m13s871ms (1) 099 -running
+31m14s499ms (2) 099 charge=3657 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m14s857ms (1) 099 -running
+31m15s625ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m15s995ms (1) 099 -running
+31m16s667ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m17s012ms (1) 099 -running
+31m17s778ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m18s058ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+31m19s829ms (3) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+31m20s357ms (2) 099 -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+31m21s867ms (2) 099 volt=4343
+31m24s831ms (2) 099 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+31m26s983ms (1) 099 charge=3656
+31m29s709ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+31m30s465ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=1000:”deviceidle_going_idle” device_idle=full wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m30s487ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+31m30s491ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”DeviceIdleHelper”
+31m30s505ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+31m31s485ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m31s843ms (1) 099 -running
+31m32s611ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m32s959ms (1) 099 -running
+31m33s632ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m34s031ms (1) 099 -running
+31m34s767ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m35s660ms (1) 099 -running
+31m35s801ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m36s167ms (1) 099 -running
+31m36s915ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m37s259ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+31m37s953ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m38s319ms (1) 099 -running
+31m39s067ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m39s437ms (1) 099 -running
+31m40s088ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m40s439ms (1) 099 -running
+31m41s211ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m41s567ms (1) 099 -running
+31m42s238ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+31m42s605ms (1) 099 -running
+31m43s377ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m43s758ms (1) 099 -running
+31m44s409ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m44s741ms (1) 099 -running
+31m45s515ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m45s882ms (1) 099 -running
+31m46s550ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m46s928ms (1) 099 -running
+31m47s684ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m48s052ms (1) 099 -running
+31m48s700ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m49s050ms (1) 099 -running
+31m49s818ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m50s202ms (1) 099 -running
+31m50s444ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m50s806ms (1) 099 -running
+31m50s848ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m50s852ms (2) 099 volt=4372 -running
+31m51s969ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m52s322ms (1) 099 -running
+31m52s989ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m53s350ms (1) 099 -running
+31m54s121ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m54s468ms (1) 099 -running
+31m55s140ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m55s538ms (1) 099 -running
+31m56s276ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m56s630ms (1) 099 -running
+31m57s287ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m57s649ms (1) 099 -running
+31m58s416ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m58s776ms (1) 099 -running
+31m59s448ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m59s787ms (1) 099 -running
+32m00s570ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m00s964ms (1) 099 -running
+32m01s592ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m01s951ms (1) 099 -running
+32m02s722ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m03s110ms (1) 099 -running
+32m03s762ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m04s112ms (1) 099 -running
+32m04s872ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m05s224ms (1) 099 -running
+32m05s893ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m06s248ms (1) 099 -running
+32m07s020ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m07s361ms (1) 099 -running
+32m08s039ms (2) 099 charge=3655 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m08s528ms (1) 099 -running
+32m09s178ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m09s542ms (1) 099 -running
+32m10s192ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m10s537ms (1) 099 -running
+32m11s318ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m11s671ms (1) 099 -running
+32m12s347ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m12s717ms (1) 099 -running
+32m13s472ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m13s835ms (1) 099 -running
+32m14s507ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m14s872ms (1) 099 -running
+32m15s631ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m15s993ms (1) 099 -running
+32m16s648ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m16s932ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+32m18s837ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+32m19s877ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+32m20s945ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m21s306ms (1) 099 -running
+32m21s975ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m22s352ms (1) 099 -running
+32m23s094ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m23s474ms (1) 099 -running
+32m24s119ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m24s488ms (1) 099 -running
+32m25s250ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m25s602ms (1) 099 -running
+32m26s269ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m26s632ms (1) 099 -running
+32m27s407ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m27s765ms (1) 099 -running
+32m28s424ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m28s762ms (1) 099 -running
+32m29s545ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m29s892ms (1) 099 -running
+32m30s571ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m30s936ms (1) 099 -running
+32m31s701ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+32m32s042ms (1) 099 -running
+32m32s718ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m33s066ms (1) 099 -running
+32m33s850ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m34s211ms (1) 099 -running
+32m34s872ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m35s231ms (1) 099 -running
+32m36s001ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m36s353ms (1) 099 -running
+32m37s027ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m37s372ms (1) 099 -running
+32m38s150ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m38s638ms (1) 099 -running
+32m39s169ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m39s524ms (1) 099 -running
+32m40s304ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m40s642ms (1) 099 -running
+32m41s320ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m41s679ms (1) 099 -running
+32m42s459ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m42s799ms (1) 099 -running
+32m43s475ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m43s812ms (1) 099 -running
+32m44s597ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m44s953ms (1) 099 -running
+32m45s629ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m45s953ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+32m46s750ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m47s109ms (1) 099 -running
+32m47s886ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m48s251ms (1) 099 -running
+32m48s915ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m49s303ms (1) 099 -running
+32m50s040ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m50s415ms (1) 099 -running
+32m51s060ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m51s478ms (1) 099 -running
+32m52s193ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m52s548ms (1) 099 -running
+32m53s209ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m53s570ms (1) 099 -running
+32m54s343ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m54s701ms (1) 099 -running
+32m55s372ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m55s712ms (1) 099 -running
+32m56s486ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m56s849ms (1) 099 -running
+32m57s507ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m57s885ms (1) 099 -running
+32m58s641ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m59s017ms (1) 099 -running
+32m59s678ms (2) 099 charge=3654 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m00s162ms (1) 099 -running
+33m00s789ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m01s121ms (1) 099 -running
+33m01s807ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m02s195ms (1) 099 -running
+33m02s940ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m03s294ms (1) 099 -running
+33m03s966ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m04s490ms (1) 099 -running
+33m05s082ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m05s438ms (1) 099 -running
+33m06s224ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m06s564ms (1) 099 -running
+33m07s238ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m07s581ms (1) 099 -running
+33m08s365ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m08s725ms (1) 099 -running
+33m09s391ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m09s731ms (1) 099 -running
+33m10s515ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m10s853ms (1) 099 -running
+33m11s533ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m11s915ms (1) 099 -running
+33m12s664ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m13s018ms (1) 099 -running
+33m13s692ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m14s027ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+33m14s815ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m15s190ms (1) 099 -running
+33m15s863ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m16s215ms (1) 099 -running
+33m16s867ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m17s205ms (1) 099 -running
+33m17s911ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m18s248ms (1) 099 -running
+33m18s910ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m19s274ms (1) 099 -running
+33m19s945ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m20s287ms (1) 099 -running
+33m20s956ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m21s310ms (1) 099 -running
+33m21s981ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m22s353ms (1) 099 -running
+33m23s005ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m23s380ms (1) 099 -running
+33m24s040ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m24s385ms (1) 099 -running
+33m25s045ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m25s420ms (1) 099 -running
+33m26s099ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m26s420ms (1) 099 -running
+33m27s093ms (2) 099 charge=3653 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m27s374ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+33m28s138ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m28s512ms (1) 099 -running
+33m29s187ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m29s538ms (1) 099 -running
+33m30s209ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m30s575ms (1) 099 -running
+33m31s309ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m31s634ms (1) 099 -running
+33m32s324ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m32s687ms (1) 099 -running
+33m33s350ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m33s733ms (1) 099 -running
+33m34s378ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m34s719ms (1) 099 -running
+33m35s409ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m35s745ms (1) 099 -running
+33m36s439ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m36s798ms (1) 099 -running
+33m37s472ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m37s872ms (1) 099 -running
+33m38s509ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m38s894ms (1) 099 -running
+33m39s606ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m39s945ms (1) 099 -running
+33m40s620ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m40s987ms (1) 099 -running
+33m41s670ms (2) 099 charge=3652 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m42s028ms (1) 099 -running
+33m42s695ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m43s038ms (1) 099 -running
+33m43s735ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m44s073ms (1) 099 -running
+33m44s735ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m45s076ms (1) 099 -running
+33m45s778ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m46s117ms (1) 099 -running
+33m46s787ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m47s161ms (1) 099 -running
+33m47s833ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m48s203ms (1) 099 -running
+33m48s832ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m49s168ms (1) 099 -running
+33m49s865ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m50s209ms (1) 099 -running
+33m50s883ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m51s264ms (1) 099 -running
+33m51s918ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m52s268ms (1) 099 -running
+33m52s931ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m53s306ms (1) 099 -running
+33m53s979ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m54s325ms (1) 099 -running
+33m54s975ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m55s325ms (1) 099 -running
+33m56s018ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m56s366ms (1) 099 -running
+33m57s020ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m57s397ms (1) 099 -running
+33m58s072ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m58s409ms (1) 099 -running
+33m59s062ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m59s428ms (1) 099 -running
+34m00s107ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m00s469ms (1) 099 -running
+34m01s114ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m01s485ms (1) 099 -running
+34m02s166ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m02s505ms (1) 099 -running
+34m03s171ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m03s560ms (1) 099 -running
+34m04s213ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m04s560ms (1) 099 -running
+34m05s219ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m05s591ms (1) 099 -running
+34m06s260ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m06s644ms (1) 099 -running
+34m07s267ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m07s650ms (1) 099 -running
+34m08s311ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m08s691ms (1) 099 -running
+34m09s322ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m09s688ms (1) 099 -running
+34m10s354ms (2) 099 charge=3651 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m10s698ms (1) 099 -running
+34m11s350ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m11s720ms (1) 099 -running
+34m12s392ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m12s757ms (1) 099 -running
+34m13s418ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m13s784ms (1) 099 -running
+34m14s506ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m14s845ms (1) 099 -running
+34m15s530ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m15s901ms (1) 099 -running
+34m16s576ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m16s976ms (1) 099 -running
+34m17s621ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m17s970ms (1) 099 -running
+34m18s641ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m19s016ms (1) 099 -running
+34m19s741ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m20s123ms (1) 099 -running
+34m20s788ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m21s130ms (1) 099 -running
+34m21s775ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m22s152ms (1) 099 -running
+34m22s827ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m23s181ms (1) 099 -running
+34m23s838ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m24s230ms (1) 099 -running
+34m24s886ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m25s242ms (1) 099 -running
+34m25s878ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m26s227ms (1) 099 -running
+34m26s917ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m27s272ms (1) 099 -running
+34m27s920ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m28s307ms (1) 099 -running
+34m28s975ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m29s326ms (1) 099 -running
+34m29s980ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m30s362ms (1) 099 -running
+34m31s013ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m31s374ms (1) 099 -running
+34m32s016ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m32s377ms (1) 099 -running
+34m33s071ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m33s411ms (1) 099 -running
+34m34s063ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m34s420ms (1) 099 -running
+34m35s097ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m35s461ms (1) 099 -running
+34m36s120ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m36s477ms (1) 099 -running
+34m37s158ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m37s535ms (1) 099 -running
+34m38s171ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m38s343ms (2) 099 volt=4351 charge=3650 -running
+34m39s221ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m39s564ms (1) 099 -running
+34m40s225ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m40s605ms (1) 099 -running
+34m41s263ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m41s617ms (1) 099 -running
+34m42s273ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m42s650ms (1) 099 -running
+34m43s311ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m43s648ms (1) 099 -running
+34m44s315ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m44s648ms (1) 099 -running
+34m45s354ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m45s708ms (1) 099 -running
+34m46s365ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m46s693ms (1) 099 -running
+34m47s383ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m47s743ms (1) 099 -running
+34m48s400ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m48s774ms (1) 099 -running
+34m49s453ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m49s802ms (1) 099 -running
+34m50s454ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m50s850ms (1) 099 -running
+34m51s519ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m51s848ms (1) 099 -running
+34m52s495ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m52s887ms (1) 099 -running
+34m53s548ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m53s902ms (1) 099 -running
+34m54s554ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m54s903ms (1) 099 -running
+34m55s592ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m55s942ms (1) 099 -running
+34m56s618ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m56s987ms (1) 099 -running
+34m57s663ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m58s010ms (1) 099 -running
+34m58s655ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m59s031ms (1) 099 -running
+34m59s697ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m00s044ms (1) 099 -running
+35m00s701ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m01s059ms (1) 099 -running
+35m01s745ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m02s079ms (1) 099 -running
+35m02s746ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m03s077ms (1) 099 -running
+35m03s780ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m04s169ms (1) 099 -running
+35m04s915ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m05s260ms (1) 099 -running
+35m06s028ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m06s366ms (1) 099 -running
+35m07s045ms (2) 099 charge=3649 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m07s429ms (1) 099 -running
+35m08s185ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m08s576ms (1) 099 -running
+35m09s215ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m09s581ms (1) 099 -running
+35m10s323ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m10s668ms (1) 099 -running
+35m11s352ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m11s705ms (1) 099 -running
+35m12s477ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m12s864ms (1) 099 -running
+35m13s507ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m13s868ms (1) 099 -running
+35m14s631ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m15s007ms (1) 099 -running
+35m15s647ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m15s989ms (1) 099 -running
+35m16s772ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m17s125ms (1) 099 -running
+35m17s799ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m18s159ms (1) 099 -running
+35m18s929ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m19s278ms (1) 099 -running
+35m19s954ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m20s310ms (1) 099 -running
+35m21s075ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m21s432ms (1) 099 -running
+35m22s109ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m22s443ms (1) 099 -running
+35m23s219ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m23s606ms (1) 099 -running
+35m24s256ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m24s599ms (1) 099 -running
+35m25s374ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m25s723ms (1) 099 -running
+35m26s396ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m26s770ms (1) 099 -running
+35m27s532ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m27s890ms (1) 099 -running
+35m28s563ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m28s938ms (1) 099 -running
+35m29s697ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m30s067ms (1) 099 -running
+35m30s712ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m31s062ms (1) 099 -running
+35m31s828ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m32s173ms (1) 099 -running
+35m32s850ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m33s210ms (1) 099 -running
+35m33s989ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m34s328ms (1) 099 -running
+35m35s004ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m35s334ms (1) 099 -running
+35m36s113ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m36s466ms (1) 099 -running
+35m37s156ms (2) 099 charge=3648 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m37s678ms (1) 099 -running
+35m38s283ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m38s659ms (1) 099 -running
+35m39s403ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m39s767ms (1) 099 -running
+35m40s431ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m40s787ms (1) 099 -running
+35m41s556ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m41s907ms (1) 099 -running
+35m42s583ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m42s946ms (1) 099 -running
+35m43s712ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m44s052ms (1) 099 -running
+35m44s730ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m45s083ms (1) 099 -running
+35m45s854ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m46s229ms (1) 099 -running
+35m46s884ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m47s263ms (1) 099 -running
+35m48s014ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m48s391ms (1) 099 -running
+35m49s023ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m49s398ms (1) 099 -running
+35m50s163ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m50s522ms (1) 099 -running
+35m51s190ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m51s558ms (1) 099 -running
+35m52s313ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m52s681ms (1) 099 -running
+35m53s333ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m53s707ms (1) 099 -running
+35m54s467ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m54s824ms (1) 099 -running
+35m55s487ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m55s831ms (1) 099 -running
+35m56s612ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m56s971ms (1) 099 -running
+35m57s638ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m57s994ms (1) 099 -running
+35m58s762ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m59s100ms (1) 099 -running
+35m59s781ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m00s165ms (1) 099 -running
+36m00s908ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m01s259ms (1) 099 -running
+36m01s936ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m02s334ms (1) 099 -running
+36m03s064ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m03s413ms (1) 099 -running
+36m04s082ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m04s422ms (1) 099 -running
+36m05s208ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m05s560ms (1) 099 -running
+36m06s233ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m06s605ms (1) 099 -running
+36m07s364ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m07s720ms (1) 099 -running
+36m08s389ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m08s751ms (1) 099 -running
+36m09s522ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m09s865ms (1) 099 -running
+36m10s534ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m10s889ms (1) 099 -running
+36m11s666ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m12s025ms (1) 099 -running
+36m12s696ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m13s032ms (1) 099 -running
+36m13s812ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m14s175ms (1) 099 -running
+36m14s832ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m15s188ms (1) 099 -running
+36m15s971ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m16s357ms (1) 099 -running
+36m16s985ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m17s335ms (1) 099 -running
+36m18s108ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m18s397ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+36m19s486ms (2) 099 charge=3647 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+36m19s899ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+36m19s980ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”deep:sleep”
+36m20s027ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+36m21s039ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”deep:sleep”
+36m21s048ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+36m22s312ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m22s669ms (1) 099 -running
+36m23s338ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m23s691ms (1) 099 -running
+36m24s458ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m24s814ms (1) 099 -running
+36m25s484ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m26s004ms (1) 099 -running
+36m26s616ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m26s986ms (1) 099 -running
+36m27s736ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m28s022ms (3) 099 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+36m29s926ms (2) 099 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m31s019ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m31s374ms (1) 099 -running
+36m32s145ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m32s499ms (1) 099 -running
+36m33s170ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m33s515ms (1) 099 -running
+36m34s289ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m34s628ms (1) 099 -running
+36m35s318ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m35s683ms (1) 099 -running
+36m36s452ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m36s825ms (1) 099 -running
+36m37s484ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m37s874ms (1) 099 -running
+36m38s597ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m38s961ms (1) 099 -running
+36m39s624ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m40s015ms (1) 099 -running
+36m40s761ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m41s106ms (1) 099 -running
+36m41s761ms (3) 099 charge=3646 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+36m42s119ms (1) 099 -running
+36m42s898ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m43s255ms (1) 099 -running
+36m43s923ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m44s277ms (1) 099 -running
+36m45s041ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m45s423ms (1) 099 -running
+36m46s067ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m46s410ms (1) 099 -running
+36m47s196ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m47s549ms (1) 099 -running
+36m48s220ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m48s891ms (1) 099 -running
+36m49s347ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m49s706ms (1) 099 -running
+36m50s472ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m50s835ms (1) 099 -running
+36m51s188ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m51s720ms (1) 099 -running
+36m52s512ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m52s873ms (1) 099 -running
+36m53s555ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m53s897ms (1) 099 -running
+36m54s674ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m55s028ms (1) 099 -running
+36m55s695ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m56s080ms (1) 099 -running
+36m56s841ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m57s189ms (1) 099 -running
+36m57s846ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m58s221ms (1) 099 -running
+36m58s979ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m59s337ms (1) 099 -running
+36m59s999ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m00s346ms (1) 099 -running
+37m01s123ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m01s494ms (1) 099 -running
+37m02s145ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m02s500ms (1) 099 -running
+37m03s279ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m03s660ms (1) 099 -running
+37m04s297ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m04s635ms (1) 099 -running
+37m05s414ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m05s755ms (1) 099 -running
+37m06s444ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m06s788ms (1) 099 -running
+37m07s569ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m07s926ms (1) 099 -running
+37m08s601ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m08s944ms (1) 099 -running
+37m09s729ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m10s080ms (1) 099 -running
+37m10s750ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m11s086ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+37m11s877ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m12s399ms (1) 099 -running
+37m12s999ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m13s351ms (1) 099 -running
+37m14s131ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m14s478ms (1) 099 -running
+37m15s146ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m15s510ms (1) 099 -running
+37m16s286ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m16s640ms (1) 099 -running
+37m17s298ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m17s662ms (1) 099 -running
+37m18s431ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m18s796ms (1) 099 -running
+37m19s453ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m19s827ms (1) 099 -running
+37m20s575ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m20s929ms (1) 099 -running
+37m21s607ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m21s948ms (1) 099 -running
+37m22s729ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m23s101ms (1) 099 -running
+37m23s761ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m24s109ms (1) 099 -running
+37m24s882ms (2) 099 charge=3645 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m25s275ms (1) 099 -running
+37m25s903ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m26s274ms (1) 099 -running
+37m27s031ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m27s401ms (1) 099 -running
+37m28s050ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m28s404ms (1) 099 -running
+37m29s181ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m29s536ms (1) 099 -running
+37m30s203ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m30s552ms (1) 099 -running
+37m31s334ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m31s687ms (1) 099 -running
+37m32s357ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m32s734ms (1) 099 -running
+37m33s484ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m33s835ms (1) 099 -running
+37m34s509ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m34s880ms (1) 099 -running
+37m35s627ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m35s988ms (1) 099 -running
+37m36s661ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m37s016ms (1) 099 -running
+37m37s783ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m38s137ms (1) 099 -running
+37m38s805ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m39s178ms (1) 099 -running
+37m39s938ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m40s293ms (1) 099 -running
+37m40s956ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m41s326ms (1) 099 -running
+37m42s080ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m42s442ms (1) 099 -running
+37m43s102ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m43s451ms (1) 099 -running
+37m44s233ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m44s613ms (1) 099 -running
+37m45s254ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m45s603ms (1) 099 -running
+37m46s383ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m46s728ms (1) 099 -running
+37m47s403ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m47s747ms (1) 099 -running
+37m48s530ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m48s890ms (1) 099 -running
+37m49s566ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m49s908ms (1) 099 -running
+37m50s682ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m51s049ms (1) 099 -running
+37m51s703ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m52s213ms (1) 099 -running
+37m52s824ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m53s176ms (1) 099 -running
+37m53s960ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m54s340ms (1) 099 -running
+37m55s000ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m55s384ms (1) 099 -running
+37m56s115ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m56s503ms (1) 099 -running
+37m57s135ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m57s484ms (1) 099 -running
+37m58s263ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m58s635ms (1) 099 -running
+37m59s290ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m59s674ms (1) 099 -running
+38m00s432ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m00s816ms (1) 099 -running
+38m01s455ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m01s815ms (1) 099 -running
+38m02s586ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m02s951ms (1) 099 -running
+38m03s598ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m03s943ms (1) 099 -running
+38m04s714ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m05s073ms (1) 099 -running
+38m05s738ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m06s314ms (1) 099 -running
+38m06s866ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m07s210ms (1) 099 -running
+38m07s989ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m08s283ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+38m09s010ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m09s387ms (1) 099 -running
+38m10s146ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m10s501ms (1) 099 -running
+38m11s169ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m11s548ms (1) 099 -running
+38m12s293ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m12s636ms (1) 099 -running
+38m13s314ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m13s669ms (1) 099 -running
+38m14s444ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m14s811ms (1) 099 -running
+38m15s465ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m15s855ms (1) 099 -running
+38m16s585ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m16s939ms (1) 099 -running
+38m17s606ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m17s978ms (1) 099 -running
+38m18s738ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m19s090ms (1) 099 -running
+38m19s756ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m20s108ms (1) 099 -running
+38m20s885ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m21s243ms (1) 099 -running
+38m21s909ms (2) 099 charge=3644 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m22s266ms (1) 099 -running
+38m23s040ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m23s384ms (1) 099 -running
+38m24s058ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m24s415ms (1) 099 -running
+38m25s189ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m25s548ms (1) 099 -running
+38m26s218ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m26s583ms (1) 099 -running
+38m27s339ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m27s687ms (1) 099 -running
+38m28s363ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m28s720ms (1) 099 -running
+38m29s492ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m29s898ms (1) 099 -running
+38m30s532ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m30s900ms (1) 099 -running
+38m31s643ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m31s992ms (1) 099 -running
+38m32s662ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m33s027ms (1) 099 -running
+38m33s783ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m34s166ms (1) 099 -running
+38m34s809ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m35s162ms (1) 099 -running
+38m35s936ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m36s289ms (1) 099 -running
+38m36s964ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m37s341ms (1) 099 -running
+38m38s095ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m38s451ms (1) 099 -running
+38m39s118ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m39s462ms (1) 099 -running
+38m40s242ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m40s600ms (1) 099 -running
+38m41s270ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m41s641ms (1) 099 -running
+38m42s407ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m42s776ms (1) 099 -running
+38m43s417ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m43s757ms (1) 099 -running
+38m44s538ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m44s936ms (1) 099 -running
+38m45s567ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m45s904ms (1) 099 -running
+38m46s683ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m47s061ms (1) 099 -running
+38m47s715ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m48s100ms (1) 099 -running
+38m48s845ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m49s181ms (1) 099 -running
+38m49s860ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m50s208ms (1) 099 -running
+38m50s992ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m51s346ms (1) 099 -running
+38m52s009ms (2) 099 charge=3643 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m52s361ms (1) 099 -running
+38m53s138ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m53s511ms (1) 099 -running
+38m54s168ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m54s504ms (1) 099 -running
+38m55s292ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m55s634ms (1) 099 -running
+38m56s315ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m56s680ms (1) 099 -running
+38m57s455ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m57s815ms (1) 099 -running
+38m58s475ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m58s822ms (1) 099 -running
+38m59s596ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m59s967ms (1) 099 -running
+39m00s621ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m00s964ms (1) 099 -running
+39m01s746ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m02s105ms (1) 099 -running
+39m02s770ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m03s149ms (1) 099 -running
+39m03s892ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m04s251ms (1) 099 -running
+39m04s920ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m05s270ms (1) 099 -running
+39m06s049ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m06s417ms (1) 099 -running
+39m07s070ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m07s427ms (1) 099 -running
+39m08s195ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m08s540ms (1) 099 -running
+39m09s219ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m09s572ms (1) 099 -running
+39m10s348ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m10s738ms (1) 099 -running
+39m11s375ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m11s733ms (1) 099 -running
+39m12s500ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m12s851ms (1) 099 -running
+39m13s518ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m13s914ms (1) 099 -running
+39m14s662ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m15s033ms (1) 099 -running
+39m15s674ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m16s008ms (1) 099 -running
+39m16s790ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m17s131ms (1) 099 -running
+39m17s817ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m18s191ms (1) 099 -running
+39m18s946ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m19s297ms (1) 099 -running
+39m19s967ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m20s331ms (1) 099 -running
+39m21s106ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m21s460ms (1) 099 -running
+39m22s121ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m22s525ms (1) 099 -running
+39m23s255ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m23s650ms (1) 099 -running
+39m24s292ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m24s636ms (1) 099 -running
+39m25s401ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m25s751ms (1) 099 -running
+39m26s417ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m26s805ms (1) 099 -running
+39m27s553ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m27s895ms (1) 099 -running
+39m28s573ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m28s929ms (1) 099 -running
+39m29s703ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m30s042ms (1) 099 -running
+39m30s721ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m31s064ms (1) 099 -running
+39m31s849ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m32s219ms (1) 099 -running
+39m32s892ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m33s230ms (1) 099 -running
+39m33s999ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m34s352ms (1) 099 -running
+39m35s023ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m35s394ms (1) 099 -running
+39m36s156ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m36s517ms (1) 099 -running
+39m37s180ms (2) 099 charge=3642 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m37s536ms (1) 099 -running
+39m38s302ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m38s697ms (1) 099 -running
+39m39s323ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m39s326ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+39m39s327ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+39m39s332ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+39m39s332ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+39m39s333ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+39m40s452ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m40s815ms (1) 099 -running
+39m41s472ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m41s828ms (1) 099 -running
+39m42s603ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m42s965ms (1) 099 -running
+39m43s628ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m43s974ms (1) 099 -running
+39m44s751ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m45s120ms (1) 099 -running
+39m45s778ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m46s122ms (1) 099 -running
+39m46s906ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m47s265ms (1) 099 -running
+39m47s927ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m48s284ms (1) 099 -running
+39m49s060ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m49s436ms (1) 099 -running
+39m50s077ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m50s438ms (1) 099 -running
+39m51s211ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m51s575ms (1) 099 -running
+39m52s227ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m52s580ms (1) 099 -running
+39m53s353ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m53s719ms (1) 099 -running
+39m54s374ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+39m54s787ms (1) 099 -running
+39m55s504ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m55s792ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+39m57s977ms (1) 099 -running
+39m58s677ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m59s038ms (1) 099 -running
+39m59s705ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m00s057ms (1) 099 -running
+40m00s835ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m01s179ms (1) 099 -running
+40m01s853ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m02s171ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+40m02s977ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m03s337ms (1) 099 -running
+40m04s108ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m04s483ms (1) 099 -running
+40m05s146ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m05s522ms (1) 099 -running
+40m06s260ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m06s620ms (1) 099 -running
+40m07s282ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m07s629ms (1) 099 -running
+40m08s407ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m08s797ms (1) 099 -running
+40m09s433ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m09s805ms (1) 099 -running
+40m10s556ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m10s918ms (1) 099 -running
+40m11s592ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m12s000ms (1) 099 -running
+40m12s728ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m13s080ms (1) 099 -running
+40m13s730ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m14s088ms (1) 099 -running
+40m14s856ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m15s221ms (1) 099 -running
+40m15s891ms (2) 099 charge=3641 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m16s247ms (1) 099 -running
+40m17s008ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m17s372ms (1) 099 -running
+40m18s033ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m18s443ms (1) 099 -running
+40m19s178ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m19s517ms (1) 099 -running
+40m20s183ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m20s532ms (1) 099 -running
+40m21s311ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m21s704ms (1) 099 -running
+40m22s331ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m22s705ms (1) 099 -running
+40m23s469ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m23s868ms (1) 099 -running
+40m24s482ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m24s842ms (1) 099 -running
+40m25s613ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m25s991ms (1) 099 -running
+40m26s634ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m26s992ms (1) 099 -running
+40m27s760ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m28s161ms (1) 099 -running
+40m28s796ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m29s170ms (1) 099 -running
+40m29s915ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m30s259ms (1) 099 -running
+40m30s933ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m31s290ms (1) 099 -running
+40m32s063ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m32s443ms (1) 099 -running
+40m33s103ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m33s454ms (1) 099 -running
+40m34s207ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m34s568ms (1) 099 -running
+40m35s237ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m35s590ms (1) 099 -running
+40m36s363ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m36s721ms (1) 099 -running
+40m37s384ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m37s689ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+40m38s946ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+40m39s982ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+40m40s559ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m40s819ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+40m41s692ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m42s062ms (1) 099 -running
+40m42s823ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m43s170ms (1) 099 -running
+40m43s847ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m44s204ms (1) 099 -running
+40m44s978ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m45s325ms (1) 099 -running
+40m45s994ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m46s353ms (1) 099 -running
+40m47s124ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m47s481ms (1) 099 -running
+40m48s140ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m48s526ms (1) 099 -running
+40m49s271ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m49s669ms (1) 099 -running
+40m50s293ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m50s638ms (1) 099 -running
+40m51s411ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+40m51s783ms (1) 099 -running
+40m52s443ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m52s778ms (1) 099 -running
+40m53s563ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m53s904ms (1) 099 -running
+40m54s589ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m54s937ms (1) 099 -running
+40m55s719ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m56s097ms (1) 099 -running
+40m56s740ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m57s121ms (1) 099 -running
+40m57s889ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m57s981ms (2) 098 charge=3640
Details: cpu=418570u+285890s
/proc/stat=418900 usr, 248080 sys, 3140 io, 13550 irq, 13380 sirq, 423290 idle (62.2% of 3h 6m 43s 400ms), PlatformIdleStat Empty
, SubsystemPowerState Empty
+40m57s983ms (3) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+40m58s037ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+40m58s038ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+40m58s044ms (2) 098 -wake_lock stats=0:”get-stats”
+40m58s050ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+40m58s051ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+40m59s332ms (1) 098 -running
+40m59s913ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m00s267ms (1) 098 -running
+41m00s941ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m01s297ms (1) 098 -running
+41m02s073ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m02s407ms (1) 098 -running
+41m03s083ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m03s435ms (1) 098 -running
+41m04s219ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m05s315ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+41m05s320ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+41m05s829ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+41m06s267ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m06s651ms (1) 098 -running
+41m07s397ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+41m07s718ms (1) 098 -running
+41m08s399ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m08s792ms (1) 098 -running
+41m09s547ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m09s913ms (1) 098 -running
+41m10s560ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m10s914ms (1) 098 -running
+41m11s695ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m12s045ms (1) 098 -running
+41m12s712ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m13s065ms (1) 098 -running
+41m13s842ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m14s185ms (1) 098 -running
+41m14s867ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m15s222ms (1) 098 -running
+41m15s992ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m16s337ms (1) 098 -running
+41m17s019ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m17s370ms (1) 098 -running
+41m18s145ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”fiid-sync” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m21s499ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+41m22s344ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m22s719ms (1) 098 -running
+41m23s370ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m23s633ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+41m24s489ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m24s867ms (1) 098 -running
+41m25s621ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+41m25s973ms (1) 098 -running
+41m26s633ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m26s999ms (1) 098 -running
+41m27s772ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m28s130ms (1) 098 -running
+41m28s792ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m29s141ms (1) 098 -running
+41m29s921ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m30s271ms (1) 098 -running
+41m30s942ms (2) 098 charge=3639 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m31s296ms (1) 098 -running
+41m32s069ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m32s438ms (1) 098 -running
+41m33s105ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m33s480ms (1) 098 -running
+41m34s221ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m34s568ms (1) 098 -running
+41m35s243ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m35s599ms (1) 098 -running
+41m36s370ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m36s734ms (1) 098 -running
+41m37s401ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m37s787ms (1) 098 -running
+41m38s521ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m38s888ms (1) 098 -running
+41m39s542ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m39s904ms (1) 098 -running
+41m40s680ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m41s042ms (1) 098 -running
+41m41s701ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m42s059ms (1) 098 -running
+41m42s823ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m43s182ms (1) 098 -running
+41m43s845ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m44s232ms (1) 098 -running
+41m44s973ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m45s324ms (1) 098 -running
+41m45s993ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m46s349ms (1) 098 -running
+41m47s124ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m47s510ms (1) 098 -running
+41m48s147ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m48s483ms (1) 098 -running
+41m49s270ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m49s617ms (1) 098 -running
+41m50s298ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m50s655ms (1) 098 -running
+41m51s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m51s774ms (1) 098 -running
+41m52s446ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m52s801ms (1) 098 -running
+41m53s575ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m53s937ms (1) 098 -running
+41m54s592ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m54s946ms (1) 098 -running
+41m55s722ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m56s072ms (1) 098 -running
+41m56s749ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m57s143ms (1) 098 -running
+41m57s880ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m58s233ms (1) 098 -running
+41m58s897ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m59s249ms (1) 098 -running
+42m00s020ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m00s395ms (1) 098 -running
+42m01s049ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m01s404ms (1) 098 -running
+42m02s174ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m02s529ms (1) 098 -running
+42m03s204ms (2) 098 charge=3638 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m03s551ms (1) 098 -running
+42m04s320ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m04s674ms (1) 098 -running
+42m05s347ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m05s705ms (1) 098 -running
+42m06s478ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m06s816ms (1) 098 -running
+42m07s494ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m07s840ms (1) 098 -running
+42m08s627ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m08s998ms (1) 098 -running
+42m09s666ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m10s013ms (1) 098 -running
+42m10s777ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m11s120ms (1) 098 -running
+42m11s799ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m12s166ms (1) 098 -running
+42m12s944ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m13s278ms (1) 098 -running
+42m13s948ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m14s301ms (1) 098 -running
+42m15s077ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m15s424ms (1) 098 -running
+42m16s099ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m16s481ms (1) 098 -running
+42m17s229ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m17s577ms (1) 098 -running
+42m18s251ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m18s737ms (1) 098 -running
+42m19s407ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m19s785ms (1) 098 -running
+42m20s403ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m20s673ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+42m21s548ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m21s889ms (1) 098 -running
+42m22s653ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m23s024ms (1) 098 -running
+42m23s678ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m24s026ms (1) 098 -running
+42m24s804ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m25s164ms (1) 098 -running
+42m25s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m26s185ms (1) 098 -running
+42m26s960ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m27s300ms (1) 098 -running
+42m27s978ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m28s344ms (1) 098 -running
+42m29s105ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m29s469ms (1) 098 -running
+42m30s139ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m30s495ms (1) 098 -running
+42m31s258ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m31s617ms (1) 098 -running
+42m32s282ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m32s633ms (1) 098 -running
+42m33s409ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m33s796ms (1) 098 -running
+42m34s432ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m34s797ms (1) 098 -running
+42m35s559ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m35s929ms (1) 098 -running
+42m36s581ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m36s950ms (1) 098 -running
+42m37s716ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m38s073ms (1) 098 -running
+42m38s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m39s097ms (1) 098 -running
+42m39s865ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m40s217ms (1) 098 -running
+42m40s884ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m41s239ms (1) 098 -running
+42m42s005ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m42s348ms (1) 098 -running
+42m43s033ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m43s409ms (1) 098 -running
+42m44s157ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m44s559ms (1) 098 -running
+42m45s202ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m45s551ms (1) 098 -running
+42m46s316ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m46s667ms (1) 098 -running
+42m47s337ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m47s681ms (1) 098 -running
+42m48s458ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m48s796ms (1) 098 -running
+42m49s483ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m49s766ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+42m50s612ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m50s988ms (1) 098 -running
+42m51s739ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m52s089ms (1) 098 -running
+42m52s764ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m53s119ms (1) 098 -running
+42m53s892ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m54s228ms (1) 098 -running
+42m54s907ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m55s278ms (1) 098 -running
+42m56s037ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m56s409ms (1) 098 -running
+42m57s065ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m57s394ms (1) 098 -running
+42m58s177ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m58s535ms (1) 098 -running
+42m59s213ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m59s573ms (1) 098 -running
+43m00s341ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m00s700ms (1) 098 -running
+43m01s366ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m01s722ms (1) 098 -running
+43m02s498ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m02s838ms (1) 098 -running
+43m03s511ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m03s860ms (1) 098 -running
+43m04s640ms (2) 098 charge=3637 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m05s035ms (1) 098 -running
+43m05s669ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m06s030ms (1) 098 -running
+43m06s800ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m07s172ms (1) 098 -running
+43m07s832ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m08s237ms (1) 098 -running
+43m08s946ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m09s330ms (1) 098 -running
+43m09s965ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m10s322ms (1) 098 -running
+43m11s092ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m11s491ms (1) 098 -running
+43m12s116ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m12s541ms (1) 098 -running
+43m13s241ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m13s619ms (1) 098 -running
+43m13s955ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m14s514ms (1) 098 -running
+43m15s295ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m15s689ms (1) 098 -running
+43m16s341ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m16s696ms (1) 098 -running
+43m17s457ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m17s806ms (1) 098 -running
+43m18s466ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m18s831ms (1) 098 -running
+43m19s586ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m19s965ms (1) 098 -running
+43m20s612ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m20s969ms (1) 098 -running
+43m21s743ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m22s096ms (1) 098 -running
+43m22s768ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m23s113ms (1) 098 -running
+43m23s890ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m24s247ms (1) 098 -running
+43m24s919ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m25s303ms (1) 098 -running
+43m26s052ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m26s385ms (1) 098 -running
+43m27s062ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m27s430ms (1) 098 -running
+43m28s191ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m28s550ms (1) 098 -running
+43m29s216ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m29s569ms (1) 098 -running
+43m30s348ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m30s694ms (1) 098 -running
+43m31s362ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m31s757ms (1) 098 -running
+43m32s492ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m32s853ms (1) 098 -running
+43m33s514ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m33s858ms (1) 098 -running
+43m34s640ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m35s003ms (1) 098 -running
+43m35s677ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m35s963ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+43m36s790ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m37s143ms (1) 098 -running
+43m37s920ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m38s301ms (1) 098 -running
+43m38s952ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m39s306ms (1) 098 -running
+43m40s065ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m40s430ms (1) 098 -running
+43m41s107ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m41s465ms (1) 098 -running
+43m42s217ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m42s573ms (1) 098 -running
+43m43s255ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m43s623ms (1) 098 -running
+43m44s373ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m44s729ms (1) 098 -running
+43m45s393ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m45s747ms (1) 098 -running
+43m46s524ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m46s896ms (1) 098 -running
+43m47s549ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m47s938ms (1) 098 -running
+43m48s693ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m49s056ms (1) 098 -running
+43m49s715ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m50s084ms (1) 098 -running
+43m50s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m51s184ms (1) 098 -running
+43m51s845ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m52s209ms (1) 098 -running
+43m52s974ms (2) 098 charge=3636 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m53s333ms (1) 098 -running
+43m53s999ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m54s339ms (1) 098 -running
+43m55s119ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m55s478ms (1) 098 -running
+43m56s150ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m56s504ms (1) 098 -running
+43m57s280ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m57s627ms (1) 098 -running
+43m58s296ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m58s654ms (1) 098 -running
+43m59s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m59s758ms (1) 098 -running
+44m00s442ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m00s785ms (1) 098 -running
+44m01s575ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m01s955ms (1) 098 -running
+44m02s602ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m02s943ms (1) 098 -running
+44m03s723ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m04s009ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+44m06s845ms (1) 098 -running
+44m06s893ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m07s276ms (1) 098 -running
+44m08s047ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m08s416ms (1) 098 -running
+44m09s050ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m09s391ms (1) 098 -running
+44m10s177ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m10s534ms (1) 098 -running
+44m11s196ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m11s543ms (1) 098 -running
+44m12s327ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m12s673ms (1) 098 -running
+44m13s353ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m13s734ms (1) 098 -running
+44m14s477ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m14s834ms (1) 098 -running
+44m15s503ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m15s880ms (1) 098 -running
+44m16s632ms (2) 098 charge=3635 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m16s996ms (1) 098 -running
+44m17s653ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m18s033ms (1) 098 -running
+44m18s783ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m19s179ms (1) 098 -running
+44m19s819ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m20s175ms (1) 098 -running
+44m20s925ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m21s274ms (1) 098 -running
+44m21s953ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m22s333ms (1) 098 -running
+44m23s086ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m23s470ms (1) 098 -running
+44m24s117ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m24s482ms (1) 098 -running
+44m25s230ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m25s564ms (1) 098 -running
+44m26s246ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m26s604ms (1) 098 -running
+44m27s378ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m27s770ms (1) 098 -running
+44m28s421ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m28s802ms (1) 098 -running
+44m29s542ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m29s906ms (1) 098 -running
+44m30s554ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m30s897ms (1) 098 -running
+44m31s679ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m32s035ms (1) 098 -running
+44m32s704ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m33s090ms (1) 098 -running
+44m33s845ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m34s199ms (1) 098 -running
+44m34s857ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m35s240ms (1) 098 -running
+44m35s986ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m36s340ms (1) 098 -running
+44m37s010ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m37s356ms (1) 098 -running
+44m38s132ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m38s475ms (1) 098 -running
+44m39s153ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m39s507ms (1) 098 -running
+44m40s280ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m40s641ms (1) 098 -running
+44m41s309ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m41s662ms (1) 098 -running
+44m42s439ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m42s806ms (1) 098 -running
+44m43s457ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m43s817ms (1) 098 -running
+44m44s585ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m44s932ms (1) 098 -running
+44m45s607ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m45s980ms (1) 098 -running
+44m46s841ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m47s153ms (2) 098 charge=3634 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+44m49s011ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+44m50s042ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+44m50s831ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m51s183ms (1) 098 -running
+44m51s852ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m52s214ms (1) 098 -running
+44m52s984ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m53s349ms (1) 098 -running
+44m53s993ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m54s363ms (1) 098 -running
+44m55s132ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m55s483ms (1) 098 -running
+44m56s160ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m56s517ms (1) 098 -running
+44m57s283ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m57s621ms (1) 098 -running
+44m58s301ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m58s598ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+44m59s433ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m59s812ms (1) 098 -running
+45m00s556ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m00s904ms (1) 098 -running
+45m01s574ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+45m01s919ms (1) 098 -running
+45m02s706ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m03s066ms (1) 098 -running
+45m03s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m04s115ms (1) 098 -running
+45m04s856ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m05s182ms (1) 098 -running
+45m05s875ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m06s231ms (1) 098 -running
+45m07s008ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m07s361ms (1) 098 -running
+45m07s931ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m08s439ms (1) 098 -running
+45m09s054ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m09s414ms (1) 098 -running
+45m10s188ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m10s557ms (1) 098 -running
+45m11s208ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m11s559ms (1) 098 -running
+45m12s334ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m12s697ms (1) 098 -running
+45m13s359ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m13s714ms (1) 098 -running
+45m14s484ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m14s846ms (1) 098 -running
+45m15s504ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m15s866ms (1) 098 -running
+45m16s635ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m16s990ms (1) 098 -running
+45m17s658ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m18s019ms (1) 098 -running
+45m18s793ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m19s163ms (1) 098 -running
+45m19s806ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m20s177ms (1) 098 -running
+45m20s937ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m21s324ms (1) 098 -running
+45m21s967ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m22s336ms (1) 098 -running
+45m23s084ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m23s468ms (1) 098 -running
+45m24s112ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m24s464ms (1) 098 -running
+45m25s239ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m25s583ms (1) 098 -running
+45m26s258ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m26s626ms (1) 098 -running
+45m27s387ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m27s748ms (1) 098 -running
+45m28s411ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m28s768ms (1) 098 -running
+45m29s539ms (2) 098 charge=3633 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m29s917ms (1) 098 -running
+45m30s554ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m30s939ms (1) 098 -running
+45m31s694ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m32s048ms (1) 098 -running
+45m32s715ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m33s080ms (1) 098 -running
+45m33s839ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m34s217ms (1) 098 -running
+45m34s878ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m35s254ms (1) 098 -running
+45m35s991ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m36s332ms (1) 098 -running
+45m37s010ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m37s367ms (1) 098 -running
+45m38s137ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m38s509ms (1) 098 -running
+45m39s158ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m39s512ms (1) 098 -running
+45m40s284ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m40s648ms (1) 098 -running
+45m41s318ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m41s676ms (1) 098 -running
+45m42s436ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m42s812ms (1) 098 -running
+45m43s467ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m43s802ms (1) 098 -running
+45m44s582ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m44s927ms (1) 098 -running
+45m45s611ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m45s970ms (1) 098 -running
+45m46s739ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m47s104ms (1) 098 -running
+45m47s778ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m48s117ms (1) 098 -running
+45m48s886ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m49s266ms (1) 098 -running
+45m49s921ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m50s261ms (1) 098 -running
+45m51s036ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m51s406ms (1) 098 -running
+45m52s062ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m52s417ms (1) 098 -running
+45m53s197ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m53s550ms (1) 098 -running
+45m54s220ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m54s568ms (1) 098 -running
+45m55s339ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m55s702ms (1) 098 -running
+45m56s363ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m56s712ms (1) 098 -running
+45m57s496ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m57s854ms (1) 098 -running
+45m58s525ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m58s889ms (1) 098 -running
+45m59s643ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m00s003ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”unknown”
+46m00s670ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m01s008ms (1) 098 -running
+46m01s787ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m02s124ms (1) 098 -running
+46m02s811ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m03s180ms (1) 098 -running
+46m03s952ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m04s317ms (1) 098 -running
+46m04s966ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m05s321ms (1) 098 -running
+46m06s093ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m06s443ms (1) 098 -running
+46m07s118ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m07s469ms (1) 098 -running
+46m08s243ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m08s612ms (1) 098 -running
+46m09s264ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m09s642ms (1) 098 -running
+46m10s408ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m10s764ms (1) 098 -running
+46m11s422ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m11s778ms (1) 098 -running
+46m12s543ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m12s894ms (1) 098 -running
+46m13s559ms (2) 098 charge=3632 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m13s907ms (1) 098 -running
+46m14s695ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m15s073ms (1) 098 -running
+46m15s726ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m16s066ms (1) 098 -running
+46m16s845ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m17s206ms (1) 098 -running
+46m17s866ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m18s148ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+46m19s830ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+46m19s857ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+46m21s044ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m21s386ms (1) 098 -running
+46m22s067ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m22s433ms (1) 098 -running
+46m23s192ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m23s564ms (1) 098 -running
+46m24s217ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m24s560ms (1) 098 -running
+46m25s344ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m25s692ms (1) 098 -running
+46m26s362ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m26s737ms (1) 098 -running
+46m27s500ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m27s874ms (1) 098 -running
+46m28s518ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m28s874ms (1) 098 -running
+46m29s649ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m30s034ms (1) 098 -running
+46m30s672ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m31s021ms (1) 098 -running
+46m31s794ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m32s285ms (1) 098 -running
+46m32s821ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m33s193ms (1) 098 -running
+46m33s939ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+46m34s287ms (1) 098 -running
+46m34s974ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m35s308ms (1) 098 -running
+46m36s095ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m36s466ms (1) 098 -running
+46m37s121ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m37s479ms (1) 098 -running
+46m38s250ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m38s598ms (1) 098 -running
+46m39s270ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m39s627ms (1) 098 -running
+46m40s399ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m40s757ms (1) 098 -running
+46m41s419ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m41s773ms (1) 098 -running
+46m42s547ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m42s897ms (1) 098 -running
+46m43s570ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m43s933ms (1) 098 -running
+46m44s705ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m45s074ms (1) 098 -running
+46m45s725ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m46s064ms (1) 098 -running
+46m46s842ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m47s199ms (1) 098 -running
+46m47s877ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m48s234ms (1) 098 -running
+46m49s001ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m49s351ms (1) 098 -running
+46m50s025ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m50s396ms (1) 098 -running
+46m51s151ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m51s521ms (1) 098 -running
+46m52s176ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m52s552ms (1) 098 -running
+46m53s300ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m53s660ms (1) 098 -running
+46m54s335ms (2) 098 charge=3631 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m54s669ms (1) 098 -running
+46m55s449ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m55s788ms (1) 098 -running
+46m56s469ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m56s816ms (1) 098 -running
+46m57s602ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m57s939ms (1) 098 -running
+46m58s619ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m58s988ms (1) 098 -running
+46m59s752ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m00s103ms (1) 098 -running
+47m00s774ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m01s159ms (1) 098 -running
+47m01s905ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m02s266ms (1) 098 -running
+47m02s928ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m03s296ms (1) 098 -running
+47m04s053ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m04s436ms (1) 098 -running
+47m05s076ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m05s429ms (1) 098 -running
+47m06s205ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m06s560ms (1) 098 -running
+47m07s228ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m07s592ms (1) 098 -running
+47m08s360ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m08s717ms (1) 098 -running
+47m09s376ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m09s734ms (1) 098 -running
+47m10s504ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m10s862ms (1) 098 -running
+47m11s528ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m11s881ms (1) 098 -running
+47m12s656ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m13s009ms (1) 098 -running
+47m13s677ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m14s039ms (1) 098 -running
+47m14s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m15s179ms (1) 098 -running
+47m15s827ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m16s191ms (1) 098 -running
+47m16s962ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m17s337ms (1) 098 -running
+47m17s983ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m18s323ms (1) 098 -running
+47m19s104ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m19s459ms (1) 098 -running
+47m20s135ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m20s502ms (1) 098 -running
+47m21s256ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m21s612ms (1) 098 -running
+47m22s277ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m22s652ms (1) 098 -running
+47m23s409ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m23s757ms (1) 098 -running
+47m24s432ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m24s521ms (2) 098 temp=272 -running
+47m25s587ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m25s935ms (1) 098 -running
+47m26s588ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m27s091ms (1) 098 -running
+47m27s710ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m28s054ms (1) 098 -running
+47m28s828ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m29s182ms (1) 098 -running
+47m29s855ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m30s210ms (1) 098 -running
+47m30s981ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m31s321ms (1) 098 -running
+47m32s001ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m32s364ms (1) 098 -running
+47m33s142ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m33s530ms (1) 098 -running
+47m34s165ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m34s521ms (1) 098 -running
+47m35s284ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m35s642ms (1) 098 -running
+47m36s314ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m36s657ms (1) 098 -running
+47m37s438ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m37s796ms (1) 098 -running
+47m38s462ms (2) 098 charge=3630 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m38s819ms (1) 098 -running
+47m39s588ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m39s924ms (1) 098 -running
+47m40s605ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m40s976ms (1) 098 -running
+47m41s741ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m42s153ms (1) 098 -running
+47m42s762ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m43s105ms (1) 098 -running
+47m43s886ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m44s230ms (1) 098 -running
+47m44s908ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m45s284ms (1) 098 -running
+47m46s041ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m46s380ms (1) 098 -running
+47m47s060ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m47s412ms (1) 098 -running
+47m48s191ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m48s546ms (1) 098 -running
+47m49s213ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m49s300ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+47m49s300ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+47m49s310ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+47m49s311ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+47m49s312ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+47m50s338ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m50s684ms (1) 098 -running
+47m51s359ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m51s726ms (1) 098 -running
+47m52s496ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m52s881ms (1) 098 -running
+47m53s528ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m53s884ms (1) 098 -running
+47m54s651ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m54s998ms (1) 098 -running
+47m55s659ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m56s018ms (1) 098 -running
+47m56s793ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m57s137ms (1) 098 -running
+47m57s807ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m58s167ms (1) 098 -running
+47m58s939ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m59s291ms (1) 098 -running
+47m59s959ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m00s303ms (1) 098 -running
+48m01s088ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m01s475ms (1) 098 -running
+48m02s135ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m02s495ms (1) 098 -running
+48m03s242ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m03s603ms (1) 098 -running
+48m04s276ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m04s619ms (1) 098 -running
+48m05s387ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m05s745ms (1) 098 -running
+48m06s415ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m06s767ms (1) 098 -running
+48m07s544ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m07s909ms (1) 098 -running
+48m08s565ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m08s920ms (1) 098 -running
+48m09s692ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m10s030ms (1) 098 -running
+48m10s710ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m11s076ms (1) 098 -running
+48m11s841ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m12s204ms (1) 098 -running
+48m12s869ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m13s488ms (1) 098 -running
+48m14s002ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m14s378ms (1) 098 -running
+48m15s130ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m15s492ms (1) 098 -running
+48m16s145ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m16s488ms (1) 098 -running
+48m17s270ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m17s617ms (1) 098 -running
+48m18s291ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m18s696ms (1) 098 -running
+48m19s438ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m19s788ms (1) 098 -running
+48m20s443ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m20s799ms (1) 098 -running
+48m21s566ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m21s944ms (1) 098 -running
+48m22s607ms (2) 098 charge=3629 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m22s878ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+48m23s725ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m24s083ms (1) 098 -running
+48m24s854ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m25s189ms (1) 098 -running
+48m25s867ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m26s227ms (1) 098 -running
+48m27s003ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m27s337ms (1) 098 -running
+48m28s017ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m28s370ms (1) 098 -running
+48m29s151ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m29s539ms (1) 098 -running
+48m30s174ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m30s544ms (1) 098 -running
+48m31s302ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m31s636ms (1) 098 -running
+48m32s316ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m32s684ms (1) 098 -running
+48m33s448ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m33s817ms (1) 098 -running
+48m34s473ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m34s822ms (1) 098 -running
+48m35s596ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m35s961ms (1) 098 -running
+48m36s629ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m37s007ms (1) 098 -running
+48m37s749ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m38s126ms (1) 098 -running
+48m38s768ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m39s129ms (1) 098 -running
+48m39s900ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m40s254ms (1) 098 -running
+48m40s930ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m41s303ms (1) 098 -running
+48m42s052ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m42s403ms (1) 098 -running
+48m43s072ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m43s418ms (1) 098 -running
+48m44s199ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m44s562ms (1) 098 -running
+48m45s222ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m45s578ms (1) 098 -running
+48m46s351ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m46s708ms (1) 098 -running
+48m47s374ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m47s760ms (1) 098 -running
+48m48s506ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m48s858ms (1) 098 -running
+48m49s529ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m49s885ms (1) 098 -running
+48m50s648ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m51s004ms (1) 098 -running
+48m51s670ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m51s971ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+48m52s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m53s154ms (1) 098 -running
+48m53s929ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m54s284ms (1) 098 -running
+48m54s948ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m55s314ms (1) 098 -running
+48m56s085ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m56s443ms (1) 098 -running
+48m57s111ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m57s390ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+48m59s062ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats”
+49m00s112ms (2) 098 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+49m01s407ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m01s763ms (1) 098 -running
+49m02s428ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m02s774ms (1) 098 -running
+49m03s557ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m03s925ms (1) 098 -running
+49m04s598ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m04s947ms (1) 098 -running
+49m05s712ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m06s084ms (1) 098 -running
+49m06s731ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m07s089ms (1) 098 -running
+49m07s860ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m08s268ms (1) 098 -running
+49m08s895ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m09s234ms (1) 098 -running
+49m10s003ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m10s348ms (1) 098 -running
+49m11s031ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+49m11s399ms (1) 098 -running
+49m12s177ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m12s555ms (1) 098 -running
+49m13s190ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m13s544ms (1) 098 -running
+49m14s305ms (2) 098 charge=3628 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m14s665ms (1) 098 -running
+49m15s332ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m15s690ms (1) 098 -running
+49m16s464ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m16s803ms (1) 098 -running
+49m17s477ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m17s837ms (1) 098 -running
+49m17s997ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m18s474ms (1) 098 -running
+49m18s608ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m18s954ms (1) 098 -running
+49m19s734ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m20s085ms (1) 098 -running
+49m20s760ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m21s109ms (1) 098 -running
+49m21s883ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m22s237ms (1) 098 -running
+49m22s911ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m23s239ms (1) 098 -running
+49m24s022ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m24s429ms (1) 098 -running
+49m25s076ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m25s433ms (1) 098 -running
+49m26s192ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m26s544ms (1) 098 -running
+49m27s209ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m27s592ms (1) 098 -running
+49m28s334ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m28s688ms (1) 098 -running
+49m29s361ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m29s706ms (1) 098 -running
+49m30s486ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m30s839ms (1) 098 -running
+49m31s515ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m31s911ms (1) 098 -running
+49m32s636ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m32s983ms (1) 098 -running
+49m33s661ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m34s034ms (1) 098 -running
+49m34s806ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m35s185ms (1) 098 -running
+49m35s822ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m36s191ms (1) 098 -running
+49m36s931ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m37s308ms (1) 098 -running
+49m37s976ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m38s315ms (1) 098 -running
+49m39s091ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m39s438ms (1) 098 -running
+49m40s113ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m40s471ms (1) 098 -running
+49m41s247ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m41s582ms (1) 098 -running
+49m42s259ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m42s612ms (1) 098 -running
+49m43s388ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m43s758ms (1) 098 -running
+49m44s407ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m44s781ms (1) 098 -running
+49m45s541ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m45s893ms (1) 098 -running
+49m46s567ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m46s924ms (1) 098 -running
+49m47s690ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m48s040ms (1) 098 -running
+49m48s717ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m49s072ms (1) 098 -running
+49m49s840ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m50s195ms (1) 098 -running
+49m50s865ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m51s205ms (1) 098 -running
+49m51s989ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m52s348ms (1) 098 -running
+49m53s016ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m53s371ms (1) 098 -running
+49m54s146ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m54s486ms (1) 098 -running
+49m55s163ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m55s446ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+49m57s208ms (1) 098 charge=3627 -running
+49m58s339ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m58s696ms (1) 098 -running
+49m59s371ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m59s714ms (1) 098 -running
+50m00s492ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m00s828ms (1) 098 -running
+50m01s512ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m01s868ms (1) 098 -running
+50m02s641ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m02s991ms (1) 098 -running
+50m03s665ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m04s046ms (1) 098 -running
+50m04s813ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m05s155ms (1) 098 -running
+50m05s814ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m06s184ms (1) 098 -running
+50m06s941ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m07s288ms (1) 098 -running
+50m07s964ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m08s311ms (1) 098 -running
+50m09s081ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m09s424ms (1) 098 -running
+50m10s111ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m10s491ms (1) 098 -running
+50m11s242ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m11s597ms (1) 098 -running
+50m12s268ms (2) 098 charge=3626 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m12s652ms (1) 098 -running
+50m13s393ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m13s790ms (1) 098 -running
+50m14s416ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m14s767ms (1) 098 -running
+50m15s539ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m15s895ms (1) 098 -running
+50m16s570ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m16s916ms (1) 098 -running
+50m17s695ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m18s047ms (1) 098 -running
+50m18s720ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m19s258ms (1) 098 -running
+50m19s848ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m20s244ms (1) 098 -running
+50m20s985ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m21s381ms (1) 098 -running
+50m21s998ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m22s361ms (1) 098 -running
+50m23s124ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m23s500ms (1) 098 -running
+50m24s139ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m24s515ms (1) 098 -running
+50m25s275ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m25s618ms (1) 098 -running
+50m26s293ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m26s655ms (1) 098 -running
+50m27s422ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m27s780ms (1) 098 -running
+50m28s438ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m28s799ms (1) 098 -running
+50m29s558ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m29s915ms (1) 098 -running
+50m30s590ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m30s955ms (1) 098 -running
+50m31s733ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m32s070ms (1) 098 -running
+50m32s738ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m33s101ms (1) 098 -running
+50m33s876ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m34s236ms (1) 098 -running
+50m34s894ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m35s251ms (1) 098 -running
+50m36s023ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m36s373ms (1) 098 -running
+50m37s048ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m37s422ms (1) 098 -running
+50m38s179ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m38s536ms (1) 098 -running
+50m39s199ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m39s558ms (1) 098 -running
+50m40s327ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m40s657ms (1) 098 -running
+50m41s343ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m41s697ms (1) 098 -running
+50m42s474ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m42s832ms (1) 098 -running
+50m43s499ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m43s861ms (1) 098 -running
+50m44s627ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m44s978ms (1) 098 -running
+50m45s643ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m45s990ms (1) 098 -running
+50m46s775ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m47s113ms (1) 098 -running
+50m47s796ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m48s147ms (1) 098 -running
+50m48s921ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m49s265ms (1) 098 -running
+50m49s948ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m50s318ms (1) 098 -running
+50m51s089ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m51s444ms (1) 098 -running
+50m52s106ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m52s443ms (1) 098 -running
+50m53s225ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m53s554ms (1) 098 -running
+50m54s239ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m54s597ms (1) 098 -running
+50m55s375ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m55s784ms (1) 098 -running
+50m56s401ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m56s784ms (1) 098 -running
+50m57s532ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m57s876ms (1) 098 -running
+50m58s551ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m58s901ms (1) 098 -running
+50m59s677ms (2) 098 charge=3625 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m00s076ms (1) 098 -running
+51m00s710ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m01s062ms (1) 098 -running
+51m01s831ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m02s189ms (1) 098 -running
+51m02s858ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m03s214ms (1) 098 -running
+51m03s979ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m04s319ms (1) 098 -running
+51m04s999ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m05s523ms (1) 098 -running
+51m06s125ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m06s516ms (1) 098 -running
+51m07s250ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m07s602ms (1) 098 -running
+51m08s279ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m08s678ms (1) 098 -running
+51m09s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m09s761ms (1) 098 -running
+51m10s430ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m10s769ms (1) 098 -running
+51m11s554ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m11s913ms (1) 098 -running
+51m12s582ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m12s942ms (1) 098 -running
+51m13s714ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m14s060ms (1) 098 -running
+51m14s731ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m15s089ms (1) 098 -running
+51m15s861ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m16s207ms (1) 098 -running
+51m16s877ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m17s289ms (1) 098 -running
+51m18s026ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m18s296ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+51m19s848ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+51m19s851ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+51m19s858ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”walarm:com.heytap.mcs.action”
+51m20s959ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+51m21s069ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm” wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+51m21s579ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+51m22s206ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=1000:”sau:sau_query_app” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m25s335ms (2) 098 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+51m28s233ms (1) 098 charge=3624
+51m34s065ms (2) 098 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+51m39s074ms (2) 098 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+51m39s709ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m40s042ms (1) 098 -running
+51m40s837ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m41s179ms (1) 098 -running
+51m41s858ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m42s444ms (1) 098 -running
+51m42s982ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m44s005ms (1) 098 -running
+51m44s113ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m44s463ms (1) 098 -running
+51m44s822ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m45s474ms (1) 098 -running
+51m46s267ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m46s610ms (1) 098 -running
+51m47s289ms (2) 098 charge=3623 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m47s555ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+51m48s409ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m48s940ms (1) 098 -running
+51m49s538ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+51m49s877ms (1) 098 -running
+51m50s671ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m51s129ms (1) 098 -running
+51m51s690ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m52s025ms (1) 098 -running
+51m52s817ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m53s381ms (1) 098 -running
+51m53s835ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m54s091ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+51m54s956ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m56s095ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m56s592ms (1) 098 -running
+51m57s117ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m57s734ms (1) 098 -running
+51m58s245ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m58s578ms (1) 098 -running
+51m59s371ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m59s751ms (1) 098 -running
+52m00s093ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m00s609ms (1) 098 -running
+52m01s413ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m02s440ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m03s571ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m03s924ms (1) 098 -running
+52m04s593ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m05s222ms (1) 098 -running
+52m05s726ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m06s045ms (1) 098 -running
+52m06s838ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m07s187ms (1) 098 -running
+52m07s877ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m08s397ms (1) 098 -running
+52m08s696ms (2) 098 charge=3622 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m09s257ms (1) 098 -running
+52m10s025ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m10s744ms (1) 098 -running
+52m10s769ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m11s635ms (1) 098 -running
+52m12s065ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m12s643ms (1) 098 -running
+52m13s194ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m13s528ms (1) 098 -running
+52m14s323ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m14s601ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+52m14s931ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+52m16s368ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m16s700ms (1) 098 -running
+52m17s395ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m17s696ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+52m18s522ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m18s969ms (1) 098 -running
+52m19s641ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m19s907ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+52m20s669ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m21s263ms (1) 098 -running
+52m21s824ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m22s190ms (1) 098 -running
+52m22s948ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m23s422ms (1) 098 -running
+52m23s957ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m24s334ms (1) 098 -running
+52m25s079ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m25s433ms (1) 098 -running
+52m26s107ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m26s476ms (1) 098 -running
+52m27s231ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m27s581ms (1) 098 -running
+52m28s254ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m28s597ms (1) 098 -running
+52m29s376ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m29s731ms (1) 098 -running
+52m30s401ms (2) 098 charge=3621 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m30s773ms (1) 098 -running
+52m31s532ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m31s870ms (1) 098 -running
+52m32s550ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m32s915ms (1) 098 -running
+52m33s685ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m34s042ms (1) 098 -running
+52m34s705ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m35s036ms (1) 098 -running
+52m35s824ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m36s188ms (1) 098 -running
+52m36s848ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m37s210ms (1) 098 -running
+52m37s985ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m38s368ms (1) 098 -running
+52m39s006ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m39s359ms (1) 098 -running
+52m40s128ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m40s474ms (1) 098 -running
+52m41s156ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m41s519ms (1) 098 -running
+52m42s285ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m42s664ms (1) 098 -running
+52m43s328ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m43s667ms (1) 098 -running
+52m44s429ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m44s763ms (1) 098 -running
+52m45s449ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m45s813ms (1) 098 -running
+52m46s588ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m46s923ms (1) 098 -running
+52m47s604ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m47s952ms (1) 098 -running
+52m48s737ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m49s091ms (1) 098 -running
+52m49s760ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m50s104ms (1) 098 -running
+52m50s883ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m51s300ms (1) 098 -running
+52m51s914ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m52s258ms (1) 098 -running
+52m53s034ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m53s421ms (1) 098 -running
+52m54s068ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m54s420ms (1) 098 -running
+52m55s182ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m55s525ms (1) 098 -running
+52m56s219ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m56s603ms (1) 098 -running
+52m57s347ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m57s698ms (1) 098 -running
+52m58s364ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m58s717ms (1) 098 -running
+52m59s495ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m59s843ms (1) 098 -running
+53m00s514ms (2) 098 charge=3620 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m00s874ms (1) 098 -running
+53m01s645ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m02s008ms (1) 098 -running
+53m02s681ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m03s015ms (1) 098 -running
+53m03s793ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m04s135ms (1) 098 -running
+53m04s821ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m05s184ms (1) 098 -running
+53m05s959ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m06s292ms (1) 098 -running
+53m06s968ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m07s421ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+53m09s139ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+53m10s253ms (2) 098 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+53m11s496ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m11s852ms (1) 098 -running
+53m12s606ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m12s962ms (1) 098 -running
+53m13s628ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m13s982ms (1) 098 -running
+53m14s757ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m15s109ms (1) 098 -running
+53m15s773ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m16s131ms (1) 098 -running
+53m16s905ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m17s267ms (1) 098 -running
+53m17s928ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m18s284ms (1) 098 -running
+53m19s055ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m19s412ms (1) 098 -running
+53m20s088ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m20s421ms (1) 098 -running
+53m20s893ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+53m21s479ms (1) 098 -running
+53m22s248ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m22s605ms (1) 098 -running
+53m23s244ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m23s633ms (1) 098 -running
+53m24s397ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m24s723ms (1) 098 -running
+53m25s399ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m25s749ms (1) 098 -running
+53m26s522ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m26s877ms (1) 098 -running
+53m27s544ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m27s813ms (3) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “ +job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+53m27s923ms (3) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”job/com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService” +job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+53m27s928ms (2) 098 -job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+53m27s956ms (2) 098 -running -wake_lock -job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+53m28s675ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m29s048ms (1) 098 -running
+53m29s809ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m30s142ms (1) 098 -running
+53m30s827ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m31s192ms (1) 098 -running
+53m31s954ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m32s302ms (1) 098 -running
+53m32s974ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m33s331ms (1) 098 -running
+53m34s104ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m34s466ms (1) 098 -running
+53m35s133ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m35s497ms (1) 098 -running
+53m36s266ms (2) 098 charge=3619 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m36s665ms (1) 098 -running
+53m37s287ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m37s643ms (1) 098 -running
+53m38s411ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m38s768ms (1) 098 -running
+53m39s431ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m39s811ms (1) 098 -running
+53m40s560ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m40s900ms (1) 098 -running
+53m41s572ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m41s930ms (1) 098 -running
+53m42s706ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+53m43s054ms (1) 098 -running
+53m43s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m44s125ms (1) 098 -running
+53m44s854ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m45s193ms (1) 098 -running
+53m45s878ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m46s222ms (1) 098 -running
+53m47s005ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m47s355ms (1) 098 -running
+53m48s030ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m48s402ms (1) 098 -running
+53m49s153ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m49s505ms (1) 098 -running
+53m50s185ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m50s525ms (1) 098 -running
+53m51s306ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m51s598ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+53m52s336ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m52s683ms (1) 098 -running
+53m53s459ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m53s814ms (1) 098 -running
+53m54s485ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m54s858ms (1) 098 -running
+53m55s622ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m55s986ms (1) 098 -running
+53m56s634ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m56s995ms (1) 098 -running
+53m57s764ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m58s108ms (1) 098 -running
+53m58s781ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53m59s148ms (1) 098 -running
+53m59s914ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m00s268ms (1) 098 -running
+54m00s939ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m01s326ms (1) 098 -running
+54m02s088ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m02s464ms (1) 098 -running
+54m03s089ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m03s477ms (1) 098 -running
+54m04s214ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m04s600ms (1) 098 -running
+54m05s238ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m05s594ms (1) 098 -running
+54m06s358ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m06s706ms (1) 098 -running
+54m07s379ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m07s735ms (1) 098 -running
+54m08s512ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m08s875ms (1) 098 -running
+54m09s540ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m09s899ms (1) 098 -running
+54m10s667ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m11s028ms (1) 098 -running
+54m11s684ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m12s043ms (1) 098 -running
+54m12s820ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m13s152ms (1) 098 -running
+54m13s829ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m14s172ms (1) 098 -running
+54m14s961ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m15s306ms (1) 098 -running
+54m15s991ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m16s330ms (1) 098 -running
+54m17s110ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m17s469ms (1) 098 -running
+54m18s145ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m18s523ms (1) 098 -running
+54m19s266ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m19s607ms (1) 098 -running
+54m20s289ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m20s580ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+54m21s413ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m21s773ms (1) 098 -running
+54m22s566ms (30) TIME: 2020-12-16-19-06-00
+54m22s549ms (4) 098 wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m23s567ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m23s920ms (1) 098 -running
+54m24s692ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m25s074ms (1) 098 -running
+54m25s719ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m26s084ms (1) 098 -running
+54m26s842ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m27s197ms (1) 098 -running
+54m27s864ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m28s260ms (1) 098 -running
+54m28s997ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m29s360ms (1) 098 -running
+54m30s011ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m30s368ms (1) 098 -running
+54m31s145ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m31s479ms (1) 098 -running
+54m32s158ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m32s542ms (1) 098 -running
+54m33s299ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m33s641ms (1) 098 -running
+54m34s314ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m34s699ms (1) 098 -running
+54m35s450ms (2) 098 charge=3618 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m35s806ms (1) 098 -running
+54m36s469ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m36s826ms (1) 098 -running
+54m37s604ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m37s949ms (1) 098 -running
+54m38s619ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m38s990ms (1) 098 -running
+54m39s744ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m40s091ms (1) 098 -running
+54m40s767ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m41s107ms (1) 098 -running
+54m41s896ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m42s256ms (1) 098 -running
+54m42s920ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m43s276ms (1) 098 -running
+54m44s053ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m44s390ms (1) 098 -running
+54m45s061ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m45s416ms (1) 098 -running
+54m46s200ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m46s555ms (1) 098 -running
+54m47s219ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m47s577ms (1) 098 -running
+54m48s352ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m48s706ms (1) 098 -running
+54m49s377ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m49s761ms (1) 098 -running
+54m50s508ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m50s869ms (1) 098 -running
+54m51s523ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m51s880ms (1) 098 -running
+54m52s655ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m52s919ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+54m53s682ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m54s059ms (1) 098 -running
+54m54s816ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m55s194ms (1) 098 -running
+54m55s829ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m56s188ms (1) 098 -running
+54m56s947ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m57s325ms (1) 098 -running
+54m57s980ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m58s349ms (1) 098 -running
+54m59s105ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+54m59s477ms (1) 098 -running
+55m00s125ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m00s476ms (1) 098 -running
+55m01s252ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m01s618ms (1) 098 -running
+55m02s266ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m02s632ms (1) 098 -running
+55m03s409ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m03s761ms (1) 098 -running
+55m04s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m04s763ms (1) 098 -running
+55m05s552ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m05s925ms (1) 098 -running
+55m06s564ms (2) 098 charge=3617 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m06s920ms (1) 098 -running
+55m07s700ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m08s055ms (1) 098 -running
+55m08s723ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m09s097ms (1) 098 -running
+55m09s853ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m10s195ms (1) 098 -running
+55m10s872ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m11s254ms (1) 098 -running
+55m12s004ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m12s354ms (1) 098 -running
+55m13s021ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m13s414ms (1) 098 -running
+55m14s156ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m14s514ms (1) 098 -running
+55m15s176ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m15s553ms (1) 098 -running
+55m16s305ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m16s647ms (1) 098 -running
+55m17s328ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m17s693ms (1) 098 -running
+55m18s467ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m18s875ms (1) 098 -running
+55m19s495ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m19s840ms (1) 098 -running
+55m20s609ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m20s952ms (1) 098 -running
+55m21s627ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m21s983ms (1) 098 -running
+55m22s758ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m23s100ms (1) 098 -running
+55m23s771ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m24s130ms (1) 098 -running
+55m24s915ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m25s273ms (1) 098 -running
+55m25s927ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m26s272ms (1) 098 -running
+55m27s058ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m27s417ms (1) 098 -running
+55m28s080ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m28s436ms (1) 098 -running
+55m29s213ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m29s549ms (1) 098 -running
+55m30s220ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m30s584ms (1) 098 -running
+55m31s361ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m31s706ms (1) 098 -running
+55m32s380ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m32s737ms (1) 098 -running
+55m33s512ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m33s871ms (1) 098 -running
+55m34s527ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m34s876ms (1) 098 -running
+55m35s655ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m36s064ms (1) 098 -running
+55m36s695ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m36s982ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+55m37s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m38s195ms (1) 098 -running
+55m38s949ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m39s320ms (1) 098 -running
+55m39s961ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m40s300ms (1) 098 -running
+55m41s083ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m41s453ms (1) 098 -running
+55m42s110ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m42s506ms (1) 098 -running
+55m43s237ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m43s584ms (1) 098 -running
+55m44s254ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m44s639ms (1) 098 -running
+55m45s386ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m45s722ms (1) 098 -running
+55m46s404ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m46s762ms (1) 098 -running
+55m47s537ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m47s890ms (1) 098 -running
+55m48s561ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m48s907ms (1) 098 -running
+55m49s685ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m50s055ms (1) 098 -running
+55m50s703ms (2) 098 charge=3616 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m51s063ms (1) 098 -running
+55m51s839ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m52s209ms (1) 098 -running
+55m52s867ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m53s221ms (1) 098 -running
+55m53s988ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m54s366ms (1) 098 -running
+55m55s013ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m55s348ms (1) 098 -running
+55m56s135ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m56s467ms (1) 098 -running
+55m57s146ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m57s606ms (1) 098 -running
+55m58s292ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m58s666ms (1) 098 -running
+55m59s310ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+55m59s669ms (1) 098 -running
+56m00s447ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m00s784ms (1) 098 -running
+56m01s459ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m01s818ms (1) 098 -running
+56m02s596ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m02s948ms (1) 098 -running
+56m03s610ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m04s002ms (1) 098 -running
+56m04s741ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m05s094ms (1) 098 -running
+56m05s765ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m06s117ms (1) 098 -running
+56m06s887ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m07s251ms (1) 098 -running
+56m07s917ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m08s291ms (1) 098 -running
+56m09s031ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m09s386ms (1) 098 -running
+56m10s052ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m10s411ms (1) 098 -running
+56m11s191ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m11s551ms (1) 098 -running
+56m12s208ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m12s552ms (1) 098 -running
+56m13s335ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m13s671ms (1) 098 -running
+56m14s349ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m14s707ms (1) 098 -running
+56m15s487ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m15s824ms (1) 098 -running
+56m16s504ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m16s877ms (1) 098 -running
+56m17s634ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m17s923ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+56m19s833ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+56m19s877ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+56m19s879ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats”
+56m19s893ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+56m20s709ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m21s069ms (1) 098 -running
+56m21s733ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m22s070ms (1) 098 -running
+56m22s845ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m23s226ms (1) 098 -running
+56m23s897ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m24s239ms (1) 098 -running
+56m25s009ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m25s348ms (1) 098 -running
+56m26s030ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m26s385ms (1) 098 -running
+56m27s161ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m27s500ms (1) 098 -running
+56m28s178ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m28s548ms (1) 098 -running
+56m29s313ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m29s704ms (1) 098 -running
+56m30s345ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m30s692ms (1) 098 -running
+56m31s456ms (2) 098 charge=3615 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m31s734ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+56m32s481ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m32s849ms (1) 098 -running
+56m33s609ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m33s954ms (1) 098 -running
+56m34s625ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+56m34s987ms (1) 098 -running
+56m35s752ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m36s133ms (1) 098 -running
+56m36s782ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m37s173ms (1) 098 -running
+56m37s917ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m38s381ms (1) 098 -running
+56m38s931ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m39s285ms (1) 098 -running
+56m40s056ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m40s408ms (1) 098 -running
+56m41s087ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m41s456ms (1) 098 -running
+56m42s205ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m42s572ms (1) 098 -running
+56m43s231ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m43s589ms (1) 098 -running
+56m44s360ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m44s714ms (1) 098 -running
+56m45s381ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m45s743ms (1) 098 -running
+56m46s512ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m46s892ms (1) 098 -running
+56m47s539ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m47s898ms (1) 098 -running
+56m48s662ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m49s015ms (1) 098 -running
+56m49s678ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m50s059ms (1) 098 -running
+56m50s811ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m51s156ms (1) 098 -running
+56m51s838ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m52s200ms (1) 098 -running
+56m52s969ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m53s335ms (1) 098 -running
+56m53s996ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m54s348ms (1) 098 -running
+56m55s110ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m55s452ms (1) 098 -running
+56m56s133ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m56s494ms (1) 098 -running
+56m57s268ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m57s626ms (1) 098 -running
+56m58s291ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m58s645ms (1) 098 -running
+56m59s416ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56m59s800ms (1) 098 -running
+57m00s435ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m00s797ms (1) 098 -running
+57m01s570ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m01s922ms (1) 098 -running
+57m02s584ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m02s952ms (1) 098 -running
+57m03s716ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m04s071ms (1) 098 -running
+57m04s739ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m05s083ms (1) 098 -running
+57m05s866ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m06s234ms (1) 098 -running
+57m06s897ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m07s251ms (1) 098 -running
+57m08s012ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m08s361ms (1) 098 -running
+57m09s037ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m09s413ms (1) 098 -running
+57m10s172ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m10s539ms (1) 098 -running
+57m11s190ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m11s537ms (1) 098 -running
+57m12s314ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m12s688ms (1) 098 -running
+57m13s344ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m13s710ms (1) 098 -running
+57m14s469ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m14s773ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+57m15s497ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m15s824ms (1) 098 -running
+57m16s602ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m16s962ms (1) 098 -running
+57m17s642ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m17s929ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+57m19s285ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+57m20s316ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+57m20s919ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m21s288ms (1) 098 -running
+57m22s044ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m22s398ms (1) 098 -running
+57m23s063ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m23s428ms (1) 098 -running
+57m24s203ms (2) 098 charge=3614 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m24s561ms (1) 098 -running
+57m25s226ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m25s586ms (1) 098 -running
+57m26s355ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m26s742ms (1) 098 -running
+57m27s368ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m27s724ms (1) 098 -running
+57m28s493ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m28s846ms (1) 098 -running
+57m29s519ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m29s860ms (1) 098 -running
+57m30s637ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m30s994ms (1) 098 -running
+57m31s666ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m32s001ms (1) 098 -running
+57m32s786ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+57m33s144ms (1) 098 -running
+57m33s810ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m34s184ms (1) 098 -running
+57m34s945ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m35s301ms (1) 098 -running
+57m35s970ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m36s332ms (1) 098 -running
+57m37s095ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m37s469ms (1) 098 -running
+57m38s136ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m38s474ms (1) 098 -running
+57m38s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m39s242ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m40s371ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m40s726ms (1) 098 -running
+57m41s388ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m41s725ms (1) 098 -running
+57m42s518ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m42s905ms (1) 098 -running
+57m43s548ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m43s893ms (1) 098 -running
+57m44s672ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m45s032ms (1) 098 -running
+57m45s703ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m46s058ms (1) 098 -running
+57m46s826ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m47s168ms (1) 098 -running
+57m47s850ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m48s212ms (1) 098 -running
+57m48s984ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m49s308ms (1) 098 -running
+57m49s989ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m50s346ms (1) 098 -running
+57m51s123ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m51s480ms (1) 098 -running
+57m52s148ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m52s498ms (1) 098 -running
+57m53s277ms (2) 098 charge=3613 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m53s635ms (1) 098 -running
+57m54s299ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m54s653ms (1) 098 -running
+57m55s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m55s785ms (1) 098 -running
+57m56s453ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m56s830ms (1) 098 -running
+57m57s572ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m57s931ms (1) 098 -running
+57m58s598ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57m58s966ms (1) 098 -running
+57m59s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m00s085ms (1) 098 -running
+58m00s750ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m01s131ms (1) 098 -running
+58m01s882ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m02s238ms (1) 098 -running
+58m02s897ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m03s403ms (1) 098 -running
+58m04s023ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m04s398ms (1) 098 -running
+58m05s155ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m05s495ms (1) 098 -running
+58m06s178ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m06s554ms (1) 098 -running
+58m07s311ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m07s656ms (1) 098 -running
+58m08s325ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m08s720ms (1) 098 -running
+58m09s463ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m09s806ms (1) 098 -running
+58m10s479ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m10s850ms (1) 098 -running
+58m11s600ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m11s952ms (1) 098 -running
+58m12s632ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m12s966ms (1) 098 -running
+58m13s753ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m14s097ms (1) 098 -running
+58m14s777ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m15s113ms (1) 098 -running
+58m15s900ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m16s273ms (1) 098 -running
+58m16s944ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m17s307ms (1) 098 -running
+58m18s066ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m18s415ms (1) 098 -running
+58m19s077ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m19s433ms (1) 098 -running
+58m20s209ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m20s554ms (1) 098 -running
+58m21s234ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m21s593ms (1) 098 -running
+58m22s353ms (2) 098 charge=3612 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m22s699ms (1) 098 -running
+58m23s376ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m23s748ms (1) 098 -running
+58m24s513ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m24s910ms (1) 098 -running
+58m25s549ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m25s892ms (1) 098 -running
+58m26s658ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m27s013ms (1) 098 -running
+58m27s680ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m28s026ms (1) 098 -running
+58m28s812ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m29s192ms (1) 098 -running
+58m29s832ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m30s212ms (1) 098 -running
+58m30s959ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m31s331ms (1) 098 -running
+58m31s999ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m32s334ms (1) 098 -running
+58m33s109ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m33s462ms (1) 098 -running
+58m34s134ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m34s468ms (1) 098 -running
+58m35s253ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m35s601ms (1) 098 -running
+58m36s282ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m36s615ms (1) 098 -running
+58m37s400ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m37s767ms (1) 098 -running
+58m38s436ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m38s818ms (1) 098 -running
+58m39s566ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m39s919ms (1) 098 -running
+58m40s580ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m40s949ms (1) 098 -running
+58m41s713ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m42s087ms (1) 098 -running
+58m42s736ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m43s076ms (1) 098 -running
+58m43s859ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m44s228ms (1) 098 -running
+58m44s884ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m45s236ms (1) 098 -running
+58m46s009ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m46s358ms (1) 098 -running
+58m47s028ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m47s402ms (1) 098 -running
+58m48s167ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m48s514ms (1) 098 -running
+58m49s189ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m49s797ms (1) 098 -running
+58m50s313ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m50s728ms (1) 098 -running
+58m51s439ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m51s790ms (1) 098 -running
+58m52s461ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m52s835ms (1) 098 -running
+58m53s593ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m53s928ms (1) 098 -running
+58m54s607ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m54s955ms (1) 098 -running
+58m55s739ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m56s097ms (1) 098 -running
+58m56s770ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m57s109ms (1) 098 -running
+58m57s892ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m58s229ms (1) 098 -running
+58m58s910ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58m59s251ms (1) 098 -running
+59m00s037ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m00s378ms (1) 098 -running
+59m01s061ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m01s404ms (1) 098 -running
+59m02s191ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m02s582ms (1) 098 -running
+59m03s234ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m03s617ms (1) 098 -running
+59m04s354ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m04s637ms (2) 098 charge=3611 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+59m06s863ms (1) 098 -running
+59m07s413ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m07s763ms (1) 098 -running
+59m08s539ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m08s879ms (1) 098 -running
+59m09s562ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m09s926ms (1) 098 -running
+59m10s689ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m11s055ms (1) 098 -running
+59m11s723ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m12s109ms (1) 098 -running
+59m12s856ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m13s191ms (1) 098 -running
+59m13s863ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m14s225ms (1) 098 -running
+59m14s995ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m15s369ms (1) 098 -running
+59m16s011ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m16s371ms (1) 098 -running
+59m17s141ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m17s521ms (1) 098 -running
+59m18s165ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m18s500ms (1) 098 -running
+59m19s285ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m19s643ms (1) 098 -running
+59m20s315ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m20s658ms (1) 098 -running
+59m21s441ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m21s822ms (1) 098 -running
+59m22s464ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m22s827ms (1) 098 -running
+59m23s598ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m23s939ms (1) 098 -running
+59m24s614ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m24s955ms (1) 098 -running
+59m25s741ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m26s102ms (1) 098 -running
+59m26s768ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m27s125ms (1) 098 -running
+59m27s901ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m28s242ms (1) 098 -running
+59m28s918ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m29s280ms (1) 098 -running
+59m30s055ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m30s414ms (1) 098 -running
+59m31s073ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m31s635ms (1) 098 -running
+59m32s197ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m32s557ms (1) 098 -running
+59m33s325ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m33s698ms (1) 098 -running
+59m34s347ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m34s713ms (1) 098 -running
+59m35s480ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m35s856ms (1) 098 -running
+59m36s501ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m36s839ms (1) 098 -running
+59m37s621ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m37s979ms (1) 098 -running
+59m38s645ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m38s993ms (1) 098 -running
+59m39s770ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m40s152ms (1) 098 -running
+59m40s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m41s163ms (1) 098 -running
+59m41s925ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m42s284ms (1) 098 -running
+59m42s951ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m43s350ms (1) 098 -running
+59m44s077ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m44s420ms (1) 098 -running
+59m45s089ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m45s449ms (1) 098 -running
+59m46s224ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m46s608ms (1) 098 -running
+59m47s256ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m47s628ms (1) 098 -running
+59m48s377ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m48s765ms (1) 098 -running
+59m49s403ms (2) 098 charge=3610 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m49s758ms (1) 098 -running
+59m50s524ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m50s886ms (1) 098 -running
+59m51s552ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m51s930ms (1) 098 -running
+59m52s682ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m53s039ms (1) 098 -running
+59m53s707ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m54s048ms (1) 098 -running
+59m54s822ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m55s123ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+59m57s261ms (1) 098 -running
+59m57s892ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m58s251ms (1) 098 -running
+59m58s920ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59m59s274ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m00s045ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m00s400ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m01s072ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m01s425ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m02s199ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m02s554ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m03s226ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m03s580ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m04s347ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m04s705ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m05s371ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m05s727ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m06s499ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m06s855ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m07s526ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m07s871ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m08s651ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m09s002ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m09s672ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m10s020ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m10s802ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m11s159ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m11s825ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m12s233ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m12s949ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m13s357ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m13s992ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m14s331ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m15s102ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m15s472ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m16s122ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m16s478ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m17s247ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m17s618ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m18s288ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m18s650ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m19s419ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m19s763ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m20s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m20s765ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m21s554ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m21s892ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m22s575ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m22s918ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m23s704ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m24s074ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m24s719ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m25s064ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m25s848ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m26s182ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m26s868ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m27s242ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m28s002ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m28s381ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m29s029ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m29s413ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m30s149ms (2) 098 charge=3609 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m30s441ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom-step-chg “
+1h00m31s172ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m31s526ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m32s301ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m32s661ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m33s331ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m33s702ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m34s459ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m34s827ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m35s480ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m35s836ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m36s612ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m36s972ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m37s633ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m38s038ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m38s765ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m39s105ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m39s780ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m40s166ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m40s921ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m41s327ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m41s953ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m42s329ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m43s073ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m43s441ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m44s099ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m44s463ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m45s210ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m45s562ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m46s233ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m46s582ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m47s359ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m47s717ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m48s382ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m48s737ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m49s516ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m49s854ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m50s528ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m50s874ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m51s654ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m52s033ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m52s687ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m53s043ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m53s812ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m54s154ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m54s834ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m55s178ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m55s959ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m56s315ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m56s988ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m57s355ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m58s114ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m58s467ms (1) 098 -running
+1h00m59s135ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h00m59s481ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m00s258ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m00s616ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m01s287ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m01s677ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m02s411ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m02s758ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m03s432ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m03s795ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m04s570ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m04s911ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m05s580ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m05s939ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m06s710ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m07s070ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m07s735ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m08s278ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m08s855ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m09s212ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m09s986ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m10s348ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m11s016ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m11s378ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m12s144ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m12s511ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m13s163ms (2) 098 charge=3608 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m13s422ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h01m14s292ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m14s659ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m15s419ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m15s772ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m16s444ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m16s813ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m17s573ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m17s849ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h01m19s836ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”walarm:com.heytap.mcs.action”
+1h01m19s900ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+1h01m19s954ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h01m21s022ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+1h01m21s660ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m22s170ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+1h01m22s793ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m23s151ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m23s915ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m24s287ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m24s934ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m25s283ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m26s068ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m26s430ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m27s099ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m27s373ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h01m28s665ms (3) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h01m30s379ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+1h01m31s283ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m31s658ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m32s312ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m32s693ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m33s435ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m33s784ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m34s462ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m34s813ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m35s585ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m35s981ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m36s623ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m36s963ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m37s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m38s079ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m38s754ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m39s110ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m39s888ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m40s237ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m40s908ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m41s285ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m42s034ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h01m42s395ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m43s065ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m43s434ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m44s199ms (2) 098 charge=3607 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m44s563ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m45s211ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m45s578ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m46s350ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m46s679ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m47s356ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m47s706ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m48s486ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m48s845ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m49s514ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m50s225ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m50s640ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m50s993ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m51s767ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m52s136ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m52s803ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m53s156ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m53s921ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m54s271ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m54s933ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m55s312ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m56s065ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m56s417ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m57s091ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m57s390ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+1h01m58s218ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m58s582ms (1) 098 -running
+1h01m59s343ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h01m59s692ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m00s364ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m00s737ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m01s494ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m01s855ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m02s521ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m02s879ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m03s644ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m03s993ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m04s665ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m05s017ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m05s794ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m06s156ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m06s819ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m07s181ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m07s948ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m08s324ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m08s968ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m09s340ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m10s110ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m10s498ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m11s120ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m11s452ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m12s244ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m12s622ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m13s267ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m13s658ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m14s398ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m14s757ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m15s417ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m15s779ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m16s552ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m16s911ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m17s573ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m17s927ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m18s697ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m19s077ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m19s729ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m20s123ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m20s852ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m21s201ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m21s872ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m22s254ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m23s019ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m23s360ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m24s020ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m24s379ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m25s151ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m25s500ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m26s178ms (2) 098 charge=3606 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m26s530ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m27s296ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m27s653ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m28s325ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m28s677ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m29s452ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m29s805ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m30s474ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m30s830ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m31s603ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m31s958ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m32s629ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m33s072ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m33s752ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m34s114ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m34s784ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m35s149ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m35s905ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m36s281ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m36s932ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m37s289ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m38s058ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m38s415ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m39s074ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m39s417ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m40s203ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m40s564ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m41s235ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m41s598ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m42s354ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m42s706ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m43s378ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m43s722ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m44s503ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m44s844ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m45s528ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m46s012ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m46s652ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m47s008ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m47s679ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m48s023ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m48s803ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m49s162ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m49s831ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m50s186ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m50s962ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m51s288ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m51s969ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m52s324ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m53s100ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m53s482ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m54s128ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m54s493ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m55s263ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m55s634ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m56s283ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m56s637ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m57s412ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m57s765ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m58s429ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m58s785ms (1) 098 -running
+1h02m59s557ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h02m59s894ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m00s577ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m00s913ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m01s699ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m02s043ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m02s730ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m03s075ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m03s856ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m04s189ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m04s871ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m05s229ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m06s011ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m06s382ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m07s033ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m07s381ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m08s158ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m08s527ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m09s184ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m09s531ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m10s309ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m10s660ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m11s327ms (2) 098 charge=3605 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m11s690ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m12s446ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m12s800ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m13s480ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m13s822ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m14s608ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m14s945ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m15s626ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m15s972ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m16s757ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m17s107ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m17s784ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m18s125ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m18s900ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m19s244ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m19s930ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m20s265ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m21s055ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m21s427ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m22s088ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m22s442ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m23s219ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m23s565ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m24s230ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m24s586ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m25s357ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m25s715ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m26s388ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m26s732ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m27s509ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m27s869ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m28s541ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m28s920ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m29s665ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m30s003ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m30s686ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m31s047ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m31s822ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m32s160ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m32s835ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m33s176ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m33s959ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m34s305ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m34s986ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m35s339ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m36s114ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m36s456ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m37s138ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m37s502ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m38s270ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m38s621ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m39s292ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m39s679ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m40s420ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m40s760ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m41s438ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m41s841ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m42s569ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m42s944ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m43s594ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m44s029ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m44s712ms (2) 098 charge=3604 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m45s060ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m45s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m46s092ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m46s867ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m47s224ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m47s893ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m48s256ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m49s026ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m49s366ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m50s035ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m50s397ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m51s170ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m51s545ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m52s188ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m52s546ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m53s325ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m53s661ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m54s337ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m54s699ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m55s470ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m55s815ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m56s490ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m56s864ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m57s620ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m57s958ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m58s637ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h03m59s024ms (1) 098 -running
+1h03m59s770ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m00s135ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m00s800ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m01s158ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m01s922ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m02s282ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m02s939ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m03s303ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m04s072ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m04s445ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m05s093ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m05s451ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m06s227ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m06s608ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m07s245ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m07s587ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m08s368ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m08s708ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m09s392ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m09s747ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m10s515ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m10s877ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m11s545ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m11s890ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m12s671ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m13s024ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m13s698ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m14s045ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m14s825ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m15s173ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m15s845ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m16s217ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m16s975ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m17s335ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m17s999ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m18s361ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m19s124ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m19s490ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m20s144ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m20s535ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m21s278ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m21s606ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m22s290ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m22s669ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m23s428ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m23s786ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m24s451ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m24s807ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m25s574ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m25s950ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m26s613ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m26s952ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m27s724ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m28s066ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m28s746ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m29s102ms (1) 098 -running
+1h04m29s867ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m30s087ms (2) 097 charge=3603
Details: cpu=390930u+249610s
/proc/stat=390080 usr, 216260 sys, 2630 io, 12030 irq, 11710 sirq, 364130 idle (63.5% of 2h 46m 8s 400ms), PlatformIdleStat Empty
, SubsystemPowerState Empty
+1h04m30s088ms (2) 097 -running stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h04m30s887ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m30s913ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h04m30s913ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+1h04m30s919ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h04m30s919ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h04m30s920ms (2) 097 -wake_lock stats=0:”get-stats”
+1h04m32s348ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m33s049ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m33s387ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m34s070ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m34s432ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m35s196ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m35s534ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m36s222ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m36s569ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m37s351ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m37s727ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m38s371ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m38s734ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m39s510ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m40s017ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m40s521ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m40s903ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m41s651ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m42s000ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m42s675ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m43s043ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m43s818ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m44s153ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m44s821ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m45s220ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m45s958ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m46s294ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m46s975ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m47s316ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m48s097ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m48s525ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m49s226ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m49s630ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m49s659ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m50s048ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m50s767ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m51s135ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m51s898ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m52s267ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m52s715ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m53s156ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m53s335ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m53s719ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h04m54s570ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m54s975ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m55s777ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m56s226ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m57s007ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m57s375ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m58s038ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m58s396ms (1) 097 -running
+1h04m59s166ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h04m59s517ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m00s184ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m00s452ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h05m01s621ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m01s982ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m02s749ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m03s104ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m03s254ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m03s997ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m04s791ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m05s139ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m05s921ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m06s293ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m06s950ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m07s316ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m08s071ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m08s446ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m09s100ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m09s433ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m10s218ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m10s562ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m11s243ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m11s594ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m12s371ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m12s758ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m13s414ms (2) 097 charge=3602 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m13s778ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m14s524ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m14s879ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m15s544ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m16s003ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m16s771ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m17s325ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m18s104ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m18s504ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m19s234ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m19s585ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m20s254ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m20s635ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m21s393ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m21s749ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m22s407ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m22s767ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m23s542ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m23s904ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m24s557ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m24s907ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m25s681ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m26s030ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m26s705ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m27s069ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m27s836ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m28s267ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m29s065ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m29s426ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m30s191ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m30s632ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m31s214ms (3) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”alarm:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” +tmpwhitelist=u0a156:”broadcast:u0a156:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT”
+1h05m31s368ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h05m32s331ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m32s678ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m33s359ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m33s722ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m34s497ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m34s835ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m35s514ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m35s859ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m36s642ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m36s996ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m37s667ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m37s950ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h05m39s416ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h05m40s442ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h05m40s629ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h05m41s026ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h05m41s969ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m42s639ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m42s780ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m43s168ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m43s191ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m43s627ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m43s915ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m44s312ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m44s627ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m45s033ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m45s352ms (2) 097 charge=3601 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m46s033ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m46s580ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m46s970ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h05m47s495ms (3) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”GCM_CONN_ALARM” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” -tmpwhitelist=u0a156:”broadcast:u0a156:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT”
+1h05m47s718ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h05m48s929ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m49s297ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m50s051ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m50s407ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m50s453ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”GCM_CONN_ALARM” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m51s559ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h05m52s203ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m52s574ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m52s916ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m53s311ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m53s843ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m54s285ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m55s068ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m55s422ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m56s196ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m56s593ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m57s221ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m57s586ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m58s345ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h05m58s664ms (1) 097 -running
+1h05m59s356ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h05m59s758ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m00s086ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m00s738ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m01s516ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m01s886ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m02s545ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m02s924ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m03s677ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m04s030ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m04s705ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m05s078ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m05s827ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m06s211ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m06s848ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m07s217ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m07s975ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m08s329ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m08s995ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m09s335ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m10s121ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m10s348ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h06m10s348ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h06m10s355ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h06m10s355ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h06m10s356ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h06m11s151ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m11s498ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m12s270ms (2) 097 charge=3600 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m12s627ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m13s298ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m13s649ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m14s425ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m14s774ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m15s445ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m15s822ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m16s581ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m16s947ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m17s600ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m17s888ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h06m19s830ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+1h06m19s872ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h06m20s774ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h06m21s144ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m21s792ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m22s162ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m22s925ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m23s289ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m23s949ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m24s306ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m24s975ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m25s373ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m25s994ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m26s038ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h06m26s039ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+1h06m26s043ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h06m26s044ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ stats=0:”dump”
+1h06m26s057ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h06m27s341ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m27s538ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m27s909ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m28s661ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m29s000ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m29s679ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m30s010ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m30s802ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m31s156ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m31s832ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m32s206ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m32s974ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m33s315ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m33s981ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m34s344ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m35s118ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m35s478ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m36s133ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m36s467ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+1h06m37s251ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h06m37s620ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m38s384ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m38s743ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m39s413ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m39s777ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m40s541ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m40s956ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m41s566ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m41s910ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m42s692ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m43s051ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m43s721ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m44s097ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m44s855ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m45s237ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m45s867ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m46s209ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m46s987ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m47s341ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m48s017ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m48s361ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m49s140ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m49s517ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m50s170ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m50s514ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m51s289ms (2) 097 charge=3599 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m51s647ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m52s316ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m52s656ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m53s442ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m53s778ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m54s458ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m54s807ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m55s594ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m55s955ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m56s618ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m57s102ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m57s743ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m58s095ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m58s762ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h06m59s127ms (1) 097 -running
+1h06m59s895ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m00s263ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m00s916ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m01s286ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m02s045ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m02s391ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m03s059ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m03s435ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m04s225ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m04s596ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m05s215ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m05s559ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m06s342ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m06s713ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m07s365ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m07s752ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m08s497ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m08s840ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m09s517ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m09s899ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m10s647ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m11s000ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m11s675ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m12s022ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m12s797ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m13s165ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m13s838ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m14s236ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m14s964ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m15s314ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m15s968ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m16s345ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m17s110ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m17s462ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m18s119ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m18s515ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m19s267ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m19s640ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m20s266ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m20s634ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m21s388ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m21s742ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m22s415ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m22s761ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m23s546ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m23s898ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m24s569ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m24s915ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m25s697ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m26s055ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m26s723ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m27s064ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m27s845ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m28s213ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m28s884ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m29s226ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m29s998ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m30s351ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m31s015ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m31s399ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m32s147ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m32s503ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m33s168ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m33s554ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m34s302ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m34s674ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m35s327ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m35s694ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m36s450ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m36s811ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m37s475ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m37s845ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m38s600ms (2) 097 charge=3598 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m38s957ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m39s626ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m39s965ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m40s747ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m41s075ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m41s764ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m42s122ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m42s899ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m43s273ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m43s922ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m44s283ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m45s059ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m45s427ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m46s072ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m46s423ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m47s196ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m47s537ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m48s219ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m48s583ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m49s350ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m49s721ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m50s383ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m50s749ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m51s499ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m51s881ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m52s533ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m52s912ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m53s654ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m53s992ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m54s672ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m55s164ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m55s797ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m56s149ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m56s824ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m57s206ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m57s977ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m58s345ms (1) 097 -running
+1h07m58s969ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h07m59s318ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m00s102ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m00s460ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m01s136ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m01s476ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m02s257ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m02s620ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m03s286ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m03s638ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m04s405ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m04s774ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m05s433ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m05s792ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m06s559ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m06s919ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m07s582ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m07s917ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m08s699ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m09s047ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m09s721ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m10s076ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m10s851ms (2) 097 charge=3597 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m11s251ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m11s900ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m12s254ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m13s004ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m13s352ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m14s029ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m14s398ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m15s176ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m15s503ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m16s175ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m16s516ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m17s301ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m17s665ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m18s329ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m18s690ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m19s462ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m19s821ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m20s483ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m20s879ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m21s610ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m21s963ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m22s631ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m22s990ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m23s762ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m24s130ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m24s787ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m25s144ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m25s910ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m26s255ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m26s932ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m27s293ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m28s068ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m28s436ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m29s077ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m29s449ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m30s211ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m30s562ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m31s236ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m31s607ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m32s361ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m32s728ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m33s392ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m33s743ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m34s514ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m34s875ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m35s538ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m35s899ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m36s664ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m37s021ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m37s684ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m38s042ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m38s811ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m39s155ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m39s835ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m40s237ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m40s982ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m41s323ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m41s982ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m42s340ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m43s114ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m43s465ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m44s134ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m44s502ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m45s270ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m45s650ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m46s310ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m46s669ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m47s413ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m47s809ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m48s452ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m48s792ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m49s564ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m49s914ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m50s585ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m50s962ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m51s709ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m52s064ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m52s737ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m53s118ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m53s864ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m54s220ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m54s893ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m55s278ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m56s019ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m56s348ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m57s031ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m57s424ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m58s164ms (2) 097 charge=3596 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m58s543ms (1) 097 -running
+1h08m59s185ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h08m59s536ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m00s318ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m00s687ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m01s339ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m01s700ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m02s473ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m02s811ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m03s487ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m03s835ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m04s614ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m04s993ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m05s657ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m06s025ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m06s765ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m07s111ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m07s790ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m08s144ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m08s922ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m09s262ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m09s940ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m10s308ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m11s071ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m11s428ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m12s098ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m12s435ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m13s217ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m13s560ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m14s240ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m14s599ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m15s368ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m15s763ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m16s390ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m16s746ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m17s522ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m17s925ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m18s557ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m18s914ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m19s687ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m20s040ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m20s695ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m21s049ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m21s821ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m22s159ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m22s843ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m23s207ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m23s966ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m24s325ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m24s999ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m25s335ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m26s117ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m26s496ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m27s161ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m27s531ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m28s293ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m28s644ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m29s295ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m29s647ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m30s422ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m30s773ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m31s442ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m31s815ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m32s584ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m32s937ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m33s599ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m33s958ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m34s727ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m35s064ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m35s744ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m36s111ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m36s876ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m37s253ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m37s898ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m38s257ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m39s023ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m39s377ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m40s049ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m40s399ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m41s177ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m41s533ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m42s199ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m42s548ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m43s327ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m43s676ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m44s349ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m44s689ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m45s469ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m45s810ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m46s496ms (2) 097 charge=3595 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m46s876ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m47s624ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m47s902ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h09m49s481ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h09m50s510ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h09m50s695ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m51s025ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m51s811ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m52s208ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m52s854ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m53s230ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m53s979ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m54s328ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m54s990ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m55s274ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+1h09m55s533ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h09m57s377ms (2) 097 -running stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h09m58s278ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m58s656ms (1) 097 -running
+1h09m59s301ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h09m59s652ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m00s426ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m00s812ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m01s450ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m01s794ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m02s574ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m02s940ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m03s603ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m03s976ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m04s722ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m05s084ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m05s751ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m06s111ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m06s876ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m07s256ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m07s901ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m08s277ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m09s028ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m09s369ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m10s048ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m10s541ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m11s179ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m11s534ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m12s203ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m12s570ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m13s331ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m13s698ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m14s351ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m14s733ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m15s483ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m15s835ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m16s503ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m16s846ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m17s628ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m17s991ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m18s654ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m19s024ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m19s798ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m20s157ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m20s818ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m21s172ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m21s928ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m22s299ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m22s952ms (2) 097 charge=3594 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m23s293ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m24s075ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m24s407ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m25s093ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m25s441ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m26s231ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m26s600ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m27s249ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m27s608ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m28s385ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m28s736ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m29s402ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m29s748ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m30s530ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m30s904ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m31s557ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m31s905ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m32s681ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m33s088ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m33s728ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m34s106ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m34s846ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m35s192ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m35s852ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m36s201ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m36s982ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m37s328ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m38s001ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m38s276ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h10m39s133ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m39s514ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m40s263ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m40s788ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m40s972ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m41s387ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m41s487ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m42s189ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m43s022ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m43s373ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m43s434ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m43s868ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m44s665ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m45s156ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m45s895ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m46s283ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m46s936ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m47s296ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m48s045ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m48s409ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m49s065ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m49s421ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m50s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m50s548ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m51s217ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m51s560ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m52s340ms (2) 097 charge=3593 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m52s698ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m53s368ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m53s724ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m54s488ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m54s837ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m55s515ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m55s886ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m56s643ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m56s974ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m57s659ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m58s136ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m58s905ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h10m59s260ms (1) 097 -running
+1h10m59s926ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m00s281ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m01s041ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m01s395ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m02s071ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m02s427ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m03s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m03s553ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m04s220ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m04s572ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m05s350ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m05s697ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m06s371ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m06s723ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m07s496ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m07s846ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m08s515ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m08s894ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m09s652ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m10s231ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m10s977ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m11s339ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m12s114ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m12s474ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m13s139ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m13s508ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m14s259ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m14s647ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m15s282ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m15s618ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m15s684ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m16s093ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m16s921ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m17s282ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m17s943ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m18s276ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h11m19s832ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”walarm:com.heytap.mcs.action”
+1h11m19s891ms (2) 097 -wake_lock +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h11m20s367ms (2) 097 -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h11m20s891ms (2) 097 +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h11m20s895ms (2) 097 -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h11m20s909ms (2) 097 +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h11m20s913ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=u0a65:”vibrator“ -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h11m21s965ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h11m23s484ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m24s192ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m24s551ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m25s219ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m25s575ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h11m26s339ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m26s697ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m27s469ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h11m27s841ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m28s497ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m28s872ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m29s621ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m29s986ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m30s642ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m30s991ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m31s762ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m32s136ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m32s787ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m33s155ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m33s911ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m34s420ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m34s939ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m35s318ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m36s074ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m36s552ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m37s095ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m37s449ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m38s216ms (2) 097 charge=3592 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m38s594ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m39s248ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m39s593ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m40s371ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m40s732ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m41s401ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m41s781ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m42s539ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m42s887ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m43s537ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m43s888ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m44s672ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m45s027ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m45s700ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m46s505ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m46s817ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m47s201ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m47s948ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m48s324ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m48s966ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m49s347ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m50s116ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m50s457ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m51s121ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m51s531ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m52s266ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m52s616ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m53s267ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m53s627ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m54s398ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m54s748ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m55s420ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m55s784ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m56s544ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m56s884ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m57s568ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m57s919ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m58s697ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h11m59s052ms (1) 097 -running
+1h11m59s723ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m00s076ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m00s851ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m01s196ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m01s259ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m01s641ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m01s877ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m02s255ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m02s999ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m03s348ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m04s022ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m04s374ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m05s148ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m05s509ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m06s176ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m06s558ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m07s302ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m07s677ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m08s323ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m08s700ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m09s454ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m09s808ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m10s475ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m10s826ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m11s599ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m11s953ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m12s614ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m12s987ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m13s760ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m14s130ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m14s770ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m15s135ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m15s904ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m16s259ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m16s926ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m17s284ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m18s059ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m18s403ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m19s077ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m19s462ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m20s217ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m20s553ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m21s224ms (2) 097 charge=3591 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m21s582ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m22s353ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m22s736ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m23s382ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m23s737ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m24s506ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m24s846ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m25s525ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m25s907ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m26s673ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m27s034ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m27s679ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m28s032ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m28s808ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m29s153ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m29s826ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m30s184ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m30s956ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m31s299ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m31s977ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m32s317ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m33s097ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m33s462ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m34s135ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m34s489ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m35s259ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m35s518ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h12m36s284ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m36s646ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m37s407ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m37s770ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m38s434ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m38s810ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m39s560ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m39s916ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m40s580ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m40s909ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m41s696ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m42s053ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m42s731ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m43s161ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m43s860ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m44s237ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m44s380ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m44s773ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m45s599ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m45s953ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m46s729ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m47s073ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m47s744ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m48s098ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m48s879ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m49s233ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m49s891ms (2) 097 charge=3590 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m50s242ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m51s019ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m51s368ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m51s741ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m52s135ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m52s357ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m52s736ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m53s582ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m53s940ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m54s102ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m54s551ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m55s335ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m55s833ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m56s683ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m57s022ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m57s680ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m58s039ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m58s397ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m58s796ms (1) 097 -running
+1h12m59s628ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h12m59s996ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m00s053ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m00s455ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m01s263ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m01s616ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m02s392ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m02s787ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m03s414ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m03s775ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m04s550ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m05s091ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m05s571ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m05s940ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m06s713ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m07s062ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m07s719ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m08s084ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m08s845ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m09s202ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m09s869ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m10s230ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m10s999ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m11s354ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m12s024ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m12s378ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m13s139ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m13s518ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m14s164ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m14s539ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m15s298ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m15s652ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m16s320ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m16s661ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m17s437ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m17s821ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m18s466ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m18s866ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m19s593ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m19s947ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m20s617ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m20s942ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m21s060ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m21s534ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m21s740ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m22s093ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m22s872ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m23s258ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m23s900ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m24s239ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m25s023ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m25s378ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m26s043ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m26s422ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m27s187ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m27s538ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m28s196ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m28s549ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m29s325ms (2) 097 charge=3589 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m29s674ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m30s346ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m30s726ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m31s482ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m31s835ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m32s493ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m32s847ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m33s621ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m33s971ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m34s645ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m35s002ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m35s775ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m35s992ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h13m35s993ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+1h13m36s001ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h13m36s001ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h13m36s003ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h13m36s006ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h13m36s024ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h13m36s024ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+1h13m36s030ms (2) 097 -wake_lock stats=0:”write”
+1h13m36s069ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h13m36s071ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h13m37s299ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m37s823ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m38s173ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m38s943ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m39s278ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m39s966ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m40s322ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m41s096ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m41s455ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m42s117ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m42s480ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m43s251ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m43s612ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m44s276ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m44s644ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m45s401ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m45s775ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m46s437ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m46s802ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m47s552ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m47s954ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m48s578ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h13m48s929ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m49s698ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m50s058ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m50s725ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m51s080ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m51s850ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m52s202ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m52s877ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m53s236ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m54s005ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m54s337ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m55s016ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m55s416ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m56s153ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m56s525ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h13m57s190ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m57s563ms (1) 097 -running
+1h13m58s310ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h13m58s583ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h14m00s634ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h14m01s375ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m01s885ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h14m02s400ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m02s744ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m03s525ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m03s811ms (2) 097 charge=3588 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h14m06s267ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h14m06s803ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h14m06s804ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h14m06s821ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h14m06s822ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h14m06s823ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h14m07s820ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m08s204ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m08s850ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m09s234ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m09s976ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m10s328ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m10s998ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m11s366ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m12s127ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m12s471ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m13s151ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m13s483ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down”
+1h14m14s276ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m14s642ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m15s410ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m15s766ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m16s427ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m16s787ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m17s558ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m17s912ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m18s576ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m18s940ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m19s706ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m20s124ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m20s732ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h14m21s218ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m21s854ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m22s214ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m22s876ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m23s229ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m24s002ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m24s362ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m25s028ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m25s387ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m26s162ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m26s525ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m27s186ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m27s456ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+1h14m28s303ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m28s644ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m29s431ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m29s815ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m30s459ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m30s814ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m31s583ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m31s939ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m32s607ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m32s976ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m33s741ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m34s123ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m34s767ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m35s109ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m35s881ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m36s292ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m36s923ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m37s303ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m38s057ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m38s404ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m39s061ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m39s417ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m40s187ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m40s515ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m41s198ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m41s611ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m42s352ms (2) 097 charge=3587 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m42s715ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m43s361ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m43s715ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m44s486ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m44s823ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m45s503ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m45s850ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m46s634ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m46s994ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m47s662ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m48s000ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m48s781ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m49s151ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m49s826ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m50s184ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m50s940ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m51s300ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m51s964ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m52s354ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m53s089ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m53s426ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m54s106ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m54s461ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m55s241ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m55s593ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m56s260ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m56s639ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m57s390ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m57s742ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m58s409ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m58s855ms (1) 097 -running
+1h14m59s542ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h14m59s878ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m00s559ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m00s924ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m01s685ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m02s051ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m02s718ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m03s076ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m03s841ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m04s193ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m04s862ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m05s237ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m05s992ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m06s342ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m07s012ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m07s408ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m08s154ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m08s496ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m09s164ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m09s503ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m10s289ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m10s632ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m11s313ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m11s676ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m12s450ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m12s812ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m13s472ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m13s827ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+1h15m14s606ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m14s952ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m15s718ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m16s072ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m16s744ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m17s088ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m17s866ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m18s249ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m18s892ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m19s261ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m20s020ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m20s389ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m21s043ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h15m21s080ms (2) 097 -running -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+1h15m22s168ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m22s521ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m23s291ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m23s640ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m24s318ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m24s674ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m25s447ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m25s803ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m26s470ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m26s823ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m27s598ms (2) 097 charge=3586 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m27s946ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m28s616ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m28s992ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m29s747ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m30s089ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m30s771ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m31s126ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m31s901ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m32s255ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m32s916ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m33s268ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m34s045ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m34s412ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m35s077ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m35s434ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m36s200ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m36s579ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m37s230ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m37s587ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m38s350ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m38s709ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m39s379ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m39s721ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m40s500ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m40s845ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m41s520ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m41s909ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m42s646ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m42s927ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h15m43s669ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m44s041ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m44s800ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m45s144ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m45s823ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m46s191ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m46s961ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m47s335ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m47s993ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m48s339ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m49s100ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m49s459ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m50s128ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m50s532ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m51s273ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m51s623ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m52s287ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m52s531ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h15m53s404ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m53s758ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m54s532ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m54s883ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m55s548ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m55s904ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m56s681ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m57s060ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m57s702ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m58s090ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m58s831ms (2) 097 charge=3585 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h15m59s183ms (1) 097 -running
+1h15m59s847ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m00s205ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m00s975ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m01s333ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m02s004ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m02s367ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m03s133ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m03s492ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m04s154ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m04s525ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m05s281ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m05s625ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m06s302ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m06s684ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m07s434ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m07s783ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m07s947ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m08s296ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m08s452ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m08s806ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m09s574ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m09s921ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m10s603ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m11s165ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m11s731ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m12s131ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m12s852ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m13s232ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m13s884ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m14s256ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m15s021ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m15s388ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m16s035ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m16s381ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m17s154ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m17s520ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m18s181ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m18s462ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h16m19s829ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:hans” +job=1000:”android/com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService”
+1h16m19s886ms (2) 097 +job=1000:”android/com.android.server.PruneInstantAppsJobService”
+1h16m19s895ms (2) 097 -wake_lock +job=1000:”android/com.android.server.net.watchlist.ReportWatchlistJobService”
+1h16m19s903ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”job/android/com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService” -job=1000:”android/com.android.server.net.watchlist.ReportWatchlistJobService”
+1h16m19s914ms (2) 097 -job=1000:”android/com.android.server.PruneInstantAppsJobService”
+1h16m19s942ms (2) 097 +job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+1h16m19s954ms (2) 097 -job=1000:”android/com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService”
+1h16m19s972ms (2) 097 -running -wake_lock -job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+1h16m21s457ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m21s823ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m22s489ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m22s862ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m23s610ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m23s965ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m24s639ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m24s991ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m25s755ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m26s109ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m26s782ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m27s160ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m27s909ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m28s242ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m28s926ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m29s310ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m30s071ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m30s410ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m31s082ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m31s428ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m32s211ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m32s550ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m33s230ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m33s584ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m34s357ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h16m34s714ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m35s387ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m35s756ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m36s509ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m36s862ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m37s540ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m37s891ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m38s659ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m39s015ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m39s686ms (2) 097 charge=3584 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m40s045ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m40s814ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m41s154ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m41s833ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m42s186ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m42s961ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m43s327ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m43s981ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m44s338ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m45s119ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m45s482ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m46s135ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m46s493ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m47s264ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m47s692ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m48s279ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m48s636ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m49s411ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m49s801ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m50s434ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m50s781ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m51s563ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m51s941ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m52s588ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m52s952ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m53s716ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m54s068ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m54s740ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m55s131ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m55s865ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m56s222ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m56s882ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m57s244ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m58s019ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m58s376ms (1) 097 -running
+1h16m59s042ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h16m59s403ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m00s168ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m00s528ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m01s189ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m01s576ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m02s321ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m02s674ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m03s339ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m03s697ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m04s469ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m04s841ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m05s494ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m05s869ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m06s617ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m06s975ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m07s642ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m08s001ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m08s769ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m09s131ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m09s793ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m10s152ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m10s924ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m11s283ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m11s948ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m12s309ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m13s081ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m13s452ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m14s107ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m14s473ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m15s222ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m15s584ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m16s254ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m16s590ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m17s365ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m17s726ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m18s403ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m18s760ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m19s523ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m19s889ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m20s544ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m20s906ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m21s676ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m22s035ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m22s700ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m23s070ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m23s821ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m24s192ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m24s846ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m25s224ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m25s978ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m26s338ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m27s005ms (2) 097 charge=3583 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m27s397ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m28s123ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m28s466ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m29s143ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m29s525ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m30s282ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m30s620ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m31s298ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m31s670ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m32s434ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m32s787ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m33s450ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m33s806ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m34s579ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m34s922ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m35s599ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m35s963ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m36s737ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m37s089ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m37s746ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m38s090ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m38s872ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m39s218ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m39s894ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m40s301ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m41s022ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m41s357ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m42s041ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m42s341ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+1h17m43s176ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m43s519ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m44s303ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m44s653ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m45s325ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m45s693ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m46s451ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m46s809ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m47s480ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m47s823ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m48s603ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m48s953ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m49s628ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m50s000ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m50s752ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m51s108ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m51s773ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m52s133ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m52s901ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m53s264ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m53s938ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m54s270ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m55s051ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m55s400ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m56s077ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m56s425ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m57s201ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m57s554ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m58s223ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m58s607ms (1) 097 -running
+1h17m59s363ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h17m59s710ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m00s370ms (2) 097 charge=3582 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m00s736ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m01s508ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m01s871ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m02s533ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m02s877ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m03s655ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m04s014ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m04s682ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m05s037ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m05s810ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m06s144ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m06s822ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m07s187ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m07s965ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m08s240ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h18m09s590ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h18m10s632ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h18m11s026ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m11s397ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m12s171ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m12s532ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m13s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m13s561ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m14s328ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m14s668ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m15s332ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m15s711ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m16s458ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m16s801ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m17s476ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m17s868ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m18s703ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m19s076ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m19s635ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m19s994ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m20s760ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m21s090ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m21s771ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h18m22s146ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m22s907ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m23s279ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m23s927ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m24s290ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m25s060ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m25s416ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m26s082ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m26s434ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m27s212ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m27s585ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m28s231ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m28s586ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m29s358ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m29s721ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m30s395ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m30s734ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m31s198ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m31s783ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m32s530ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m32s888ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m33s558ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m33s931ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m34s685ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m35s061ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m35s721ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m36s083ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m36s839ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m37s194ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m37s856ms (2) 097 charge=3581 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m38s309ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+1h18m38s988ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m39s342ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m40s115ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m40s464ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m41s133ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m41s492ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m42s265ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m42s646ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m43s285ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m43s614ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m44s399ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m44s777ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m45s428ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m45s801ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m46s559ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m46s918ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m47s585ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m47s953ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m48s712ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m49s061ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m49s734ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m50s117ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m50s869ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m51s218ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m51s886ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m52s261ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m53s014ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m53s370ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m54s035ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m54s409ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m55s179ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m55s547ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m56s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m56s557ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m57s315ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m57s702ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m58s339ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m58s692ms (1) 097 -running
+1h18m59s469ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h18m59s844ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m00s484ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m00s849ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m01s615ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m01s999ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m02s641ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m02s998ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m03s766ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m04s176ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m04s808ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m05s165ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m05s920ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m06s308ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m06s940ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m07s294ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m08s070ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m08s433ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m09s087ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m09s445ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m10s223ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m10s598ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m11s235ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m11s587ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m12s364ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m12s745ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m13s396ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m13s759ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m14s518ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m14s873ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m15s543ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m15s932ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m16s667ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m17s020ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m17s691ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m18s045ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m18s814ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m19s173ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m19s846ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m20s184ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m20s964ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m21s305ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m21s987ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m22s340ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m23s116ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m23s485ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m24s139ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m24s506ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m25s270ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m25s643ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m26s297ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m26s641ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m27s420ms (2) 097 charge=3580 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m27s792ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m28s445ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m28s811ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m29s569ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m29s926ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m30s593ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m30s945ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m31s719ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m32s074ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m32s750ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m33s121ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m33s870ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m34s217ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m34s892ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m35s254ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m36s026ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m36s383ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m37s046ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m37s403ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m38s176ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m38s517ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m39s196ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m39s556ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m40s331ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m40s669ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m41s346ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m41s702ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m42s471ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m42s859ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m43s518ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m43s891ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m44s623ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m44s979ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m45s651ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m46s007ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m46s774ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m47s129ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m47s795ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m48s159ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m48s930ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m49s304ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m49s948ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m50s299ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m51s075ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m51s468ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m52s102ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m52s459ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m53s224ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m53s585ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m54s258ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m54s597ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m55s376ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m55s666ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h19m57s782ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m58s547ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m58s900ms (1) 097 -running
+1h19m59s574ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h19m59s933ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m00s708ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m01s042ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m01s723ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m02s100ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m02s850ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m03s251ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m03s875ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m04s276ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m05s003ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m05s352ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m06s024ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m06s360ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m07s145ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m07s487ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m08s170ms (2) 097 charge=3579 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m08s431ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h20m09s298ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m09s659ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m10s430ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m10s807ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m11s448ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m11s822ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m12s590ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m12s939ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m13s604ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m13s979ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m14s745ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m15s090ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m15s752ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m16s111ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m16s880ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m17s238ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m17s902ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m18s249ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m19s027ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m19s383ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m20s054ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m20s414ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m21s185ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m21s562ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m22s203ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m22s553ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m23s330ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m23s684ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m24s352ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m24s710ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m25s483ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m25s879ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m26s506ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m26s853ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m27s633ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m27s991ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m28s660ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m29s021ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m29s795ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m30s143ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m30s807ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m31s164ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m31s936ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m32s307ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m32s955ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m33s301ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m34s081ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m34s437ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m35s108ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m35s458ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m36s235ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m36s599ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m37s253ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m37s600ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m38s379ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m38s730ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m39s399ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m39s735ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m40s526ms (2) 097 charge=3578 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m40s812ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+1h20m41s558ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m41s910ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m42s687ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m43s037ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m43s706ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m44s063ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m44s835ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m45s184ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m45s856ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m46s262ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m46s998ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m47s341ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m48s005ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m48s369ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m49s131ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m49s540ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m50s176ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m50s529ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m51s288ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m51s638ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m52s303ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m52s672ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m53s450ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m53s795ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m54s456ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m54s811ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m55s585ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m55s954ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m56s608ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m56s974ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m57s741ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m58s143ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m58s762ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h20m59s114ms (1) 097 -running
+1h20m59s886ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m00s238ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m00s912ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m01s282ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m02s039ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m02s382ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m03s062ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m03s417ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m04s191ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m04s577ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m05s206ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m05s548ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m06s335ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m06s694ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m07s363ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m07s721ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m08s498ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m08s869ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m09s524ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m09s910ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m10s661ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m11s005ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m11s663ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m11s927ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h21m12s795ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m13s150ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m13s917ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m14s261ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m14s936ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m15s324ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m16s073ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m16s428ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m17s093ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m17s462ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m18s216ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m18s504ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h21m19s835ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”walarm:com.heytap.mcs.action”
+1h21m19s880ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h21m21s287ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m21s685ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m22s317ms (2) 097 charge=3577 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m22s666ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m23s443ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m23s812ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m24s473ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m24s841ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m25s584ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m25s945ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m26s618ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m26s948ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m27s734ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m28s102ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m28s776ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m29s114ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m29s890ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m30s231ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m30s914ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m31s256ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m32s042ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m32s427ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m33s062ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m33s411ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m34s185ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h21m34s543ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m35s217ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m35s573ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m36s347ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m36s704ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m37s365ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m37s705ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h21m38s493ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m38s862ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m39s622ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m39s965ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m40s641ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m41s018ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m41s772ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m42s154ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m42s803ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m43s189ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m43s925ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m44s311ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m44s944ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m45s295ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m46s065ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m46s422ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m47s096ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m47s495ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m48s241ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m48s583ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m49s244ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m49s597ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m50s373ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m50s743ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m51s403ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m51s799ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m52s524ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m52s890ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m53s545ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m53s940ms (1) 097 -running
+1h21m54s683ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h21m54s986ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h21m56s290ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” device_idle=off +job=u0a106:”com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService”
+1h21m56s386ms (2) 097 -job=u0a106:”com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService”
+1h21m56s482ms (2) 097 +tmpwhitelist=u0a156:”broadcast:u0a156:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT”
+1h21m58s716ms (2) 097 charge=3576 +job=u0a50:”com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.timeline.cache.BlockJobService”
+1h21m59s423ms (2) 097 -job=u0a50:”com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.timeline.cache.BlockJobService”
+1h22m01s291ms (2) 097 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h22m06s498ms (2) 097 -tmpwhitelist=u0a156:”broadcast:u0a156:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT”
+1h22m13s568ms (1) 097 charge=3575
+1h22m18s701ms (2) 097 +tmpwhitelist=u0a156:”broadcast:u0a156:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT”
+1h22m23s554ms (3) 097 volt=4328 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h22m26s528ms (1) 097 device_idle=full
+1h22m28s571ms (2) 097 -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h22m28s708ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=u0a156:”gms_scheduler:internal” -tmpwhitelist=u0a156:”broadcast:u0a156:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT”
+1h22m28s734ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h22m29s902ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m30s298ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m30s927ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m31s313ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m32s052ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m32s421ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m33s069ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m33s429ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m34s196ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m34s539ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m35s221ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m35s578ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m36s346ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h22m36s688ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m37s360ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m37s750ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m38s490ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m38s846ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m39s518ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m39s877ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m40s649ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m41s002ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m41s574ms (3) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a215:”job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” +job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+1h22m41s598ms (3) 097 charge=3574 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “ -job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+1h22m42s700ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m43s033ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m43s816ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m44s182ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m44s844ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m45s180ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m45s967ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m46s333ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m46s993ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m47s350ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m48s122ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m48s486ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m49s148ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m49s503ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m50s277ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m50s610ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m51s288ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m51s655ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m52s421ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m52s787ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m53s248ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m53s676ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m54s476ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m54s855ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m55s492ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h22m55s875ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m56s623ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m57s009ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m57s667ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m58s009ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m58s771ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h22m59s141ms (1) 097 -running
+1h22m59s797ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m00s135ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m00s919ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m01s266ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m01s950ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m02s278ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m03s065ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m03s420ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m04s096ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m04s460ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m05s229ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m05s585ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m06s253ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m06s606ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m07s378ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m07s720ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m08s399ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m08s750ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m09s526ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m09s898ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m10s546ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m10s907ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m11s679ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m12s018ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m12s701ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m13s080ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m13s836ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m14s205ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m14s854ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m15s223ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m15s981ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m16s349ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m17s003ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m17s379ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m18s129ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m18s467ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m19s151ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m19s529ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m20s278ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m20s610ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m21s294ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m21s662ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m22s426ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m22s801ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m23s445ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m23s816ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m24s589ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m24s975ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m25s608ms (2) 097 charge=3573 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m25s980ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m26s731ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m27s071ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m27s751ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”fiid-sync” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m31s213ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h23m32s053ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m32s405ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m33s079ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m33s434ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h23m34s201ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m34s542ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m35s327ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h23m35s697ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m36s357ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m36s713ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m37s482ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m37s815ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m38s499ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m38s864ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m39s636ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m39s996ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m40s657ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m40s998ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m41s779ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m42s129ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m42s803ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m43s182ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m43s934ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m44s302ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m44s956ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m45s306ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m46s080ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m46s432ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m47s105ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m47s370ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h23m47s612ms (2) 097 volt=4349 -running
+1h23m48s240ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m48s605ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m49s361ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m49s718ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m50s387ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m50s759ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m51s524ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m51s888ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m52s537ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m52s868ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m53s654ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m54s009ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m54s686ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m55s042ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m55s812ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m56s148ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m56s830ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m57s217ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m57s966ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m58s297ms (1) 097 -running
+1h23m58s982ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h23m59s350ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m00s124ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m00s484ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m01s144ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m01s497ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m02s268ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m02s635ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”unknown”
+1h24m03s296ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m03s659ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m04s415ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m04s766ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m05s434ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m05s779ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m06s555ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m06s911ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m07s587ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m07s970ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m08s714ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m09s076ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m09s732ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m10s085ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m10s866ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m11s247ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m11s889ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m12s223ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m13s006ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m13s376ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m14s033ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m14s388ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m15s164ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m15s519ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m16s190ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m16s531ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m17s312ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m17s656ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m18s341ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m18s674ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m19s460ms (2) 097 charge=3572 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m19s813ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m20s489ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m20s843ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m21s614ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m21s988ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m22s637ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m23s030ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m23s780ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m24s135ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m24s791ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m25s129ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m25s913ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m26s280ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m26s943ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m27s297ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m28s070ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m28s451ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m29s096ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m29s476ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m30s218ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m30s569ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m31s246ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m31s593ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m32s368ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m32s722ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m33s396ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m33s742ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m34s520ms (2) 097 charge=3571 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m34s872ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m35s547ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m35s905ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m36s671ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m37s024ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m37s694ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m38s057ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m38s823ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m39s199ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m39s842ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m40s201ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m40s981ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m41s344ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m42s000ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m42s369ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m43s128ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m43s476ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m44s143ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m44s485ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m45s265ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m45s613ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m46s292ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m46s644ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m47s420ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m47s780ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m48s455ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m48s798ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m49s571ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m49s926ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m50s594ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m50s936ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m51s722ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m52s071ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m52s751ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m53s126ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m53s877ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m54s231ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m54s897ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m55s256ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m56s030ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m56s369ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m57s044ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m57s409ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m58s186ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m58s545ms (1) 097 -running
+1h24m59s203ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h24m59s557ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m00s330ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m00s664ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m01s345ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m01s690ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m02s475ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m02s840ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m03s496ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m04s009ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m04s625ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m04s963ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m05s742ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m06s120ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m06s795ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m07s127ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m07s898ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m08s246ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m08s924ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m09s280ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m10s048ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m10s404ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m11s076ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m11s421ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m12s198ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m12s554ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m13s226ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m13s599ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m14s370ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m14s773ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m15s383ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m15s722ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m16s502ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m16s856ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m17s524ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m17s912ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m18s658ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m18s996ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m19s676ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m20s019ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m20s801ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m21s162ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m21s822ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m22s179ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h25m22s962ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m23s340ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m24s078ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m24s417ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m25s097ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m25s475ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m26s236ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m26s591ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m27s259ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m27s622ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m28s387ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m28s765ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m29s415ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m29s781ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m30s540ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m30s882ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m31s553ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m31s887ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m32s678ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m33s054ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m33s704ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m34s058ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m34s833ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m35s166ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m35s853ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m36s227ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m36s986ms (2) 097 charge=3570 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m37s339ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m38s010ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m38s346ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m39s127ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m39s487ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m40s154ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m40s524ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m41s289ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m41s624ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m42s306ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m42s639ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m43s430ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m43s791ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m44s463ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m44s813ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m45s587ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m45s923ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m46s604ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m46s941ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m47s729ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m48s098ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m48s763ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m49s116ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m49s887ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m50s272ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m50s904ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m51s287ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m52s038ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m52s393ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m53s060ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m53s444ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m54s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m54s477ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+1h25m55s211ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m55s567ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m56s342ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m56s675ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m57s355ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m57s695ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m58s482ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m58s811ms (1) 097 -running
+1h25m59s501ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h25m59s858ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m00s640ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m01s035ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m01s656ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m02s020ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m02s802ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m03s131ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m03s808ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m04s164ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m04s940ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m05s312ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m05s963ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m06s320ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m07s093ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m07s466ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m08s117ms (2) 097 charge=3569 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m08s381ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h26m09s239ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m09s596ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m10s369ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m10s712ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m11s390ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m11s754ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m12s522ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m12s875ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m13s539ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m13s903ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m14s677ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m15s028ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m15s693ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m16s041ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m16s819ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m17s170ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m17s839ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m18s122ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h26m19s832ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+1h26m19s890ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h26m21s018ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m21s373ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m22s147ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m22s519ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m23s166ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m23s521ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m24s291ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m24s639ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m25s319ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m25s324ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+1h26m25s371ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+1h26m26s379ms (2) 097 -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h26m26s430ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+1h26m26s939ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h26m27s467ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m27s754ms (3) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h26m29s699ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h26m30s726ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+1h26m31s769ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m32s142ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m32s791ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m33s143ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m33s923ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m34s297ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m34s947ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m35s301ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m36s076ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m36s422ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m37s092ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m37s432ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m38s219ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m38s578ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m39s249ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m39s617ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m40s376ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m40s754ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m41s405ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m41s777ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m42s514ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h26m42s884ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m43s552ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m43s906ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m44s675ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m45s028ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m45s694ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m46s063ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m46s825ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m47s181ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m47s848ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m48s201ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m48s976ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m49s344ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m49s994ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m50s394ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m50s616ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m51s020ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m51s224ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m51s721ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m52s459ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m52s854ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m53s597ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m53s963ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m54s606ms (2) 097 charge=3568 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m54s967ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m55s728ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m56s086ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m56s759ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m57s098ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m57s879ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m58s265ms (1) 097 -running
+1h26m59s012ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h26m59s531ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m00s245ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m00s615ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m01s365ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m01s728ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m02s387ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m02s739ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m03s516ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m03s885ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m04s535ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m04s872ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m05s659ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m06s002ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m06s585ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m06s985ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m07s712ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m08s047ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m08s829ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m09s166ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m09s853ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m10s203ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m10s988ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m11s346ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m12s012ms (2) 097 charge=3567 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m12s371ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m13s142ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m13s481ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m14s162ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m14s538ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m15s291ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m15s632ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m16s303ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m16s680ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m17s435ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m17s790ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m18s456ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m18s812ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m19s589ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m19s943ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m20s612ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m20s977ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m21s735ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m22s078ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m22s760ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m23s116ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m23s889ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m24s237ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m24s912ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m25s567ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m26s057ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m26s152ms (2) 097 volt=4327 -running
+1h27m27s186ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m27s558ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m28s193ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m28s595ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m29s324ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m29s695ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m30s345ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m30s707ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m31s475ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m31s846ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m32s494ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m32s875ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m33s621ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m33s973ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m34s643ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m34s994ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m35s770ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m36s103ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m36s786ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m37s173ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m37s922ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m38s269ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m38s944ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m39s303ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m40s072ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m40s423ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m41s092ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m41s458ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m42s223ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m42s577ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m43s243ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m43s583ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m44s370ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m44s708ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m45s391ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m45s730ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m46s516ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m46s888ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m47s551ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m47s908ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m48s673ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m49s047ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m49s698ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m50s062ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m50s833ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m51s192ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m51s843ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m52s211ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m52s984ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m53s337ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m53s995ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m54s348ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m55s117ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m55s460ms (1) 097 -running
+1h27m56s146ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m56s397ms (2) 096 charge=3566
Details: cpu=458940u+298990s
/proc/stat=458740 usr, 258910 sys, 3560 io, 14370 irq, 14280 sirq, 463330 idle (61.8% of 3h 22m 11s 900ms), PlatformIdleStat Empty
, SubsystemPowerState Empty
+1h27m56s411ms (3) 096 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h27m56s462ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h27m56s462ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+1h27m56s467ms (2) 096 -wake_lock stats=0:”get-stats”
+1h27m56s471ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h27m56s472ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h27m57s771ms (1) 096 -running
+1h27m58s097ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m58s633ms (1) 096 -running
+1h27m59s326ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h27m59s664ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m00s344ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m00s680ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m01s465ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m01s797ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m02s485ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m02s881ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m03s621ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m03s978ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m04s647ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m05s010ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m05s774ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m06s131ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m06s802ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m07s188ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m07s930ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m08s268ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m08s941ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m09s321ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m10s091ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m10s467ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m11s095ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m11s472ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m12s226ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m12s609ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m13s255ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m13s596ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m14s375ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m14s742ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m15s388ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m15s786ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m16s523ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m16s883ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m17s551ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m17s943ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m18s680ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m19s046ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m19s700ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m20s073ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m20s840ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m21s481ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m21s850ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m22s191ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m22s970ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m23s312ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m23s998ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m24s360ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m25s127ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m25s501ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m26s152ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m26s495ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m27s275ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m27s618ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m28s295ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m28s675ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m29s427ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m29s805ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m30s454ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m30s812ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m31s580ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m31s912ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m32s593ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m32s965ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m33s729ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m34s065ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m34s746ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m35s100ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m35s879ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m36s234ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m36s902ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m37s302ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m38s029ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m38s383ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m39s052ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m39s404ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m40s183ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m40s548ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m41s199ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m41s591ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m41s932ms (2) 096 charge=3565 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m42s612ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m43s347ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m43s730ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m44s481ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m44s847ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m45s502ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m45s870ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m46s648ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m46s985ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m47s649ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m48s008ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m48s783ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m49s139ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m49s807ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m50s147ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m50s932ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m51s268ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m51s951ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m52s356ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m53s081ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m53s457ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m54s119ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m54s463ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m55s231ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m55s580ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m56s255ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m56s602ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m57s376ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m57s737ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m58s402ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m58s780ms (1) 096 -running
+1h28m59s537ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h28m59s886ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m00s557ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m00s915ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m01s689ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m02s069ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m02s710ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m03s037ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m03s820ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m04s110ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h29m06s873ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m06s908ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m07s321ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m08s037ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m08s370ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m09s050ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m09s438ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m10s187ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m10s532ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m11s208ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m11s567ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m12s340ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m12s669ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m13s350ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m13s719ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m14s482ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m14s828ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m15s498ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m15s836ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m16s622ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m17s003ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m17s662ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m18s026ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m18s798ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m19s135ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m19s810ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m20s164ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m20s935ms (2) 096 charge=3564 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m21s321ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m21s964ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m22s340ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m23s081ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m23s417ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m24s102ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m24s458ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m25s229ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m25s605ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m26s264ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m26s618ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m27s385ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m27s756ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m28s410ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m28s780ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m29s539ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m29s927ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m30s559ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m30s912ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m31s686ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m32s031ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m32s707ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m33s051ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m33s834ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m34s172ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m34s852ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m35s232ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m35s996ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m36s349ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m37s014ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m37s363ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m38s134ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m38s504ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m39s162ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m39s519ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m40s290ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m40s637ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m41s305ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m41s662ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m42s439ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m42s793ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m43s465ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m43s828ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m44s590ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m44s947ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m45s612ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m45s954ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m46s740ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m47s104ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m47s779ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m48s117ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m48s890ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m49s253ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m49s920ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m50s278ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m51s045ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m51s380ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m52s060ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m52s422ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m53s200ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m53s590ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m54s242ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m54s628ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m55s347ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m55s621ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h29m57s754ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m58s518ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m58s905ms (1) 096 -running
+1h29m59s547ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h29m59s921ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m00s668ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m01s022ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m01s691ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m02s038ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m02s818ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m03s177ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m03s841ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m04s189ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m04s967ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m05s318ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m05s982ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m06s375ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m07s114ms (2) 096 charge=3563 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m07s485ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m08s137ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m08s489ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m09s268ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m09s599ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m10s282ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m10s657ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m11s422ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m11s793ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m12s442ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m12s945ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m13s572ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m13s912ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m14s694ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m15s036ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m15s718ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m16s075ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m16s854ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m17s212ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m17s871ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m18s234ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m19s002ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m19s377ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m20s024ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m20s369ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m21s146ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m21s522ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m22s184ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m22s533ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m23s299ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m23s663ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m24s318ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m24s673ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m25s445ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m25s783ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m26s466ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m26s825ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m27s596ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m28s000ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m28s624ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m28s987ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m29s757ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m30s104ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m30s771ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m31s139ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m31s899ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m32s256ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m32s924ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m33s268ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m34s049ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m34s387ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m35s067ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m35s432ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m36s206ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m36s550ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h30m37s228ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m37s590ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m38s365ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m38s653ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h30m39s749ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h30m40s779ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h30m41s529ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m41s868ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m42s648ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m43s008ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m43s668ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m44s010ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m44s800ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m45s143ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m45s822ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m46s186ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m46s955ms (2) 096 charge=3562 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m47s318ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m47s978ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m48s353ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m49s100ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m49s465ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m50s132ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m50s486ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m51s252ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m51s609ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m52s275ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m52s610ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m53s393ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h30m53s747ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m54s426ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m54s781ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m55s553ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m55s917ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m56s592ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m56s967ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m57s722ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m58s096ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m58s726ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h30m59s086ms (1) 096 -running
+1h30m59s850ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m00s180ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m00s871ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m01s242ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m01s801ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m02s310ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m03s026ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m03s395ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m04s153ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m04s537ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m05s181ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m05s524ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m06s307ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m06s668ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m07s343ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m07s701ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m08s459ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m08s836ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m09s475ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m09s832ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m10s609ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m10s954ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m11s628ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m11s987ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m12s765ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m13s108ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m13s779ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m14s144ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m14s913ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m15s269ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m15s933ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m16s267ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m17s047ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m17s410ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m18s088ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m18s370ms (2) 096 charge=3561 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h31m19s832ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+1h31m19s870ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h31m19s872ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats”
+1h31m19s884ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h31m21s257ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m21s622ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m22s277ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m22s627ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m23s400ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m23s748ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m24s424ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m24s783ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m25s552ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m25s915ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m26s588ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m26s938ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m27s704ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m28s060ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m28s732ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m29s089ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m29s858ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m30s222ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m30s888ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m31s245ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m32s010ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m32s367ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m33s034ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m33s372ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m34s153ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h31m34s542ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m35s192ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m35s548ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m36s315ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m36s673ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m37s336ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m37s688ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m38s463ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m38s811ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m39s480ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m39s769ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+1h31m40s610ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m40s971ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m41s746ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m42s125ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m42s764ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m43s121ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m43s893ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m44s223ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m44s903ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m45s275ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m46s040ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m46s356ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down”
+1h31m47s056ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m47s424ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m48s187ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m48s543ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m49s210ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m49s565ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m50s338ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m50s677ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m51s358ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m51s691ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m52s480ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m52s848ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m53s511ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m53s865ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m54s635ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m55s000ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m55s664ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m56s013ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m56s793ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m57s150ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m57s812ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m58s177ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m58s945ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h31m59s316ms (1) 096 -running
+1h31m59s963ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m00s306ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m01s088ms (2) 096 charge=3560 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m01s448ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m02s116ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m02s520ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m03s238ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m03s592ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m04s257ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m04s620ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m05s393ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m05s739ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m06s413ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m06s771ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m07s543ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m07s900ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m08s565ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m08s922ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m09s694ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m10s023ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m10s701ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m11s071ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m11s844ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m12s188ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m12s860ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m13s233ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m14s001ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m14s356ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m15s018ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m15s399ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m16s144ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m16s516ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m17s166ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m17s526ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m18s294ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m18s651ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m19s320ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m19s686ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m20s458ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m20s824ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m21s466ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m21s836ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m22s597ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m22s974ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m23s608ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m23s986ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m24s764ms (2) 096 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m24s768ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h32m24s768ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h32m24s773ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h32m24s773ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h32m24s774ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h32m25s768ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m26s123ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m26s899ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m27s246ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m27s913ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m28s284ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m29s046ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m29s397ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m30s062ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m30s427ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m31s186ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m31s558ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m32s223ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m32s624ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m33s359ms (2) 096 charge=3559 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m33s641ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h32m34s374ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m34s721ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m35s494ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m35s850ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m36s522ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m36s889ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m37s656ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m38s044ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m38s672ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h32m39s030ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m39s794ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m40s133ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m40s818ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m41s152ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m41s942ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m42s310ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m42s968ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m43s313ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m44s100ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m44s483ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m45s124ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m45s481ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m46s255ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m46s593ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m47s274ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m47s616ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m48s404ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m48s744ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m49s419ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m49s778ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m50s552ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m50s900ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m51s575ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m51s933ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m52s701ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m53s053ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m53s721ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m54s079ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m54s857ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m55s212ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m55s871ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m56s218ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m57s003ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m57s335ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m58s019ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m58s396ms (1) 096 -running
+1h32m59s165ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h32m59s549ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m00s197ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m00s604ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m01s307ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m01s638ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m02s318ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m02s785ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m03s452ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m03s783ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m04s465ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m04s820ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m05s603ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m05s956ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m06s625ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m06s988ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m07s752ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m08s084ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m08s771ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m09s119ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m09s905ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m10s257ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m10s926ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m11s274ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m12s058ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m12s423ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m13s085ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m13s463ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m14s208ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m14s544ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m15s228ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m15s568ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m16s353ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m16s712ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m17s382ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m17s728ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m18s506ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m18s861ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m19s531ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m19s885ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m20s655ms (2) 096 charge=3558 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m21s000ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m21s671ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m22s013ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m22s804ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m23s163ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m23s835ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m24s172ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m24s950ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m25s299ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m25s984ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m26s375ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m27s128ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m27s509ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m28s150ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m28s490ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m29s259ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m29s600ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m30s280ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m30s614ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m31s400ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m31s768ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m32s441ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m32s781ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m33s560ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m33s918ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m34s588ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m34s939ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m35s707ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m36s084ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m36s736ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m37s107ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m37s860ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m38s215ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m38s880ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m39s243ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m40s005ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m40s383ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m41s053ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m41s380ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m42s152ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m42s507ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m43s186ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m43s560ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m44s315ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m44s671ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m45s335ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m45s719ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m46s462ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m46s815ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m47s482ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m47s826ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m48s611ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m48s986ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m49s637ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m50s008ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m50s782ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m51s165ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m51s791ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m52s159ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m52s911ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m53s265ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m53s942ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m54s288ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m55s067ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m55s440ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m56s092ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m56s485ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m57s215ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m57s560ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m58s235ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m58s582ms (1) 096 -running
+1h33m59s361ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h33m59s748ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m00s383ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m00s768ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m01s515ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m01s870ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m02s542ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m02s920ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m03s671ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m04s043ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m04s694ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m05s040ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m05s818ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m06s176ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m06s843ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m07s182ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m07s960ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m08s328ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m08s996ms (2) 096 charge=3557 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m09s366ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m10s115ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m10s456ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m11s139ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m11s470ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m12s253ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m12s612ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m13s294ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m13s647ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m14s419ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m14s777ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m15s450ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m15s793ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m16s571ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m16s928ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m17s593ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m17s923ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m18s706ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m19s078ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m19s745ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m20s085ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m20s866ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m21s199ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m21s885ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m22s251ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m23s026ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m23s365ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m24s041ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m24s371ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h34m25s171ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m25s509ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m26s290ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m26s657ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m27s331ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m27s690ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m28s448ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m28s780ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m29s461ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m29s823ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m30s590ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m30s958ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m31s621ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m31s976ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m32s747ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m33s088ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m33s767ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m34s129ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m34s900ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m35s238ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m35s918ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m36s281ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m37s050ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m37s415ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m38s087ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m38s447ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m39s201ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m39s557ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m40s224ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m40s608ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m41s352ms (2) 096 charge=3556 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m41s724ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m42s374ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m42s715ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m43s499ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m43s881ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m44s525ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m44s878ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m45s656ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m46s001ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m46s673ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m47s045ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m47s803ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m48s102ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h34m49s800ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h34m50s845ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h34m51s891ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m52s249ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m52s927ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m53s284ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m54s045ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m54s418ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m55s069ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m55s646ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m56s219ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m56s551ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m57s316ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m57s664ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m58s336ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m58s709ms (1) 096 -running
+1h34m59s474ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h34m59s811ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m00s494ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m00s859ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m01s617ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h35m01s948ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m02s641ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m03s039ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m03s790ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m04s118ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m04s788ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m05s150ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m05s926ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m06s295ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m06s947ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m07s312ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m08s086ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m08s447ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m09s092ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m09s456ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m10s234ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m10s572ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m11s249ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m11s609ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m12s078ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m12s640ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m13s403ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m13s739ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m14s422ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m14s755ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m15s542ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m15s884ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m16s569ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m16s915ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m17s695ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m18s099ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m18s727ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m19s087ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m19s854ms (2) 096 charge=3555 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m20s249ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m20s892ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m21s238ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m22s005ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m22s379ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m23s040ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m23s390ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m24s153ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m24s521ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m25s175ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m25s524ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m26s305ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m26s662ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m27s330ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m27s670ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m28s450ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m28s802ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m29s470ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m29s839ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m30s602ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m30s986ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m31s633ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m31s983ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m32s753ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m33s099ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m33s769ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m34s134ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m34s910ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m35s280ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m35s921ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m36s289ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m37s054ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m37s428ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m38s073ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m38s429ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m39s208ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m39s549ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m40s228ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m40s572ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m41s354ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m41s711ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m42s384ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m42s747ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m43s506ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m43s840ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m44s523ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m44s866ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m45s652ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m45s996ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m46s675ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m47s060ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m47s816ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m48s171ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m48s833ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m49s194ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m49s968ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m50s300ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m50s971ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m51s343ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m52s121ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m52s461ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+1h35m53s133ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m53s520ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m54s260ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m54s532ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h35m55s279ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m55s660ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m56s430ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m56s788ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m57s429ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m57s794ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m58s562ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m58s923ms (1) 096 -running
+1h35m59s584ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h35m59s971ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m00s711ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m01s061ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m01s729ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m02s086ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m02s861ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m03s214ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m03s881ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m04s224ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m05s002ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m05s359ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m06s034ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m06s380ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m07s160ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m07s507ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m08s177ms (2) 096 charge=3554 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m08s531ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m09s306ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m09s665ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m10s328ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m10s695ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m11s468ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m11s842ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m12s480ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m12s817ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m13s605ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m13s960ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m14s631ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m14s990ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m15s756ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m16s119ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m16s790ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m17s136ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m17s912ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m18s206ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h36m19s832ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1000:”walarm:com.heytap.mcs.action”
+1h36m19s870ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h36m20s982ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m21s342ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m22s113ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m22s469ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m23s135ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m23s648ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m24s363ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m24s741ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m25s489ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m25s878ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m26s510ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m26s921ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m27s641ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m28s044ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m28s660ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m29s047ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m29s790ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m30s220ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m30s803ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m31s212ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m31s939ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m32s321ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m32s958ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h36m33s380ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m34s095ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m34s471ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m35s112ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m35s496ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m36s241ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m36s627ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m37s264ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m37s656ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m38s391ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m38s789ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m39s419ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m39s818ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m40s537ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m40s925ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m41s562ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m41s962ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m42s698ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m43s082ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m43s714ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m44s128ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m44s847ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m45s240ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m45s867ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m46s271ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h36m47s454ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h36m48s023ms (2) 096 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m48s546ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h36m49s143ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m49s556ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m50s272ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m51s136ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m51s287ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m51s718ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m52s420ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m52s797ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m53s438ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m53s847ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m54s573ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m54s875ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+1h36m55s582ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h36m56s019ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m56s727ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m57s107ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m57s754ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m58s142ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m58s876ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h36m59s276ms (1) 096 -running
+1h36m59s892ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m00s306ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m01s031ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m01s421ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m02s048ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m02s447ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m03s172ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m03s593ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m04s197ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m04s581ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m05s319ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m05s702ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m06s341ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m06s744ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m07s475ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m07s863ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m08s496ms (2) 096 charge=3553 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m08s929ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m09s630ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m10s026ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m10s649ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m11s058ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m11s780ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m12s163ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m12s795ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m13s197ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m13s926ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m14s307ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m14s945ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m15s349ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m16s074ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m16s493ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m17s103ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m17s517ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m18s231ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m18s613ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m19s246ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m19s657ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m20s381ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m20s750ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m21s398ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m21s811ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m22s522ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m22s909ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m23s548ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m23s942ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m24s676ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m25s052ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m25s701ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m26s083ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m26s824ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m27s196ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m27s843ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m28s229ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m28s975ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m29s351ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m29s996ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m30s378ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m31s120ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m31s531ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m32s150ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m32s585ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m33s276ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m33s687ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m34s303ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m34s718ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m35s435ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m35s803ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m36s452ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m36s849ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m37s582ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m38s031ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m38s598ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m39s012ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m39s738ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m40s119ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m40s754ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m41s179ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m41s880ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m42s290ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m42s915ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m43s288ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m44s038ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m44s430ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m45s058ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m45s461ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m46s180ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m46s583ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m47s205ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m47s601ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m48s339ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m48s738ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m49s356ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m49s757ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m50s488ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m50s861ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m51s502ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m51s879ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m52s635ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m53s006ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m53s656ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m54s081ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m54s784ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m55s210ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m55s802ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m56s189ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m56s933ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m57s313ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m57s950ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m58s336ms (1) 096 -running
+1h37m59s082ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h37m59s469ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m00s106ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m00s518ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m01s229ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m01s640ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m02s252ms (2) 096 charge=3552 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m02s635ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m03s384ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m03s760ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m04s404ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m04s773ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m05s533ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m05s904ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m06s553ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m06s925ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m07s684ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m08s079ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h38m08s707ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m09s096ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m09s841ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m10s216ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m10s860ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m11s250ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m11s993ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m12s471ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m13s003ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m13s422ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m14s141ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m14s552ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m15s165ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m15s529ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m16s290ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m16s685ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m17s312ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m17s709ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m18s433ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m18s837ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m19s464ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m19s849ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m20s590ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m20s988ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m21s610ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m21s995ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m22s736ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m23s124ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m23s759ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m24s163ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m24s892ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m25s319ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m25s910ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m26s315ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m27s036ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m27s444ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m28s064ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m28s451ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m29s194ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m29s601ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m30s215ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m30s618ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m31s343ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m31s758ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m32s368ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m32s755ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m33s490ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m33s897ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m34s522ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m34s963ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m35s642ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m36s017ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m36s665ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m37s034ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m37s790ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m38s183ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m38s824ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m39s213ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m39s938ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m40s346ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m40s970ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m41s357ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m42s099ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m42s472ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m43s115ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m43s527ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m44s246ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m44s650ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m45s265ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m45s666ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m46s393ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m46s775ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m47s413ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m47s815ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m48s541ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m48s916ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m49s566ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m49s943ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m50s697ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m51s078ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m51s722ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m52s137ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m52s852ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m53s263ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m53s866ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m54s238ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m54s996ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m55s279ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h38m56s020ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m56s428ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m57s146ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m57s526ms (1) 096 -running
+1h38m58s180ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h38m58s518ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h38m59s883ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h39m00s932ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h39m01s442ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m01s815ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m02s571ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m02s963ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h39m03s603ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m03s972ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m04s723ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m05s126ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m05s748ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m06s128ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m06s880ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m07s277ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m07s901ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m08s283ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m09s031ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m09s425ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m10s045ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m10s443ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m11s170ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h39m11s591ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m12s202ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m12s597ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m13s323ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m13s703ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m14s342ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m14s742ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m15s474ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m15s864ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m16s502ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m16s875ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m17s628ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m18s007ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m18s650ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m19s027ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m19s774ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m20s308ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m20s787ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m21s160ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m21s922ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m22s310ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m22s435ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m22s919ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+1h39m24s083ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m24s490ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m24s996ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m25s424ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m26s129ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m26s505ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m27s143ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m27s520ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m28s279ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m28s697ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m29s292ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m29s683ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m30s427ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m30s831ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m31s449ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m31s817ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m32s573ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m32s959ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m33s589ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m34s008ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m34s726ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m35s113ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m35s747ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m36s137ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m36s882ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m37s293ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m37s904ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m38s314ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m39s030ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m39s436ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m40s051ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m40s435ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m41s181ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m41s518ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+1h39m42s193ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m42s579ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m43s326ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m43s705ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m44s350ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m44s730ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m45s475ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m45s835ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m46s497ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m46s879ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m47s623ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m48s037ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m48s657ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m49s068ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m49s785ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m50s158ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m50s797ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m51s171ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m51s929ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m52s352ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m52s950ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m53s317ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m54s074ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m54s467ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m55s103ms (2) 096 charge=3551 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m55s407ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h39m57s608ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m58s281ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m58s660ms (1) 096 -running
+1h39m59s304ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h39m59s697ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m00s432ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m00s795ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m01s447ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m01s830ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m02s576ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m02s973ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m03s606ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m03s986ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m04s738ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m05s105ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m05s752ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m06s163ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m06s875ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m07s259ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m07s904ms (2) 096 charge=3550 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m08s292ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m09s029ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m09s433ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m10s054ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m10s447ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m11s184ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m11s778ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m12s208ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m12s577ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m13s333ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m13s754ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m14s358ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m14s731ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m15s483ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m15s873ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m16s505ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m16s918ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m17s635ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m18s032ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m18s656ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m19s049ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m19s787ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m20s199ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m20s810ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m21s205ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m21s937ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m22s320ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m22s959ms (2) 096 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m22s960ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h40m22s960ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h40m22s967ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h40m22s967ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h40m22s968ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h40m24s086ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m24s456ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m25s099ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m25s487ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m26s233ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m26s631ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m27s257ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m27s636ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m28s384ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m28s766ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m29s403ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m29s820ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m30s538ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m30s917ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m31s552ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m31s960ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m32s694ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m33s074ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m33s706ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m34s126ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m34s838ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m35s234ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m35s853ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m36s231ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m36s986ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m37s425ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m38s018ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m38s428ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m39s136ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m39s570ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m40s159ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m40s541ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m41s290ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m41s717ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m42s311ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m42s715ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m43s441ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m43s853ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m44s472ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m44s861ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m45s592ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m45s996ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m46s606ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m46s992ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m47s732ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m48s010ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+1h40m48s761ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m49s166ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m49s887ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m50s277ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m50s915ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m51s276ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m52s042ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m52s466ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m53s057ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m53s471ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m54s193ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m54s577ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m55s209ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m55s639ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m56s342ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m56s753ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m57s361ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m57s780ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m58s498ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m58s881ms (1) 096 -running
+1h40m59s507ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h40m59s913ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m00s637ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m01s008ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m01s663ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m02s040ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m02s788ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m03s167ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h41m03s816ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m04s361ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m04s937ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m05s334ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m06s075ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m06s508ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m07s092ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m07s459ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m08s214ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m08s602ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m09s237ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m09s611ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m10s368ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m10s821ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m11s389ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m11s793ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m12s523ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m12s897ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m13s538ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m13s924ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m14s675ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m15s073ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m15s690ms (2) 096 charge=3549 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m16s089ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m16s824ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m17s218ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m17s841ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m18s138ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h41m19s860ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+1h41m19s893ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h41m21s018ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m21s407ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m22s038ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m22s428ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m23s167ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m23s541ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m24s192ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m24s608ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m25s325ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m25s689ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m26s343ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m26s727ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m27s471ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m27s844ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m28s489ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m28s865ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m29s618ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m29s996ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m30s646ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m31s035ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m31s772ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m32s196ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m32s799ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h41m33s169ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m33s910ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m34s289ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m34s943ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m35s298ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m36s066ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m36s460ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m37s097ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m37s499ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m38s225ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m38s601ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m39s242ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m39s638ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m40s375ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m40s740ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m41s389ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m41s785ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h41m42s512ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m42s902ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m43s648ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m44s034ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m44s675ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m45s090ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m45s807ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m46s241ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m46s827ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m47s228ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m47s949ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m48s334ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m48s971ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m49s383ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m50s103ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m50s497ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m51s128ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m51s519ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m52s255ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m52s652ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m53s271ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m53s683ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m54s398ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m54s776ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h41m55s425ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m55s820ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m56s554ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m56s931ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m57s579ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m57s971ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m58s702ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h41m59s094ms (1) 096 -running
+1h41m59s735ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m00s129ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m00s856ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m01s274ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m01s873ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m02s257ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m02s999ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m03s405ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m04s028ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m04s442ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m05s159ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m05s535ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m06s183ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m06s556ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m07s309ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m07s746ms (3) 096 temp=262 -running wake_reason=0:”unknown”
+1h42m08s325ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m08s756ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m09s458ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m09s874ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m10s485ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m10s889ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m11s607ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m11s986ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m12s626ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m13s065ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m13s759ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m14s151ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m14s779ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m15s173ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m15s908ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m16s305ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m16s928ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m17s334ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m18s058ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m18s443ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m19s081ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m19s453ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m20s206ms (2) 096 charge=3548 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m20s623ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m21s235ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m21s629ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m22s358ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m22s771ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m23s382ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m23s790ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m24s511ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m24s876ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m25s527ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m25s931ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m26s663ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m27s064ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m27s683ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m28s090ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m28s807ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m29s215ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m29s839ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m30s240ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m30s955ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m31s356ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m31s979ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m32s377ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m33s106ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m33s464ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+1h42m34s128ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m34s548ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m35s264ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m35s688ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m36s294ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m36s683ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m37s411ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m37s780ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m38s436ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m38s821ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m39s558ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m39s955ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m40s584ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m40s955ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m41s708ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m42s078ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m42s724ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m43s136ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m43s864ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m44s291ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m44s888ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m45s347ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m46s013ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m46s409ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m47s036ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m47s425ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m48s154ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m48s584ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m49s188ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m49s563ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m50s317ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m50s737ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m51s336ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m51s707ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m52s465ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m52s889ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m53s487ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m53s921ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m54s612ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m55s013ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m55s640ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m56s036ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m56s767ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m57s168ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m57s783ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m58s168ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m58s916ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h42m59s296ms (1) 096 -running
+1h42m59s934ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m00s310ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m01s066ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m01s466ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m02s094ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m02s464ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m03s214ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m03s618ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m04s242ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m04s687ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m05s370ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m05s824ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m06s388ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m06s789ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m07s515ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m07s916ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m08s540ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m08s854ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h43m09s961ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+1h43m11s004ms (1) 096 -running -wake_lock
+1h43m11s716ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m12s151ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m12s735ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m13s124ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m13s870ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m14s254ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m14s887ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m15s302ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m16s020ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m16s431ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m17s047ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m17s408ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m18s169ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m18s573ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m19s185ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m19s560ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m20s316ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m20s726ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m21s335ms (3) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1h43m21s734ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m22s475ms (2) 096 charge=3547 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m22s855ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m23s492ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m23s908ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m24s627ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m24s998ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m25s644ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m26s047ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m26s769ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m27s141ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m27s789ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m28s167ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m28s917ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m29s294ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m29s945ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m30s373ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m31s071ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m31s446ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m32s099ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m32s559ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m32s612ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m33s196ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m33s223ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m33s714ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h43m34s339ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m34s714ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m35s470ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m35s889ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m36s495ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m36s933ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m37s624ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m38s009ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m38s647ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m39s074ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m39s775ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m40s175ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m40s799ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m41s202ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m41s915ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m42s290ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m42s944ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m43s322ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m44s075ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m44s489ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m45s099ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m45s477ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m46s224ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m46s603ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m47s249ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m47s687ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m48s370ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m48s762ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m49s390ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m49s753ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m50s525ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m50s895ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m51s545ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m51s923ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m52s677ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m53s086ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m53s699ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m54s115ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m54s827ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m55s214ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m55s849ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m56s272ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m56s979ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m57s353ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m57s999ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m58s403ms (1) 096 -running
+1h43m59s131ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h43m59s556ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m00s147ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m00s529ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m01s276ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m01s689ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m02s299ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m02s704ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m03s423ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m03s731ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+1h44m06s905ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m07s627ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m08s032ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m08s547ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m09s000ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m09s672ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m10s014ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down”
+1h44m10s698ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m11s067ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m11s823ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m12s216ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m12s851ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m13s251ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m13s970ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m14s352ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m14s991ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m15s410ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m16s131ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m16s547ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m17s146ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m17s540ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m18s271ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m18s692ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m19s301ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m19s759ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m20s428ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m20s806ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m21s458ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m21s877ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m22s579ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m22s975ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m23s603ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m24s001ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m24s733ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m25s138ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m25s747ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m26s127ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m26s877ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m27s291ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m27s896ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m28s268ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m29s025ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m29s399ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m30s050ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m30s430ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m31s181ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m31s552ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m32s198ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m32s643ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m33s331ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m33s719ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m34s348ms (2) 096 charge=3546 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m34s725ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m35s482ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m35s896ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m36s501ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m36s914ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m37s628ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m38s029ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m38s653ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m39s080ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m39s787ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m40s142ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m40s791ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m41s170ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m41s927ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m42s356ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m42s961ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m43s335ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m44s073ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m44s492ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m45s109ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m45s484ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m46s228ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m46s635ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m47s253ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m47s532ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+1h44m48s378ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m48s774ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m49s510ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m49s899ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m50s530ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m50s934ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m51s660ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m52s081ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m52s686ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m53s065ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m53s815ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m54s217ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m54s840ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m55s238ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m55s961ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m56s332ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m56s986ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m57s373ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m58s112ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m58s529ms (1) 096 -running
+1h44m59s139ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h44m59s514ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m00s365ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m00s737ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h45m01s277ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m01s642ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m02s409ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m02s811ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m03s429ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m03s848ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m04s570ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m04s944ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m05s585ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m06s027ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m06s711ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m07s090ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m07s727ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m08s145ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m08s860ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m09s303ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m09s896ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m10s271ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m11s008ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m11s373ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m12s030ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m12s409ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m13s261ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m13s636ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m14s179ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m14s476ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h45m15s304ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m15s739ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m16s441ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m16s842ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m17s464ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m17s838ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m18s584ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m18s959ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m19s607ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m20s031ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m20s743ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m21s171ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m21s756ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m22s130ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m22s579ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m23s066ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m23s811ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m24s207ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m24s943ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m25s325ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m25s956ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m26s354ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m27s087ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m27s463ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m28s107ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m28s489ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m29s234ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m29s596ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m30s253ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m30s658ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m30s874ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m31s338ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m32s106ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m32s374ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+1h45m32s926ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m33s355ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m34s159ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m34s540ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m35s285ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m35s707ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m36s299ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m36s695ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m37s432ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m37s818ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m38s141ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m38s541ms (2) 096 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+1h45m39s036ms (2) 096 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+1h45m39s788ms (2) 096 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m40s218ms (1) 096 -running
+1h45m40s703ms (2) 096 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1h45m40s770ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h45m40s770ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+1h45m40s781ms (1) 096 -wake_lock
+1h45m40s781ms (2) 096 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+1h45m40s782ms (2) 096 -wake_lock stats=0:”dump”

Per-PID Stats:
PID 1892 wake time: +1m13s165ms
PID 3168 wake time: +64ms
PID 3253 wake time: +6s16ms
PID 3704 wake time: +57ms
PID 6082 wake time: +16s647ms
PID 3168 wake time: +314ms
PID 0 wake time: +3s8ms
PID 1892 wake time: +981ms
PID 5663 wake time: +21s586ms
PID 9927 wake time: +40s236ms
PID 1892 wake time: +47ms
PID 1892 wake time: +394ms
PID 2933 wake time: +23s529ms
PID 7963 wake time: +902ms
PID 1892 wake time: +433ms
PID 1892 wake time: +27ms
PID 1892 wake time: +21ms
PID 1892 wake time: +169ms
PID 5076 wake time: +298ms
PID 1892 wake time: +97ms
PID 1892 wake time: +68ms
PID 1892 wake time: +19ms
PID 5637 wake time: +201ms
PID 1892 wake time: +11ms
PID 1892 wake time: +1ms
PID 1892 wake time: +558ms
PID 1892 wake time: +133ms
PID 9320 wake time: +3ms
PID 1892 wake time: +144ms
PID 8341 wake time: +36ms
PID 1892 wake time: +28ms
PID 1892 wake time: +129ms
PID 3649 wake time: +34s432ms
PID 4219 wake time: +51s837ms
PID 1892 wake time: +1s51ms
PID 1892 wake time: +11ms
PID 1892 wake time: +139ms
PID 1892 wake time: +8ms

Discharge step durations:
#0: +23m26s310ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +23m32s106ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +22m52s600ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off)
Estimated discharge time remaining: +1d13h15m12s480ms
Estimated screen off time: 1d 14h 48m 20s 500ms
Estimated screen off device idle time: 1d 15h 8m 40s 800ms

Daily stats:
Current start time: 2020-12-16-03-22-16
Next min deadline: 2020-12-17-01-00-00
Next max deadline: 2020-12-17-03-00-00
Current daily discharge step durations:
#0: +23m26s310ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +23m32s106ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +22m52s600ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off)
#3: +3h6m36s789ms to 67 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +2h43m23s28ms to 68 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +3h17m58s89ms to 69 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 7d 3h 36m 55s 300ms (from 6 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 4d 15h 35m 27s 600ms (from 4 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 5d 16h 4m 43s 500ms (from 3 steps)
Current daily charge step durations:
#0: +7m17s243ms to 100 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#1: +6m7s857ms to 99 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +5m4s144ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +4m52s863ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#4: +4m53s878ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#5: +4m53s139ms to 95 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#6: +4m59s5ms to 94 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#7: +4m47s994ms to 93 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#8: +4m47s983ms to 92 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#9: +6m24s32ms to 91 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#10: +6m50s882ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#11: +5m51s968ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#12: +5m3s110ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#13: +4m53s892ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#14: +4m48s7ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#15: +4m48s2ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#16: +4m37s230ms to 84 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#17: +4m52s864ms to 83 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#18: +4m43s151ms to 82 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#19: +4m47s974ms to 81 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#20: +4m37s790ms to 80 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#21: +4m47s995ms to 79 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#22: +4m53s98ms to 78 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#23: +4m37s18ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#24: +4m47s987ms to 76 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#25: +4m42s893ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#26: +6m34s592ms to 74 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#27: +1m47s11ms to 73 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#28: +1m51s110ms to 72 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#29: +2m7s981ms to 71 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#30: +2m3s141ms to 70 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#31: +1m46s757ms to 69 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Charge total time: 7h 48m 53s 0ms (from 32 steps)
Charge screen off time: 7h 40m 13s 900ms (from 27 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.heytap.speechassist vers=732
Update com.heytap.speechassist vers=732
Update com.heytap.speechassist vers=732
Update com.sankuai.meituan vers=1100040403
Update com.sankuai.meituan vers=1100040403
Update com.sankuai.meituan vers=1100040403
Update com.tencent.mm vers=1800
Update com.tencent.mm vers=1800
Update com.tencent.mm vers=1800
Update com.sina.weibo vers=4764
Update com.sina.weibo vers=4764
Update com.sina.weibo vers=4764
Update com.heytap.smarthome vers=10803
Update com.heytap.smarthome vers=10803
Update com.heytap.smarthome vers=10803
Update com.ss.android.article.news vers=8011
Update com.ss.android.article.news vers=8011
Update com.ss.android.article.news vers=8011
Update com.xunmeng.pinduoduo vers=54200
Update com.xunmeng.pinduoduo vers=54200
Update com.xunmeng.pinduoduo vers=54200
Update cn.wps.moffice_eng vers=1020
Update cn.wps.moffice_eng vers=1020
Update cn.wps.moffice_eng vers=1020
Update com.redteamobile.roaming vers=6727
Update com.redteamobile.roaming vers=6727
Update com.redteamobile.roaming vers=6727
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308103
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308103
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308103
Update com.ximalaya.ting.android vers=314
Update com.ximalaya.ting.android vers=314
Update com.ximalaya.ting.android vers=314
Update ctrip.android.view vers=1344
Update ctrip.android.view vers=1344
Update ctrip.android.view vers=1344
Update com.xingin.xhs vers=6730157
Update com.xingin.xhs vers=6730157
Update com.xingin.xhs vers=6730157
Update com.UCMobile vers=1100
Update com.UCMobile vers=1100
Update com.UCMobile vers=1100
Update com.oppo.community vers=80803
Update com.oppo.community vers=80803
Update com.oppo.community vers=80803
Update com.smile.gifmaker vers=17506
Update com.smile.gifmaker vers=17506
Update com.smile.gifmaker vers=17506
Update com.oppo.store vers=200204
Update com.oppo.store vers=200204
Update com.oppo.store vers=200204
Update com.qiyi.video vers=800111250
Update com.qiyi.video vers=800111250
Update com.qiyi.video vers=800111250
Update com.coloros.videoeditor vers=12402
Update com.coloros.videoeditor vers=12402
Update com.coloros.videoeditor vers=12402
Update com.heytap.health vers=2100200
Update com.heytap.health vers=2100200
Update com.heytap.health vers=2100200
Daily from 2020-12-15-03-14-14 to 2020-12-16-03-22-16:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +2h41m6s588ms to 71 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +7m22s888ms to 69 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +7m54s100ms to 70 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +2h31m31s439ms to 71 (power-save-off)
#4: +3h1m20s166ms to 72 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +2h51m7s989ms to 73 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h48m53s932ms to 74 (power-save-off)
#7: +2h58m37s492ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 8d 22h 8m 52s 400ms (from 8 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 12d 1h 29m 1s 500ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 12d 1h 29m 1s 500ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen on time: 12h 44m 9s 400ms (from 2 steps)
Charge step durations:
#0: +1m40s865ms to 73 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#1: +1m41s888ms to 72 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +1m45s217ms to 71 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +20m6s786ms to 70 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Charge total time: 10h 31m 8s 900ms (from 4 steps)
Charge screen on time: 18h 13m 20s 100ms (from 2 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.coloros.operationtips vers=4000006
Update com.coloros.operationtips vers=4000006
Update com.coloros.operationtips vers=4000006
Update com.heytap.yoli vers=40406020
Update com.heytap.yoli vers=40406020
Update com.heytap.yoli vers=40406020
Update com.wuba vers=100805
Update com.wuba vers=100805
Update com.wuba vers=100805
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=130901
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=130901
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=130901
Update com.heytap.browser vers=7140200
Update com.heytap.browser vers=7140200
Update com.heytap.browser vers=7140200
Update com.coloros.findmyphone vers=30501
Update com.coloros.findmyphone vers=30501
Update com.coloros.findmyphone vers=30501
Daily from 2020-12-14-02-56-21 to 2020-12-15-03-14-14:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h11m2s247ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h3m53s917ms to 78 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h4m28s788ms to 79 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h9m58s918ms to 80 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +2h24m36s95ms to 81 (power-save-off)
#5: +3h5m24s688ms to 82 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +3h5m56s553ms to 83 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 12d 13h 16m 28s 600ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 12d 22h 33m 57s 600ms (from 4 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 12d 22h 33m 57s 600ms (from 4 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.heytap.reader vers=71200
Update com.heytap.reader vers=71200
Update com.heytap.reader vers=71200
Daily from 2020-12-13-04-18-18 to 2020-12-14-02-56-21:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h9m9s514ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h11m39s346ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h24m47s396ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h10m11s554ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +3h15m17s964ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +3h7m31s238ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h57m11s907ms to 91 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 6h 3m 4s 500ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 9h 50m 16s 800ms (from 6 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 9h 50m 16s 800ms (from 6 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-12-03-32-23 to 2020-12-13-04-18-18:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +2h44m17s871ms to 93 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h11m38s280ms to 94 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +2h14m15s356ms to 95 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +29m49s120ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +45m14s279ms to 97 (power-save-off)
#5: +12m16s3ms to 98 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Discharge total time: 6d 16h 25m 15s 100ms (from 6 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 8d 5h 37m 5s 200ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 8d 5h 37m 5s 200ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen on time: 20h 26m 40s 300ms (from 1 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.daemon.shelper vers=321
Update com.daemon.shelper vers=321
Update com.daemon.shelper vers=321
Update com.coloros.colordirectservice vers=20606
Update com.coloros.colordirectservice vers=20606
Update com.coloros.colordirectservice vers=20606
Update com.coloros.directui vers=23107
Update com.coloros.directui vers=23107
Update com.coloros.directui vers=23107
Update com.coloros.onekeylockscreen vers=8000007
Update com.coloros.onekeylockscreen vers=8000007
Update com.coloros.onekeylockscreen vers=8000007
Update com.heytap.pictorial vers=72200
Update com.heytap.pictorial vers=72200
Update com.heytap.pictorial vers=72200
Update com.coloros.soundrecorder vers=7007001
Update com.coloros.soundrecorder vers=7007001
Update com.coloros.soundrecorder vers=7007001
Update com.oppo.usercenter vers=80907
Update com.oppo.usercenter vers=80907
Update com.oppo.usercenter vers=80907
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308004
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308004
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308004
Update com.heytap.market vers=80012
Update com.heytap.market vers=80012
Update com.heytap.market vers=80012
Daily from 2020-12-11-04-20-26 to 2020-12-12-03-32-23:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h12m14s842ms to 15 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h20m30s196ms to 16 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h29m59s890ms to 17 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 22h 51m 37s 600ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 22h 51m 37s 600ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 22h 51m 37s 600ms (from 3 steps)
Charge step durations:
#0: +4m53s103ms to 100 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#1: +4m48s29ms to 99 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +4m47s997ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +4m37s759ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#4: +4m48s0ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#5: +4m47s983ms to 95 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#6: +4m48s20ms to 94 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#7: +4m42s100ms to 93 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#8: +4m42s890ms to 92 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#9: +4m42s110ms to 91 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#10: +4m43s142ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#11: +4m42s859ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#12: +4m48s17ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#13: +4m36s975ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#14: +4m36s984ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#15: +4m43s157ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#16: +4m42s862ms to 84 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#17: +4m37s17ms to 83 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#18: +4m42s871ms to 82 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#19: +4m37s252ms to 81 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#20: +4m37s761ms to 80 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#21: +4m26s223ms to 79 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#22: +4m37s761ms to 78 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#23: +4m37s8ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#24: +4m37s257ms to 76 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#25: +4m31s863ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#26: +4m32s129ms to 74 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#27: +4m31s873ms to 73 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#28: +4m32s104ms to 72 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#29: +4m37s785ms to 71 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#30: +4m21s116ms to 70 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#31: +4m31s875ms to 69 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#32: +4m32s128ms to 68 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#33: +4m31s871ms to 67 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#34: +4m32s104ms to 66 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#35: +4m21s146ms to 65 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#36: +4m31s869ms to 64 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#37: +4m26s981ms to 63 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#38: +4m31s901ms to 62 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#39: +4m15s984ms to 61 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#40: +4m27s18ms to 60 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#41: +4m26s223ms to 59 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#42: +4m26s772ms to 58 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#43: +4m27s12ms to 57 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#44: +5m9s3ms to 56 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#45: +4m58s995ms to 55 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#46: +4m26s216ms to 54 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#47: +4m20s885ms to 53 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#48: +4m26s986ms to 52 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#49: +4m21s894ms to 51 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#50: +4m21s135ms to 50 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#51: +4m21s99ms to 49 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#52: +4m26s747ms to 48 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#53: +4m27s37ms to 47 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#54: +4m21s109ms to 46 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#55: +4m21s138ms to 45 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#56: +4m15s997ms to 44 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#57: +4m20s862ms to 43 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#58: +4m21s883ms to 42 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#59: +4m16s6ms to 41 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#60: +4m48s10ms to 40 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#61: +4m21s107ms to 39 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#62: +6m3s11ms to 38 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#63: +6m39s861ms to 37 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#64: +6m45s260ms to 36 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#65: +6m39s840ms to 35 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#66: +6m29s894ms to 34 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#67: +6m39s104ms to 33 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#68: +6m40s903ms to 32 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#69: +6m13s10ms to 31 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#70: +5m57s90ms to 30 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#71: +6m40s155ms to 29 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#72: +6m34s753ms to 28 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#73: +6m29s123ms to 27 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#74: +6m24s2ms to 26 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#75: +6m2s989ms to 25 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#76: +4m21s136ms to 24 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#77: +5m30s752ms to 23 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#78: +5m36s127ms to 22 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#79: +5m19s992ms to 21 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#80: +5m9s1ms to 20 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#81: +5m25s884ms to 19 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#82: +6m12s991ms to 18 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#83: +6m13s256ms to 17 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Charge total time: 8h 16m 36s 500ms (from 84 steps)
Charge screen off time: 7h 36m 28s 700ms (from 62 steps)
Charge screen on time: 10h 20m 40s 500ms (from 17 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Daily from 2020-12-10-04-01-35 to 2020-12-11-04-20-26:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h17m17s437ms to 19 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h12m42s336ms to 20 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +2h56m50s160ms to 21 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h13m9s635ms to 22 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +3h10m0s890ms to 23 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +3h12m18s904ms to 24 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h59m57s783ms to 25 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 2h 49m 47s 700ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 4h 32m 20s 500ms (from 5 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 4h 32m 20s 500ms (from 5 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-09-03-23-52 to 2020-12-10-04-01-35:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h14m40s337ms to 27 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +2h47m44s374ms to 28 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h12m18s797ms to 29 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h17m39s963ms to 30 (screen-off, power-save-off)
#4: +2h33m35s437ms to 31 (power-save-off)
#5: +3h26m25s367ms to 32 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h49m59s910ms to 33 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 12d 17h 20m 2s 600ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 7h 36m 16s 700ms (from 5 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 5h 8m 41s 800ms (from 4 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-08-04-39-15 to 2020-12-09-03-23-52:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h14m44s300ms to 35 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h15m16s481ms to 36 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +2h26m24s304ms to 37 (power-save-off)
#3: +10m28s987ms to 38 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#4: +11m6s884ms to 39 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#5: +20m53s970ms to 40 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#6: +14m18s907ms to 41 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#7: +13m57s113ms to 42 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#8: +2h43m8s176ms to 43 (power-save-off)
#9: +3h25m48s902ms to 44 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#10: +3h8m28s740ms to 45 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 7d 8h 27m 23s 300ms (from 11 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 13h 0m 39s 0ms (from 2 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 13h 0m 39s 0ms (from 2 steps)
Discharge screen on time: 20h 46m 37s 200ms (from 4 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-07-03-01-32 to 2020-12-08-04-39-15:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h21m3s753ms to 47 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h8m56s980ms to 48 (power-save-off)
#2: +3h8m48s586ms to 49 (power-save-off)
#3: +3h4m36s485ms to 50 (power-save-off)
#4: +3h6m33s672ms to 51 (power-save-off)
#5: +3h19m59s871ms to 52 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +3h12m20s416ms to 53 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 7h 36m 8s 0ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 15h 50m 8s 400ms (from 2 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 15h 50m 8s 400ms (from 2 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-06-06-13-52 to 2020-12-07-03-01-32:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h27m24s441ms to 55 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h29m59s892ms to 56 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h29m59s883ms to 57 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h23m13s938ms to 58 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +3h26m45s842ms to 59 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 14d 9h 47m 59s 900ms (from 5 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 14d 9h 47m 59s 900ms (from 5 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 14d 9h 47m 59s 900ms (from 5 steps)

Statistics since last charge:
System starts: 0, currently on battery: true
Estimated battery capacity: 4065 mAh
Min learned battery capacity: 3.00 mAh
Max learned battery capacity: 3.00 mAh
Time on battery: 1h 45m 40s 921ms (100.0%) realtime, 41m 15s 331ms (39.0%) uptime
Time on battery screen off: 1h 45m 22s 42ms (99.7%) realtime, 40m 56s 447ms (38.7%) uptime
Time on battery screen doze: 1h 45m 40s 921ms (100.0%)
Total run time: 1h 45m 40s 923ms realtime, 41m 15s 333ms uptime
Battery time remaining: 1d 13h 15m 12s 480ms
Discharge: 169 mAh
Screen off discharge: 167 mAh
Screen doze discharge: 2.00 mAh
Screen on discharge: 2.00 mAh
Device light doze discharge: 45.0 mAh
Device deep doze discharge: 108 mAh
Start clock time: 2020-12-16-18-11-37
Screen on: 18s 879ms (0.3%) 1x, Interactive: 18s 524ms (0.3%)
Screen brightnesses:
dark 4s 400ms (23.3%)
dim 14s 479ms (76.7%)
Device light idling: 25m 10s 560ms (23.8%) 1x
Idle mode light time: 25m 0s 378ms (23.7%) 3x – longest 10m 5s 425ms
Device full idling: 1h 14m 10s 445ms (70.2%) 1x
Idle mode full time: 1h 13m 40s 239ms (69.7%) 2x – longest 50m 25s 846ms
Total partial wakelock time: 3m 25s 460ms

Logging duration for connectivity statistics: 1h 45m 40s 921ms
Cellular Statistics:
Cellular kernel active time: 0ms (0.0%)
Cellular Sleep time: 1h 13m 30s 386ms (69.6%)
Cellular Idle time: 31m 51s 769ms (30.1%)
Cellular Rx time: 26s 230ms (0.4%)
Cellular Tx time:
less than 0dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
0dBm to 8dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
8dBm to 15dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
15dBm to 20dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
above 20dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
Cellular data received: 0B
Cellular data sent: 0B
Cellular packets received: 0
Cellular packets sent: 0
Cellular Radio Access Technology:
none 1h 45m 40s 920ms (100.0%)
Cellular Rx signal strength (RSRP):
very poor (less than -128dBm): 10s 435ms (0.2%)
great (greater than -98dBm): 1h 45m 30s 485ms (99.8%)
Wifi Statistics:
Wifi kernel active time: 1h 45m 40s 920ms (100.0%)
WiFi Scan time: 4s 89ms (0.1%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 20m 8s 314ms (75.8%)
WiFi Idle time: 24m 51s 929ms (23.5%)
WiFi Rx time: 37s 909ms (0.6%)
WiFi Tx time: 2s 772ms (0.0%)
WiFi Battery drain: 2.61mAh
Wifi data received: 713.94KB
Wifi data sent: 1.34MB
Wifi packets received: 7721
Wifi packets sent: 5414
Wifi states:
disconn 1h 44m 38s 525ms (99.0%)
sta 1m 2s 395ms (1.0%)
Wifi supplicant states:
disconn 1h 44m 38s 520ms (99.0%)
associating 36ms (0.0%)
associated 57ms (0.0%)
completed 1m 2s 307ms (1.0%)
Wifi Rx signal strength (RSSI):
good (-66.25dBm to -55dBm): 12s 260ms (0.2%)
great (greater than -55dBm): 1h 45m 28s 660ms (99.8%)
GPS Statistics:
GPS signal quality (Top 4 Average CN0):
poor (less than 20 dBHz): 0ms (0.0%)
good (greater than 20 dBHz): 0ms (0.0%)

Bluetooth total received: 0B, sent: 0B
Bluetooth scan time: 18s 921ms
Bluetooth Idle time: 26s 285ms (0.4%)
Bluetooth Rx time: 3m 42s 854ms (3.5%)
Bluetooth Tx time: 167ms (0.0%)
Bluetooth Battery drain: 1.42mAh

Device battery use since last full charge
Amount discharged (lower bound): 3
Amount discharged (upper bound): 4
Amount discharged while screen on: 0
Amount discharged while screen off: 4
Amount discharged while screen doze: 0

Estimated power use (mAh):
Capacity: 4065, Computed drain: 140, actual drain: 122-163
Uid 2000: (android.uid.shell:2000)55.1 ( cpu=53.3 wifi=1.72 ) Excluded from smearing
Ambient display: 51.1 Excluded from smearing
Uid 0: (root)10.9 ( cpu=6.87 wake=4.06 wifi=0.000569 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1000: (android)10.2 ( cpu=9.80 wake=0.121 wifi=0.190 bt=0.0750 sensor=0.00762 ) Excluded from smearing
Idle: 4.47 Excluded from smearing
Cell standby: 1.78 ( radio=1.78 ) Excluded from smearing
Bluetooth: 1.34 ( bt=1.34 ) Including smearing: 3.17 ( proportional=1.83 )
Uid 1001: (android.uid.phone:1001)1.20 ( cpu=1.20 wake=0.000347 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a156: (com.google.android.gms)1.02 ( cpu=0.894 wake=0.127 wifi=0.000228 ) Including smearing: 2.41 ( proportional=1.39 )
Wifi: 0.563 ( wifi=0.563 ) Including smearing: 1.33 ( proportional=0.764 )
Uid u0a55: (com.android.systemui)0.485 ( cpu=0.468 wake=0.0174 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1000: (com.coloros.sau)0.395 ( cpu=0.395 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1010: (android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service)0.288 ( cpu=0.288 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a7: (com.tencent.mm)0.279 ( cpu=0.138 wake=0.0966 wifi=0.0436 ) Including smearing: 0.657 ( proportional=0.379 )
Uid u0a215: (com.xunmeng.pinduoduo)0.141 ( cpu=0.127 wake=0.0000126 wifi=0.0140 ) Including smearing: 0.333 ( proportional=0.192 )
Uid 1036: (logd)0.107 ( cpu=0.107 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a65: (com.heytap.browser)0.103 ( cpu=0.0681 wake=0.000782 wifi=0.0338 ) Including smearing: 0.242 ( proportional=0.140 )
Uid u0a214: (com.heytap.health)0.0818 ( cpu=0.0795 wifi=0.00236 ) Including smearing: 0.193 ( proportional=0.111 )
Uid 1047: (android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service_64)0.0763 ( cpu=0.0763 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a132: (com.nearme.gamecenter)0.0700 ( cpu=0.0541 wake=0.000500 wifi=0.0153 ) Including smearing: 0.165 ( proportional=0.0950 )
Uid u0a67: (com.heytap.market)0.0638 ( cpu=0.0637 wake=0.0000488 wifi=0.0000569 ) Including smearing: 0.150 ( proportional=0.0866 )
Uid 1002: (android.uid.bluetooth:1002)0.0613 ( cpu=0.0613 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1021: (android.hardware.gnss@2.0-service-qti)0.0455 ( cpu=0.0455 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a128: (com.coloros.assistantscreen)0.0441 ( cpu=0.00178 wake=0.0000199 sensor=0.0423 ) Including smearing: 0.104 ( proportional=0.0599 )
Uid u0a50: (com.coloros.gallery3d)0.0381 ( cpu=0.0377 wake=0.000356 ) Including smearing: 0.0898 ( proportional=0.0517 )
Uid 1000: (com.heytap.mcs)0.0367 ( cpu=0.0367 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1041: (android.hardware.audio@2.0-service)0.0343 ( cpu=0.0292 wake=0.00508 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1013: (vppservice)0.0306 ( cpu=0.0306 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1066: (statsd)0.0297 ( cpu=0.0297 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a71: (com.heytap.cloud)0.0235 ( cpu=0.0235 wake=0.0000108 wifi=0.0000500 ) Including smearing: 0.0555 ( proportional=0.0320 )
Uid 1069: (lmkd)0.0233 ( cpu=0.0233 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a186: (com.coloros.gamespaceui)0.0232 ( cpu=0.00949 wifi=0.0137 ) Including smearing: 0.0547 ( proportional=0.0315 )
Uid u0a56: (android.uid.shared:10056)0.0217 ( cpu=0.0217 ) Including smearing: 0.0511 ( proportional=0.0295 )
Uid u0a104: (oppo.uid.instant:10104)0.0192 ( cpu=0.0192 ) Including smearing: 0.0452 ( proportional=0.0261 )
Uid 9999: (ashmemd)0.0181 ( cpu=0.0181 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a81: (com.coloros.sceneservice)0.0151 ( cpu=0.0148 wake=0.000330 ) Including smearing: 0.0357 ( proportional=0.0206 )
Uid u0a75: (com.oppo.usercenter)0.0130 ( cpu=0.0130 ) Including smearing: 0.0307 ( proportional=0.0177 )
Uid u0a99: (com.heytap.pictorial)0.0111 ( cpu=0.0106 wifi=0.000557 ) Including smearing: 0.0262 ( proportional=0.0151 )
Uid 1000: (com.heytap.habit.analysis)0.0104 ( cpu=0.0104 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 2903: (tftp_server)0.0100 ( cpu=0.0100 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a63: (com.android.mms)0.00930 ( cpu=0.00887 wake=0.000433 ) Including smearing: 0.0219 ( proportional=0.0126 )
Uid u0a158: (com.google.android.partnersetup)0.00885 ( cpu=0.00826 wake=0.000592 ) Including smearing: 0.0209 ( proportional=0.0120 )
Uid u0a76: (oppo.uid.launcher:10076)0.00868 ( cpu=0.00868 ) Including smearing: 0.0205 ( proportional=0.0118 )
Uid 1051: (noPkg)0.00810 ( wifi=0.00810 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a134: (com.tencent.android.location)0.00785 ( cpu=0.00413 wifi=0.00373 ) Including smearing: 0.0185 ( proportional=0.0107 )
Uid u0a70: (com.heytap.themestore)0.00737 ( cpu=0.00737 ) Including smearing: 0.0174 ( proportional=0.0100 )
Uid u0a147: (com.sohu.inputmethod.sogouoem)0.00732 ( cpu=0.00722 wake=0.000105 ) Including smearing: 0.0173 ( proportional=0.00995 )
Uid 1053: (webview_zygote)0.00653 ( cpu=0.00653 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a53: (com.android.providers.downloads)0.00606 ( cpu=0.00606 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 2906: (qrtr-ns)0.00484 ( cpu=0.00484 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a200: (com.coloros.oppopods)0.00409 ( cpu=0.00409 ) Including smearing: 0.00966 ( proportional=0.00556 )
Uid u0a180: (com.coloros.shortcuts)0.00409 ( cpu=0.00409 ) Including smearing: 0.00965 ( proportional=0.00556 )
Uid u0a87: (com.oppo.instant.local.service)0.00396 ( cpu=0.00396 ) Including smearing: 0.00934 ( proportional=0.00538 )
Uid u0a121: (com.coloros.alarmclock)0.00390 ( cpu=0.00388 wake=0.0000181 ) Including smearing: 0.00920 ( proportional=0.00530 )
Uid u0a153: (com.google.android.configupdater)0.00328 ( cpu=0.00325 wake=0.0000253 ) Including smearing: 0.00773 ( proportional=0.00445 )
Uid 1027: (android.uid.nfc:1027)0.00325 ( cpu=0.00325 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a139: (com.oppo.ctautoregist)0.00279 ( cpu=0.00255 wake=0.000240 ) Including smearing: 0.00657 ( proportional=0.00379 )
Uid u0a176: (com.mobiletools.systemhelper)0.00264 ( cpu=0.00264 ) Including smearing: 0.00624 ( proportional=0.00359 )
Uid u0a185: (com.coloros.soundrecorder)0.00264 ( cpu=0.00264 ) Including smearing: 0.00624 ( proportional=0.00359 )
Uid u0a165: (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts)0.00253 ( cpu=0.00252 wake=0.00000903 ) Including smearing: 0.00596 ( proportional=0.00343 )
Uid u0a57: (oppo.uid.softsim:10057)0.00230 ( cpu=0.00230 ) Including smearing: 0.00542 ( proportional=0.00312 )
Uid u0a66: (com.coloros.smartdrive)0.00225 ( cpu=0.00225 ) Including smearing: 0.00530 ( proportional=0.00305 )
Uid u0a178: (com.coloros.note)0.00164 ( cpu=0.00164 ) Including smearing: 0.00388 ( proportional=0.00223 )
Uid 1000: (com.coloros.activation)0.00164 ( cpu=0.00164 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a120: (com.coloros.providers.fileinfo)0.00156 ( cpu=0.00152 wake=0.0000397 ) Including smearing: 0.00368 ( proportional=0.00212 )
Uid u0a115: (com.coloros.regservice)0.00146 ( cpu=0.00146 ) Including smearing: 0.00343 ( proportional=0.00198 )
Uid u0a149: (com.qualcomm.timeservice)0.00144 ( cpu=0.00140 wake=0.0000325 ) Including smearing: 0.00339 ( proportional=0.00195 )
Uid u0a126: (com.coloros.calendar)0.00138 ( cpu=0.00113 wake=0.000244 ) Including smearing: 0.00325 ( proportional=0.00187 )
Uid u0a154: (com.google.android.onetimeinitializer)0.00132 ( cpu=0.00132 ) Including smearing: 0.00312 ( proportional=0.00180 )
Uid u0a49: (com.android.providers.calendar)0.00101 ( cpu=0.000928 wake=0.0000849 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1046: (media.codec)0.000944 ( cpu=0.000944 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a106: (com.coloros.weather.service)0.000896 ( cpu=0.000822 wake=0.0000740 ) Including smearing: 0.00211 ( proportional=0.00122 )
Uid 1000: (com.android.settings)0.000446 ( cpu=0.000446 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1040: (media.extractor)0.000378 ( cpu=0.000378 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a150: (com.qualcomm.qti.qms.service.trustzoneaccess)0.000378 ( cpu=0.000378 ) Including smearing: 0.000891 ( proportional=0.000513 )
Uid u0a130: (com.nearme.romupdate)0.000327 ( cpu=0.000325 wake=0.00000181 ) Including smearing: 0.000771 ( proportional=0.000444 )
Uid 1000: (com.oppo.ota)0.000298 ( cpu=0.000298 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1017: (noPkg)0.000189 ( cpu=0.000189 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a51: (com.android.permissioncontroller)0.000189 ( cpu=0.000189 ) Including smearing: 0.000446 ( proportional=0.000257 )
Uid 1000: (com.coloros.safecenter)0.000149 ( cpu=0.000149 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a140: (com.opos.ads)0.0000944 ( cpu=0.0000944 ) Including smearing: 0.000223 ( proportional=0.000128 )
Uid u0a172: (com.qualcomm.atfwd)0.0000944 ( cpu=0.0000944 ) Including smearing: 0.000223 ( proportional=0.000128 )

All kernel wake locks:
Kernel Wake lock qcom_rx_wakelock: 1h 5m 39s 630ms (14453 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks: 15m 8s 940ms (443 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock [timerfd]: 7m 1s 679ms (17537 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManager.SuspendLockout: 3m 11s 933ms (114 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManagerService.Display: 3m 11s 897ms (114 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock hal_bluetooth_lock: 2m 32s 705ms (181 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock alarmtimer: 2m 12s 765ms (66 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock prox_lock: 1m 29s 764ms (47 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock battery suspend wakelock: 1m 4s 369ms (1 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock a600000.ssusb: 1m 3s 620ms (1 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock lux_aod_lock: 1m 0s 802ms (32 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock c8c000.qcom,qup_uart: 34s 917ms (52 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock bluetooth_timer: 30s 255ms (603 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock amd_lock: 24s 610ms (48 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock radio-interface: 19s 170ms (92 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManagerService.Broadcasts: 12s 371ms (30 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock pil-a640_zap: 10s 126ms (1 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock pil-ipa_fws: 10s 87ms (1 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock wlan: 6s 414ms (18 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock otg_default: 4s 658ms (2 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock qcril_pre_client_init: 4s 264ms (4 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock IPA_CLIENT_APPS_LAN_CONS: 2s 843ms (47 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock tftp_server_wakelock: 2s 660ms (24 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock smp2p-sleepstate: 2s 575ms (14 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock battery: 2s 358ms (505 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock 3-0028: 2s 352ms (1 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock WakeLockCheck: 1s 337ms (1997 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock /vendor/bin/sscrpcd:630: 1s 210ms (3938 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock SensorService_wakelock: 1s 169ms (209 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock KeyEvents: 887ms (521 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock rpmb_access_wakelock: 652ms (276 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock fp_wakelock: 550ms (2 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock usbpd0: 504ms (2 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock gf_cmd_wakelock: 499ms (33 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock adsprpc: 473ms (15573 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock qcril: 470ms (260 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock IPA_WS: 436ms (9 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock wlan_fw_rsp_wakelock: 410ms (50 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock event3: 396ms (855 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock DIAG_WS: 375ms (4946 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock qcom-step-chg: 205ms (513 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock vdev_start: 144ms (7 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock pil-venus: 131ms (1 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock ApmAudio: 128ms (312 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock event0: 110ms (30 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock rmt_storage_524076182864: 93ms (8 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock rmt_storage_524077219152: 75ms (6 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock eventpoll: 58ms (17994 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock sensor_ssc_cq: 52ms (227 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock usb: 45ms (6 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock mgmt_txrx tx_cmp: 40ms (35 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock ApmOutput: 40ms (280 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock netmgr_wl: 24ms (4 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock c440000.qcom,spmi:qcom,pm8150b@2:qcom,qpnp-smb5: 22ms (1 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock tavil-slim-pgd: 14ms (52 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock qcom-battery: 2ms (3 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock /vendor/bin/sscrpcd:1044: 2ms (22 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock main: 2ms (5 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock smp2p: 2ms (18 times) realtime

All partial wake locks:
Wake lock u0a156 wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService: 49s 621ms (2 times) max=27116 actual=51688 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 PlatformComm: 30s 911ms (47 times) max=1101 actual=40487 realtime
Wake lock 1000 deviceidle_maint: 24s 438ms (3 times) max=30199 actual=40575 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.checkin.CheckinService: 16s 122ms (1 times) max=31751 actual=31751 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 fiid-sync: 14s 567ms (5 times) max=5270 actual=18544 realtime
Wake lock 1000 Sensor Calibration: 13s 564ms (0 times) max=9853 actual=19701 realtime
Wake lock 1000 sau:sau_update_all: 9s 912ms (1 times) max=10009 actual=10009 realtime
Wake lock 1000 AnyMotionDetector: 9s 526ms (1 times) max=9813 actual=9813 realtime
Wake lock 1000 sau:sau_query_app: 6s 736ms (1 times) max=6833 actual=6833 realtime
Wake lock u0a55 OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl: 6s 534ms (10 times) max=2527 actual=12008 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth: 5s 147ms (15 times) max=1029 actual=10382 realtime
Wake lock 1041 AudioMix: 2s 813ms (1 times) max=3008 actual=3008 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 GCM_CONN_ALARM: 2s 439ms (5 times) max=2192 actual=5477 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 MicroMsg.Alarm: 2s 307ms (25 times) max=215 actual=5226 realtime
Wake lock u0a55 AodService:wakeLock: 1s 847ms (2 times) max=3001 actual=6001 realtime
Wake lock u0a55 OnScreenFingerprintAODShowMech: 1s 259ms (3 times) max=947 actual=2820 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarm: 902ms (44 times) max=102 actual=1218 realtime
Wake lock 1000 athena:onekeyclear_wakelock_tag: 630ms (1 times) max=644 actual=644 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 alarm: 562ms (31 times) max=164 actual=981 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 Icing: 506ms (3 times) max=1517 actual=1770 realtime
Wake lock u0a65 vibrator: 433ms (1 times) max=433 realtime
Wake lock u0a158 job/com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: 328ms (2 times) max=923 actual=1051 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 GmsDownloadIntentOp: 312ms (1 times) max=931 actual=931 realtime
Wake lock 1000 NetworkStats: 306ms (31 times) max=54 actual=526 realtime
Wake lock u0a132 alarm: 278ms (2 times) max=547 actual=558 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarmCheckReport: 203ms (1 times) max=503 actual=503 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler:internal: 202ms (30 times) max=67 actual=615 realtime
Wake lock u0a50 job/com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService: 192ms (2 times) max=359 actual=380 realtime
Wake lock 1000 athena:compress_lock: 191ms (1 times) max=402 actual=402 realtime
Wake lock 1001 telephony-radio: 182ms (51 times) max=27 actual=219 realtime
Wake lock u0a81 alarm: 151ms (13 times) max=30 actual=168 realtime
Wake lock u0a63 bugle_datamodel_service_wakelock: 143ms (2 times) max=359 actual=588 realtime
Wake lock 1000 deep:sleep: 141ms (25 times) max=56 actual=278 realtime
Wake lock 1000 deviceidle_going_idle: 140ms (5 times) max=49 actual=190 realtime
Wake lock u0a139 alarm: 132ms (1 times) max=133 actual=133 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.chimera.container.InitConfigOperation: 130ms (1 times) max=472 actual=472 realtime
Wake lock u0a126 KeepTaskRunning: 116ms (1 times) max=201 actual=201 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService: 95ms (3 times) max=156 actual=298 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 wake:CollectionChimeraSvc: 92ms (2 times) max=313 actual=320 realtime
Wake lock u0a63 bugle_background_worker_wakelock: 72ms (1 times) max=290 actual=290 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.auth.frp.FrpUpdateIntentOperation: 63ms (1 times) max=125 actual=125 realtime
Wake lock 1000 telephony-radio: 60ms (9 times) max=11 realtime
Wake lock u0a147 alarm: 59ms (1 times) max=144 actual=144 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 alarm: 58ms (4 times) max=46 actual=129 realtime
Wake lock 1000 startDream: 56ms (2 times) max=73 actual=131 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$PersistentReceiverIntentOperation: 55ms (5 times) max=113 actual=213 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 CMWakeLock: 54ms (5 times) max=108 actual=226 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: 52ms (3 times) max=31 actual=58 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.reminders.notification.RefreshNotificationsIntentOperation: 51ms (5 times) max=62 actual=198 realtime
Wake lock u0a49 alarm: 47ms (1 times) max=47 realtime
Wake lock u0a106 job/com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: 42ms (2 times) max=68 actual=97 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleTimeRemindersIntentOperation: 42ms (2 times) max=78 actual=89 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/android/com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService: 42ms (1 times) max=53 actual=53 realtime
Wake lock 1000 guardelf:forcestop: 38ms (1 times) max=156 actual=156 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.udc.service.UdcContextInitService: 35ms (1 times) max=156 actual=156 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogService: 34ms (1 times) max=146 actual=146 realtime
Wake lock u0a81 PolicyDispatcher: 32ms (8 times) max=8 actual=36 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 UlrDispSvcFastWL: 28ms (3 times) max=104 actual=109 realtime
Wake lock u0a67 alarm: 27ms (1 times) max=27 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 GCoreFlp: 27ms (7 times) max=126 actual=136 realtime
Wake lock u0a63 Sms:StartingAlertService: 26ms (2 times) max=68 actual=111 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 wake:com.google.android.gms/.checkin.CheckinService: 24ms (1 times) max=53 actual=53 realtime
Wake lock 1000 com.heytap.mcs: 24ms (13 times) max=27 actual=56 realtime
Wake lock u0a120 job/com.coloros.providers.fileinfo/.service.DataUpdateJobService: 23ms (1 times) max=68 actual=68 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.icing.proxy.IcingInternalCorporaUpdateService: 22ms (1 times) max=106 actual=106 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.gass.chimera.SchedulePeriodicTasksService: 22ms (1 times) max=95 actual=95 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.ads.social.GcmSchedulerWakeupService: 21ms (1 times) max=92 actual=92 realtime
Wake lock u0a126 alarm: 19ms (1 times) max=19 realtime
Wake lock u0a149 TimeService: 18ms (1 times) max=36 actual=36 realtime
Wake lock 1000 DeviceIdleHelper: 17ms (2 times) max=17 actual=31 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 NlpWakeLock: 17ms (4 times) max=23 actual=46 realtime
Wake lock u0a153 alarm: 14ms (1 times) max=28 actual=28 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 Wakeful StateMachine: GeofencerStateMachine: 12ms (12 times) max=33 actual=54 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarmCheck: 12ms (3 times) max=14 actual=35 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleLocationRemindersIntentOperation: 11ms (1 times) max=54 actual=54 realtime
Wake lock u0a128 alarm: 11ms (1 times) max=11 realtime
Wake lock u0a121 AlarmAlertWakeLock: 11ms (1 times) max=34 actual=34 realtime
Wake lock 1000 GnssLocationProvider: 9ms (3 times) max=9 actual=16 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.ads.jams.NegotiationService: 8ms (1 times) max=34 actual=34 realtime
Wake lock u0a215 job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: 8ms (3 times) max=5 realtime
Wake lock u0a71 job/com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService: 6ms (1 times) max=19 actual=19 realtime
Wake lock 1001 RILJ-Oppo/0: 6ms (4 times) max=5 actual=15 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/android/com.android.server.PruneInstantAppsJobService: 6ms (1 times) max=12 actual=12 realtime
Wake lock u0a165 job/com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: 6ms (1 times) max=11 actual=11 realtime
Wake lock 1001 RILJ-Oppo/1: 5ms (2 times) max=9 actual=14 realtime
Wake lock u0a50 job/com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.timeline.cache.BlockJobService: 5ms (1 times) max=14 actual=14 realtime
Wake lock 1000 WifiSuspend: 4ms (2 times) max=12 actual=18 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarmAlign: 4ms (2 times) max=12 actual=16 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$GmsReceiverIntentOperation: 4ms (1 times) max=20 actual=20 realtime
Wake lock 1000 NtpTimeHelper: 3ms (1 times) max=3 realtime
Wake lock u0a139 CTAutoRegist:RegisterThread: 2ms (1 times) max=3 actual=3 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: 1ms (1 times) max=5 actual=5 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/android/com.android.server.net.watchlist.ReportWatchlistJobService: 1ms (1 times) max=3 actual=3 realtime
Wake lock u0a130 alarm: 1ms (1 times) max=1 realtime
Wake lock u0a81 location: 1ms (1 times) max=1 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 GCM_READ: 1ms (1 times) max=2 actual=2 realtime

All wakeup reasons:
Wakeup reason 173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2: 34m 6s 315ms (5605 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected: 1m 51s 384ms (65 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock : 9s 251ms (24 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed: 8s 506ms (24 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery: 6s 538ms (20 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery : 5s 210ms (15 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg : 4s 343ms (14 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg: 4s 792ms (13 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed: 2s 871ms (6 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] : 962ms (3 times) realtime
Wakeup reason unknown: 1s 41ms (3 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down: 1s 20ms (3 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed: 999ms (3 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: DIAG_WS realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: smp2p realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom-step-chg realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:18800000.qcom,icnss device failed to power down realtime

CPU freqs: 300000 403200 499200 576000 672000 768000 844800 940800 1036800 1113600 1209600 1305600 1382400 1478400 1555200 1632000 1708800 1785600 710400 825600 940800 1056000 1171200 1286400 1401600 1497600 1612800 1708800 1804800 1920000 2016000 2131200 2227200 2323200 2419200 825600 940800 1056000 1171200 1286400 1401600 1497600 1612800 1708800 1804800 1920000 2016000 2131200 2227200 2323200 2419200 2534400 2649600 2745600 2841600

Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 1.61KB sent (packets 0 received, 32 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 933ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 10ms (0.0%)
Total cpu time: u=74ms s=531ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 69660 11090 10170 8750 18120 17860 7520 93850 25860 18360 11050 6500 5030 3970 61570 13870 1290 3050 2860 3170 4740 25540 0 10 0 10 10 0 20 0 0 800 19500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 68940 10970 10070 8700 18060 17770 7490 93690 25830 18340 11030 6450 5000 3960 60760 13870 1290 3050 2860 3170 4720 25500 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 100 19500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.0-service:
CPU: 20ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:9:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10s 950ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10s 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10s 650ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10s 790ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 580ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 9s 930ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 9s 970ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 9s 820ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 300ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 950ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 120ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 140ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 380ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:2H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 420ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 70ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:2H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 230ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc usbtemp_kthread:
CPU: 0ms usr + 170ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc storaged:
CPU: 40ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc shortc_thread:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 9s 120ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 9s 750ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 9s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 850ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 420ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 890ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 70ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 740ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 590ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 340ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 280ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cds_ol_rx_threa:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 590ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc msm_watchdog:
CPU: 120ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc crtc_event:139:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc irq/32-90b6400.:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:20:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:14:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:17:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:16:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:15:
CPU: 0ms usr + 12s 680ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:14:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:13:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:12:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10s 470ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:10:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 520ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ecryptfs-kthrea:
CPU: 0ms usr + 320ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc khungtaskd:
CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc irq/33-90cd000.:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 760ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/7:
CPU: 200ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/6:
CPU: 80ms usr + 700ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/5:
CPU: 50ms usr + 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 720ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/3:
CPU: 170ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 950ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/1:
CPU: 240ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 170ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/7:
CPU: 130ms usr + 1s 240ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 850ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/5:
CPU: 10ms usr + 990ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 820ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 910ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/1:
CPU: 160ms usr + 1s 820ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 660ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 220ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 220ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 340ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 430ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 16s 800ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc zygote64:
CPU: 140ms usr + 1s 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc scheduler_threa:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vl53l1_daemon_main:
CPU: 10ms usr + 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 230ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:4:
CPU: 10ms usr + 3s 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 300ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 210ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:3:
CPU: 130ms usr + 1s 940ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:4:
CPU: 10ms usr + 7s 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 450ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 500ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 790ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 190ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 160ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 500ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 450ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 250ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 890ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 800ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 890ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 110ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 530ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc irq/113-8804000:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 760ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wlan_logging_th:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 800ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qrtr_rx:
CPU: 10ms usr + 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kthreadd:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcu_sched:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 830ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcu_preempt:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 400ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vold:
CPU: 800ms usr + 1s 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc netd:
CPU: 1s 300ms usr + 6s 160ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc init:
CPU: 210ms usr + 2s 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kgsl_worker_thr:
CPU: 0ms usr + 440ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kswapd0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 920ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ueventd:
CPU: 1m 3s 210ms usr + 15s 940ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sdf7-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 340ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sde9-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 460ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sda8-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 420ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sda6-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 740ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sda2-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 450ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc crtc_commit:139:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 770ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oom_reaper:
CPU: 0ms usr + 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc zygote:
CPU: 170ms usr + 1s 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc msm_irqbalance:
CPU: 2s 300ms usr + 3s 320ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc iptables-restore:
CPU: 10ms usr + 400ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc system:
CPU: 0ms usr + 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kauditd:
CPU: 20ms usr + 610ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/dm-2-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kcompactd0:
CPU: 20ms usr + 430ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc atlasservice:
CPU: 20ms usr + 410ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc tbatt_pwroff:
CPU: 100ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ip6tables-restore:
CPU: 40ms usr + 580ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc thermal-engine:
CPU: 520ms usr + 3s 650ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc core_ctl/7:
CPU: 10ms usr + 500ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc core_ctl/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 340ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc core_ctl/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 220ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oae_server:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 62.50KB received, 218.23KB sent (packets 310 received, 430 sent)
Wifi Running: 0ms (0.0%)
Full Wifi Lock: 0ms (0.0%)
Wifi Scan (blamed): 6s 943ms (0.1%) 2x
Wifi Scan (actual): 6s 943ms (0.1%) 2x
Background Wifi Scan: 6s 945ms (0.1%) 2x
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 37s 202ms (99.9%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 3s 301ms (0.1%)
WiFi Tx time: 442ms (0.0%)
Bluetooth Scan (total actual realtime): 18s 921ms (1 times)
Bluetooth Scan (background realtime): 18s 923ms (1 times)
Bluetooth Scan Results: 40 (40 in background)
User activity: 1 other, 3 touch
Wake lock job/android/com.android.server.net.watchlist.ReportWatchlistJobService: 1ms partial (1 times) max=3 actual=3, 3ms background partial (1 times) max=3 realtime
Wake lock deep:sleep: 141ms partial (25 times) max=56 actual=278, 278ms background partial (25 times) max=56 realtime
Wake lock WifiSuspend: 4ms partial (2 times) max=12 actual=18, 18ms background partial (2 times) max=12 realtime
Wake lock alarm: 902ms partial (44 times) max=102 actual=1218, 1s 218ms background partial (44 times) max=102 realtime
Wake lock sau:sau_query_app: 6s 736ms partial (1 times) max=6833 actual=6833, 6s 833ms background partial (1 times) max=6833 realtime
Wake lock com.heytap.mcs: 24ms partial (13 times) max=27 actual=56, 56ms background partial (13 times) max=27 realtime
Wake lock job/android/com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService: 42ms partial (1 times) max=53 actual=53, 53ms background partial (1 times) max=53 realtime
Wake lock job/com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: 52ms partial (3 times) max=31 actual=58, 58ms background partial (3 times) max=31 realtime
Wake lock athena:compress_lock: 191ms partial (1 times) max=402 actual=402, 402ms background partial (1 times) max=402 realtime
Wake lock guardelf:forcestop: 38ms partial (1 times) max=156 actual=156, 156ms background partial (1 times) max=156 realtime
Wake lock NetworkStats: 306ms partial (31 times) max=54 actual=526, 526ms background partial (31 times) max=54 realtime
Wake lock alarmCheckReport: 203ms partial (1 times) max=503 actual=503, 503ms background partial (1 times) max=503 realtime
Wake lock telephony-radio: 60ms partial (9 times) max=11, 60ms background partial (9 times) max=11 realtime
Wake lock NtpTimeHelper: 3ms partial (1 times) max=3, 3ms background partial (1 times) max=3 realtime
Wake lock sau:sau_update_all: 9s 912ms partial (1 times) max=10009 actual=10009, 10s 9ms background partial (1 times) max=10009 realtime
Wake lock job/android/com.android.server.PruneInstantAppsJobService: 6ms partial (1 times) max=12 actual=12, 12ms background partial (1 times) max=12 realtime
Wake lock DeviceIdleHelper: 17ms partial (2 times) max=17 actual=31, 31ms background partial (2 times) max=17 realtime
Wake lock alarmCheck: 12ms partial (3 times) max=14 actual=35, 35ms background partial (3 times) max=14 realtime
Wake lock GnssLocationProvider: 9ms partial (3 times) max=9 actual=16, 16ms background partial (3 times) max=9 realtime
Wake lock alarmAlign: 4ms partial (2 times) max=12 actual=16, 16ms background partial (2 times) max=12 realtime
Wake lock job/android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: 1ms partial (1 times) max=5 actual=5, 5ms background partial (1 times) max=5 realtime
Wake lock deviceidle_maint: 24s 438ms partial (3 times) max=30199 actual=40575, 40s 575ms background partial (3 times) max=30199 realtime
Wake lock AnyMotionDetector: 9s 526ms partial (1 times) max=9813 actual=9813, 9s 813ms background partial (1 times) max=9813 realtime
Wake lock Sensor Calibration: 13s 564ms partial (0 times) max=9853 actual=19701, 19s 701ms background partial (0 times) max=9853 realtime
Wake lock fingerprint_delay realtime
Wake lock startDream: 56ms partial (2 times) max=73 actual=131, 131ms background partial (2 times) max=73 realtime
Wake lock athena:onekeyclear_wakelock_tag: 630ms partial (1 times) max=644 actual=644, 644ms background partial (1 times) max=644 realtime
Wake lock deviceidle_going_idle: 140ms partial (5 times) max=49 actual=190, 190ms background partial (5 times) max=49 realtime
TOTAL wake: 1m 7s 18ms blamed partial, 1m 30s 71ms actual partial, 1m 30s 71ms actual background partial realtime
Job android/com.android.server.PruneInstantAppsJobService: 28ms realtime (1 times), 28ms background (1 times)
Job android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: 15ms realtime (1 times), 15ms background (1 times)
Job com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: 288ms realtime (3 times), 288ms background (3 times)
Job android/com.android.server.net.watchlist.ReportWatchlistJobService: 11ms realtime (1 times), 11ms background (1 times)
Job android/com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService: 77ms realtime (1 times), 77ms background (1 times)
Job Completions android/com.android.server.PruneInstantAppsJobService: canceled(1x)
Job Completions android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: canceled(1x)
Job Completions com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: canceled(3x)
Job Completions android/com.android.server.net.watchlist.ReportWatchlistJobService: canceled(1x)
Job Completions android/com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService: canceled(1x)
Sensor 6: 6s 921ms realtime (4 times), 6s 921ms background (4 times)
Sensor 16: 4s 789ms realtime (2 times), 4s 789ms background (2 times)
Sensor 20: 50ms realtime (1 times), 50ms background (1 times)
Sensor 23: 15m 2s 429ms realtime (1 times), 15m 2s 429ms background (1 times)
Sensor 24: 1s 50ms realtime (2 times), 1s 50ms background (2 times)
Sensor 1000: 2s 432ms realtime (3 times), 2s 432ms background (3 times)
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=82ms s=618ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 94840 24370 24920 18490 32870 33980 15430 161960 55370 34370 21900 12830 9720 8000 143900 410 140 160 140 180 110 5830 10 50 20 20 20 0 10 0 10 1120 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 93690 24100 24590 18360 32750 33830 15380 161740 55260 34350 21850 12760 9700 7940 135710 350 130 160 140 170 100 5670 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.hardware.power@1.2-service:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc pd-mapper:
CPU: 30ms usr + 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service:
CPU: 40ms usr + 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.colordirectservice:
CPU: 30ms usr + 320ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.appmanager:
CPU: 160ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.persist.system:
CPU: 4s 590ms usr + 13s 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.qualcomm.qti.poweroffalarm:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc perfservice:
CPU: 10ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.color.eyeprotect:
CPU: 340ms usr + 440ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc sensors.qti:
CPU: 30ms usr + 1s 520ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.phonemanager:qhsp.query:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.safecenter:interface:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.coloros.support.services:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc servicemanager:
CPU: 170ms usr + 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.accessory:
CPU: 430ms usr + 810ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc hypnusd:
CPU: 2s 830ms usr + 6s 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qseecomd:
CPU: 160ms usr + 6s 420ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc tloc_daemon:
CPU: 170ms usr + 8s 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.safecenter:push:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.mcs:
CPU: 1s 440ms usr + 1s 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.settings:
CPU: 30ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc android.hardware.light@2.0-service:
CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.deepthinker:
CPU: 260ms usr + 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service:
CPU: 60ms usr + 1s 940ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3-service:
CPU: 910ms usr + 2s 680ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.oiface@1.0-service:
CPU: 1s 150ms usr + 6s 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.securepay:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.health@2.0-service:
CPU: 410ms usr + 2s 660ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.system.suspend@1.0-service:
CPU: 570ms usr + 7m 48s 660ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc bspFwUpdate:
CPU: 30ms usr + 570ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc checkfutexwait:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.oppo.ota:
CPU: 10ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc subsystem_ramdump:
CPU: 20ms usr + 940ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.usb@1.0-service:
CPU: 160ms usr + 1s 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc time_daemon:
CPU: 60ms usr + 2s 950ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.nearme.statistics.rom:
CPU: 830ms usr + 630ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.oppo.ovoicemanager:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.keychain:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.sau:
CPU: 20s 600ms usr + 5s 980ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc .pasr:
CPU: 10ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.lmvibrator@1.0-service:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.securitykeyboard:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc hans:
CPU: 50ms usr + 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc neo:
CPU: 310ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cnd:
CPU: 80ms usr + 3s 700ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc sh:
CPU: 30ms usr + 910ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.daemon.shelper:
CPU: 80ms usr + 540ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc bspCriticalLog:
CPU: 0ms usr + 670ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc surfaceflinger:
CPU: 1s 160ms usr + 820ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qvrservice:
CPU: 40ms usr + 1s 630ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.activation:
CPU: 20ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.persist.multimedia:
CPU: 50ms usr + 570ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service:
CPU: 470ms usr + 2s 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc adsprpcd:
CPU: 30ms usr + 2s 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.floatassistant:edgepanel:
CPU: 40ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cnss-daemon:
CPU: 60ms usr + 2s 210ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc system:
CPU: 37s 690ms usr + 34s 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ssgtzd:
CPU: 170ms usr + 6s 760ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oiface:
CPU: 160ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service-qti:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.exsystemservice:
CPU: 10ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.qti.hardware.alarm@1.0-service:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc logcat:
CPU: 210ms usr + 1s 460ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.openid:
CPU: 680ms usr + 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc hwservicemanager:
CPU: 6s 310ms usr + 2s 460ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc pm-service:
CPU: 30ms usr + 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oppo_kevent:
CPU: 30ms usr + 540ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service:
CPU: 260ms usr + 2s 860ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cdsprpcd:
CPU: 50ms usr + 1s 950ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.qti.hardware.display.allocator-service:
CPU: 30ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.gamespace:
CPU: 70ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc ATFWD-daemon:
CPU: 30ms usr + 980ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.habit.analysis:
CPU: 480ms usr + 220ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc sscrpcd:
CPU: 150ms usr + 2s 550ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.wirelesssettings:
CPU: 60ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.heytap.mcs:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.heytap.mcs.action.message: 1 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.heytap.mcs.action: 13 times
Service com.heytap.mcs.service.McsSdkService:
Created for: 157ms uptime
Starts: 8, launches: 8
Service com.heytap.mcs.task.MessageService:
Created for: 25ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Apk com.android.settings:
Service com.coloros.settings.feature.othersettings.timepower.TimepowerUpdateConfigService:
Created for: 40m 56s 991ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Apk com.coloros.safecenter:
Service com.coloros.safecenter.appfrozen.services.AppFrozenService:
Created for: 758ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.coloros.safecenter.sysfloatwindow.FloatWindowUpdateService:
Created for: 29ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Apk com.oppo.ota:
Wakeup alarm walarm:oppo.intent.action.OTA_KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE: 1 times
Apk com.coloros.sau:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.coloros.sau.KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE: 0 times
Service com.coloros.sau.datares.ResParamService:
Created for: 40m 35s 833ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Apk com.coloros.activation:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.oppo.activation.TIME_CHECK: 1 times
Apk com.coloros.oppoguardelf:
Wakeup alarm walarm:oppo.intent.action.oppoguardelfdeepsleep.AutoStopTraffic: 1 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:oppo.intent.action.oppoguardelfdeepsleep.step: 1 times
Apk android:
Wakeup alarm walarm:JS idleness: 1 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:WriteBufferAlarm: 0 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:DeviceIdleController.deep: 3 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:power_monitor_network: 1 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer: 1 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:DeviceIdleController.light: 3 times
Service com.android.server.net.watchlist.ReportWatchlistJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.android.server.pm.DynamicCodeLoggingService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.android.server.PruneInstantAppsJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Apk com.coloros.athena:
Wakeup alarm walarm:oppo.intent.action.BOOT_MEM_OPTIMIZE: 1 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:oppo.intent.action.REQUEST_MEMORY_COMPRESS: 1 times
Apk com.heytap.habit.analysis:
Wakeup alarm walarm:job.delay: 1 times
Service com.heytap.mcssdk.AppPushService:
Created for: 11m 42s 638ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.heytap.habit.analysis.service.PeriodJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 3
Wake lock RILJ-Oppo/1: 5ms partial (2 times) max=9 actual=14, 14ms background partial (2 times) max=9 realtime
Wake lock RILJ-Oppo/0: 6ms partial (4 times) max=5 actual=15, 15ms background partial (4 times) max=5 realtime
Wake lock telephony-radio: 182ms partial (51 times) max=27 actual=219, 219ms background partial (51 times) max=27 realtime
TOTAL wake: 193ms blamed partial, 242ms actual partial, 242ms actual background partial realtime
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=3ms s=84ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 14770 1690 2380 2000 2950 3740 2760 11710 11770 5800 3560 1520 1150 660 16610 20 0 10 10 0 10 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 14630 1690 2380 2000 2950 3740 2760 11710 11770 5800 3560 1520 1150 660 16500 20 0 10 10 0 10 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc .dataservices:
CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc imsrcsd:
CPU: 30ms usr + 500ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc netmgrd:
CPU: 720ms usr + 40s 950ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc imsdatadaemon:
CPU: 160ms usr + 1s 970ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.phone:
CPU: 1s 330ms usr + 790ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc imsqmidaemon:
CPU: 150ms usr + 970ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ssgqmigd:
CPU: 10ms usr + 740ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc port-bridge:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 320ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ipacm:
CPU: 360ms usr + 1s 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc adpl:
CPU: 20ms usr + 1s 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qti:
CPU: 30ms usr + 1s 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc .qtidataservices:
CPU: 40ms usr + 850ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.incallui:
CPU: 10ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qcrild:
CPU: 870ms usr + 28s 670ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ims_rtp_daemon:
CPU: 20ms usr + 450ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ipacm-diag:
CPU: 30ms usr + 620ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=4ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 990 130 60 100 110 120 50 490 490 330 210 100 40 80 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 880 130 60 100 110 120 50 480 490 330 210 100 40 80 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.bluetooth:
CPU: 310ms usr + 3s 290ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-qti:
CPU: 100ms usr + 1s 550ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=6ms s=16ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 9350 600 460 320 630 490 210 1730 1160 970 590 350 290 190 4070 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 9250 600 460 320 630 490 210 1730 1160 970 590 350 290 190 4020 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service:
CPU: 5s 510ms usr + 8s 430ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wpa_supplicant:
CPU: 160ms usr + 4s 880ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wificond:
CPU: 270ms usr + 2s 910ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=3ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 500 60 70 50 80 30 20 250 180 90 70 20 30 30 620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 500 60 70 50 80 30 20 250 180 90 70 20 30 30 620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc vppservice:
CPU: 60ms usr + 1s 570ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc adsprpcd:
CPU: 40ms usr + 1s 440ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(nothing executed)
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
(nothing executed)
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=4ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 350 120 120 160 110 110 80 340 340 160 170 70 70 30 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 350 120 120 160 110 110 80 340 340 160 170 70 70 30 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.hardware.gnss@2.0-service-qti:
CPU: 150ms usr + 1s 560ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc mlid:
CPU: 30ms usr + 1s 160ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc loc_launcher:
CPU: 10ms usr + 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc xtra-daemon:
CPU: 70ms usr + 1s 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.nfc:
CPU: 140ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=1ms s=5ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2230 250 160 130 170 250 90 610 500 280 220 170 120 70 2340 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2100 230 150 130 160 240 90 610 490 280 210 170 120 70 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc logd:
CPU: 1s 950ms usr + 5s 530ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc media.extractor:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock AudioMix: 2s 813ms partial (1 times) max=3008 actual=3008, 3s 8ms background partial (1 times) max=3008 realtime
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=3ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 140 100 80 50 50 60 50 180 250 70 50 10 10 10 770 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 140 100 80 50 50 60 50 180 250 70 50 10 10 10 770 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc audioserver:
CPU: 70ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.audio@2.0-service:
CPU: 420ms usr + 2s 990ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc media.codec:
CPU: 40ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=3ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 310 70 60 80 130 160 80 530 460 300 250 320 190 260 1640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 310 70 60 80 130 160 80 530 460 300 250 320 190 260 1630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc cameraserver:
CPU: 10ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service_64:
CPU: 3s 500ms usr + 2s 620ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 5.64KB received, 2.70KB sent (packets 41 received, 41 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 791ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 146ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 14ms (0.0%)
(nothing executed)
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 120 10 10 10 10 10 0 40 80 60 10 0 10 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 120 10 10 10 10 10 0 40 80 60 10 0 10 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc webview_zygote:
CPU: 40ms usr + 670ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 400 70 30 20 40 50 50 200 160 100 100 60 50 30 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 400 70 30 20 40 50 50 190 160 100 100 60 50 30 640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc statsd:
CPU: 750ms usr + 1s 620ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Proc com.android.se:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 310 40 30 30 10 20 10 100 0 10 20 40 20 20 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 280 40 20 30 10 20 10 100 0 10 20 40 10 20 760 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc lmkd:
CPU: 40ms usr + 1s 540ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 351.94KB received, 1012.93KB sent (packets 6680 received, 4140 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 6s 753ms (99.5%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 32s 195ms (0.5%)
WiFi Tx time: 2s 4ms (0.0%)
Total cpu time: u=1s 587ms s=8ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1580 130 170 110 100 220 100 750 310 190 160 290 120 150 1640 12860 2720 4460 5300 5390 9230 1562750 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 1220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11500
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1560 130 170 110 100 220 100 750 310 190 160 290 120 150 1600 12860 2720 4460 5300 5390 9230 1562220 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70
Proc adbd:
CPU: 260ms usr + 3s 640ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc sh:
CPU: 30ms usr + 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc calculator:
CPU: 26m 27s 670ms usr + 120ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 110 30 20 0 40 30 0 120 60 20 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 110 30 20 0 40 30 0 120 60 20 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc tftp_server:
CPU: 20ms usr + 870ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 10 0 10 20 0 30 20 10 10 0 10 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 10 0 10 20 0 30 20 10 10 0 10 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc qrtr-ns:
CPU: 50ms usr + 510ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 110 10 10 10 30 10 0 50 30 30 10 10 0 10 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 110 10 10 10 30 10 0 50 30 30 10 10 0 10 670 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc ashmemd:
CPU: 190ms usr + 500ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rmt_storage:
CPU: 20ms usr + 540ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 40.29KB received, 25.21KB sent (packets 142 received, 172 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 95ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 763ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 96ms (0.0%)
Wake lock MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth: 5s 147ms partial (15 times) max=1029 actual=10382, 10s 382ms background partial (15 times) max=1029 realtime
Wake lock alarm: 562ms partial (31 times) max=164 actual=981, 981ms background partial (31 times) max=164 realtime
Wake lock PlatformComm: 30s 911ms partial (47 times) max=1101 actual=40487, 40s 487ms background partial (47 times) max=1101 realtime
Wake lock fiid-sync: 14s 567ms partial (5 times) max=5270 actual=18544, 18s 544ms background partial (5 times) max=5270 realtime
Wake lock MicroMsg.Alarm: 2s 307ms partial (25 times) max=215 actual=5226, 5s 226ms background partial (25 times) max=215 realtime
TOTAL wake: 53s 494ms blamed partial, 56s 292ms actual partial, 56s 292ms actual background partial realtime
Background for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=5ms s=4ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2160 240 320 170 110 140 130 760 340 290 210 280 160 210 3690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2140 240 320 170 110 140 130 760 340 280 210 280 160 210 3640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.tencent.mm:
CPU: 1s 850ms usr + 1s 640ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.tencent.mm:push:
CPU: 2s 340ms usr + 2s 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.tencent.mm:
Wakeup alarm walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000): 25 times
Service com.tencent.mm.booter.CoreService:
Created for: 36m 39s 27ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wake lock alarm: 47ms partial (1 times) max=47, 47ms background partial (1 times) max=47 realtime
Foreground for: 1s 43ms
Background for: 66ms
Cached for: 36s 972ms
Total running: 38s 81ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.providers.calendar:
CPU: 30ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.android.providers.calendar:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.android.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2: 1 times
Wi-Fi network: 8.97KB received, 2.11KB sent (packets 15 received, 17 sent)
Wake lock job/com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService: 192ms partial (2 times) max=359 actual=380, 380ms background partial (2 times) max=359 realtime
Wake lock job/com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.timeline.cache.BlockJobService: 5ms partial (1 times) max=14 actual=14, 14ms background partial (1 times) max=14 realtime
TOTAL wake: 197ms blamed partial, 394ms actual partial, 394ms actual background partial realtime
Job com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.timeline.cache.BlockJobService: 59ms realtime (1 times), 59ms background (1 times)
Job com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService: 555ms realtime (2 times), 555ms background (2 times)
Job Completions com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.timeline.cache.BlockJobService: canceled(1x)
Job Completions com.coloros.gallery3d/com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService: canceled(2x)
Background for: 1h 44m 47s 839ms
Cached for: 123ms
Total running: 1h 44m 47s 962ms
Total cpu time: u=1ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 70 10 20 20 20 0 0 20 0 10 30 0 0 0 1760 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 70 10 20 20 20 0 0 20 0 10 30 0 0 0 1760 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.gallery3d:
CPU: 20ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.coloros.gallery3d:
Service com.coloros.cloud.agent.gallery.GallerySyncAgent:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.coloros.cloud.agent.gallery.sync.SyncCloudService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.coloros.cloud.agent.gallery.GallerySyncAlbumAgent:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.oppo.gallery3d.search.SearchInfoUpdateService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.oppo.gallery3d.timeline.cache.BlockJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.oppo.gallery3d.tags.Tunnel.GalleryClusterAgentService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Cached for: 38s 407ms
Total running: 38s 407ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Proc com.dolby.daxservice:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 1s 788ms
Background for: 4s 223ms
Cached for: 1h 45m 34s 909ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 60 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 60 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.process.media:
CPU: 170ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.providers.downloads:
CPU: 40ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.android.providers.downloads:
Service com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadService:
Created for: 214ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
User activity: 2 other
Wake lock Window:OnScreenFingerprintPressedIcon: 325ms draw (7 times) realtime
Wake lock OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl: 6s 534ms partial (10 times) max=2527 actual=12008, 12s 8ms background partial (10 times) max=2527 realtime
Wake lock Window:Sys2023:dream: 142ms draw (4 times) realtime
Wake lock OnScreenFingerprintAODShowMech: 1s 259ms partial (3 times) max=947 actual=2820, 2s 820ms background partial (3 times) max=947 realtime
Wake lock AodService:wakeLock: 1s 847ms partial (2 times) max=3001 actual=6001, 6s 1ms background partial (2 times) max=3001 realtime
Wake lock Window:StatusBar: 379ms draw (5 times) realtime
Wake lock Window:OnScreenFingerprintIcon: 4s 557ms draw (11 times) realtime
TOTAL wake: 9s 640ms blamed partial, 13s 554ms actual partial, 13s 554ms actual background partial,5s 403ms draw realtime
Sensor 8: 1h 45m 19s 425ms realtime (2 times), 1h 45m 19s 425ms background (2 times)
Vibrator: 280ms realtime (1 times)
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=13ms s=5ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1390 280 190 90 130 190 120 330 90 50 60 60 50 40 1020 100 0 10 10 10 20 690 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1230 220 150 80 90 180 120 290 80 50 50 50 50 40 740 70 0 10 10 10 20 670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.systemui:
CPU: 3s 680ms usr + 1s 630ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wakelock:
CPU: 8ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.android.systemui:
Service com.coloros.systemui.aod.AodService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Foreground for: 1s 351ms
Background for: 4s 955ms
Cached for: 1h 41m 10s 555ms
Total running: 1h 41m 16s 861ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 10 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1670 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 10 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1670 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.process.acore:
CPU: 1s 470ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc android.process.contacts:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Background for: 193ms
Cached for: 5s 329ms
Total running: 5s 522ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.redteamobile.roaming:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Background for: 38s 131ms
Total running: 38s 131ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Proc com.ted.number:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock Sms:StartingAlertService: 26ms partial (2 times) max=68 actual=111, 111ms background partial (2 times) max=68 realtime
Wake lock bugle_background_worker_wakelock: 72ms partial (1 times) max=290 actual=290, 290ms background partial (1 times) max=290 realtime
Wake lock bugle_datamodel_service_wakelock: 143ms partial (2 times) max=359 actual=588, 588ms background partial (2 times) max=359 realtime
TOTAL wake: 241ms blamed partial, 902ms actual partial, 902ms actual background partial realtime
Background for: 1s 524ms
Cached for: 29s 593ms
Total running: 31s 117ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 20 0 0 20 0 0 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 20 0 0 20 0 0 670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.mms:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.android.mms:
Service com.coloros.mms.datamodel.action.BackgroundWorkerService:
Created for: 290ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.coloros.mms.datamodel.action.ActionServiceImpl:
Created for: 598ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.android.mms.transaction.SmsReceiverService:
Created for: 95ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.android.mms.transaction.TransactionService:
Created for: 76ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Cached for: 38s 592ms
Total running: 38s 592ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Wi-Fi network: 130.04KB received, 20.34KB sent (packets 169 received, 153 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 288ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 604ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 64ms (0.0%)
Wake lock vibrator: 433ms partial (1 times) max=433, 433ms background partial (1 times) max=433 realtime
Vibrator: 400ms realtime (1 times)
Background for: 1h 24m 22s 458ms
Cached for: 17m 15s 299ms
Total running: 1h 41m 37s 757ms
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 310 10 10 0 0 0 30 50 10 0 0 30 0 70 3150 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 310 10 10 0 0 0 30 50 10 0 0 30 0 70 3150 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.browser:
CPU: 870ms usr + 300ms krn ; 0ms fg
2 starts
Apk com.heytap.browser:
Service com.heytap.browser.mcs.BrowserOpushService:
Created for: 31m 56s 491ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Foreground for: 1s 123ms
Cached for: 1h 44m 20s 842ms
Total running: 1h 44m 21s 965ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.smartdrive:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 6.15KB received, 2.01KB sent (packets 13 received, 16 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 956ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 1ms (0.0%)
Wake lock alarm: 27ms partial (1 times) max=27, 27ms background partial (1 times) max=27 realtime
Background for: 1h 44m 48s 422ms
Cached for: 394ms
Total running: 1h 44m 48s 816ms
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2090 60 30 10 20 90 50 200 100 100 100 50 40 10 1540 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2090 60 30 10 20 80 50 200 100 100 100 50 40 10 1540 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.market:
CPU: 1s 950ms usr + 1s 380ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.heytap.market:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.heytap.market.ALARM.half_hour: 1 times
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.thread.EmptyService:
Created for: 1m 0s 985ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.push.OPushService:
Created for: 40m 36s 973ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Background for: 658ms
Cached for: 132ms
Total running: 790ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.themestore:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 17.34KB received, 27.71KB sent (packets 48 received, 53 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 957ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 1ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Wake lock alarm realtime
Wake lock job/com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService: 6ms partial (1 times) max=19 actual=19, 19ms background partial (1 times) max=19 realtime
TOTAL wake: 6ms blamed partial, 19ms actual partial, 19ms actual background partial realtime
Job com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService: 23ms realtime (2 times), 23ms background (2 times)
Job Completions com.heytap.cloud/com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService: canceled(2x)
Background for: 1h 44m 47s 324ms
Cached for: 1s 466ms
Total running: 1h 44m 48s 790ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 170 60 10 20 0 10 0 50 0 20 30 10 10 0 940 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 170 60 10 20 0 10 0 50 0 20 30 10 10 0 920 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.cloud:
CPU: 180ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.heytap.cloud:
Wakeup alarm walarm:job.delay: 0 times
Service com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.AlarmService:
Created for: 40m 35s 965ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.policy.CloudAutoSyncJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.cloud.base.commonsdk.syncmanager.agent.CloudDispatchService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Proc android.ext.services:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 3s 997ms
Background for: 12s 318ms
Cached for: 1h 45m 24s 605ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 80 0 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 70 0 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.usercenter:
CPU: 340ms usr + 280ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 220 40 0 10 0 0 0 40 30 10 20 10 10 20 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 220 40 0 10 0 0 0 40 30 10 20 10 10 20 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.launcher:
CPU: 180ms usr + 550ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 5.92KB received, 2.23KB sent (packets 20 received, 21 sent)
Wake lock alarm: 151ms partial (13 times) max=30 actual=168, 168ms background partial (13 times) max=30 realtime
Wake lock PolicyDispatcher: 32ms partial (8 times) max=8 actual=36, 36ms background partial (8 times) max=8 realtime
Wake lock location: 1ms partial (1 times) max=1, 1ms background partial (1 times) max=1 realtime
TOTAL wake: 184ms blamed partial, 205ms actual partial, 205ms actual background partial realtime
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 220 10 10 10 0 20 10 60 10 10 20 10 0 0 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 200 10 10 10 0 20 10 60 10 10 20 10 0 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.sceneservice:
CPU: 430ms usr + 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.coloros.sceneservice:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver: 20 times
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 30 20 10 10 0 0 50 20 0 0 10 0 20 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 30 20 10 10 0 0 50 20 0 0 10 0 20 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.instant.local.service:
CPU: 50ms usr + 450ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 15.84KB received, 17.21KB sent (packets 52 received, 64 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 948ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 10ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 1ms (0.0%)
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.pictorial:
CPU: 190ms usr + 160ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 76B received, 76B sent (packets 1 received, 1 sent)
Background for: 552ms
Cached for: 1h 18m 21s 749ms
Total running: 1h 18m 22s 301ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 30 0 970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 30 0 960 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.nearme.instant.platform:
CPU: 10ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.nearme.instant.platform:provider:
CPU: 30ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wake lock job/com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: 42ms partial (2 times) max=68 actual=97, 97ms background partial (2 times) max=68 realtime
Job com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: 117ms realtime (2 times), 117ms background (2 times)
Job Completions com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: canceled(2x)
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.weather.service:
CPU: 50ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.coloros.weather.service:
Wakeup alarm walarm:job.delay: 1 times
Service com.coloros.weather.service.AutoUpdateWeatherService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Background for: 30s 360ms
Cached for: 100ms
Total running: 30s 460ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.regservice:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.coloros.regservice:
Service cn.richinfo.dm.service.DMService:
Created for: 41m 7s 344ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wake lock job/com.coloros.providers.fileinfo/.service.DataUpdateJobService: 23ms partial (1 times) max=68 actual=68, 68ms background partial (1 times) max=68 realtime
Job com.coloros.providers.fileinfo/.service.DataUpdateJobService: 73ms realtime (1 times), 73ms background (1 times)
Job Completions com.coloros.providers.fileinfo/.service.DataUpdateJobService: canceled(1x)
Background for: 292ms
Cached for: 30s 410ms
Total running: 30s 702ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.providers.fileinfo:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.coloros.providers.fileinfo:
Service com.coloros.providers.fileinfo.service.DataUpdateJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Wake lock AlarmAlertWakeLock: 11ms partial (1 times) max=34 actual=34, 34ms background partial (1 times) max=34 realtime
Background for: 202ms
Cached for: 49s 422ms
Total running: 49s 624ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.alarmclock:
CPU: 30ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wake lock alarm: 19ms partial (1 times) max=19, 19ms background partial (1 times) max=19 realtime
Wake lock KeepTaskRunning: 116ms partial (1 times) max=201 actual=201, 201ms background partial (1 times) max=201 realtime
TOTAL wake: 135ms blamed partial, 220ms actual partial, 220ms actual background partial realtime
Background for: 326ms
Cached for: 37s 732ms
Total running: 38s 58ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.calendar:
CPU: 30ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.coloros.calendar:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.coloros.providers.calendar.intent.CalendarProvider2: 1 times
Service com.android.providers.calendar.BroadcastTaskExecutor:
Created for: 27ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertService:
Created for: 242ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wake lock alarm: 11ms partial (1 times) max=11, 11ms background partial (1 times) max=11 realtime
Sensor 19: 1h 45m 40s 854ms realtime (3 times), 1h 45m 40s 856ms background (3 times)
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.assistantscreen:
CPU: 40ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.coloros.assistantscreen:
Wakeup alarm walarm:coloros.intent.action.assistantscreen.step.pulse: 1 times
Wake lock alarm: 1ms partial (1 times) max=1, 1ms background partial (1 times) max=1 realtime
Background for: 119ms
Cached for: 15m 18s 653ms
Total running: 15m 18s 772ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.nearme.romupdate:
CPU: 10ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.nearme.romupdate:
Wakeup alarm walarm:oppo.intent.action.RUS_KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE: 1 times
Service com.coloros.romupdate.service.UpdateService:
Created for: 31ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wi-Fi network: 11.28KB received, 14.21KB sent (packets 49 received, 54 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 659ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 267ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 35ms (0.0%)
Wake lock alarm: 278ms partial (2 times) max=547 actual=558, 558ms background partial (2 times) max=547 realtime
Background for: 1h 14m 21s 649ms
Cached for: 170ms
Total running: 1h 14m 21s 819ms
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 170 20 10 0 10 0 0 20 10 0 0 0 0 20 3080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 170 20 10 0 10 0 0 20 10 0 0 0 0 20 3080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.nearme.gamecenter:mcs:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.nearme.gamecenter:
CPU: 1s 650ms usr + 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
2 starts
Apk com.nearme.gamecenter:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.nearme.gamecenter.ALARM.half_hour: 1 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.nearme.gamecenter.broadcast.check.upgrade: 1 times
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.upgrade.check.CheckUpgradeService:
Created for: 1s 68ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.thread.EmptyService:
Created for: 28m 14s 20ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.push.OPushService:
Created for: 41m 6s 442ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 2
Wi-Fi network: 12.05KB received, 4.92KB sent (packets 24 received, 33 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 888ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 62ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 11ms (0.0%)
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.tencent.android.location:
CPU: 70ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock alarm: 132ms partial (1 times) max=133 actual=133, 133ms background partial (1 times) max=133 realtime
Wake lock CTAutoRegist:RegisterThread: 2ms partial (1 times) max=3 actual=3, 3ms background partial (1 times) max=3 realtime
TOTAL wake: 134ms blamed partial, 133ms actual partial, 133ms actual background partial realtime
Background for: 143ms
Cached for: 1h 44m 32s 685ms
Total running: 1h 44m 32s 828ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.ctautoregist:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
2 starts
Apk com.oppo.ctautoregist:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.oppo.ctautoregist/.RegisterReceiver: 1 times
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.opos.ads:service:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Proc com.android.smspush:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock alarm: 59ms partial (1 times) max=144 actual=144, 144ms background partial (1 times) max=144 realtime
Background for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 100 60 10 10 40 50 0 30 10 10 10 10 10 0 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 90 60 10 10 40 50 0 30 10 10 10 10 10 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.sohu.inputmethod.sogouoem:
CPU: 180ms usr + 580ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock TimeService: 18ms partial (1 times) max=36 actual=36, 36ms background partial (1 times) max=36 realtime
Background for: 137ms
Cached for: 19s 340ms
Total running: 19s 477ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.qualcomm.timeservice:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Cached for: 38s 428ms
Total running: 38s 428ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wake lock alarm: 14ms partial (1 times) max=28 actual=28, 28ms background partial (1 times) max=28 realtime
Background for: 1s 254ms
Cached for: 1h 40m 14s 724ms
Total running: 1h 40m 15s 978ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.android.configupdater:
CPU: 40ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Background for: 942ms
Cached for: 1h 40m 12s 974ms
Total running: 1h 40m 13s 916ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.android.onetimeinitializer:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Cached for: 8s 19ms
Total running: 8s 19ms
Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 1.04KB sent (packets 0 received, 14 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 958ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 4ms (0.0%)
Wake lock gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.icing.proxy.IcingInternalCorporaUpdateService: 22ms partial (1 times) max=106 actual=106, 106ms background partial (1 times) max=106 realtime
Wake lock wake:com.google.android.gms/.checkin.CheckinService: 24ms partial (1 times) max=53 actual=53, 53ms background partial (1 times) max=53 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.auth.frp.FrpUpdateIntentOperation: 63ms partial (1 times) max=125 actual=125, 125ms background partial (1 times) max=125 realtime
Wake lock GCoreFlp: 27ms partial (7 times) max=126 actual=136, 136ms background partial (7 times) max=126 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService: 95ms partial (3 times) max=156 actual=298, 298ms background partial (3 times) max=156 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.ads.jams.NegotiationService: 8ms partial (1 times) max=34 actual=34, 34ms background partial (1 times) max=34 realtime
Wake lock NlpWakeLock: 17ms partial (4 times) max=23 actual=46, 46ms background partial (4 times) max=23 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler:internal: 202ms partial (30 times) max=67 actual=615, 615ms background partial (30 times) max=67 realtime
Wake lock alarm: 58ms partial (4 times) max=46 actual=129, 129ms background partial (4 times) max=46 realtime
Wake lock Wakeful StateMachine: GeofencerStateMachine: 12ms partial (12 times) max=33 actual=54, 54ms background partial (12 times) max=33 realtime
Wake lock wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService: 49s 621ms partial (2 times) max=27116 actual=51688, 51s 688ms background partial (2 times) max=27116 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.checkin.CheckinService: 16s 122ms partial (1 times) max=31751 actual=31751, 31s 751ms background partial (1 times) max=31751 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleTimeRemindersIntentOperation: 42ms partial (2 times) max=78 actual=89, 89ms background partial (2 times) max=78 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$PersistentReceiverIntentOperation: 55ms partial (5 times) max=113 actual=213, 213ms background partial (5 times) max=113 realtime
Wake lock GCM_READ: 1ms partial (1 times) max=2 actual=2, 2ms background partial (1 times) max=2 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.gass.chimera.SchedulePeriodicTasksService: 22ms partial (1 times) max=95 actual=95, 95ms background partial (1 times) max=95 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.chimera.container.InitConfigOperation: 130ms partial (1 times) max=472 actual=472, 472ms background partial (1 times) max=472 realtime
Wake lock Icing: 506ms partial (3 times) max=1517 actual=1770, 1s 770ms background partial (3 times) max=1517 realtime
Wake lock wake:CollectionChimeraSvc: 92ms partial (2 times) max=313 actual=320, 320ms background partial (2 times) max=313 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$GmsReceiverIntentOperation: 4ms partial (1 times) max=20 actual=20, 20ms background partial (1 times) max=20 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.checkin.EventLogService: 34ms partial (1 times) max=146 actual=146, 146ms background partial (1 times) max=146 realtime
Wake lock GmsDownloadIntentOp: 312ms partial (1 times) max=931 actual=931, 931ms background partial (1 times) max=931 realtime
Wake lock GCM_CONN_ALARM: 2s 439ms partial (5 times) max=2192 actual=5477, 5s 477ms background partial (5 times) max=2192 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.udc.service.UdcContextInitService: 35ms partial (1 times) max=156 actual=156, 156ms background partial (1 times) max=156 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.reminders.notification.RefreshNotificationsIntentOperation: 51ms partial (5 times) max=62 actual=198, 198ms background partial (5 times) max=62 realtime
Wake lock CMWakeLock: 54ms partial (5 times) max=108 actual=226, 226ms background partial (5 times) max=108 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler/com.google.android.gms/.ads.social.GcmSchedulerWakeupService: 21ms partial (1 times) max=92 actual=92, 92ms background partial (1 times) max=92 realtime
Wake lock UlrDispSvcFastWL: 28ms partial (3 times) max=104 actual=109, 109ms background partial (3 times) max=104 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleLocationRemindersIntentOperation: 11ms partial (1 times) max=54 actual=54, 54ms background partial (1 times) max=54 realtime
TOTAL wake: 1m 10s 108ms blamed partial, 1m 25s 250ms actual partial, 1m 25s 250ms actual background partial realtime
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=27ms s=6ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 840 80 110 30 70 100 60 360 120 90 70 130 120 90 8090 0 0 0 0 0 0 1030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 820 80 110 30 70 100 60 360 120 90 70 110 120 90 8020 0 0 0 0 0 0 1030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.process.gapps:
CPU: 40ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc wakelock:
CPU: 19ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.google.android.gms:
CPU: 1s 990ms usr + 1s 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.google.process.gservices:
CPU: 510ms usr + 430ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.google.android.gms.ui:
CPU: 70ms usr + 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.google.android.gms.unstable:
CPU: 260ms usr + 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.google.android.gms.persistent:
CPU: 3s 390ms usr + 2s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.google.android.gms:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.google.android.intent.action.GCM_RECONNECT: 1 times
Service com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.AdvertisingIdService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.wearable.service.WearableControlService:
Created for: 58ms uptime
Starts: 3, launches: 3
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentInternalBoundBrokerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.checkin.CheckinApiService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.FileApkIntentOperation$ExternalFileApkService:
Created for: 48ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.account.be.channelid.ChannelBindingStateIntentService:
Created for: 29ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.icing.service.IndexService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.gcm.PushMessagingRegistrarProxy:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 5
Service com.google.android.gms.wearable.service.WearableService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.lockbox.LockboxService:
Created for: 1s 875ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.rcs.binding.RcsBindingPersistentService:
Created for: 770ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.backup.BackupAccountManagerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.GmsInternalBoundBrokerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 21
Service com.google.android.location.internal.server.HardwareArProviderService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 3
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.account.authenticator.GoogleAccountAuthenticatorService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.common.stats.GmsCoreStatsService:
Created for: 38m 36s 25ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.lockbox.service.LockboxBrokerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.icing.proxy.IcingInternalCorporaUpdateService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.easyunlock.authorization.InitializerIntentService:
Created for: 54ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.backup.GmsBackupAccountManagerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedService:
Created for: 19ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService:
Created for: 38m 35s 474ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService:
Created for: 38m 35s 592ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService:
Created for: 38m 34s 464ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.UiIntentOperationService:
Created for: 8s 715ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.ads.jams.NegotiationService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.location.persistent.LocationPersistentService:
Created for: 38m 34s 32ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService:
Created for: 304ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.icing.service.IndexWorkerService:
Created for: 1s 861ms uptime
Starts: 3, launches: 3
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService:
Created for: 47s 612ms uptime
Starts: 6, launches: 6
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 7
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService:
Created for: 1m 5s 697ms uptime
Starts: 4, launches: 4
Service com.google.android.gms.security.verifier.InternalApkUploadService:
Created for: 26ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.thunderbird.EmergencyPersistentService:
Created for: 38m 34s 786ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 3
Service com.google.android.gms.gcm.http.GoogleHttpService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 8
Service com.google.android.gms.trustagent.api.bridge.TrustAgentBridgeService:
Created for: 5ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.checkin.EventLogService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.checkin.CheckinService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.ads.social.GcmSchedulerWakeupService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.gcm.nts.SchedulerService:
Created for: 38m 35s 0ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.fido.fido2.pollux.CableAuthenticatorService:
Created for: 38m 35s 860ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.tron.CollectionService:
Created for: 1s 21ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.GmsBoundBrokerService:
Created for: 133ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.instantapps.routing.DomainFilterUpdateService:
Created for: 32ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.GcmReceiverService:
Created for: 101ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentApiService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 5
Service com.google.android.gms.clearcut.debug.ClearcutDebugDumpService:
Created for: 38m 36s 130ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService:
Created for: 38m 36s 783ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.fitness.service.recording.FitRecordingBroker:
Created for: 60ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.deviceconnection.service.DeviceConnectionWatcherService:
Created for: 38m 35s 946ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.udc.service.UdcContextInitService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.magictether.host.TetherListenerService:
Created for: 1s 186ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.icing.service.AppIndexingService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService:
Created for: 62ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.gass.chimera.SchedulePeriodicTasksService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.ReceiveSurfaceService:
Created for: 852ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wake lock job/com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: 328ms partial (2 times) max=923 actual=1051, 1s 51ms background partial (2 times) max=923 realtime
Job com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: 1s 97ms realtime (2 times), 1s 97ms background (2 times)
Job Completions com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: canceled(2x)
Background for: 2s 261ms
Cached for: 1h 40m 11s 528ms
Total running: 1h 40m 13s 789ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 10 10 0 60 40 20 10 0 10 20 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 10 10 0 60 40 20 10 0 10 20 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.android.partnersetup:
CPU: 20ms usr + 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.google.android.partnersetup:
Service com.google.android.partnersetup.PhenotypeJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Background for: 36s 93ms
Cached for: 2s 295ms
Total running: 38s 388ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Proc com.qualcomm.qti.services.systemhelper:systemhelper_service:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock job/com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: 6ms partial (1 times) max=11 actual=11, 11ms background partial (1 times) max=11 realtime
Job com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: 16ms realtime (1 times), 16ms background (1 times)
Job Completions com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: canceled(1x)
Background for: 1s 27ms
Cached for: 1h 40m 10s 682ms
Total running: 1h 40m 11s 709ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.process.gapps:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts:
Service com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Cached for: 38s 523ms
Total running: 38s 523ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Background for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.qualcomm.telephony:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 346B received, 1.27KB sent (packets 4 received, 5 sent)
Wake lock alarm realtime
Background for: 86ms
Cached for: 1h 20m 6s 635ms
Total running: 1h 20m 6s 721ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.mobiletools.systemhelper:register:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.mobiletools.systemhelper:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.mobiletools.systemhelper/.control.SIMStateReceiver: 0 times
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.mobiletools.systemhelper/.control.OnBootReceiver: 0 times
Background for: 181ms
Cached for: 222ms
Total running: 403ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.note:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Foreground for: 1s 344ms
Cached for: 1h 44m 20s 669ms
Total running: 1h 44m 22s 13ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 210 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.shortcuts:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Background for: 1h 44m 47s 603ms
Cached for: 319ms
Total running: 1h 44m 47s 922ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.soundrecorder:
CPU: 10ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.coloros.soundrecorder:
Service oppo.multimedia.soundrecorder.sync.RecordDataSyncAgent:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Wi-Fi network: 21.89KB received, 7.47KB sent (packets 52 received, 58 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 697ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 235ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 34ms (0.0%)
Foreground for: 4s 171ms
Background for: 266ms
Cached for: 1h 40m 43s 48ms
Total running: 1h 40m 47s 485ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 100 0 20 0 0 0 0 30 0 10 0 0 0 0 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 100 0 20 0 0 0 0 30 0 10 0 0 0 0 380 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.gamespaceui:
CPU: 130ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.coloros.gamespaceui:
Service com.coloros.gamespaceui.service.UpdateConfigService:
Created for: 14ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.coloros.gamespaceui.service.PackageChangedService:
Created for: 328ms uptime
Starts: 3, launches: 3
Cached for: 38s 544ms
Total running: 38s 544ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Background for: 1h 45m 23s 169ms
Cached for: 85ms
Total running: 1h 45m 23s 254ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.oppopods:
CPU: 70ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 18.83KB received, 6.90KB sent (packets 47 received, 67 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 920ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 37ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 9ms (0.0%)
Background for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=4ms s=2ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2770 80 100 50 30 110 70 440 260 170 170 100 90 70 1380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2680 80 100 50 30 110 70 430 260 170 170 100 90 70 1360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.health:transport:
CPU: 570ms usr + 630ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.health:SportDaemonService:
CPU: 2s 720ms usr + 1s 920ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 4.86KB received, 5.02KB sent (packets 54 received, 43 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 1h 45m 40s 689ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 261ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 17ms (0.0%)
Wake lock job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: 8ms partial (3 times) max=5, 8ms background partial (3 times) max=5 realtime
Job com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: 27ms realtime (3 times), 27ms background (3 times)
Job Completions com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: canceled(3x)
Foreground for: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total running: 1h 45m 40s 920ms
Total cpu time: u=3ms s=4ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 390 170 30 60 180 80 110 470 470 170 430 210 360 250 3490 20 0 0 0 10 10 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 390 170 30 60 180 80 110 470 470 170 430 210 360 250 3470 20 0 0 0 10 10 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.xunmeng.pinduoduo:titan:
CPU: 3s 170ms usr + 4s 250ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.xunmeng.pinduoduo:
Service com.xunmeng.pinduoduo.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 3

Total cpu time reads: 0
Batched cpu time reads: 0
Batching Duration (min): 42
All UID cpu time reads since the later of device start or stats reset: 484
UIDs removed since the later of device start or stats reset: 1
OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $


6.2 DSP

130|OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $ time ./android_Debug_aarch64/calculator 0 50000000

—Starting calculator test
***** remote_session_control is TRUE ****
***** remote_session_control returned 0 ****

—Allocate 200000000 bytes from ION heap
—Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 49999999

—Compute sum on the DSP
time_sec is 1516344157 us
—Sum = 19504722859575

25m18.75s real 0m00.74s user 0m07.11s system
OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $ cd /data/local/tmp/calculator^C
130|OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $ dumpsys batterystats
Battery History (3% used, 160KB used of 4096KB, 69 strings using 5856):
0 (14) RESET:TIME: 2020-12-17-10-18-00
0 (1) 100 status=not-charging health=good plug=none temp=280 volt=4371 charge=3663 modemRailChargemAh=0 wifiRailChargemAh=0 +running +wake_lock +sensor +wifi_radio +screen phone_signal_strength=good brightness=dim +wifi_running +wifi wifi_signal_strength=4 wifi_suppl=completed +ble_scan
0 (2) 100 top=1000:”com.android.settings”
0 (2) 100 user=0:”0”
0 (2) 100 userfg=0:”0”
+14ms (2) 100 stats=0:”dump”
+2s804ms (2) 100 +wifi_scan -wifi_running wifi_suppl=disconn stats=0:”wifi-state”
+2s924ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wifi-stopped”
+6s255ms (1) 100 -wifi_scan
+7s267ms (1) 100 charge=3662
+11s745ms (2) 100 phone_signal_strength=great
+18s418ms (2) 100 +job=1000:”android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService”
+18s432ms (2) 100 -job=1000:”android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService”
+23s385ms (2) 100 volt=4328 charge=3661
+26s549ms (2) 100 phone_signal_strength=good
+29s273ms (1) 100 charge=3660
+34s136ms (3) 100 charge=3659 -screen stats=0:”get-stats”
+34s659ms (2) 100 +wifi_scan stats=0:”screen-state”
+35s680ms (3) 100 -sensor +screen_doze -ble_scan stats=0:”screen-state”
+38s107ms (2) 100 -wifi_scan stats=0:”screen-state”
+39s259ms (1) 100 charge=3658
+44s011ms (2) 100 stats=0:”screen-state”
+44s379ms (3) 100 volt=4349 charge=3657 -wake_lock stats=0:”screen-state”
+45s017ms (4) 100 +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” -screen_doze wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: gf_cmd_wakelock” stats=0:”screen-state”
+45s524ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock stats=0:”screen-state”
+46s909ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46s930ms (14) TIME: 2020-12-17-10-18-47
+47s138ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a156:”IntentOp:com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService”
+47s505ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+47s819ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a126:”KeepTaskRunning” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47s916ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+48s943ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49s338ms (1) 100 -running
+49s991ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50s314ms (1) 100 -running
+50s490ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50s940ms (1) 100 -running
+51s120ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51s641ms (1) 100 -running
+52s221ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52s629ms (1) 100 -running
+53s361ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+53s688ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+54s158ms (2) 100 volt=4374 charge=3656
+55s347ms (3) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”walarm:oppo.intent.action.OTA_KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+55s662ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+56s448ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+56s824ms (1) 100 -running
+57s457ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+57s830ms (1) 100 -running
+58s578ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+58s969ms (1) 100 -running
+59s612ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+59s958ms (1) 100 -running
+1m00s419ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m01s058ms (1) 100 -running
+1m01s768ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m02s157ms (1) 100 -running
+1m02s792ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m03s121ms (1) 100 -running
+1m03s895ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m04s204ms (3) 100 +wake_lock=u0a165:”job/com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected” +job=u0a165:”com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService”
+1m04s502ms (3) 100 volt=4338 -wake_lock -job=u0a165:”com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService”
+1m04s600ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a156:”wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService”
+1m05s878ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1m06s590ms (2) 100 +job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+1m06s605ms (2) 100 +job=u0a161:”com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.process.mainimpl.PhoneskyJobServiceMain”
+1m07s267ms (2) 100 -job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+1m09s358ms (1) 100 charge=3655
+1m10s982ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1m11s505ms (2) 100 -job=u0a161:”com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.process.mainimpl.PhoneskyJobServiceMain”
+1m11s609ms (2) 100 +job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+1m11s757ms (2) 100 -job=u0a158:”com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService”
+1m14s489ms (2) 100 volt=4359
+1m16s370ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1m19s353ms (1) 100 charge=3654
+1m49s507ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+1m50s713ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m51s089ms (1) 100 -running
+1m51s739ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m52s114ms (1) 100 -running
+1m52s778ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m53s125ms (1) 100 -running
+1m53s795ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m54s167ms (1) 100 -running
+1m54s716ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m55s139ms (1) 100 -running
+1m55s638ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m56s034ms (1) 100 -running
+1m56s361ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m56s781ms (1) 100 -running
+1m57s161ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m57s567ms (1) 100 -running
+1m57s685ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m58s080ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+1m58s952ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+1m59s343ms (1) 100 -running
+2m00s076ms (2) 100 charge=3653 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m00s451ms (1) 100 -running
+2m00s753ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+2m01s173ms (1) 100 -running
+2m01s970ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m02s375ms (1) 100 -running
+2m03s012ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m03s546ms (1) 100 -running
+2m03s891ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m04s136ms (1) 100 -running
+2m04s247ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m04s579ms (1) 100 -running
+2m05s271ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m05s631ms (1) 100 -running
+2m05s947ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m06s192ms (1) 100 -running
+2m06s320ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m06s673ms (1) 100 -running
+2m07s413ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m07s789ms (1) 100 -running
+2m08s106ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m08s312ms (1) 100 -running
+2m08s423ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m08s772ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m09s446ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m09s802ms (1) 100 -running
+2m10s123ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m10s295ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+2m11s496ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m11s863ms (1) 100 -running
+2m12s191ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m12s434ms (1) 100 -running
+2m12s540ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m12s875ms (1) 100 -running
+2m13s567ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m13s987ms (1) 100 -running
+2m14s019ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m14s410ms (1) 100 -running
+2m14s694ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m15s046ms (1) 100 -running
+2m15s489ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m15s736ms (1) 100 -running
+2m15s819ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m16s177ms (1) 100 -running
+2m16s841ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m17s195ms (1) 100 -running
+2m17s518ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m17s759ms (1) 100 -running
+2m17s872ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m18s204ms (1) 100 -running
+2m18s897ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m19s241ms (1) 100 -running
+2m19s571ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m19s814ms (1) 100 -running
+2m19s920ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m20s282ms (1) 100 -running
+2m20s966ms (2) 100 charge=3652 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m21s307ms (1) 100 -running
+2m21s636ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m21s865ms (1) 100 -running
+2m21s986ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m22s318ms (1) 100 -running
+2m23s066ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m23s443ms (1) 100 -running
+2m23s752ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m23s997ms (1) 100 -running
+2m24s112ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m24s445ms (1) 100 -running
+2m25s148ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m25s511ms (1) 100 -running
+2m25s818ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m26s029ms (1) 100 -running
+2m26s142ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m26s484ms (1) 100 -running
+2m27s185ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m27s564ms (1) 100 -running
+2m27s885ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m28s086ms (1) 100 -running
+2m28s189ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m28s548ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m29s228ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m29s568ms (1) 100 -running
+2m29s898ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m30s107ms (1) 100 -running
+2m30s263ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m30s621ms (1) 100 -running
+2m31s192ms (2) 100 charge=3651 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m31s654ms (1) 100 -running
+2m31s876ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m32s116ms (1) 100 -running
+2m32s341ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m32s694ms (1) 100 -running
+2m33s185ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m33s332ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+2m33s881ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m34s120ms (1) 100 -running
+2m34s385ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m34s721ms (1) 100 -running
+2m35s175ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m35s434ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m35s835ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m36s075ms (1) 100 -running
+2m36s495ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m36s829ms (1) 100 -running
+2m37s169ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m37s373ms (1) 100 -running
+2m37s527ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m37s900ms (1) 100 -running
+2m38s573ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m38s909ms (1) 100 -running
+2m39s253ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m39s463ms (1) 100 -running
+2m39s581ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m39s922ms (1) 100 -running
+2m40s616ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m40s960ms (1) 100 -running
+2m41s290ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m41s436ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+2m41s994ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m42s203ms (1) 100 -running
+2m42s423ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m43s282ms (1) 100 -running
+2m43s313ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m43s875ms (1) 100 -running
+2m43s984ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m44s219ms (1) 100 -running
+2m44s585ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m44s961ms (1) 100 -running
+2m45s301ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m45s509ms (1) 100 -running
+2m45s615ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m45s963ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m46s674ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m47s031ms (1) 100 -running
+2m47s361ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m47s568ms (1) 100 -running
+2m47s747ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m48s096ms (1) 100 -running
+2m48s645ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m49s168ms (1) 100 -running
+2m49s374ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m49s598ms (1) 100 -running
+2m49s803ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m50s166ms (1) 100 -running
+2m50s691ms (2) 100 charge=3650 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m50s824ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+2m51s382ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m51s866ms (1) 100 -running
+2m52s051ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m52s262ms (1) 100 -running
+2m52s579ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m52s938ms (1) 100 -running
+2m53s348ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m53s838ms (1) 100 -running
+2m54s023ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m54s251ms (1) 100 -running
+2m54s610ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m54s956ms (1) 100 -running
+2m55s317ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m55s552ms (1) 100 -running
+2m55s655ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m56s007ms (1) 100 -running
+2m56s694ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m57s090ms (1) 100 -running
+2m57s407ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m57s619ms (1) 100 -running
+2m57s785ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+2m58s190ms (1) 100 -running
+2m58s709ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+2m59s144ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+2m59s849ms (2) 100 charge=3649 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m00s273ms (1) 100 -running
+3m00s652ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m00s858ms (1) 100 -running
+3m00s955ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m01s336ms (1) 100 -running
+3m01s671ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m02s061ms (1) 100 -running
+3m02s086ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m02s569ms (1) 100 -running
+3m02s968ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m03s175ms (1) 100 -running
+3m03s313ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m03s686ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m04s255ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m04s677ms (1) 100 -running
+3m04s927ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m05s137ms (1) 100 -running
+3m05s381ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m05s748ms (1) 100 -running
+3m06s239ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m06s385ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+3m06s943ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m07s142ms (1) 100 -running
+3m07s421ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m07s780ms (1) 100 -running
+3m08s243ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m08s491ms (1) 100 -running
+3m08s558ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m08s903ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m09s573ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m09s916ms (1) 100 -running
+3m10s249ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m10s493ms (1) 100 -running
+3m10s627ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m10s976ms (1) 100 -running
+3m11s547ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m11s973ms (1) 100 -running
+3m12s220ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m12s464ms (1) 100 -running
+3m12s754ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m13s138ms (1) 100 -running
+3m13s556ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m13s766ms (1) 100 -running
+3m13s860ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=1000:”NtpTimeHelper” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m13s997ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m14s937ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m15s269ms (1) 100 -running
+3m15s620ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m15s854ms (1) 100 -running
+3m16s024ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m16s368ms (1) 100 -running
+3m16s902ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m17s041ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+3m17s577ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m17s785ms (1) 100 -running
+3m18s078ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m18s431ms (1) 100 -running
+3m18s876ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m19s104ms (1) 100 -running
+3m19s201ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m19s552ms (1) 100 -running
+3m20s229ms (2) 100 charge=3648 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m20s605ms (1) 100 -running
+3m20s924ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m21s132ms (1) 100 -running
+3m21s242ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m21s599ms (1) 100 -running
+3m22s290ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m22s623ms (1) 100 -running
+3m22s966ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m23s207ms (1) 100 -running
+3m23s317ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m23s651ms (1) 100 -running
+3m24s342ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:hans” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m24s360ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+3m24s366ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”deep:sleep”
+3m24s368ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+3m24s986ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m25s219ms (1) 100 -running
+3m25s443ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m25s795ms (1) 100 -running
+3m26s297ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m26s445ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+3m27s002ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m27s200ms (1) 100 -running
+3m27s482ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m27s878ms (1) 100 -running
+3m28s329ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m28s517ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a156:”wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService” wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+3m28s765ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+3m28s986ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m29s187ms (1) 100 -running
+3m29s555ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m29s936ms (1) 100 -running
+3m30s278ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m30s485ms (1) 100 -running
+3m30s654ms (2) 100 charge=3647 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m31s022ms (1) 100 -running
+3m31s569ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m32s820ms (2) 100 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+3m34s101ms (1) 100 -running
+3m34s156ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m34s386ms (1) 100 -running
+3m34s760ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m35s089ms (1) 100 -running
+3m35s444ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m35s650ms (1) 100 -running
+3m35s792ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m36s140ms (1) 100 -running
+3m36s832ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m37s193ms (1) 100 -running
+3m37s520ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m37s723ms (1) 100 -running
+3m37s854ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m38s199ms (1) 100 -running
+3m38s952ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m39s293ms (1) 100 -running
+3m39s633ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m39s845ms (1) 100 -running
+3m39s970ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m40s246ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+3m40s945ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m41s350ms (1) 100 -running
+3m41s617ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m41s816ms (1) 100 -running
+3m42s017ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m42s366ms (1) 100 -running
+3m42s911ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m43s398ms (1) 100 -running
+3m43s598ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m43s801ms (1) 100 -running
+3m44s062ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m44s441ms (1) 100 -running
+3m44s911ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m45s092ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a7:”fiid-sync” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+3m45s158ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+3m45s543ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m45s787ms (1) 100 -running
+3m46s145ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m46s504ms (1) 100 -running
+3m46s843ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m47s075ms (1) 100 -running
+3m47s185ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m47s533ms (1) 100 -running
+3m48s273ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m48s540ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+3m48s952ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m49s158ms (1) 100 -running
+3m49s292ms (2) 100 charge=3646 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m49s658ms (1) 100 -running
+3m50s335ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m50s704ms (1) 100 -running
+3m51s009ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m51s193ms (1) 100 -running
+3m51s349ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m51s711ms (1) 100 -running
+3m52s395ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m52s737ms (1) 100 -running
+3m53s070ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m53s311ms (1) 100 -running
+3m53s426ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m53s777ms (1) 100 -running
+3m54s517ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m54s884ms (1) 100 -running
+3m55s197ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+3m55s388ms (1) 100 -running
+3m55s527ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m55s891ms (1) 100 -running
+3m56s571ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m56s933ms (1) 100 -running
+3m57s250ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m57s494ms (1) 100 -running
+3m57s620ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m57s955ms (1) 100 -running
+3m58s651ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+3m58s992ms (1) 100 -running
+3m59s325ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+3m59s570ms (1) 100 -running
+3m59s754ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m00s098ms (1) 100 -running
+4m00s626ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m00s761ms (2) 100 charge=3645 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+4m01s294ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m01s506ms (1) 100 -running
+4m01s795ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m02s150ms (1) 100 -running
+4m02s582ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m02s787ms (1) 100 -running
+4m02s909ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m03s252ms (1) 100 -running
+4m03s951ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m04s335ms (1) 100 -running
+4m04s652ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m04s862ms (1) 100 -running
+4m04s959ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m05s320ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m06s048ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m06s397ms (1) 100 -running
+4m06s733ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m06s974ms (1) 100 -running
+4m07s126ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m07s468ms (1) 100 -running
+4m08s019ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m08s527ms (1) 100 -running
+4m08s725ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m08s931ms (1) 100 -running
+4m09s180ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m09s534ms (1) 100 -running
+4m10s035ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m10s251ms (1) 100 -running
+4m10s714ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m11s044ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+4m11s840ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m12s371ms (1) 100 -running
+4m12s524ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m12s725ms (1) 100 -running
+4m12s945ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m13s301ms (1) 100 -running
+4m13s829ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m13s964ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+4m14s516ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m14s722ms (1) 100 -running
+4m15s013ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m15s354ms (1) 100 -running
+4m15s809ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m16s050ms (1) 100 -running
+4m16s135ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m16s477ms (1) 100 -running
+4m17s167ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m17s522ms (1) 100 -running
+4m17s846ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m18s088ms (1) 100 -running
+4m18s193ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m18s539ms (1) 100 -running
+4m19s220ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m19s595ms (1) 100 -running
+4m19s896ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m20s130ms (1) 100 -running
+4m20s242ms (2) 100 charge=3644 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m20s570ms (1) 100 -running
+4m21s264ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m21s639ms (1) 100 -running
+4m21s965ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m22s207ms (1) 100 -running
+4m22s291ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m22s625ms (1) 100 -running
+4m23s317ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m23s659ms (1) 100 -running
+4m23s985ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m24s223ms (1) 100 -running
+4m24s339ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m24s881ms (1) 100 -running
+4m25s293ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m25s542ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m26s586ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m26s779ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+4m27s263ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m27s503ms (1) 100 -running
+4m27s827ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m28s182ms (1) 100 -running
+4m28s568ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m28s772ms (1) 100 -running
+4m28s921ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m29s260ms (1) 100 -running
+4m29s952ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m30s299ms (1) 100 -running
+4m30s630ms (2) 100 charge=3643 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m30s785ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+4m31s999ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m32s358ms (1) 100 -running
+4m32s679ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m32s920ms (1) 100 -running
+4m33s043ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m33s378ms (1) 100 -running
+4m34s068ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m34s408ms (1) 100 -running
+4m34s740ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m34s988ms (1) 100 -running
+4m35s093ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m35s421ms (1) 100 -running
+4m36s114ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m36s460ms (1) 100 -running
+4m36s787ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m37s027ms (1) 100 -running
+4m37s137ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m37s473ms (1) 100 -running
+4m38s163ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m38s565ms (1) 100 -running
+4m38s867ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m39s103ms (1) 100 -running
+4m39s182ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m39s546ms (1) 100 -running
+4m40s225ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m40s563ms (1) 100 -running
+4m40s896ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m41s133ms (1) 100 -running
+4m41s327ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m41s719ms (1) 100 -running
+4m42s222ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m42s712ms (1) 100 -running
+4m42s918ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m43s161ms (1) 100 -running
+4m43s379ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m43s911ms (1) 100 -running
+4m44s258ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m44s391ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+4m44s935ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m45s142ms (1) 100 -running
+4m45s414ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m45s758ms (1) 100 -running
+4m46s223ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m46s472ms (1) 100 -running
+4m46s552ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m46s888ms (1) 100 -running
+4m47s571ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m47s946ms (1) 100 -running
+4m48s253ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m48s495ms (1) 100 -running
+4m48s626ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m49s007ms (1) 100 -running
+4m49s571ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m49s993ms (1) 100 -running
+4m50s261ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m50s469ms (1) 100 -running
+4m50s655ms (2) 100 charge=3642 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m51s003ms (1) 100 -running
+4m51s539ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m51s679ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+4m52s260ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m52s499ms (1) 100 -running
+4m52s723ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m53s080ms (1) 100 -running
+4m53s569ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m53s720ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+4m54s236ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m54s434ms (1) 100 -running
+4m54s743ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m55s102ms (1) 100 -running
+4m55s500ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m55s702ms (1) 100 -running
+4m55s855ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m56s205ms (1) 100 -running
+4m56s883ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m57s257ms (1) 100 -running
+4m57s564ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m57s807ms (1) 100 -running
+4m57s943ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+4m58s300ms (1) 100 -running
+4m58s858ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m59s321ms (1) 100 -running
+4m59s531ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+4m59s767ms (1) 100 -running
+5m00s064ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m00s374ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+5m00s837ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m01s041ms (1) 100 -running
+5m01s176ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m01s540ms (1) 100 -running
+5m02s223ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m02s564ms (1) 100 -running
+5m02s897ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m03s139ms (1) 100 -running
+5m03s250ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m03s587ms (1) 100 -running
+5m04s276ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m05s263ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+5m06s318ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m06s659ms (1) 100 -running
+5m06s993ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m07s236ms (1) 100 -running
+5m07s373ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m07s727ms (1) 100 -running
+5m08s287ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m08s757ms (1) 100 -running
+5m08s983ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m09s140ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+5m09s380ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+5m10s274ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m10s402ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+5m10s990ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m11s227ms (1) 100 -running
+5m11s534ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m11s902ms (1) 100 -running
+5m12s303ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m12s546ms (1) 100 -running
+5m12s663ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m12s994ms (1) 100 -running
+5m13s688ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m14s030ms (1) 100 -running
+5m14s362ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m14s723ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+5m15s819ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m16s179ms (1) 100 -running
+5m16s512ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m16s756ms (1) 100 -running
+5m16s861ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m17s202ms (1) 100 -running
+5m17s968ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m18s417ms (1) 100 -running
+5m18s711ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m18s919ms (1) 100 -running
+5m18s992ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m19s360ms (1) 100 -running
+5m20s120ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m20s507ms (1) 100 -running
+5m20s810ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m21s023ms (1) 100 -running
+5m21s138ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m21s498ms (1) 100 -running
+5m22s273ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m22s612ms (1) 100 -running
+5m22s954ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m23s186ms (1) 100 -running
+5m23s303ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m23s663ms (1) 100 -running
+5m24s414ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m24s770ms (1) 100 -running
+5m25s095ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m25s283ms (1) 100 -running
+5m25s427ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m25s791ms (1) 100 -running
+5m26s561ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m26s929ms (1) 100 -running
+5m27s250ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m27s466ms (1) 100 -running
+5m27s590ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m27s958ms (1) 100 -running
+5m28s725ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m29s076ms (1) 100 -running
+5m29s405ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m29s625ms (1) 100 -running
+5m29s750ms (2) 100 charge=3640 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m30s082ms (1) 100 -running
+5m30s866ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m31s212ms (1) 100 -running
+5m31s541ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m31s725ms (1) 100 -running
+5m31s879ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m32s272ms (1) 100 -running
+5m32s833ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m33s026ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+5m33s559ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m33s715ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+5m35s550ms (3) 100 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” +job=1000:”com.oppo.lfeh/.service.UploadJobService”
+5m35s611ms (2) 100 +job=1000:”com.oppo.logkit/.service.UploadJobSchedulerService”
+5m35s737ms (2) 100 -job=1000:”com.oppo.lfeh/.service.UploadJobService”
+5m35s865ms (2) 100 +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+5m35s871ms (2) 100 -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+5m35s890ms (2) 100 +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+5m35s900ms (2) 100 device_idle=light -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+5m36s025ms (2) 100 -wake_lock -job=1000:”com.oppo.logkit/.service.UploadJobSchedulerService”
+5m36s068ms (2) 100 charge=3639 +wake_lock=1000:”athena:compress_lock”
+5m38s794ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+5m40s023ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m40s269ms (1) 100 -running
+5m40s305ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m40s835ms (1) 100 -running
+5m41s324ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=1000:”NetworkStats” wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m41s574ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+5m41s990ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m42s196ms (1) 100 -running
+5m42s431ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m42s834ms (1) 100 -running
+5m43s308ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m43s524ms (1) 100 -running
+5m43s560ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m43s914ms (1) 100 -running
+5m43s971ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m44s211ms (1) 100 -running
+5m44s667ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m45s002ms (1) 100 -running
+5m45s333ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m45s554ms (1) 100 -running
+5m45s723ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m46s074ms (1) 100 -running
+5m46s636ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+5m46s820ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+5m47s355ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m47s569ms (1) 100 -running
+5m47s959ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m48s338ms (1) 100 -running
+5m48s641ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m48s892ms (1) 100 -running
+5m49s115ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m49s462ms (1) 100 -running
+5m49s954ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m50s199ms (1) 100 -running
+5m50s235ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m50s582ms (1) 100 -running
+5m50s614ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m51s237ms (1) 100 -running
+5m51s290ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m51s501ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+5m51s957ms (2) 100 charge=3638 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m52s181ms (1) 100 -running
+5m52s373ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m53s307ms (1) 100 -running
+5m53s503ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m53s880ms (1) 100 -running
+5m54s208ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m54s457ms (1) 100 -running
+5m54s641ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m55s007ms (1) 100 -running
+5m55s513ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m55s719ms (1) 100 -running
+5m55s748ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m56s105ms (1) 100 -running
+5m56s184ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m56s437ms (1) 100 -running
+5m56s888ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m57s234ms (1) 100 -running
+5m57s578ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m57s804ms (1) 100 -running
+5m58s004ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+5m58s367ms (1) 100 -running
+5m58s891ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m59s095ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+5m59s561ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+5m59s779ms (1) 100 -running
+6m00s153ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+6m00s490ms (1) 100 -running
+6m00s863ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m01s055ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+6m02s181ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m02s659ms (1) 100 -running
+6m02s878ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m03s093ms (1) 100 -running
+6m03s326ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m03s683ms (1) 100 -running
+6m04s189ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m04s396ms (1) 100 -running
+6m04s453ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m04s818ms (1) 100 -running
+6m04s857ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m05s085ms (1) 100 -running
+6m05s545ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m05s922ms (1) 100 -running
+6m06s237ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m06s442ms (1) 100 -running
+6m06s599ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m07s009ms (1) 100 -running
+6m07s576ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m07s970ms (1) 100 -running
+6m08s046ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m08s309ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+6m08s639ms (2) 100 charge=3637 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+6m09s064ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+6m10s148ms (1) 100 -running
+6m10s814ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m11s154ms (1) 100 -running
+6m11s486ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m11s721ms (1) 100 -running
+6m11s840ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m12s197ms (1) 100 -running
+6m12s958ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m13s314ms (1) 100 -running
+6m13s646ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m13s852ms (1) 100 -running
+6m13s977ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m14s319ms (1) 100 -running
+6m15s097ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m15s542ms (1) 100 -running
+6m15s832ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m16s066ms (1) 100 -running
+6m16s137ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m16s502ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m17s188ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m17s614ms (1) 100 -running
+6m17s875ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m18s099ms (1) 100 -running
+6m18s271ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m18s570ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+6m19s207ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m19s419ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+6m19s919ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m20s170ms (1) 100 -running
+6m20s550ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m20s904ms (1) 100 -running
+6m21s230ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m21s461ms (1) 100 -running
+6m21s655ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m22s011ms (1) 100 -running
+6m22s538ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m22s752ms (1) 100 -running
+6m22s788ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m23s134ms (1) 100 -running
+6m23s203ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m23s418ms (1) 100 -running
+6m23s881ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m24s245ms (1) 100 -running
+6m24s573ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m24s812ms (1) 100 -running
+6m24s950ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m25s365ms (1) 100 -running
+6m25s901ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m26s038ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+6m26s575ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m26s828ms (1) 100 -running
+6m27s105ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m27s450ms (1) 100 -running
+6m27s883ms (2) 100 charge=3636 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m28s108ms (1) 100 -running
+6m28s216ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m28s580ms (1) 100 -running
+6m29s439ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m29s782ms (1) 100 -running
+6m30s118ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m30s331ms (1) 100 -running
+6m30s359ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m30s713ms (1) 100 -running
+6m30s788ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m30s988ms (1) 100 -running
+6m31s461ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m31s848ms (1) 100 -running
+6m32s156ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m32s385ms (1) 100 -running
+6m32s520ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m32s864ms (1) 100 -running
+6m33s638ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m33s988ms (1) 100 -running
+6m34s310ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m34s525ms (1) 100 -running
+6m34s670ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m34s994ms (1) 100 -running
+6m35s781ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m36s143ms (1) 100 -running
+6m36s461ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m36s682ms (1) 100 -running
+6m36s823ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m37s157ms (1) 100 -running
+6m37s938ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m38s490ms (1) 100 -running
+6m38s623ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m38s827ms (1) 100 -running
+6m38s961ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m39s256ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+6m39s941ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m40s424ms (1) 100 -running
+6m40s614ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m40s854ms (1) 100 -running
+6m41s128ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m41s524ms (1) 100 -running
+6m41s955ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m42s185ms (1) 100 -running
+6m42s248ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m42s632ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m43s362ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m43s705ms (1) 100 -running
+6m44s050ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m44s266ms (1) 100 -running
+6m44s389ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m44s748ms (1) 100 -running
+6m45s526ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m45s877ms (1) 100 -running
+6m46s211ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m46s400ms (1) 100 -running
+6m46s530ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m46s887ms (1) 100 -running
+6m47s667ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m48s023ms (1) 100 -running
+6m48s351ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m48s596ms (1) 100 -running
+6m48s708ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m49s050ms (1) 100 -running
+6m49s821ms (2) 100 charge=3635 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m50s223ms (1) 100 -running
+6m50s535ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m50s757ms (1) 100 -running
+6m50s840ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m51s122ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+6m51s885ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m52s304ms (1) 100 -running
+6m52s562ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m52s772ms (1) 100 -running
+6m52s985ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m53s370ms (1) 100 -running
+6m53s891ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m54s133ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m54s557ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m54s768ms (1) 100 -running
+6m55s232ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m55s589ms (1) 100 -running
+6m55s921ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m56s171ms (1) 100 -running
+6m56s389ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m56s736ms (1) 100 -running
+6m57s226ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m57s472ms (1) 100 -running
+6m57s514ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m57s863ms (1) 100 -running
+6m57s891ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m58s121ms (1) 100 -running
+6m58s585ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m59s011ms (1) 100 -running
+6m59s309ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+6m59s523ms (1) 100 -running
+6m59s647ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+6m59s986ms (1) 100 -running
+7m00s769ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m01s160ms (1) 100 -running
+7m01s476ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m01s687ms (1) 100 -running
+7m01s795ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m02s170ms (1) 100 -running
+7m02s921ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m03s310ms (1) 100 -running
+7m03s625ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m03s836ms (1) 100 -running
+7m03s945ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m04s284ms (1) 100 -running
+7m05s067ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m05s456ms (1) 100 -running
+7m05s772ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m06s004ms (1) 100 -running
+7m06s106ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m06s733ms (1) 100 -running
+7m07s069ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m07s199ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+7m08s355ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m08s703ms (1) 100 -running
+7m09s025ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m09s261ms (1) 100 -running
+7m09s491ms (2) 100 charge=3634 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m09s855ms (1) 100 -running
+7m10s326ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m10s540ms (1) 100 -running
+7m10s602ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m10s962ms (1) 100 -running
+7m11s003ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m11s230ms (1) 100 -running
+7m11s678ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m12s088ms (1) 100 -running
+7m12s382ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m12s628ms (1) 100 -running
+7m12s774ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m13s127ms (1) 100 -running
+7m13s680ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m13s857ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+7m14s357ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m14s595ms (1) 100 -running
+7m15s015ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m15s367ms (1) 100 -running
+7m15s695ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m15s905ms (1) 100 -running
+7m16s127ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m16s510ms (1) 100 -running
+7m17s015ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m17s256ms (1) 100 -running
+7m17s277ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m17s678ms (1) 100 -running
+7m17s725ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m17s944ms (1) 100 -running
+7m18s386ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m18s740ms (1) 100 -running
+7m19s072ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m19s275ms (1) 100 -running
+7m19s508ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m19s917ms (1) 100 -running
+7m20s409ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m20s631ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+7m21s114ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m21s345ms (1) 100 -running
+7m21s766ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m22s167ms (1) 100 -running
+7m22s459ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m22s709ms (1) 100 -running
+7m22s912ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m23s255ms (1) 100 -running
+7m23s765ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m23s961ms (1) 100 -running
+7m24s015ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m24s380ms (1) 100 -running
+7m24s434ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m24s693ms (1) 100 -running
+7m25s145ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m25s486ms (1) 100 -running
+7m25s828ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m26s022ms (1) 100 -running
+7m26s263ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m26s623ms (1) 100 -running
+7m27s150ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m27s359ms (1) 100 -running
+7m27s396ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m27s793ms (1) 100 -running
+7m27s826ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m27s996ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:18800000.qcom,icnss device failed to power down”
+7m28s490ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m28s857ms (1) 100 -running
+7m29s184ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m29s392ms (1) 100 -running
+7m29s542ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m29s918ms (1) 100 -running
+7m30s688ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m31s048ms (1) 100 -running
+7m31s384ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m31s620ms (1) 100 -running
+7m31s712ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m32s004ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+7m33s865ms (2) 100 charge=3633 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+7m35s086ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+7m35s721ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m35s910ms (1) 100 -running
+7m35s986ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m36s303ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+7m36s305ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+7m37s398ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+7m37s569ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm” wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m38s081ms (2) 100 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+7m38s895ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m39s092ms (1) 100 -running
+7m39s172ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m39s896ms (1) 100 -running
+7m40s196ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+7m40s676ms (1) 100 -running
+7m40s893ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m41s122ms (1) 100 -running
+7m41s337ms (2) 100 charge=3632 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m41s595ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+7m42s190ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m42s437ms (1) 100 -running
+7m42s474ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m42s815ms (1) 100 -running
+7m42s858ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m43s079ms (1) 100 -running
+7m43s548ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m43s930ms (1) 100 -running
+7m44s255ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m44s499ms (1) 100 -running
+7m44s620ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m44s955ms (1) 100 -running
+7m45s720ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m46s087ms (1) 100 -running
+7m46s396ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m46s630ms (1) 100 -running
+7m46s765ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m47s123ms (1) 100 -running
+7m47s686ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m47s962ms (1) 100 -running
+7m48s403ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m48s742ms (1) 100 -running
+7m49s086ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m49s292ms (1) 100 -running
+7m49s510ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m49s918ms (1) 100 -running
+7m50s411ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m50s641ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m51s080ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m51s325ms (1) 100 -running
+7m51s776ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m52s136ms (1) 100 -running
+7m52s467ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m52s713ms (1) 100 -running
+7m52s914ms (2) 100 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m54s022ms (1) 100 -wake_lock
+7m54s027ms (2) 100 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+7m54s537ms (1) 100 -running -wake_lock
+7m55s047ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m55s405ms (1) 100 -running
+7m55s736ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m55s987ms (1) 100 -running
+7m56s193ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m56s542ms (1) 100 -running
+7m57s048ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m57s313ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m57s705ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m57s924ms (1) 100 -running
+7m58s391ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m58s768ms (1) 100 -running
+7m59s087ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+7m59s300ms (1) 100 -running
+7m59s446ms (2) 100 charge=3631 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+7m59s825ms (1) 100 -running
+8m00s385ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m00s851ms (1) 100 -running
+8m01s085ms (3) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+8m01s276ms (1) 100 -running
+8m01s589ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m01s989ms (1) 100 -running
+8m02s409ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m02s654ms (1) 100 -running
+8m02s746ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m03s096ms (1) 100 -running
+8m03s864ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m04s231ms (1) 100 -running
+8m04s557ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m04s807ms (1) 100 -running
+8m04s897ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m05s225ms (1) 100 -running
+8m05s997ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m06s345ms (1) 100 -running
+8m06s673ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m06s880ms (1) 100 -running
+8m07s027ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m07s392ms (1) 100 -running
+8m08s158ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m08s546ms (1) 100 -running
+8m08s868ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m09s115ms (1) 100 -running
+8m09s196ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m09s557ms (1) 100 -running
+8m10s316ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m10s707ms (1) 100 -running
+8m11s031ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m11s240ms (1) 100 -running
+8m11s323ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m11s728ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m12s411ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m12s772ms (1) 100 -running
+8m13s086ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m13s318ms (1) 100 -running
+8m13s496ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m13s854ms (1) 100 -running
+8m14s397ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m14s620ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+8m15s092ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m15s306ms (1) 100 -running
+8m15s731ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m16s102ms (1) 100 -running
+8m16s428ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m16s637ms (1) 100 -running
+8m16s852ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m17s216ms (1) 100 -running
+8m17s727ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m17s938ms (1) 100 -running
+8m17s985ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m18s347ms (1) 100 -running
+8m18s391ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m18s660ms (1) 100 -running
+8m19s107ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m19s450ms (1) 100 -running
+8m19s788ms (2) 100 charge=3630 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m19s934ms (2) 100 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+8m20s211ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+8m21s092ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m21s338ms (1) 100 -running
+8m21s392ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m21s754ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m22s467ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m22s861ms (1) 100 -running
+8m23s164ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m23s406ms (1) 100 -running
+8m23s637ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m23s983ms (1) 100 -running
+8m24s465ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m24s681ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+8m25s135ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m25s374ms (1) 100 -running
+8m25s729ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m26s082ms (1) 100 -running
+8m26s450ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m26s650ms (1) 100 -running
+8m26s797ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m27s143ms (1) 100 -running
+8m27s835ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m28s202ms (1) 100 -running
+8m28s525ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m28s735ms (1) 100 -running
+8m28s845ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m29s202ms (1) 100 -running
+8m29s880ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m30s264ms (1) 100 -running
+8m30s580ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m30s798ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+8m31s885ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m32s259ms (1) 100 -running
+8m32s561ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m32s770ms (1) 100 -running
+8m32s942ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m33s307ms (1) 100 -running
+8m33s849ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m34s330ms (1) 100 -running
+8m34s528ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m34s738ms (1) 100 -running
+8m34s991ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m35s335ms (1) 100 -running
+8m35s825ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m36s033ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+8m36s487ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m36s734ms (1) 100 -running
+8m37s091ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m37s434ms (1) 100 -running
+8m37s788ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m37s969ms (1) 100 -running
+8m38s155ms (2) 100 charge=3629 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m38s588ms (1) 100 -running
+8m39s108ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m39s531ms (1) 100 -running
+8m39s796ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m39s999ms (1) 100 -running
+8m40s232ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m40s600ms (1) 100 -running
+8m41s114ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m41s250ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+8m41s825ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m42s071ms (1) 100 -running
+8m42s310ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m42s691ms (1) 100 -running
+8m43s149ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m43s413ms (1) 100 -running
+8m43s863ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m44s235ms (1) 100 -running
+8m44s567ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m44s814ms (1) 100 -running
+8m44s941ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m45s283ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m45s880ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m46s296ms (1) 100 -running
+8m46s561ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m46s810ms (1) 100 -running
+8m47s004ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m47s294ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+8m47s880ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m48s014ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+8m48s586ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m48s797ms (1) 100 -running
+8m49s058ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m49s410ms (1) 100 -running
+8m49s894ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m50s095ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+8m50s561ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m50s770ms (1) 100 -running
+8m51s167ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m51s498ms (1) 100 -running
+8m51s844ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m52s054ms (1) 100 -running
+8m52s206ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m52s549ms (1) 100 -running
+8m53s238ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m53s578ms (1) 100 -running
+8m53s911ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m54s149ms (1) 100 -running
+8m54s268ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m54s606ms (1) 100 -running
+8m55s294ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m55s642ms (1) 100 -running
+8m55s968ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m56s210ms (1) 100 -running
+8m56s343ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m56s697ms (1) 100 -running
+8m57s259ms (2) 100 charge=3628 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m57s757ms (1) 100 -running
+8m57s976ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m58s194ms (1) 100 -running
+8m58s440ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+8m58s805ms (1) 100 -running
+8m59s275ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+8m59s469ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+8m59s931ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m00s178ms (1) 100 -running
+9m00s526ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m00s969ms (1) 100 -running
+9m01s244ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m01s468ms (1) 100 -running
+9m01s615ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m01s979ms (1) 100 -running
+9m02s539ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m02s999ms (1) 100 -running
+9m03s226ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m03s471ms (1) 100 -running
+9m03s683ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m04s067ms (1) 100 -running
+9m04s544ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m04s682ms (2) 100 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+9m05s219ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m05s453ms (1) 100 -running
+9m05s752ms (2) 100 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m06s038ms (2) 099
Details: cpu=45800u+181800s
/proc/stat=57250 usr, 190020 sys, -4660 io, 9210 irq, 9080 sirq, -697030 idle, PlatformIdleStat Empty
, SubsystemPowerState Empty
+9m06s044ms (3) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “ stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+9m06s491ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m06s735ms (1) 099 -running
+9m06s793ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m07s147ms (1) 099 -running
+9m07s168ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m07s420ms (1) 099 -running
+9m07s862ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m08s200ms (1) 099 -running
+9m08s544ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m08s756ms (1) 099 -running
+9m08s888ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m09s226ms (1) 099 -running
+9m09s919ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m10s260ms (1) 099 -running
+9m10s591ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m10s838ms (1) 099 -running
+9m10s972ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m11s331ms (1) 099 -running
+9m11s885ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m12s385ms (1) 099 -running
+9m12s592ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m12s838ms (1) 099 -running
+9m13s107ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m13s446ms (1) 099 -running
+9m13s897ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m14s119ms (1) 099 -running
+9m14s211ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m14s568ms (1) 099 -running
+9m15s345ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m15s682ms (1) 099 -running
+9m16s020ms (2) 099 charge=3627 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m16s149ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+9m17s493ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m17s853ms (1) 099 -running
+9m18s179ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m18s427ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m18s879ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m19s092ms (1) 099 -running
+9m19s535ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m19s892ms (1) 099 -running
+9m20s218ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m20s420ms (1) 099 -running
+9m20s652ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m21s063ms (1) 099 -running
+9m21s552ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m21s785ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m22s260ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m22s477ms (1) 099 -running
+9m22s908ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m23s267ms (1) 099 -running
+9m23s596ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m23s841ms (1) 099 -running
+9m24s054ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m24s398ms (1) 099 -running
+9m24s905ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m25s118ms (1) 099 -running
+9m25s163ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m25s562ms (1) 099 -running
+9m25s611ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m25s849ms (1) 099 -running
+9m26s301ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m26s658ms (1) 099 -running
+9m26s992ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m27s236ms (1) 099 -running
+9m27s433ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m27s804ms (1) 099 -running
+9m28s297ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m28s505ms (1) 099 -running
+9m28s542ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m28s899ms (1) 099 -running
+9m28s963ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m29s224ms (1) 099 -running
+9m29s668ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m29s910ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+9m30s364ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m30s573ms (1) 099 -running
+9m30s796ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m31s207ms (1) 099 -running
+9m31s693ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m31s922ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m32s367ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m32s614ms (1) 099 -running
+9m33s062ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m33s424ms (1) 099 -running
+9m33s749ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m33s959ms (1) 099 -running
+9m34s170ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m34s579ms (1) 099 -running
+9m35s093ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m35s293ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+9m35s806ms (2) 099 charge=3626 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m35s942ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+9m36s430ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m36s805ms (1) 099 -running
+9m37s120ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m37s373ms (1) 099 -running
+9m37s574ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m37s755ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+9m37s756ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+9m37s767ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+9m37s767ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+9m37s768ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+9m38s419ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m38s629ms (1) 099 -running
+9m38s684ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m39s055ms (1) 099 -running
+9m39s092ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m39s332ms (1) 099 -running
+9m39s776ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m40s126ms (1) 099 -running
+9m40s445ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m40s656ms (1) 099 -running
+9m40s931ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m41s294ms (1) 099 -running
+9m41s760ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m42s004ms (1) 099 -running
+9m42s075ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m42s418ms (1) 099 -running
+9m43s182ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m43s540ms (1) 099 -running
+9m43s857ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m44s098ms (1) 099 -running
+9m44s228ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m44s575ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m45s133ms (2) 099 charge=3625 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m45s362ms (1) 099 -running
+9m45s457ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m45s791ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m46s476ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m46s911ms (1) 099 -running
+9m47s144ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m47s372ms (1) 099 -running
+9m47s705ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+9m48s064ms (1) 099 -running
+9m48s443ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m48s687ms (1) 099 -running
+9m48s835ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m49s224ms (1) 099 -running
+9m49s768ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m49s983ms (1) 099 -running
+9m50s446ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m50s744ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+9m52s980ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+9m53s680ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m53s814ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+9m54s349ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m54s565ms (1) 099 -running
+9m54s963ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m55s354ms (1) 099 -running
+9m55s661ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m55s867ms (1) 099 -running
+9m56s088ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m56s646ms (1) 099 -running
+9m56s964ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m57s209ms (1) 099 -running
+9m57s232ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m57s583ms (1) 099 -running
+9m57s633ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m57s892ms (1) 099 -running
+9m58s347ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m58s678ms (1) 099 -running
+9m59s022ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+9m59s255ms (1) 099 -running
+9m59s479ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+9m59s849ms (1) 099 -running
+10m00s328ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m00s543ms (1) 099 -running
+10m00s594ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m00s953ms (1) 099 -running
+10m00s996ms (2) 099 charge=3624 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m01s555ms (1) 099 -running
+10m01s666ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m01s802ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+10m02s338ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m02s585ms (1) 099 -running
+10m02s968ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m03s331ms (1) 099 -running
+10m03s638ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m03s855ms (1) 099 -running
+10m04s081ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m04s435ms (1) 099 -running
+10m04s951ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m05s197ms (1) 099 -running
+10m05s218ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m05s568ms (1) 099 -running
+10m05s606ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m05s811ms (1) 099 -running
+10m06s285ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m06s660ms (1) 099 -running
+10m06s965ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m07s173ms (1) 099 -running
+10m07s458ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m07s814ms (1) 099 -running
+10m08s274ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m08s510ms (1) 099 -running
+10m08s591ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m08s985ms (1) 099 -running
+10m09s727ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m10s068ms (1) 099 -running
+10m10s403ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m10s613ms (1) 099 -running
+10m10s732ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m11s078ms (1) 099 -running
+10m11s862ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m12s214ms (1) 099 -running
+10m12s548ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m12s744ms (1) 099 -running
+10m12s882ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m13s232ms (1) 099 -running
+10m14s013ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m14s369ms (1) 099 -running
+10m14s695ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m14s944ms (1) 099 -running
+10m15s045ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m15s382ms (1) 099 -running
+10m16s151ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m16s554ms (1) 099 -running
+10m16s850ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m17s097ms (1) 099 -running
+10m17s200ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m17s572ms (1) 099 -running
+10m18s138ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m18s290ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+10m18s811ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m19s050ms (1) 099 -running
+10m19s451ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m19s872ms (1) 099 -running
+10m20s172ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m20s416ms (1) 099 -running
+10m20s583ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m20s910ms (1) 099 -running
+10m21s460ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m21s663ms (1) 099 -running
+10m21s690ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m22s041ms (1) 099 -running
+10m22s107ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m22s321ms (1) 099 -running
+10m22s786ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m23s150ms (1) 099 -running
+10m23s475ms (2) 099 charge=3623 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m23s598ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+10m23s966ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m24s320ms (1) 099 -running
+10m24s767ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m25s011ms (1) 099 -running
+10m25s092ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m25s445ms (1) 099 -running
+10m26s201ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m26s573ms (1) 099 -running
+10m26s881ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m27s092ms (1) 099 -running
+10m27s146ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m27s526ms (1) 099 -running
+10m27s550ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m27s802ms (1) 099 -running
+10m28s246ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m28s594ms (1) 099 -running
+10m28s931ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m29s175ms (1) 099 -running
+10m29s388ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m29s738ms (1) 099 -running
+10m30s234ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m30s476ms (1) 099 -running
+10m30s513ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m30s872ms (1) 099 -running
+10m30s906ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m31s153ms (1) 099 -running
+10m31s601ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m31s993ms (1) 099 -running
+10m32s291ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m32s497ms (1) 099 -running
+10m32s740ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m33s114ms (1) 099 -running
+10m33s589ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m33s747ms (2) 099 charge=3622 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+10m35s549ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” device_idle=off
+10m40s554ms (2) 099 -running -wake_lock device_idle=light stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+10m41s188ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m41s405ms (1) 099 -running
+10m41s552ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m41s907ms (1) 099 -running
+10m42s691ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m43s047ms (1) 099 -running
+10m43s379ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m43s567ms (1) 099 -running
+10m43s697ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m44s070ms (1) 099 -running
+10m44s842ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m45s190ms (1) 099 -running
+10m45s514ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m45s731ms (1) 099 -running
+10m45s867ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m46s210ms (1) 099 -running
+10m46s981ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m47s373ms (1) 099 -running
+10m47s676ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m47s921ms (1) 099 -running
+10m48s027ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m48s384ms (1) 099 -running
+10m49s144ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m49s499ms (1) 099 -running
+10m49s829ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m50s047ms (1) 099 -running
+10m50s157ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m50s505ms (1) 099 -running
+10m51s280ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m51s659ms (1) 099 -running
+10m51s975ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m52s099ms (2) 099 -running -wake_lock stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+10m52s665ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m52s895ms (1) 099 -running
+10m53s334ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m53s706ms (1) 099 -running
+10m54s018ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m54s271ms (1) 099 -running
+10m54s481ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m54s805ms (1) 099 -running
+10m54s840ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m55s580ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m56s735ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m57s117ms (1) 099 -running
+10m57s450ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m57s663ms (1) 099 -running
+10m57s728ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+10m58s086ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+10m58s759ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m59s215ms (1) 099 -running
+10m59s435ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+10m59s644ms (1) 099 -running
+10m59s981ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m00s340ms (1) 099 -running
+11m00s745ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m00s949ms (1) 099 -running
+11m01s114ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m01s475ms (1) 099 -running
+11m02s036ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m02s240ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+11m02s706ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m02s913ms (1) 099 -running
+11m03s364ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m03s731ms (1) 099 -running
+11m04s047ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m04s273ms (1) 099 -running
+11m04s503ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m04s793ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+11m06s123ms (2) 099 charge=3621 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+11m10s867ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+11m11s049ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m11s373ms (1) 099 -running
+11m11s715ms (2) 099 charge=3620 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m11s958ms (1) 099 -running
+11m12s189ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+11m12s578ms (1) 099 -running
+11m13s038ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m13s276ms (1) 099 -running
+11m13s316ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m13s664ms (1) 099 -running
+11m13s702ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m13s914ms (1) 099 -running
+11m14s391ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m14s828ms (1) 099 -running
+11m15s104ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m15s320ms (1) 099 -running
+11m15s551ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m15s929ms (1) 099 -running
+11m16s423ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m16s629ms (1) 099 -running
+11m16s679ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m17s036ms (1) 099 -running
+11m17s094ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m17s359ms (1) 099 -running
+11m17s804ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m18s192ms (1) 099 -running
+11m18s515ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m18s738ms (1) 099 -running
+11m18s931ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m19s293ms (1) 099 -running
+11m19s817ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m20s034ms (1) 099 -running
+11m20s062ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m20s360ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+11m21s122ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m21s563ms (1) 099 -running
+11m21s807ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m22s059ms (1) 099 -running
+11m22s335ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m22s677ms (1) 099 -running
+11m23s110ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m23s326ms (1) 099 -running
+11m23s441ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m23s777ms (1) 099 -running
+11m24s561ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m24s951ms (1) 099 -running
+11m25s265ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m25s484ms (1) 099 -running
+11m25s593ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m25s947ms (1) 099 -running
+11m26s711ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m27s095ms (1) 099 -running
+11m27s404ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m27s616ms (1) 099 -running
+11m27s733ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m28s100ms (1) 099 -running
+11m28s873ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m29s221ms (1) 099 -running
+11m29s563ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m29s810ms (1) 099 -running
+11m29s902ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m30s272ms (1) 099 -running
+11m31s014ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m31s307ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+11m31s684ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m31s897ms (1) 099 -running
+11m32s030ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m32s388ms (1) 099 -running
+11m33s167ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m33s509ms (1) 099 -running
+11m33s839ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m34s074ms (1) 099 -running
+11m34s204ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m34s551ms (1) 099 -running
+11m35s320ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m35s660ms (1) 099 -running
+11m36s002ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m36s215ms (1) 099 -running
+11m36s332ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m36s717ms (1) 099 -running
+11m37s460ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m37s864ms (1) 099 -running
+11m38s176ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m38s398ms (1) 099 -running
+11m38s482ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m38s845ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m39s526ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m39s943ms (1) 099 -running
+11m40s194ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m40s395ms (1) 099 -running
+11m40s631ms (2) 099 charge=3619 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m40s929ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+11m41s492ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m41s703ms (1) 099 -running
+11m41s757ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m42s108ms (1) 099 -running
+11m42s161ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m42s388ms (1) 099 -running
+11m42s851ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m43s237ms (1) 099 -running
+11m43s550ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m43s764ms (1) 099 -running
+11m43s910ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m44s266ms (1) 099 -running
+11m45s041ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m45s393ms (1) 099 -running
+11m45s718ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m45s853ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+11m46s447ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m46s648ms (1) 099 -running
+11m47s083ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m47s461ms (1) 099 -running
+11m47s771ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m47s977ms (1) 099 -running
+11m48s205ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m48s631ms (1) 099 -running
+11m49s103ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m49s344ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m49s786ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m49s998ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+11m50s447ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m50s807ms (1) 099 -running
+11m51s134ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m51s343ms (1) 099 -running
+11m51s584ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m51s959ms (1) 099 -running
+11m52s440ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m52s651ms (1) 099 -running
+11m52s714ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m53s080ms (1) 099 -running
+11m53s109ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m53s335ms (1) 099 -running
+11m53s794ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m53s918ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+11m54s469ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m54s684ms (1) 099 -running
+11m54s973ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m55s332ms (1) 099 -running
+11m55s781ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m56s024ms (1) 099 -running
+11m56s114ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m56s455ms (1) 099 -running
+11m57s223ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m57s596ms (1) 099 -running
+11m57s917ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+11m58s164ms (1) 099 -running
+11m58s267ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m58s602ms (1) 099 -running
+11m59s373ms (2) 099 charge=3618 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+11m59s720ms (1) 099 -running
+12m00s045ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m00s256ms (1) 099 -running
+12m00s400ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m00s746ms (1) 099 -running
+12m01s523ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m01s908ms (1) 099 -running
+12m02s225ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m02s434ms (1) 099 -running
+12m02s548ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m02s887ms (1) 099 -running
+12m03s671ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m04s036ms (1) 099 -running
+12m04s353ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m04s603ms (1) 099 -running
+12m04s720ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m05s052ms (1) 099 -running
+12m05s821ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m06s235ms (1) 099 -running
+12m06s541ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m06s769ms (1) 099 -running
+12m06s858ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m07s209ms (1) 099 -running
+12m07s983ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m08s333ms (1) 099 -running
+12m08s662ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m08s895ms (1) 099 -running
+12m09s023ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m09s346ms (1) 099 -running
+12m10s123ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m10s551ms (1) 099 -running
+12m10s866ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m11s076ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”unknown”
+12m11s550ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m11s777ms (1) 099 -running
+12m11s981ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m12s476ms (1) 099 -running
+12m12s846ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m13s095ms (1) 099 -running
+12m13s222ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m13s570ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m14s169ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m14s304ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+12m14s854ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m15s104ms (1) 099 -running
+12m15s374ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m15s809ms (1) 099 -running
+12m16s212ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m16s737ms (1) 099 -running
+12m16s907ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m17s117ms (1) 099 -running
+12m17s495ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m17s881ms (1) 099 -running
+12m18s219ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m18s430ms (1) 099 -running
+12m18s627ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m18s922ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+12m19s541ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m19s744ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+12m20s211ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m20s353ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+12m23s635ms (1) 099 -running
+12m24s083ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m24s493ms (1) 099 -running
+12m24s815ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m25s028ms (1) 099 -running
+12m25s176ms (2) 099 charge=3617 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m25s373ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+12m25s374ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+12m25s388ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+12m25s388ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+12m25s389ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+12m26s111ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m26s297ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+12m26s827ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m27s071ms (1) 099 -running
+12m27s451ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m27s802ms (1) 099 -running
+12m28s133ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m28s342ms (1) 099 -running
+12m28s553ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m28s978ms (1) 099 -running
+12m29s489ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m29s677ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+12m30s160ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m30s409ms (1) 099 -running
+12m30s829ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m31s168ms (1) 099 -running
+12m31s505ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m31s726ms (1) 099 -running
+12m31s949ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m32s294ms (1) 099 -running
+12m32s812ms (3) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a215:”job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService” wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” +job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+12m32s891ms (2) 099 -running -wake_lock -job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+12m33s061ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m33s434ms (1) 099 -running
+12m33s470ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m33s692ms (1) 099 -running
+12m34s154ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m34s506ms (1) 099 -running
+12m34s832ms (3) 099 charge=3616 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+12m35s027ms (1) 099 -running
+12m35s210ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m35s588ms (1) 099 -running
+12m36s135ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m36s313ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+12m37s392ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m37s774ms (1) 099 -running
+12m38s065ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m38s286ms (1) 099 -running
+12m38s486ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m38s889ms (1) 099 -running
+12m39s394ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m39s616ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m40s073ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m40s309ms (1) 099 -running
+12m40s756ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m41s087ms (1) 099 -running
+12m41s451ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m41s663ms (1) 099 -running
+12m41s868ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m42s227ms (1) 099 -running
+12m42s748ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m42s955ms (1) 099 -running
+12m42s994ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m43s397ms (1) 099 -running
+12m43s448ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m43s668ms (1) 099 -running
+12m44s130ms (2) 099 charge=3615 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m44s487ms (1) 099 -running
+12m44s810ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m45s025ms (1) 099 -running
+12m45s248ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m45s604ms (1) 099 -running
+12m46s119ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m46s328ms (1) 099 -running
+12m46s375ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m46s724ms (1) 099 -running
+12m46s781ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m47s004ms (1) 099 -running
+12m47s468ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m47s831ms (1) 099 -running
+12m48s151ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m48s391ms (1) 099 -running
+12m48s544ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m48s903ms (1) 099 -running
+12m49s450ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m49s645ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+12m50s117ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m50s371ms (1) 099 -running
+12m50s808ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m51s134ms (1) 099 -running
+12m51s485ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m51s726ms (1) 099 -running
+12m51s930ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m52s334ms (1) 099 -running
+12m52s825ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m53s020ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+12m53s545ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m53s750ms (1) 099 -running
+12m54s157ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m54s570ms (1) 099 -running
+12m54s860ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m55s073ms (1) 099 -running
+12m55s284ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m55s680ms (1) 099 -running
+12m56s179ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m56s417ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m56s850ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+12m57s054ms (1) 099 -running
+12m57s530ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+12m57s821ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+12m59s055ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+12m59s074ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+13m00s148ms (1) 099 -running
+13m00s939ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m01s358ms (1) 099 -running
+13m01s657ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m01s882ms (1) 099 -running
+13m01s958ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m02s319ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m03s052ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m03s404ms (1) 099 -running
+13m03s730ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m03s946ms (1) 099 -running
+13m04s194ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m04s552ms (1) 099 -running
+13m05s035ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m05s247ms (1) 099 -running
+13m05s330ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m05s694ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m06s427ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m06s796ms (1) 099 -running
+13m07s118ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m07s353ms (1) 099 -running
+13m07s488ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m07s818ms (1) 099 -running
+13m08s594ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+13m08s958ms (1) 099 -running
+13m09s277ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m09s490ms (1) 099 -running
+13m09s628ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m09s993ms (1) 099 -running
+13m10s760ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m11s168ms (1) 099 -running
+13m11s464ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m11s679ms (1) 099 -running
+13m11s780ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m12s397ms (1) 099 -running
+13m12s765ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m13s252ms (1) 099 -running
+13m13s448ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m13s646ms (1) 099 -running
+13m14s026ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m14s418ms (1) 099 -running
+13m14s774ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m14s991ms (1) 099 -running
+13m15s150ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m15s528ms (1) 099 -running
+13m16s079ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m16s294ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+13m16s742ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m16s948ms (1) 099 -running
+13m17s406ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m17s761ms (1) 099 -running
+13m18s090ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m18s291ms (1) 099 -running
+13m18s526ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m18s911ms (1) 099 -running
+13m19s411ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m19s647ms (1) 099 -running
+13m19s670ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m20s032ms (1) 099 -running
+13m20s085ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m20s340ms (1) 099 -running
+13m20s785ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m21s115ms (1) 099 -running
+13m21s465ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m21s697ms (1) 099 -running
+13m21s923ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m22s310ms (1) 099 -running
+13m22s780ms (2) 099 charge=3613 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m23s019ms (1) 099 -running
+13m23s052ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m23s399ms (1) 099 -running
+13m23s443ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m23s664ms (1) 099 -running
+13m24s124ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m24s481ms (1) 099 -running
+13m24s799ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m25s013ms (1) 099 -running
+13m25s189ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m25s540ms (1) 099 -running
+13m26s095ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m26s312ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m26s757ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m27s014ms (1) 099 -running
+13m27s465ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m27s802ms (1) 099 -running
+13m28s152ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m28s365ms (1) 099 -running
+13m28s568ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m28s939ms (1) 099 -running
+13m29s461ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m29s658ms (1) 099 -running
+13m29s685ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m30s048ms (1) 099 -running
+13m30s137ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m30s375ms (1) 099 -running
+13m30s824ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m31s187ms (1) 099 -running
+13m31s518ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m31s720ms (1) 099 -running
+13m31s940ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m32s327ms (1) 099 -running
+13m32s837ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m33s093ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m33s499ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m33s754ms (1) 099 -running
+13m34s198ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m34s604ms (1) 099 -running
+13m34s926ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m35s170ms (1) 099 -running
+13m35s346ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m35s696ms (1) 099 -running
+13m36s233ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m36s451ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m36s901ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m37s119ms (1) 099 -running
+13m37s583ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m37s935ms (1) 099 -running
+13m38s262ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m38s478ms (1) 099 -running
+13m38s702ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m39s057ms (1) 099 -running
+13m39s573ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m39s789ms (1) 099 -running
+13m39s835ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m40s186ms (1) 099 -running
+13m40s246ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m40s512ms (1) 099 -running
+13m40s958ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m41s317ms (1) 099 -running
+13m41s631ms (2) 099 charge=3612 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m42s089ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m42s922ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m43s137ms (1) 099 -running
+13m43s218ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m43s597ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m44s284ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m44s670ms (1) 099 -running
+13m44s963ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m45s174ms (1) 099 -running
+13m45s368ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m45s725ms (1) 099 -running
+13m46s275ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m46s474ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+13m46s965ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m47s186ms (1) 099 -running
+13m47s615ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m47s986ms (1) 099 -running
+13m48s307ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m48s536ms (1) 099 -running
+13m48s750ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m49s098ms (1) 099 -running
+13m49s610ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m49s820ms (1) 099 -running
+13m49s872ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m50s280ms (1) 099 -running
+13m50s305ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m50s527ms (1) 099 -running
+13m50s985ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m51s400ms (1) 099 -running
+13m51s673ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m51s902ms (1) 099 -running
+13m52s122ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m52s479ms (1) 099 -running
+13m52s981ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m53s198ms (1) 099 -running
+13m53s257ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m53s609ms (1) 099 -running
+13m53s646ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m53s914ms (1) 099 -running
+13m54s363ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m54s729ms (1) 099 -running
+13m55s057ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m55s262ms (1) 099 -running
+13m55s497ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m55s915ms (1) 099 -running
+13m56s404ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m56s603ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+13m57s078ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m57s297ms (1) 099 -running
+13m57s757ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m58s089ms (1) 099 -running
+13m58s428ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m58s636ms (1) 099 -running
+13m58s886ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+13m59s259ms (1) 099 -running
+13m59s749ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+13m59s960ms (1) 099 -running
+14m00s005ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m00s368ms (1) 099 -running
+14m00s418ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m00s679ms (1) 099 -running
+14m01s119ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m01s436ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+14m01s712ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+14m02s269ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m02s622ms (1) 099 -running
+14m03s037ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m03s283ms (1) 099 -running
+14m03s400ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m03s750ms (1) 099 -running
+14m04s516ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m04s930ms (1) 099 -running
+14m05s252ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m05s465ms (1) 099 -running
+14m05s530ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m05s934ms (1) 099 -running
+14m05s959ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m06s174ms (1) 099 -running
+14m06s633ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m07s002ms (1) 099 -running
+14m07s322ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m07s532ms (1) 099 -running
+14m07s781ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m08s190ms (1) 099 -running
+14m08s660ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m08s873ms (1) 099 -running
+14m08s911ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m09s259ms (1) 099 -running
+14m09s318ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m09s546ms (1) 099 -running
+14m09s997ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m10s436ms (1) 099 -running
+14m10s546ms (2) 099 charge=3611 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m11s030ms (1) 099 -running
+14m11s162ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m11s547ms (1) 099 -running
+14m11s929ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m12s142ms (1) 099 -running
+14m12s288ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m12s629ms (1) 099 -running
+14m13s412ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m13s816ms (1) 099 -running
+14m14s128ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m14s340ms (1) 099 -running
+14m14s439ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m14s800ms (1) 099 -running
+14m15s568ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m15s955ms (1) 099 -running
+14m16s271ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m16s484ms (1) 099 -running
+14m16s593ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m16s972ms (1) 099 -running
+14m17s728ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m18s097ms (1) 099 -running
+14m18s405ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m18s618ms (1) 099 -running
+14m18s741ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m19s100ms (1) 099 -running
+14m19s866ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m20s253ms (1) 099 -running
+14m20s565ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m20s777ms (1) 099 -running
+14m20s889ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m21s230ms (1) 099 -running
+14m22s012ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m22s450ms (1) 099 -running
+14m22s736ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m22s954ms (1) 099 -running
+14m23s045ms (2) 099 charge=3610 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m23s390ms (1) 099 -running
+14m24s169ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m24s554ms (1) 099 -running
+14m24s870ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m25s111ms (1) 099 -running
+14m25s210ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m25s541ms (1) 099 -running
+14m26s312ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m26s703ms (1) 099 -running
+14m27s019ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m27s249ms (1) 099 -running
+14m27s343ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m27s683ms (1) 099 -running
+14m28s466ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m28s860ms (1) 099 -running
+14m29s174ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m29s389ms (1) 099 -running
+14m29s493ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m29s839ms (1) 099 -running
+14m30s624ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m30s997ms (1) 099 -running
+14m31s301ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m31s535ms (1) 099 -running
+14m31s660ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m32s003ms (1) 099 -running
+14m32s767ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m33s172ms (1) 099 -running
+14m33s483ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m33s698ms (1) 099 -running
+14m33s795ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m34s136ms (1) 099 -running
+14m34s918ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m35s238ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+14m36s662ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:hans”
+14m37s718ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+14m37s990ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m38s372ms (1) 099 -running
+14m38s713ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m38s967ms (1) 099 -running
+14m39s141ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m39s499ms (1) 099 -running
+14m40s018ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m40s243ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m40s690ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m40s943ms (1) 099 -running
+14m41s389ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m41s656ms (3) 099 volt=4338 charge=3609 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+14m42s069ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m42s282ms (1) 099 -running
+14m42s495ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m42s919ms (1) 099 -running
+14m43s430ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m43s617ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+14m44s107ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m44s318ms (1) 099 -running
+14m44s747ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+14m45s114ms (1) 099 -running
+14m45s434ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m45s627ms (1) 099 -running
+14m45s875ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m46s237ms (1) 099 -running
+14m46s750ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m46s965ms (1) 099 -running
+14m47s005ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m47s360ms (1) 099 -running
+14m47s424ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m47s682ms (1) 099 -running
+14m48s132ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m48s516ms (1) 099 -running
+14m48s847ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m49s066ms (1) 099 -running
+14m49s252ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m49s664ms (1) 099 -running
+14m50s174ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m50s355ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+14m50s856ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m51s110ms (1) 099 -running
+14m51s430ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m51s805ms (1) 099 -running
+14m52s169ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m52s384ms (1) 099 -running
+14m52s533ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m52s920ms (1) 099 -running
+14m53s473ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m53s654ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+14m54s141ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m54s354ms (1) 099 -running
+14m54s783ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m55s143ms (1) 099 -running
+14m55s463ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m55s678ms (1) 099 -running
+14m55s916ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m56s271ms (1) 099 -running
+14m56s774ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m56s989ms (1) 099 -running
+14m57s043ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m57s436ms (1) 099 -running
+14m57s472ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m57s695ms (1) 099 -running
+14m58s155ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m58s509ms (1) 099 -running
+14m58s839ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+14m59s084ms (1) 099 -running
+14m59s308ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+14m59s664ms (1) 099 -running
+15m00s149ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m00s391ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+15m00s817ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m01s062ms (1) 099 -running
+15m01s460ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m01s861ms (1) 099 -running
+15m02s189ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m02s403ms (1) 099 -running
+15m02s568ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m02s953ms (1) 099 -running
+15m03s499ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m03s689ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+15m04s166ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m04s379ms (1) 099 -running
+15m04s822ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m05s163ms (1) 099 -running
+15m05s495ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m05s696ms (1) 099 -running
+15m05s944ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m06s309ms (1) 099 -running
+15m06s802ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m07s013ms (1) 099 -running
+15m07s074ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m07s430ms (1) 099 -running
+15m07s467ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m07s703ms (1) 099 -running
+15m08s159ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m08s557ms (1) 099 -running
+15m08s852ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m09s057ms (1) 099 -running
+15m09s225ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m09s588ms (1) 099 -running
+15m10s155ms (2) 099 charge=3608 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m10s592ms (1) 099 -running
+15m10s831ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m11s071ms (1) 099 -running
+15m11s391ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m11s795ms (1) 099 -running
+15m12s182ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m12s402ms (1) 099 -running
+15m12s504ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m12s851ms (1) 099 -running
+15m13s628ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m14s027ms (1) 099 -running
+15m14s338ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m14s548ms (1) 099 -running
+15m14s649ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m14s992ms (1) 099 -running
+15m15s775ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m16s140ms (1) 099 -running
+15m16s455ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m16s664ms (1) 099 -running
+15m16s804ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m17s179ms (1) 099 -running
+15m17s946ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m18s284ms (1) 099 -running
+15m18s624ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m18s846ms (1) 099 -running
+15m18s965ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m19s292ms (1) 099 -running
+15m20s073ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m20s495ms (1) 099 -running
+15m20s773ms (2) 099 charge=3607 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m21s014ms (1) 099 -running
+15m21s121ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m21s493ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m22s043ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m22s227ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+15m22s720ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m22s936ms (1) 099 -running
+15m23s358ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m23s709ms (1) 099 -running
+15m24s044ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m24s266ms (1) 099 -running
+15m24s489ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m24s844ms (1) 099 -running
+15m25s351ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m25s599ms (1) 099 -running
+15m25s630ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m25s985ms (1) 099 -running
+15m26s015ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m26s284ms (1) 099 -running
+15m26s730ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m27s079ms (1) 099 -running
+15m27s419ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m27s671ms (1) 099 -running
+15m27s882ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m28s283ms (1) 099 -running
+15m28s760ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m28s989ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m29s448ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m29s568ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+15m30s149ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m30s517ms (1) 099 -running
+15m30s845ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m31s094ms (1) 099 -running
+15m31s262ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m31s614ms (1) 099 -running
+15m32s158ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m32s359ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+15m32s863ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m33s081ms (1) 099 -running
+15m33s498ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m33s790ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+15m35s545ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+15m35s594ms (1) 099 charge=3606 -running -wake_lock
+15m36s657ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m37s017ms (1) 099 -running
+15m37s346ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m37s713ms (1) 099 -running
+15m37s807ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m38s158ms (1) 099 -running
+15m38s654ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m38s867ms (1) 099 -running
+15m38s927ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m39s276ms (1) 099 -running
+15m39s316ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m39s535ms (1) 099 -running
+15m40s000ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m40s372ms (1) 099 -running
+15m40s684ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m40s899ms (1) 099 -running
+15m41s071ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m41s455ms (1) 099 -running
+15m41s995ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m42s192ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+15m42s687ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m42s931ms (1) 099 -running
+15m43s344ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m43s714ms (1) 099 -running
+15m44s037ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m44s243ms (1) 099 -running
+15m44s444ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+15m44s818ms (1) 099 -running
+15m45s341ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m45s537ms (1) 099 -running
+15m45s575ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m45s869ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+15m47s495ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=u0a130:”walarm:oppo.intent.action.RUS_KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE”
+15m47s526ms (1) 099 -wake_lock
+15m47s644ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”deep:sleep”
+15m47s645ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+15m48s483ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m48s690ms (1) 099 -running
+15m48s852ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m49s262ms (1) 099 -running
+15m49s816ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m49s953ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+15m50s521ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m50s728ms (1) 099 -running
+15m51s000ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m51s412ms (1) 099 -running
+15m51s864ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m52s076ms (1) 099 -running
+15m52s129ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m52s133ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+15m52s532ms (2) 099 charge=3605 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m52s698ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+15m53s203ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m53s603ms (1) 099 -running
+15m53s884ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m54s097ms (1) 099 -running
+15m54s281ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m55s229ms (1) 099 -running
+15m55s424ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+15m55s849ms (1) 099 -running
+15m56s141ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m56s387ms (1) 099 -running
+15m56s553ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m56s904ms (1) 099 -running
+15m57s443ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m57s648ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+15m58s146ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m58s346ms (1) 099 -running
+15m58s787ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+15m59s080ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+15m59s451ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+15m59s688ms (1) 099 -running
+15m59s926ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m00s293ms (1) 099 -running
+16m00s750ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m00s922ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down”
+16m01s421ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m01s630ms (1) 099 -running
+16m02s057ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m02s427ms (1) 099 -running
+16m02s745ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m03s110ms (1) 099 -running
+16m03s190ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m03s546ms (1) 099 -running
+16m04s054ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m04s308ms (1) 099 -running
+16m04s341ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m04s681ms (1) 099 -running
+16m04s715ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m04s938ms (1) 099 -running
+16m05s402ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m05s803ms (1) 099 -running
+16m06s101ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m06s309ms (1) 099 -running
+16m06s565ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m06s963ms (1) 099 -running
+16m07s442ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m07s687ms (1) 099 -running
+16m07s716ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m08s069ms (1) 099 -running
+16m08s113ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m08s385ms (1) 099 -running
+16m08s833ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m09s178ms (1) 099 -running
+16m09s524ms (2) 099 charge=3604 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m09s762ms (1) 099 -running
+16m09s964ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m10s337ms (1) 099 -running
+16m10s847ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m11s074ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m11s506ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m11s711ms (1) 099 -running
+16m12s183ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m12s550ms (1) 099 -running
+16m12s853ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m13s054ms (1) 099 -running
+16m13s322ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m13s733ms (1) 099 -running
+16m14s201ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m14s426ms (1) 099 -running
+16m14s460ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m14s814ms (1) 099 -running
+16m14s872ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m15s103ms (1) 099 -running
+16m15s559ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m15s907ms (1) 099 -running
+16m16s244ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m16s449ms (1) 099 -running
+16m16s596ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m16s953ms (1) 099 -running
+16m17s736ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m18s107ms (1) 099 -running
+16m18s415ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m18s646ms (1) 099 -running
+16m18s777ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m19s114ms (1) 099 -running
+16m19s876ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m20s224ms (1) 099 -running
+16m20s540ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m20s778ms (1) 099 -running
+16m20s923ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m21s293ms (1) 099 -running
+16m21s838ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m22s022ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+16m22s517ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m22s736ms (1) 099 -running
+16m23s156ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m23s579ms (1) 099 -running
+16m23s895ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m24s103ms (1) 099 -running
+16m24s280ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m24s639ms (1) 099 -running
+16m25s196ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m25s411ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m25s866ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m26s064ms (1) 099 -running
+16m26s533ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m26s910ms (1) 099 -running
+16m27s232ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m27s443ms (1) 099 -running
+16m27s662ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m28s019ms (1) 099 -running
+16m28s537ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m28s781ms (1) 099 -running
+16m28s809ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m29s254ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m29s916ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m30s277ms (1) 099 -running
+16m30s606ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m30s850ms (1) 099 -running
+16m31s060ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m31s412ms (1) 099 -running
+16m31s913ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m32s153ms (1) 099 -running
+16m32s186ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m32s543ms (1) 099 -running
+16m32s578ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m32s925ms (1) 099 -running
+16m33s258ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m33s622ms (1) 099 -running
+16m33s925ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m34s147ms (1) 099 -running
+16m34s429ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m34s790ms (1) 099 -running
+16m35s238ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m35s454ms (1) 099 -running
+16m35s550ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m35s908ms (1) 099 -running
+16m36s683ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m37s043ms (1) 099 -running
+16m37s369ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m37s588ms (1) 099 -running
+16m37s703ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m38s044ms (1) 099 -running
+16m38s825ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m39s198ms (1) 099 -running
+16m39s515ms (2) 099 charge=3603 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m39s638ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+16m40s890ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m41s240ms (1) 099 -running
+16m41s577ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m41s778ms (1) 099 -running
+16m41s897ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m42s240ms (1) 099 -running
+16m43s019ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m43s416ms (1) 099 -running
+16m43s734ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m43s947ms (1) 099 -running
+16m44s051ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m44s403ms (1) 099 -running
+16m45s185ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m45s554ms (1) 099 -running
+16m45s868ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m46s084ms (1) 099 -running
+16m46s199ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m46s551ms (1) 099 -running
+16m47s329ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m47s678ms (1) 099 -running
+16m48s006ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m48s213ms (1) 099 -running
+16m48s350ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m48s694ms (1) 099 -running
+16m49s470ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m49s884ms (1) 099 -running
+16m50s169ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m50s384ms (1) 099 -running
+16m50s502ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m50s853ms (1) 099 -running
+16m51s621ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m52s036ms (1) 099 -running
+16m52s342ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m52s551ms (1) 099 -running
+16m52s652ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m53s010ms (1) 099 -running
+16m53s779ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m54s126ms (1) 099 -running
+16m54s453ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m54s663ms (1) 099 -running
+16m54s802ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m55s173ms (1) 099 -running
+16m55s941ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m56s292ms (1) 099 -running
+16m56s623ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m56s869ms (1) 099 -running
+16m56s967ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m57s324ms (1) 099 -running
+16m58s081ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m58s435ms (1) 099 -running
+16m58s759ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+16m58s963ms (1) 099 -running
+16m59s098ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+16m59s450ms (1) 099 -running
+17m00s230ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m00s630ms (1) 099 -running
+17m00s937ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m01s153ms (1) 099 -running
+17m01s251ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m01s624ms (1) 099 -running
+17m02s385ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m02s730ms (1) 099 -running
+17m03s054ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m03s306ms (1) 099 -running
+17m03s418ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m03s777ms (1) 099 -running
+17m04s544ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m04s908ms (1) 099 -running
+17m05s247ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m05s504ms (1) 099 -running
+17m05s575ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m05s950ms (1) 099 -running
+17m06s692ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m07s025ms (1) 099 -running
+17m07s370ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m07s587ms (1) 099 -running
+17m07s710ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m08s048ms (1) 099 -running
+17m08s826ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m09s228ms (1) 099 -running
+17m09s543ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m09s793ms (1) 099 -running
+17m09s877ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m10s258ms (1) 099 -running
+17m10s992ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m11s338ms (1) 099 -running
+17m11s679ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m11s925ms (1) 099 -running
+17m12s021ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m12s354ms (1) 099 -running
+17m13s125ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m13s440ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:18800000.qcom,icnss device failed to power down”
+17m13s795ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m14s024ms (1) 099 -running
+17m14s168ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m14s515ms (1) 099 -running
+17m15s079ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m15s255ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+17m15s758ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m15s984ms (1) 099 -running
+17m16s299ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m16s588ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+17m17s435ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m17s857ms (1) 099 -running
+17m18s168ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m18s380ms (1) 099 -running
+17m18s553ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m18s914ms (1) 099 -running
+17m19s469ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m19s671ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+17m20s143ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m20s391ms (1) 099 -running
+17m20s836ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m21s187ms (1) 099 -running
+17m21s518ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m21s714ms (1) 099 -running
+17m21s935ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m22s310ms (1) 099 -running
+17m22s826ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m23s041ms (1) 099 -running
+17m23s062ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m23s435ms (1) 099 -running
+17m23s495ms (2) 099 charge=3601 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m23s633ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+17m24s158ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m24s527ms (1) 099 -running
+17m24s845ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m25s062ms (1) 099 -running
+17m25s215ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m25s592ms (1) 099 -running
+17m26s133ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m26s349ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+17m26s802ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m27s011ms (1) 099 -running
+17m27s467ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m27s820ms (1) 099 -running
+17m28s143ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m28s337ms (1) 099 -running
+17m28s588ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m28s935ms (1) 099 -running
+17m29s448ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m29s637ms (1) 099 -running
+17m29s710ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m30s088ms (1) 099 -running
+17m30s117ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m30s398ms (1) 099 -running
+17m30s843ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m31s201ms (1) 099 -running
+17m31s527ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m31s776ms (1) 099 -running
+17m32s000ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m32s373ms (1) 099 -running
+17m32s847ms (2) 099 charge=3600 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m33s096ms (1) 099 -running
+17m33s130ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m33s528ms (1) 099 -running
+17m34s252ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m34s529ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+17m35s793ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+17m36s895ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+17m37s398ms (2) 099 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m37s908ms (1) 099 -running -wake_lock
+17m38s082ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m38s330ms (1) 099 -running
+17m38s548ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m38s892ms (1) 099 -running
+17m39s386ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m39s589ms (1) 099 -running
+17m39s649ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m40s006ms (1) 099 -running
+17m40s053ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m40s265ms (1) 099 -running
+17m40s739ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m41s159ms (1) 099 -running
+17m41s458ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m41s671ms (1) 099 -running
+17m41s905ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m42s264ms (1) 099 -running
+17m42s769ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m43s013ms (1) 099 -running
+17m43s048ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m43s435ms (1) 099 -running
+17m43s457ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m43s674ms (1) 099 -running
+17m44s132ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+17m44s472ms (1) 099 -running
+17m44s799ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m45s035ms (1) 099 -running
+17m45s201ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m45s544ms (1) 099 -running
+17m46s093ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m46s313ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+17m46s768ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m46s964ms (1) 099 -running
+17m47s431ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m47s789ms (1) 099 -running
+17m48s121ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m48s328ms (1) 099 -running
+17m48s555ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m48s916ms (1) 099 -running
+17m49s431ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m49s639ms (1) 099 -running
+17m49s688ms (2) 099 charge=3599 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m50s051ms (1) 099 -running
+17m50s097ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m50s321ms (1) 099 -running
+17m50s782ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m51s157ms (1) 099 -running
+17m51s472ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m51s701ms (1) 099 -running
+17m51s840ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m52s201ms (1) 099 -running
+17m52s761ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m52s977ms (1) 099 -running
+17m53s071ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m53s418ms (1) 099 -running
+17m54s199ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m54s597ms (1) 099 -running
+17m54s897ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m55s142ms (1) 099 -running
+17m55s236ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m55s596ms (1) 099 -running
+17m56s354ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m56s696ms (1) 099 -running
+17m57s026ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m57s257ms (1) 099 -running
+17m57s385ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m57s747ms (1) 099 -running
+17m58s501ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m58s880ms (1) 099 -running
+17m59s187ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+17m59s433ms (1) 099 -running
+17m59s536ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+17m59s898ms (1) 099 -running
+18m00s657ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m00s994ms (1) 099 -running
+18m01s326ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m01s570ms (1) 099 -running
+18m01s686ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m02s019ms (1) 099 -running
+18m02s791ms (2) 099 charge=3598 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m03s190ms (1) 099 -running
+18m03s503ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m03s747ms (1) 099 -running
+18m03s836ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m04s175ms (1) 099 -running
+18m04s943ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m05s241ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+18m06s731ms (2) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+18m07s770ms (2) 099 -running -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m08s849ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m09s060ms (1) 099 -running
+18m09s248ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m09s626ms (1) 099 -running
+18m10s158ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m10s314ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+18m10s865ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m11s109ms (1) 099 -running
+18m11s414ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m11s796ms (1) 099 -running
+18m12s189ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m12s403ms (1) 099 -running
+18m12s524ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m12s866ms (1) 099 -running
+18m13s647ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m14s072ms (1) 099 -running
+18m14s381ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m14s601ms (1) 099 -running
+18m14s673ms (3) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+18m15s080ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m15s759ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m16s172ms (1) 099 -running
+18m16s465ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m16s688ms (1) 099 -running
+18m16s824ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m17s209ms (1) 099 -running
+18m17s765ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m18s010ms (1) 099 -running
+18m18s455ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m18s822ms (1) 099 -running
+18m19s144ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m19s352ms (1) 099 -running
+18m19s586ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m19s954ms (1) 099 -running
+18m20s411ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m20s983ms (1) 099 -running
+18m21s098ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m21s344ms (1) 099 -running
+18m21s758ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m22s098ms (1) 099 -running
+18m22s432ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m22s641ms (1) 099 -running
+18m22s868ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m23s230ms (1) 099 -running
+18m23s749ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m23s956ms (1) 099 -running
+18m23s993ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m24s367ms (1) 099 -running
+18m24s425ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m24s683ms (1) 099 -running
+18m25s132ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m25s517ms (1) 099 -running
+18m25s835ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m26s050ms (1) 099 -running
+18m26s246ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m26s624ms (1) 099 -running
+18m27s148ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m27s365ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m27s822ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m28s036ms (1) 099 -running
+18m28s501ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m28s853ms (1) 099 -running
+18m29s190ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m29s442ms (1) 099 -running
+18m29s654ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m29s999ms (1) 099 -running
+18m30s488ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m30s684ms (1) 099 -running
+18m30s754ms (2) 099 charge=3597 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m31s114ms (1) 099 -running
+18m31s148ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m31s373ms (1) 099 -running
+18m31s832ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m32s213ms (1) 099 -running
+18m32s513ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m32s743ms (1) 099 -running
+18m33s016ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m33s363ms (1) 099 -running
+18m33s820ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m34s032ms (1) 099 -running
+18m34s133ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m34s486ms (1) 099 -running
+18m35s256ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m35s623ms (1) 099 -running
+18m35s948ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m36s162ms (1) 099 -running
+18m36s283ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m36s623ms (1) 099 -running
+18m37s402ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m37s819ms (1) 099 -running
+18m38s130ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m38s376ms (1) 099 -running
+18m38s449ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m38s784ms (1) 099 -running
+18m39s555ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m39s986ms (1) 099 -running
+18m40s286ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m40s495ms (1) 099 -running
+18m40s577ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m40s945ms (1) 099 -running
+18m41s705ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m42s062ms (1) 099 -running
+18m42s380ms (2) 099 charge=3596 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m42s617ms (1) 099 -running
+18m42s744ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m43s083ms (1) 099 -running
+18m43s857ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m44s214ms (1) 099 -running
+18m44s540ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m44s857ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+18m46s006ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m46s358ms (1) 099 -running
+18m46s678ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m46s904ms (1) 099 -running
+18m47s044ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m47s372ms (1) 099 -running
+18m48s160ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m48s560ms (1) 099 -running
+18m48s873ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m49s116ms (1) 099 -running
+18m49s201ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m49s538ms (1) 099 -running
+18m50s304ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m50s694ms (1) 099 -running
+18m50s994ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m51s214ms (1) 099 -running
+18m51s338ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m51s685ms (1) 099 -running
+18m52s463ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m52s822ms (1) 099 -running
+18m53s153ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m53s357ms (1) 099 -running
+18m53s482ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m53s839ms (1) 099 -running
+18m54s604ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m54s986ms (1) 099 -running
+18m55s291ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m55s536ms (1) 099 -running
+18m55s652ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m56s029ms (1) 099 -running
+18m56s592ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m56s730ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+18m57s274ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m57s506ms (1) 099 -running
+18m57s790ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m58s144ms (1) 099 -running
+18m58s578ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+18m58s781ms (1) 099 -running
+18m58s910ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+18m59s254ms (1) 099 -running
+19m00s041ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m00s435ms (1) 099 -running
+19m00s745ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m00s975ms (1) 099 -running
+19m01s080ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m01s432ms (1) 099 -running
+19m02s203ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m02s558ms (1) 099 -running
+19m02s884ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m03s094ms (1) 099 -running
+19m03s234ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m03s578ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+19m04s280ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m04s695ms (1) 099 -running
+19m04s953ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m05s160ms (1) 099 -running
+19m05s472ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m05s822ms (1) 099 -running
+19m06s254ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m06s466ms (1) 099 -running
+19m06s598ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m07s007ms (1) 099 -running
+19m07s561ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m07s694ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+19m08s246ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m08s493ms (1) 099 -running
+19m08s869ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m09s210ms (1) 099 -running
+19m09s539ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m09s748ms (1) 099 -running
+19m09s974ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m10s333ms (1) 099 -running
+19m10s853ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m11s061ms (1) 099 -running
+19m11s102ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m11s496ms (1) 099 -running
+19m11s531ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m11s809ms (1) 099 -running
+19m12s247ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m12s591ms (1) 099 -running
+19m12s929ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m13s178ms (1) 099 -running
+19m13s380ms (2) 099 charge=3595 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m13s728ms (1) 099 -running
+19m14s230ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m14s433ms (1) 099 -running
+19m14s477ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m14s832ms (1) 099 -running
+19m14s892ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m15s123ms (1) 099 -running
+19m15s576ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m15s975ms (1) 099 -running
+19m16s285ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m16s502ms (1) 099 -running
+19m16s632ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m16s985ms (1) 099 -running
+19m17s758ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m18s128ms (1) 099 -running
+19m18s456ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m18s705ms (1) 099 -running
+19m18s802ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m19s147ms (1) 099 -running
+19m19s903ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m20s303ms (1) 099 -running
+19m20s616ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m20s859ms (1) 099 -running
+19m20s951ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m21s533ms (1) 099 -running
+19m21s982ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m22s394ms (1) 099 -running
+19m22s652ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m22s858ms (1) 099 -running
+19m23s187ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m23s546ms (1) 099 -running
+19m23s962ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m24s210ms (1) 099 -running
+19m24s335ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m24s687ms (1) 099 -running
+19m25s257ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m25s409ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+19m25s933ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m26s139ms (1) 099 -running
+19m26s566ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m26s925ms (1) 099 -running
+19m27s250ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m27s505ms (1) 099 -running
+19m27s715ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m28s080ms (1) 099 -running
+19m28s555ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m28s804ms (1) 099 -running
+19m28s838ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m29s240ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m29s955ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m30s333ms (1) 099 -running
+19m30s679ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m30s895ms (1) 099 -running
+19m31s070ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m31s422ms (1) 099 -running
+19m31s974ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m32s195ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m32s635ms (2) 099 charge=3594 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m32s859ms (1) 099 -running
+19m33s312ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m33s664ms (1) 099 -running
+19m33s994ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m34s205ms (1) 099 -running
+19m34s444ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m34s820ms (1) 099 -running
+19m35s295ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m35s503ms (1) 099 -running
+19m35s574ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m35s960ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m36s646ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m37s013ms (1) 099 -running
+19m37s319ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m37s544ms (1) 099 -running
+19m37s725ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m38s086ms (1) 099 -running
+19m38s626ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m38s848ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m39s310ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m39s559ms (1) 099 -running
+19m39s998ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m40s342ms (1) 099 -running
+19m40s690ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m40s912ms (1) 099 -running
+19m41s102ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m41s508ms (1) 099 -running
+19m42s032ms (2) 099 charge=3593 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m42s188ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+19m42s711ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m42s904ms (1) 099 -running
+19m43s246ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m43s636ms (1) 099 -running
+19m44s024ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m44s228ms (1) 099 -running
+19m44s382ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m44s752ms (1) 099 -running
+19m45s522ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m45s882ms (1) 099 -running
+19m46s209ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m46s419ms (1) 099 -running
+19m46s532ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m46s874ms (1) 099 -running
+19m47s648ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m48s055ms (1) 099 -running
+19m48s367ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m48s597ms (1) 099 -running
+19m48s685ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m49s063ms (1) 099 -running
+19m49s813ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m50s121ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+19m52s365ms (1) 099 -running
+19m52s442ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m52s650ms (1) 099 -running
+19m52s974ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m53s372ms (1) 099 -running
+19m53s773ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m53s979ms (1) 099 -running
+19m54s104ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m54s466ms (1) 099 -running
+19m55s229ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m55s596ms (1) 099 -running
+19m55s911ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m56s117ms (1) 099 -running
+19m56s296ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m56s706ms (1) 099 -running
+19m57s237ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m57s369ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+19m57s951ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m58s164ms (1) 099 -running
+19m58s513ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m58s931ms (1) 099 -running
+19m59s304ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+19m59s536ms (1) 099 -running
+19m59s653ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+19m59s994ms (1) 099 -running
+20m00s761ms (2) 099 charge=3592 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m01s139ms (1) 099 -running
+20m01s444ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m01s693ms (1) 099 -running
+20m01s809ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m02s191ms (1) 099 -running
+20m02s757ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m02s891ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+20m03s441ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m03s690ms (1) 099 -running
+20m04s066ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m04s411ms (1) 099 -running
+20m04s754ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m04s956ms (1) 099 -running
+20m05s163ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m05s551ms (1) 099 -running
+20m06s067ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m06s296ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m06s737ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m06s945ms (1) 099 -running
+20m07s410ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m07s764ms (1) 099 -running
+20m08s095ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m08s302ms (1) 099 -running
+20m08s547ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m08s917ms (1) 099 -running
+20m09s409ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m09s637ms (1) 099 -running
+20m09s672ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m10s031ms (1) 099 -running
+20m10s079ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m10s299ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down”
+20m10s775ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m11s167ms (1) 099 -running
+20m11s473ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m11s722ms (1) 099 -running
+20m11s949ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m12s297ms (1) 099 -running
+20m12s783ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m13s024ms (1) 099 -running
+20m13s070ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m13s456ms (1) 099 -running
+20m14s199ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m14s548ms (1) 099 -running
+20m14s883ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m15s099ms (1) 099 -running
+20m15s206ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m15s539ms (1) 099 -running
+20m16s332ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m16s711ms (1) 099 -running
+20m17s032ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m17s281ms (1) 099 -running
+20m17s370ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m17s700ms (1) 099 -running
+20m18s478ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m18s874ms (1) 099 -running
+20m19s180ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m19s379ms (1) 099 -running
+20m19s499ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m19s867ms (1) 099 -running
+20m20s633ms (2) 099 charge=3591 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m21s039ms (1) 099 -running
+20m21s344ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m21s572ms (1) 099 -running
+20m21s656ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m22s033ms (1) 099 -running
+20m22s794ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m23s229ms (1) 099 -running
+20m23s523ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m23s738ms (1) 099 -running
+20m23s805ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m24s154ms (1) 099 -running
+20m24s190ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m24s414ms (1) 099 -running
+20m24s877ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m25s262ms (1) 099 -running
+20m25s559ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m25s802ms (1) 099 -running
+20m25s977ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m26s319ms (1) 099 -running
+20m26s854ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m27s094ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m27s546ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m27s755ms (1) 099 -running
+20m28s206ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m28s556ms (1) 099 -running
+20m28s885ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m29s108ms (1) 099 -running
+20m29s345ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m29s755ms (1) 099 -running
+20m30s212ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m30s353ms (2) 099 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+20m30s892ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m31s154ms (1) 099 -running
+20m31s604ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m31s979ms (1) 099 -running
+20m32s290ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m32s539ms (1) 099 -running
+20m32s731ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m33s078ms (1) 099 -running
+20m33s592ms (2) 099 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m33s746ms (2) 099 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+20m35s549ms (3) 099 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” device_idle=off +job=u0a106:”com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService”
+20m35s801ms (2) 099 -job=u0a106:”com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService”
+20m36s760ms (2) 098 charge=3590
Details: cpu=24470u+205400s
/proc/stat=24310 usr, 181230 sys, 3560 io, 9070 irq, 10060 sirq, 255070 idle (47.2% of 1h 20m 33s 0ms), PlatformIdleStat Empty
, SubsystemPowerState Empty
+20m36s762ms (2) 098 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+20m36s834ms (2) 098 stats=0:”get-stats”
+20m40s849ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock device_idle=light
+20m41s185ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m41s411ms (1) 098 -running
+20m41s538ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m41s866ms (1) 098 -running
+20m42s647ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m42s993ms (1) 098 -running
+20m43s318ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m43s544ms (1) 098 -running
+20m43s683ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m44s017ms (1) 098 -running
+20m44s797ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m45s185ms (1) 098 -running
+20m45s486ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m45s690ms (1) 098 -running
+20m45s818ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m46s164ms (1) 098 -running
+20m46s947ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m47s390ms (1) 098 -running
+20m47s681ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m47s909ms (1) 098 -running
+20m47s982ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m48s399ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m49s082ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m49s432ms (1) 098 -running
+20m49s764ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m50s010ms (1) 098 -running
+20m50s244ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m50s590ms (1) 098 -running
+20m51s067ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m51s070ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+20m51s344ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+20m51s708ms (1) 098 -running
+20m51s730ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m51s946ms (1) 098 -running
+20m52s416ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m52s549ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+20m53s122ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m53s365ms (1) 098 -running
+20m53s726ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m54s079ms (1) 098 -running
+20m54s422ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m54s631ms (1) 098 -running
+20m54s835ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m55s189ms (1) 098 -running
+20m55s725ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m55s918ms (1) 098 -running
+20m55s955ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m56s328ms (1) 098 -running
+20m56s401ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m56s638ms (1) 098 -running
+20m57s093ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m57s603ms (1) 098 -running
+20m57s786ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m57s997ms (1) 098 -running
+20m58s209ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m58s584ms (1) 098 -running
+20m59s095ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m59s295ms (1) 098 -running
+20m59s339ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+20m59s699ms (1) 098 -running
+20m59s766ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+20m59s974ms (1) 098 -running
+21m00s442ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m00s798ms (1) 098 -running
+21m01s126ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m01s372ms (1) 098 -running
+21m01s610ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m01s985ms (1) 098 -running
+21m02s435ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m02s676ms (1) 098 -running
+21m02s733ms (2) 098 charge=3589 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m03s093ms (1) 098 -running
+21m03s840ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m04s231ms (1) 098 -running
+21m04s547ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m04s751ms (1) 098 -running
+21m04s871ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m05s218ms (1) 098 -running
+21m05s994ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m06s416ms (1) 098 -running
+21m06s724ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m06s969ms (1) 098 -running
+21m07s038ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m07s388ms (1) 098 -running
+21m08s145ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m08s542ms (1) 098 -running
+21m08s847ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m09s094ms (1) 098 -running
+21m09s188ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m09s523ms (1) 098 -running
+21m10s291ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m10s683ms (1) 098 -running
+21m10s986ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m11s198ms (1) 098 -running
+21m11s319ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m11s704ms (1) 098 -running
+21m12s455ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m12s810ms (1) 098 -running
+21m13s142ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m13s381ms (1) 098 -running
+21m13s486ms (2) 098 charge=3588 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m13s828ms (1) 098 -running
+21m14s590ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m14s961ms (1) 098 -running
+21m15s276ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m15s486ms (1) 098 -running
+21m15s621ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m15s974ms (1) 098 -running
+21m16s757ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m17s188ms (1) 098 -running
+21m17s501ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m17s714ms (1) 098 -running
+21m17s769ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m18s197ms (1) 098 -running
+21m18s228ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m18s448ms (1) 098 -running
+21m18s900ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m19s275ms (1) 098 -running
+21m19s605ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m19s821ms (1) 098 -running
+21m20s029ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m20s403ms (1) 098 -running
+21m20s921ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m21s159ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m21s586ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m21s791ms (1) 098 -running
+21m22s263ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m22s618ms (1) 098 -running
+21m22s945ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m23s150ms (1) 098 -running
+21m23s404ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m23s802ms (1) 098 -running
+21m24s263ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m24s509ms (1) 098 -running
+21m24s550ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m24s904ms (1) 098 -running
+21m24s932ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m25s072ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+21m25s629ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m25s992ms (1) 098 -running
+21m26s319ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m26s514ms (1) 098 -running
+21m26s678ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m27s044ms (1) 098 -running
+21m27s585ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m27s808ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m28s244ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m28s486ms (1) 098 -running
+21m28s944ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m29s337ms (1) 098 -running
+21m29s658ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m29s863ms (1) 098 -running
+21m30s053ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m30s462ms (1) 098 -running
+21m30s990ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m31s174ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+21m31s680ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m31s908ms (1) 098 -running
+21m32s312ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m32s878ms (1) 098 -running
+21m32s988ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m33s237ms (1) 098 -running
+21m33s461ms (2) 098 charge=3587 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m33s825ms (1) 098 -running
+21m34s290ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m34s532ms (1) 098 -running
+21m34s586ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m34s977ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m35s678ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m36s030ms (1) 098 -running
+21m36s372ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m36s615ms (1) 098 -running
+21m36s834ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m37s188ms (1) 098 -running
+21m37s680ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m37s887ms (1) 098 -running
+21m37s936ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m38s308ms (1) 098 -running
+21m38s356ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m38s609ms (1) 098 -running
+21m39s063ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m39s411ms (1) 098 -running
+21m39s745ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m39s940ms (1) 098 -running
+21m40s193ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m40s611ms (1) 098 -running
+21m41s085ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m41s300ms (1) 098 -running
+21m41s322ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m41s716ms (1) 098 -running
+21m41s784ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m42s030ms (1) 098 -running
+21m42s467ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m42s812ms (1) 098 -running
+21m43s145ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m43s357ms (1) 098 -running
+21m43s579ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m43s936ms (1) 098 -running
+21m44s457ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m44s717ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m45s129ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m45s384ms (1) 098 -running
+21m45s835ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m46s173ms (1) 098 -running
+21m46s513ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m46s721ms (1) 098 -running
+21m46s949ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m47s360ms (1) 098 -running
+21m47s856ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m48s081ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m48s555ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m48s761ms (1) 098 -running
+21m49s204ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m49s595ms (1) 098 -running
+21m49s908ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m50s115ms (1) 098 -running
+21m50s327ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m50s733ms (1) 098 -running
+21m51s241ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m51s450ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+21m51s961ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m52s175ms (1) 098 -running
+21m52s586ms (2) 098 charge=3586 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m52s941ms (1) 098 -running
+21m53s264ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m53s518ms (1) 098 -running
+21m53s735ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m54s080ms (1) 098 -running
+21m54s569ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m54s796ms (1) 098 -running
+21m54s843ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m55s198ms (1) 098 -running
+21m55s237ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m55s495ms (1) 098 -running
+21m55s946ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m56s334ms (1) 098 -running
+21m56s657ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m56s874ms (1) 098 -running
+21m57s094ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m57s505ms (1) 098 -running
+21m57s986ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m58s222ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m58s663ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+21m58s905ms (1) 098 -running
+21m59s361ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+21m59s715ms (1) 098 -running
+22m00s047ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m00s261ms (1) 098 -running
+22m00s471ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m00s864ms (1) 098 -running
+22m01s367ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m01s590ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+22m02s042ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m02s274ms (1) 098 -running
+22m02s730ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m03s092ms (1) 098 -running
+22m03s416ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m03s624ms (1) 098 -running
+22m03s849ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m04s229ms (1) 098 -running
+22m04s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m04s964ms (1) 098 -running
+22m04s989ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m05s597ms (1) 098 -running
+22m06s041ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m06s454ms (1) 098 -running
+22m06s709ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m06s913ms (1) 098 -running
+22m07s225ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m07s602ms (1) 098 -running
+22m08s016ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m08s221ms (1) 098 -running
+22m08s346ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m08s727ms (1) 098 -running
+22m09s506ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m09s890ms (1) 098 -running
+22m10s224ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m10s473ms (1) 098 -running
+22m10s534ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m10s887ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m11s585ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m11s948ms (1) 098 -running
+22m12s264ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m12s479ms (1) 098 -running
+22m12s655ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m13s009ms (1) 098 -running
+22m13s560ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m13s782ms (2) 098 charge=3585 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m14s222ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m14s498ms (1) 098 -running
+22m14s942ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m15s216ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+22m16s790ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+22m17s829ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+22m18s083ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m18s447ms (1) 098 -running
+22m18s758ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m18s971ms (1) 098 -running
+22m19s208ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m19s570ms (1) 098 -running
+22m20s073ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m20s320ms (1) 098 -running
+22m20s355ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m20s702ms (1) 098 -running
+22m20s731ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m20s941ms (1) 098 -running
+22m21s413ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m21s837ms (1) 098 -running
+22m22s123ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m22s260ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+22m22s594ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m23s422ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m23s678ms (1) 098 -running
+22m23s743ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m24s087ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m24s802ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+22m25s215ms (1) 098 -running
+22m25s484ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m25s710ms (1) 098 -running
+22m25s977ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m26s332ms (1) 098 -running
+22m26s787ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m26s976ms (1) 098 -running
+22m27s091ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m27s464ms (1) 098 -running
+22m28s233ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m28s621ms (1) 098 -running
+22m28s938ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m29s158ms (1) 098 -running
+22m29s251ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m29s600ms (1) 098 -running
+22m30s377ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m30s648ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+22m31s392ms (2) 098 charge=3584 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m31s768ms (1) 098 -running
+22m32s304ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m32s529ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m33s008ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m33s223ms (1) 098 -running
+22m33s655ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m34s009ms (1) 098 -running
+22m34s335ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m34s542ms (1) 098 -running
+22m34s778ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m35s169ms (1) 098 -running
+22m35s640ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m35s848ms (1) 098 -running
+22m35s901ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m36s453ms (1) 098 -running
+22m36s942ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m37s388ms (1) 098 -running
+22m37s636ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m37s898ms (1) 098 -running
+22m38s078ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m38s437ms (1) 098 -running
+22m38s949ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m39s197ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m39s612ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m39s832ms (1) 098 -running
+22m40s290ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m40s661ms (1) 098 -running
+22m40s988ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m41s238ms (1) 098 -running
+22m41s455ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m41s818ms (1) 098 -running
+22m42s306ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m42s558ms (1) 098 -running
+22m42s581ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m42s996ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m43s678ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m44s036ms (1) 098 -running
+22m44s368ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m44s580ms (1) 098 -running
+22m44s807ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m45s214ms (1) 098 -running
+22m45s711ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m45s940ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m46s410ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m46s661ms (1) 098 -running
+22m47s088ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m47s434ms (1) 098 -running
+22m47s780ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m48s033ms (1) 098 -running
+22m48s212ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m48s563ms (1) 098 -running
+22m49s087ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m49s318ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m49s760ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m49s985ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+22m50s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m50s799ms (1) 098 -running
+22m51s111ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m51s356ms (1) 098 -running
+22m51s590ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m51s990ms (1) 098 -running
+22m52s444ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m52s658ms (1) 098 -running
+22m52s699ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m53s060ms (1) 098 -running
+22m53s114ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m53s394ms (1) 098 -running
+22m53s831ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m54s191ms (1) 098 -running
+22m54s525ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m54s769ms (1) 098 -running
+22m54s969ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m55s327ms (1) 098 -running
+22m55s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m56s075ms (1) 098 -running
+22m56s097ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m56s456ms (1) 098 -running
+22m56s486ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m56s717ms (1) 098 -running
+22m57s172ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m57s547ms (1) 098 -running
+22m57s862ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m58s073ms (1) 098 -running
+22m58s327ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m58s728ms (1) 098 -running
+22m59s194ms (2) 098 charge=3583 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+22m59s418ms (1) 098 -running
+22m59s460ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+22m59s807ms (1) 098 -running
+22m59s869ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m00s090ms (1) 098 -running
+23m00s550ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m00s913ms (1) 098 -running
+23m01s230ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m01s469ms (1) 098 -running
+23m01s621ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m01s969ms (1) 098 -running
+23m02s517ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m02s748ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m03s191ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m03s398ms (1) 098 -running
+23m03s858ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m04s276ms (1) 098 -running
+23m04s583ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m04s823ms (1) 098 -running
+23m05s000ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m05s354ms (1) 098 -running
+23m05s890ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m06s113ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m06s562ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m06s782ms (1) 098 -running
+23m07s232ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m07s578ms (1) 098 -running
+23m07s915ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m08s329ms (1) 098 -running
+23m08s359ms (2) 098 charge=3582 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m08s714ms (1) 098 -running
+23m09s211ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m09s413ms (1) 098 -running
+23m09s487ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m09s848ms (1) 098 -running
+23m09s882ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m10s125ms (1) 098 -running
+23m10s576ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m10s948ms (1) 098 -running
+23m11s258ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m11s465ms (1) 098 -running
+23m11s737ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m12s146ms (1) 098 -running
+23m12s561ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m12s780ms (1) 098 -running
+23m12s868ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m13s242ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m13s929ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m14s342ms (1) 098 -running
+23m14s598ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m14s820ms (1) 098 -running
+23m15s138ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m15s477ms (1) 098 -running
+23m15s901ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m16s116ms (1) 098 -running
+23m16s251ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m16s608ms (1) 098 -running
+23m17s386ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m17s730ms (1) 098 -running
+23m18s060ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m18s288ms (1) 098 -running
+23m18s401ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m18s747ms (1) 098 -running
+23m19s530ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m19s888ms (1) 098 -running
+23m20s217ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m20s464ms (1) 098 -running
+23m20s568ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m20s906ms (1) 098 -running
+23m21s674ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m22s053ms (1) 098 -running
+23m22s372ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m22s616ms (1) 098 -running
+23m22s717ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m23s066ms (1) 098 -running
+23m23s836ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m24s193ms (1) 098 -running
+23m24s522ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m24s734ms (1) 098 -running
+23m24s849ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m25s215ms (1) 098 -running
+23m25s991ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m26s337ms (1) 098 -running
+23m26s674ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m26s862ms (1) 098 -running
+23m26s995ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m27s372ms (1) 098 -running
+23m28s139ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m28s505ms (1) 098 -running
+23m28s816ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m29s029ms (1) 098 -running
+23m29s153ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m29s496ms (1) 098 -running
+23m30s274ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m30s691ms (1) 098 -running
+23m31s004ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m31s244ms (1) 098 -running
+23m31s321ms (2) 098 charge=3581 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m31s660ms (1) 098 -running
+23m32s428ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m32s805ms (1) 098 -running
+23m33s127ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m33s340ms (1) 098 -running
+23m33s453ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m33s818ms (1) 098 -running
+23m34s590ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m34s943ms (1) 098 -running
+23m35s283ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m35s511ms (1) 098 -running
+23m35s597ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m35s961ms (1) 098 -running
+23m36s737ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m37s125ms (1) 098 -running
+23m37s440ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m37s653ms (1) 098 -running
+23m37s757ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m38s099ms (1) 098 -running
+23m38s878ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m39s271ms (1) 098 -running
+23m39s586ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m39s807ms (1) 098 -running
+23m39s914ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m40s258ms (1) 098 -running
+23m41s029ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m41s460ms (1) 098 -running
+23m41s770ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m41s985ms (1) 098 -running
+23m42s052ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m42s435ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m43s122ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m43s496ms (1) 098 -running
+23m43s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m44s054ms (1) 098 -running
+23m44s223ms (2) 098 charge=3580 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m44s584ms (1) 098 -running
+23m45s107ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m45s318ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m45s812ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m46s265ms (1) 098 -running
+23m46s471ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m46s825ms (1) 098 -running
+23m47s160ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m47s368ms (1) 098 -running
+23m47s572ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m47s980ms (1) 098 -running
+23m48s496ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m48s684ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+23m49s176ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m49s428ms (1) 098 -running
+23m49s856ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m50s219ms (1) 098 -running
+23m50s549ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m50s775ms (1) 098 -running
+23m50s960ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m51s312ms (1) 098 -running
+23m51s849ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m52s080ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m52s528ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m52s746ms (1) 098 -running
+23m53s204ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m53s596ms (1) 098 -running
+23m53s916ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m54s153ms (1) 098 -running
+23m54s353ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m54s693ms (1) 098 -running
+23m55s226ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m55s431ms (1) 098 -running
+23m55s460ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m55s820ms (1) 098 -running
+23m55s898ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m56s169ms (1) 098 -running
+23m56s614ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m57s011ms (1) 098 -running
+23m57s331ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m57s540ms (1) 098 -running
+23m57s724ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m58s086ms (1) 098 -running
+23m58s637ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+23m58s841ms (1) 098 -running
+23m58s951ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+23m59s292ms (1) 098 -running
+24m00s075ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m00s480ms (1) 098 -running
+24m00s792ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m01s011ms (1) 098 -running
+24m01s101ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m01s462ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m02s141ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m02s594ms (1) 098 -running
+24m02s828ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m03s058ms (1) 098 -running
+24m03s357ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m03s720ms (1) 098 -running
+24m04s133ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m04s379ms (1) 098 -running
+24m04s500ms (2) 098 charge=3579 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m04s780ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+24m05s429ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m05s589ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+24m06s109ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m06s354ms (1) 098 -running
+24m06s750ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m07s099ms (1) 098 -running
+24m07s433ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m07s644ms (1) 098 -running
+24m07s855ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m08s258ms (1) 098 -running
+24m08s774ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m08s969ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+24m09s485ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m09s710ms (1) 098 -running
+24m10s117ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m10s531ms (1) 098 -running
+24m10s838ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m11s056ms (1) 098 -running
+24m11s246ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m11s620ms (1) 098 -running
+24m12s149ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m12s349ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+24m12s825ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m13s075ms (1) 098 -running
+24m13s516ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m13s860ms (1) 098 -running
+24m14s201ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m14s431ms (1) 098 -running
+24m14s619ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m14s972ms (1) 098 -running
+24m15s504ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m15s767ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m16s167ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m16s427ms (1) 098 -running
+24m16s873ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m17s218ms (1) 098 -running
+24m17s555ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m17s772ms (1) 098 -running
+24m17s998ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m18s357ms (1) 098 -running
+24m18s866ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m19s112ms (1) 098 -running
+24m19s145ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m19s494ms (1) 098 -running
+24m19s530ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m19s736ms (1) 098 -running
+24m20s209ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m20s585ms (1) 098 -running
+24m20s890ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m21s096ms (1) 098 -running
+24m21s376ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m21s758ms (1) 098 -running
+24m22s208ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m22s456ms (1) 098 -running
+24m22s527ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m22s870ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m23s554ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m23s985ms (1) 098 -running
+24m24s235ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m24s496ms (1) 098 -running
+24m24s669ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m24s948ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+24m25s547ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m25s791ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m26s213ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m26s444ms (1) 098 -running
+24m26s899ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m27s245ms (1) 098 -running
+24m27s585ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m27s794ms (1) 098 -running
+24m28s029ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m28s383ms (1) 098 -running
+24m28s901ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m29s116ms (1) 098 -running
+24m29s154ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m29s546ms (1) 098 -running
+24m29s588ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m29s810ms (1) 098 -running
+24m30s268ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m30s610ms (1) 098 -running
+24m30s945ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m31s175ms (1) 098 -running
+24m31s424ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m31s800ms (1) 098 -running
+24m32s254ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m32s461ms (1) 098 -running
+24m32s532ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m32s883ms (1) 098 -running
+24m32s926ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m33s155ms (1) 098 -running
+24m33s614ms (2) 098 charge=3578 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m34s001ms (1) 098 -running
+24m34s295ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m34s506ms (1) 098 -running
+24m34s682ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m35s078ms (1) 098 -running
+24m35s619ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m35s801ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+24m36s310ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m36s556ms (1) 098 -running
+24m36s957ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m37s307ms (1) 098 -running
+24m37s639ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m37s832ms (1) 098 -running
+24m38s058ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m38s451ms (1) 098 -running
+24m38s948ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m39s164ms (1) 098 -running
+24m39s187ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m39s543ms (1) 098 -running
+24m39s612ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m39s831ms (1) 098 -running
+24m40s293ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m40s679ms (1) 098 -running
+24m41s009ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m41s253ms (1) 098 -running
+24m41s358ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m41s712ms (1) 098 -running
+24m42s469ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m42s815ms (1) 098 -running
+24m43s146ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m43s362ms (1) 098 -running
+24m43s487ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m43s823ms (1) 098 -running
+24m44s607ms (2) 098 charge=3577 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m44s971ms (1) 098 -running
+24m45s297ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m45s543ms (1) 098 -running
+24m45s658ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m45s997ms (1) 098 -running
+24m46s766ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m47s151ms (1) 098 -running
+24m47s473ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m47s683ms (1) 098 -running
+24m47s791ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m48s161ms (1) 098 -running
+24m48s919ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m49s271ms (1) 098 -running
+24m49s601ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m49s844ms (1) 098 -running
+24m49s960ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m50s335ms (1) 098 -running
+24m50s889ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m51s039ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+24m51s565ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m51s774ms (1) 098 -running
+24m52s090ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m52s447ms (1) 098 -running
+24m52s873ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m53s092ms (1) 098 -running
+24m53s225ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m53s575ms (1) 098 -running
+24m54s341ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m55s012ms (1) 098 -running
+24m55s053ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m55s269ms (1) 098 -running
+24m55s370ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m55s735ms (1) 098 -running
+24m56s502ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m56s903ms (1) 098 -running
+24m57s217ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m57s460ms (1) 098 -running
+24m57s535ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m57s890ms (1) 098 -running
+24m58s653ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+24m59s001ms (1) 098 -running
+24m59s329ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+24m59s545ms (1) 098 -running
+24m59s680ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m00s042ms (1) 098 -running
+25m00s797ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m01s153ms (1) 098 -running
+25m01s482ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m01s728ms (1) 098 -running
+25m01s837ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m02s173ms (1) 098 -running
+25m02s943ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m03s353ms (1) 098 -running
+25m03s666ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m03s901ms (1) 098 -running
+25m03s969ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m04s340ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m05s017ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m05s472ms (1) 098 -running
+25m05s704ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m05s953ms (1) 098 -running
+25m06s144ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m06s488ms (1) 098 -running
+25m07s013ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m07s263ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m07s714ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m07s962ms (1) 098 -running
+25m08s394ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m08s797ms (1) 098 -running
+25m09s125ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m09s334ms (1) 098 -running
+25m09s494ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m09s903ms (1) 098 -running
+25m10s462ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m10s597ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+25m11s158ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m11s375ms (1) 098 -running
+25m11s650ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m12s008ms (1) 098 -running
+25m12s466ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m12s728ms (1) 098 -running
+25m12s806ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m13s171ms (1) 098 -running
+25m13s925ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m14s275ms (1) 098 -running
+25m14s612ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m14s816ms (1) 098 -running
+25m14s933ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m15s278ms (1) 098 -running
+25m16s058ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m16s435ms (1) 098 -running
+25m16s749ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m16s963ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+25m17s416ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m18s104ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m18s474ms (1) 098 -running
+25m18s799ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m19s040ms (1) 098 -running
+25m19s152ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m19s499ms (1) 098 -running
+25m20s176ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m20s530ms (1) 098 -running
+25m20s855ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m21s097ms (1) 098 -running
+25m21s216ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m21s551ms (1) 098 -running
+25m22s310ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m22s660ms (1) 098 -running
+25m22s992ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m23s205ms (1) 098 -running
+25m23s335ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m23s671ms (1) 098 -running
+25m24s368ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m24s759ms (1) 098 -running
+25m25s074ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m25s282ms (1) 098 -running
+25m25s399ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m25s743ms (1) 098 -running
+25m26s433ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m26s774ms (1) 098 -running
+25m27s114ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m27s356ms (1) 098 -running
+25m27s463ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m27s837ms (1) 098 -running
+25m28s408ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m28s815ms (1) 098 -running
+25m29s084ms (2) 098 charge=3575 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m29s318ms (1) 098 -running
+25m29s595ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m29s995ms (1) 098 -running
+25m30s421ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m30s966ms (1) 098 -running
+25m31s097ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m31s146ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+25m31s146ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+25m31s153ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+25m31s153ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+25m31s154ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+25m31s650ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m32s024ms (1) 098 -running
+25m32s409ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m32s618ms (1) 098 -running
+25m32s753ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m33s105ms (1) 098 -running
+25m33s792ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m34s080ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+25m35s552ms (3) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” +job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+25m35s609ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+25m35s717ms (3) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”job/com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService” -job=1000:”com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService”
+25m35s718ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+25m36s842ms (2) 098 charge=3574 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m37s202ms (1) 098 -running
+25m37s529ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m37s740ms (1) 098 -running
+25m37s971ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m38s341ms (1) 098 -running
+25m38s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m39s044ms (1) 098 -running
+25m39s102ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+25m39s439ms (1) 098 -running
+25m39s487ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m39s730ms (1) 098 -running
+25m40s173ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m40s562ms (1) 098 -running
+25m40s862ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m41s069ms (1) 098 -running
+25m41s237ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m41s613ms (1) 098 -running
+25m42s165ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m42s343ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+25m42s841ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m43s044ms (1) 098 -running
+25m43s393ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m43s753ms (1) 098 -running
+25m44s140ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m44s328ms (1) 098 -running
+25m44s511ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m44s872ms (1) 098 -running
+25m45s427ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m45s656ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m46s122ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m46s369ms (1) 098 -running
+25m46s798ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m47s144ms (1) 098 -running
+25m47s491ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m47s748ms (1) 098 -running
+25m47s923ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m48s262ms (1) 098 -running
+25m48s796ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m49s003ms (1) 098 -running
+25m49s027ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m49s383ms (1) 098 -running
+25m49s462ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m49s686ms (1) 098 -running
+25m50s133ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m50s507ms (1) 098 -running
+25m50s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m51s040ms (1) 098 -running
+25m51s275ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m51s639ms (1) 098 -running
+25m52s129ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m52s344ms (1) 098 -running
+25m52s408ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m52s803ms (1) 098 -running
+25m52s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m53s095ms (1) 098 -running
+25m53s542ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m53s935ms (1) 098 -running
+25m54s259ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m54s503ms (1) 098 -running
+25m54s678ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a81:”PolicyDispatcher” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m54s682ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+25m55s562ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m55s783ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m56s152ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+25m56s894ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m57s789ms (1) 098 -running
+25m57s933ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m58s305ms (1) 098 -running
+25m58s835ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m59s076ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2”
+25m59s516ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+25m59s746ms (1) 098 -running
+26m00s191ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m00s541ms (1) 098 -running
+26m00s864ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m01s232ms (1) 098 -running
+26m01s314ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m01s698ms (1) 098 -running
+26m02s194ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m02s436ms (1) 098 -running
+26m02s458ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+26m02s816ms (1) 098 -running
+26m02s858ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m03s107ms (1) 098 -running
+26m03s551ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m03s920ms (1) 098 -running
+26m04s236ms (2) 098 charge=3573 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m04s440ms (1) 098 -running
+26m04s582ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m04s940ms (1) 098 -running
+26m05s713ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m06s121ms (1) 098 -running
+26m06s434ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m06s661ms (1) 098 -running
+26m06s740ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m07s093ms (1) 098 -running
+26m07s870ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m08s230ms (1) 098 -running
+26m08s551ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m08s776ms (1) 098 -running
+26m08s900ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m09s246ms (1) 098 -running
+26m10s020ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m10s382ms (1) 098 -running
+26m10s708ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m10s931ms (1) 098 -running
+26m11s043ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m11s407ms (1) 098 -running
+26m12s171ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m12s447ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+26m12s848ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m13s082ms (1) 098 -running
+26m13s206ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m13s595ms (1) 098 -running
+26m14s147ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”fiid-sync” wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m14s290ms (2) 098 charge=3572 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+26m19s291ms (2) 098 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+26m25s674ms (2) 098 -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+26m26s838ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK”
+26m27s884ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+26m28s823ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m29s038ms (1) 098 -running
+26m29s177ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m29s515ms (1) 098 -running
+26m30s301ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m30s673ms (1) 098 -running
+26m30s990ms (2) 098 charge=3571 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m31s205ms (1) 098 -running
+26m31s329ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m31s681ms (1) 098 -running
+26m32s460ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m32s817ms (1) 098 -running
+26m33s146ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m33s393ms (1) 098 -running
+26m33s488ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+26m33s823ms (1) 098 -running
+26m34s599ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m34s987ms (1) 098 -running
+26m35s297ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m35s510ms (1) 098 -running
+26m35s627ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m35s999ms (1) 098 -running
+26m36s766ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m37s100ms (1) 098 -running
+26m37s439ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m37s661ms (1) 098 -running
+26m37s785ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m38s121ms (1) 098 -running
+26m38s903ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m39s291ms (1) 098 -running
+26m39s608ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m39s820ms (1) 098 -running
+26m39s924ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m40s282ms (1) 098 -running
+26m40s850ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m41s355ms (1) 098 -running
+26m41s524ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m41s735ms (1) 098 -running
+26m42s068ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m42s422ms (1) 098 -running
+26m42s821ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m43s026ms (1) 098 -running
+26m43s200ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m43s560ms (1) 098 -running
+26m44s119ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m44s335ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+26m44s810ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m45s021ms (1) 098 -running
+26m45s454ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m45s846ms (1) 098 -running
+26m46s156ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m46s367ms (1) 098 -running
+26m46s577ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m46s951ms (1) 098 -running
+26m47s463ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m47s725ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m48s161ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m48s371ms (1) 098 -running
+26m48s832ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m49s186ms (1) 098 -running
+26m49s518ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m49s762ms (1) 098 -running
+26m49s974ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m50s328ms (1) 098 -running
+26m50s831ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m51s078ms (1) 098 -running
+26m51s107ms (2) 098 charge=3570 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m51s366ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+26m52s137ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m52s601ms (1) 098 -running
+26m52s828ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m53s074ms (1) 098 -running
+26m53s358ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m53s738ms (1) 098 -running
+26m54s139ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m54s359ms (1) 098 -running
+26m54s463ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m54s813ms (1) 098 -running
+26m55s598ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m55s951ms (1) 098 -running
+26m56s283ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m56s497ms (1) 098 -running
+26m56s609ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m56s974ms (1) 098 -running
+26m57s756ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m58s082ms (1) 098 -running
+26m58s418ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m58s629ms (1) 098 -running
+26m58s767ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+26m59s238ms (1) 098 -running
+26m59s702ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+26m59s878ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+27m00s375ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m00s588ms (1) 098 -running
+27m01s018ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m01s392ms (1) 098 -running
+27m01s696ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m01s892ms (1) 098 -running
+27m02s144ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m02s522ms (1) 098 -running
+27m03s010ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m03s224ms (1) 098 -running
+27m03s270ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m03s637ms (1) 098 -running
+27m03s686ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m03s914ms (1) 098 -running
+27m04s370ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m04s740ms (1) 098 -running
+27m05s065ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m05s276ms (1) 098 -running
+27m05s420ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m05s763ms (1) 098 -running
+27m06s546ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m06s972ms (1) 098 -running
+27m07s262ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m07s486ms (1) 098 -running
+27m07s577ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m07s962ms (1) 098 -running
+27m08s712ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m09s111ms (1) 098 -running
+27m09s430ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m09s637ms (1) 098 -running
+27m09s722ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m10s082ms (1) 098 -running
+27m10s109ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m10s346ms (1) 098 -running
+27m10s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m11s191ms (1) 098 -running
+27m11s505ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m11s759ms (1) 098 -running
+27m11s903ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m12s259ms (1) 098 -running
+27m12s812ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m13s016ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+27m13s530ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m13s735ms (1) 098 -running
+27m14s122ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m14s507ms (1) 098 -running
+27m14s838ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m15s095ms (1) 098 -running
+27m15s270ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m15s659ms (1) 098 -running
+27m16s176ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m16s369ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+27m16s865ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m17s090ms (1) 098 -running
+27m17s510ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m17s860ms (1) 098 -running
+27m18s196ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m18s390ms (1) 098 -running
+27m18s621ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m18s984ms (1) 098 -running
+27m19s505ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”609:glink-native-cdsp”
+27m19s939ms (1) 098 -running
+27m20s684ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m21s004ms (2) 098 charge=3569 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+27m23s656ms (1) 098 -running
+27m23s962ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m24s336ms (1) 098 -running
+27m25s084ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m25s488ms (1) 098 -running
+27m26s108ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m26s481ms (1) 098 -running
+27m26s522ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m26s968ms (1) 098 -running
+27m27s235ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m27s617ms (1) 098 -running
+27m28s364ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m28s789ms (1) 098 -running
+27m29s398ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m29s773ms (1) 098 -running
+27m30s518ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m30s915ms (1) 098 -running
+27m31s533ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m31s912ms (1) 098 -running
+27m32s655ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m32s970ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+27m34s693ms (3) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+27m35s193ms (2) 098 -wifi -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+27m35s367ms (2) 098 -wake_lock +wifi stats=0:”wifi-on”
+27m35s465ms (2) 098 +wifi_running stats=0:”wifi-off”
+27m35s487ms (2) 098 +wifi_scan stats=0:”wifi-running”
+27m36s535ms (1) 098 -running
+27m36s770ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”NlpWakeLock” -wifi_scan wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m36s815ms (1) 098 charge=3568 -running -wake_lock
+27m37s885ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m38s274ms (1) 098 -running
+27m38s915ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m39s304ms (1) 098 -running
+27m40s040ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m40s437ms (1) 098 -running
+27m41s060ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m41s433ms (1) 098 -running
+27m42s184ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m42s573ms (1) 098 -running
+27m43s214ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m43s609ms (1) 098 -running
+27m44s345ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m44s748ms (1) 098 -running
+27m45s358ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+27m45s739ms (1) 098 -running
+27m46s481ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m46s876ms (1) 098 -running
+27m47s505ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m47s889ms (1) 098 -running
+27m48s645ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m49s048ms (1) 098 -running
+27m49s666ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m49s942ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+27m50s785ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m51s196ms (1) 098 -running
+27m51s921ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m52s302ms (1) 098 -running
+27m52s939ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m53s320ms (1) 098 -running
+27m54s062ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m54s449ms (1) 098 -running
+27m55s084ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m55s492ms (1) 098 -running
+27m56s219ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m56s618ms (1) 098 -running
+27m57s249ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m57s658ms (1) 098 -running
+27m58s371ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+27m58s800ms (1) 098 -running
+27m59s396ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m00s477ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+28m00s482ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+28m00s993ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+28m01s655ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m02s022ms (1) 098 -running
+28m02s775ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m03s170ms (1) 098 -running
+28m03s797ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m04s187ms (1) 098 -running
+28m04s928ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m05s318ms (1) 098 -running
+28m05s945ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m06s313ms (1) 098 -running
+28m07s064ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m07s500ms (1) 098 -running
+28m08s098ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m08s569ms (1) 098 -running
+28m09s221ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+28m09s628ms (1) 098 -running
+28m10s251ms (2) 098 +running +wifi_scan wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m10s695ms (1) 098 -running
+28m11s381ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”NlpWakeLock” -wifi_scan wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m11s391ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+28m12s394ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m12s776ms (1) 098 -running
+28m13s528ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m13s924ms (1) 098 -running
+28m14s553ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m14s927ms (1) 098 -running
+28m15s673ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m16s101ms (1) 098 -running
+28m16s190ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m16s558ms (1) 098 -running
+28m16s703ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m17s076ms (1) 098 -running
+28m17s829ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m18s222ms (1) 098 -running
+28m18s847ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m19s244ms (1) 098 -running
+28m19s975ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m20s398ms (1) 098 -running
+28m21s000ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m21s438ms (1) 098 -running
+28m22s122ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m22s479ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+28m23s150ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+28m23s571ms (1) 098 -running
+28m24s276ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m24s655ms (1) 098 -running
+28m25s299ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m25s677ms (1) 098 -running
+28m26s432ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m26s833ms (1) 098 -running
+28m27s455ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m27s834ms (1) 098 -running
+28m28s576ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m29s005ms (1) 098 -running
+28m29s599ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m29s993ms (1) 098 -running
+28m30s737ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m31s106ms (1) 098 -running
+28m31s755ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m32s153ms (1) 098 -running
+28m32s882ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m33s345ms (1) 098 -running
+28m33s903ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m34s306ms (1) 098 -running
+28m35s031ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m35s406ms (1) 098 -running
+28m36s058ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m36s552ms (1) 098 -running
+28m37s188ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m37s578ms (1) 098 -running
+28m38s199ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m38s614ms (1) 098 -running
+28m39s334ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m39s695ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+28m40s357ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m40s747ms (1) 098 -running
+28m41s476ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m41s874ms (1) 098 -running
+28m42s507ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m42s948ms (1) 098 -running
+28m43s633ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m44s080ms (1) 098 -running
+28m44s653ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m45s094ms (1) 098 -running
+28m45s787ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m46s165ms (1) 098 -running
+28m46s801ms (2) 098 +running +wifi_scan wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m47s166ms (1) 098 -running
+28m47s935ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”NlpWakeLock” -wifi_scan wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m47s945ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+28m48s951ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m49s336ms (1) 098 -running
+28m50s079ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m50s475ms (1) 098 -running
+28m51s106ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m51s529ms (1) 098 -running
+28m52s227ms (2) 098 charge=3567 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m52s611ms (1) 098 -running
+28m53s246ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m53s653ms (1) 098 -running
+28m54s379ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m54s815ms (1) 098 -running
+28m55s400ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m55s787ms (1) 098 -running
+28m56s532ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m56s916ms (1) 098 -running
+28m57s557ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m57s936ms (1) 098 -running
+28m58s675ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+28m59s055ms (1) 098 -running
+28m59s699ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m00s076ms (1) 098 -running
+29m00s834ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m01s221ms (1) 098 -running
+29m01s855ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+29m02s228ms (1) 098 -running
+29m02s984ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m03s352ms (1) 098 -running
+29m04s006ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m04s381ms (1) 098 -running
+29m05s131ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m05s543ms (1) 098 -running
+29m06s155ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m06s478ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+29m07s285ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m07s702ms (1) 098 -running
+29m08s403ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m08s780ms (1) 098 -running
+29m09s435ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m09s828ms (1) 098 -running
+29m10s564ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m10s934ms (1) 098 -running
+29m11s585ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m11s990ms (1) 098 -running
+29m12s719ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m13s094ms (1) 098 -running
+29m13s738ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m14s108ms (1) 098 -running
+29m14s865ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m15s296ms (1) 098 -running
+29m15s892ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m16s314ms (1) 098 -running
+29m16s705ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m17s305ms (1) 098 -running
+29m18s036ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m18s408ms (1) 098 -running
+29m19s057ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m19s431ms (1) 098 -running
+29m20s187ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m20s558ms (1) 098 -running
+29m21s204ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m21s596ms (1) 098 -running
+29m22s332ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m22s763ms (1) 098 -running
+29m23s362ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m23s767ms (1) 098 -running
+29m24s485ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m24s888ms (1) 098 -running
+29m25s508ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m25s922ms (1) 098 -running
+29m26s648ms (2) 098 +running +wifi_scan wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m27s031ms (1) 098 -running
+29m27s666ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a156:”NlpWakeLock” -wifi_scan wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m27s678ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+29m28s786ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m29s193ms (1) 098 -running
+29m29s815ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m30s229ms (1) 098 -running
+29m30s937ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m31s351ms (1) 098 -running
+29m31s970ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m32s378ms (1) 098 -running
+29m33s091ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m33s465ms (1) 098 -running
+29m34s118ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m34s493ms (1) 098 -running
+29m35s241ms (2) 098 charge=3566 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m35s656ms (1) 098 -running
+29m36s264ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m36s657ms (1) 098 -running
+29m37s389ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m37s787ms (1) 098 -running
+29m38s410ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m38s815ms (1) 098 -running
+29m39s548ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m39s966ms (1) 098 -running
+29m40s566ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+29m40s924ms (1) 098 -running
+29m41s684ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m42s098ms (1) 098 -running
+29m42s714ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m43s106ms (1) 098 -running
+29m43s843ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m44s248ms (1) 098 -running
+29m44s869ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m45s264ms (1) 098 -running
+29m45s988ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m46s343ms (1) 098 -running
+29m47s013ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m47s895ms (1) 098 -running
+29m48s148ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m48s557ms (1) 098 -running
+29m49s269ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m49s672ms (1) 098 -running
+29m50s295ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m50s606ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+29m52s826ms (1) 098 -running
+29m53s473ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m53s884ms (1) 098 -running
+29m54s488ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m54s877ms (1) 098 -running
+29m55s617ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m56s002ms (1) 098 -running
+29m56s639ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m57s046ms (1) 098 -running
+29m57s768ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m58s181ms (1) 098 -running
+29m58s793ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+29m59s100ms (3) 098 temp=270 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+29m59s917ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m00s357ms (1) 098 -running
+30m01s043ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m01s410ms (1) 098 -running
+30m02s069ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m02s483ms (1) 098 -running
+30m02s593ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m02s973ms (1) 098 -running
+30m03s195ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m03s601ms (1) 098 -running
+30m04s326ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m04s711ms (1) 098 -running
+30m05s351ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m05s764ms (1) 098 -running
+30m06s475ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m06s842ms (1) 098 -running
+30m07s495ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m07s908ms (1) 098 -running
+30m08s627ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m09s030ms (1) 098 -running
+30m09s649ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m10s017ms (1) 098 -running
+30m10s774ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m11s157ms (1) 098 -running
+30m11s791ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m12s205ms (1) 098 -running
+30m12s944ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m13s321ms (1) 098 -running
+30m13s946ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m14s323ms (1) 098 -running
+30m15s067ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m15s474ms (1) 098 -running
+30m16s101ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m16s520ms (1) 098 -running
+30m17s227ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m17s586ms (1) 098 -running
+30m18s241ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m18s654ms (1) 098 -running
+30m19s380ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m19s756ms (1) 098 -running
+30m20s407ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m20s821ms (1) 098 -running
+30m21s534ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m21s956ms (1) 098 -running
+30m22s556ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m22s951ms (1) 098 -running
+30m23s679ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m24s092ms (1) 098 -running
+30m24s700ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m25s083ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+30m25s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m26s225ms (1) 098 -running
+30m26s954ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m27s330ms (1) 098 -running
+30m27s969ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m28s361ms (1) 098 -running
+30m29s097ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m29s533ms (1) 098 -running
+30m29s713ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m30s084ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+30m31s148ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m31s631ms (1) 098 -running
+30m32s171ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m32s578ms (1) 098 -running
+30m33s302ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m33s651ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+30m35s563ms (4) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”alarm:TIME_TICK” +sensor +fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+30m36s100ms (2) 098 -fg=1000:”com.heytap.mcs”
+30m38s035ms (2) 098 -sensor
+30m39s560ms (1) 098 charge=3565
+30m40s564ms (2) 098 stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+30m45s453ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+30m45s691ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=1000:”deviceidle_going_idle” device_idle=full wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m45s704ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+30m45s705ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”DeviceIdleHelper”
+30m45s718ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+30m46s824ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m47s206ms (1) 098 -running
+30m47s843ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m48s224ms (1) 098 -running
+30m48s966ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m49s363ms (1) 098 -running
+30m49s995ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m50s922ms (1) 098 -running
+30m51s119ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m51s480ms (1) 098 -running
+30m52s240ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m52s614ms (1) 098 -running
+30m53s261ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m53s650ms (1) 098 -running
+30m54s393ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m54s777ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”unknown”
+30m55s414ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m55s828ms (1) 098 -running
+30m56s556ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+30m56s939ms (1) 098 -running
+30m57s565ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+30m57s895ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+30m59s069ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1000:”walarm:android.intent.action.FRAME_ACTIVE_UPLOAD”
+30m59s086ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+31m00s115ms (1) 098 -running
+31m00s851ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m01s251ms (1) 098 -running
+31m01s870ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m02s293ms (1) 098 -running
+31m03s004ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m03s324ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+31m04s024ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m04s400ms (1) 098 -running
+31m05s149ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m05s556ms (1) 098 -running
+31m05s667ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m06s042ms (1) 098 -running
+31m06s172ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m06s585ms (1) 098 -running
+31m07s307ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m07s722ms (1) 098 -running
+31m08s330ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m08s701ms (1) 098 -running
+31m09s451ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+31m09s801ms (1) 098 -running
+31m10s468ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m10s849ms (1) 098 -running
+31m11s601ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m12s010ms (1) 098 -running
+31m12s620ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m13s032ms (1) 098 -running
+31m13s753ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m14s144ms (1) 098 -running
+31m14s777ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m15s087ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+31m15s899ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m16s279ms (1) 098 -running
+31m17s021ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m17s401ms (1) 098 -running
+31m18s044ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m18s422ms (1) 098 -running
+31m19s170ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m19s551ms (1) 098 -running
+31m20s199ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m20s581ms (1) 098 -running
+31m21s330ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m21s717ms (1) 098 -running
+31m22s350ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m22s763ms (1) 098 -running
+31m23s485ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m23s883ms (1) 098 -running
+31m24s504ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m24s934ms (1) 098 -running
+31m25s643ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m26s036ms (1) 098 -running
+31m26s661ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m27s043ms (1) 098 -running
+31m27s795ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m28s135ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+31m28s823ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m29s255ms (1) 098 -running
+31m29s939ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m30s327ms (1) 098 -running
+31m30s958ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m31s399ms (1) 098 -running
+31m32s098ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m32s499ms (1) 098 -running
+31m33s119ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m33s534ms (1) 098 -running
+31m34s248ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m34s665ms (1) 098 -running
+31m35s265ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m35s649ms (1) 098 -running
+31m36s393ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m36s810ms (1) 098 -running
+31m37s423ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m37s789ms (1) 098 -running
+31m38s532ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m38s946ms (1) 098 -running
+31m39s573ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m39s953ms (1) 098 -running
+31m40s693ms (2) 098 charge=3564 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m40s969ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+31m41s718ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m42s078ms (1) 098 -running
+31m42s840ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m43s220ms (1) 098 -running
+31m43s862ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m44s238ms (1) 098 -running
+31m44s992ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m45s391ms (1) 098 -running
+31m46s015ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m46s131ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+31m46s132ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+31m46s146ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+31m46s147ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+31m46s149ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+31m47s145ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m47s528ms (1) 098 -running
+31m48s165ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m48s554ms (1) 098 -running
+31m49s293ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m49s676ms (1) 098 -running
+31m50s317ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m50s704ms (1) 098 -running
+31m51s440ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m51s816ms (1) 098 -running
+31m52s464ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m52s869ms (1) 098 -running
+31m53s601ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m53s997ms (1) 098 -running
+31m54s621ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m54s997ms (1) 098 -running
+31m55s748ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m56s148ms (1) 098 -running
+31m56s769ms (3) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a215:”job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” +job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+31m56s896ms (2) 098 -running -wake_lock -job=u0a215:”com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService”
+31m57s895ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+31m58s497ms (1) 098 -running
+31m58s916ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+31m59s291ms (1) 098 -running
+32m00s047ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m00s451ms (1) 098 -running
+32m01s073ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m01s442ms (1) 098 -running
+32m02s190ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m02s579ms (1) 098 -running
+32m03s224ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m03s605ms (1) 098 -running
+32m04s345ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m04s748ms (1) 098 -running
+32m05s368ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m05s778ms (1) 098 -running
+32m06s496ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m06s876ms (1) 098 -running
+32m07s526ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m07s932ms (1) 098 -running
+32m08s645ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m09s075ms (1) 098 -running
+32m09s675ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m10s054ms (1) 098 -running
+32m10s802ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m11s170ms (1) 098 -running
+32m11s819ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m12s237ms (1) 098 -running
+32m12s947ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m13s349ms (1) 098 -running
+32m13s953ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m14s344ms (1) 098 -running
+32m15s084ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m15s468ms (1) 098 -running
+32m16s119ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m16s546ms (1) 098 -running
+32m17s247ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m17s617ms (1) 098 -running
+32m18s255ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m18s714ms (1) 098 -running
+32m19s391ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m19s789ms (1) 098 -running
+32m20s407ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m20s793ms (1) 098 -running
+32m21s538ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m21s950ms (1) 098 -running
+32m22s565ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m22s953ms (1) 098 -running
+32m23s694ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m24s112ms (1) 098 -running
+32m24s711ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m25s117ms (1) 098 -running
+32m25s839ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m26s251ms (1) 098 -running
+32m26s868ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m27s279ms (1) 098 -running
+32m27s994ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m28s394ms (1) 098 -running
+32m29s019ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m29s444ms (1) 098 -running
+32m30s143ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m30s572ms (1) 098 -running
+32m31s166ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m31s548ms (1) 098 -running
+32m31s680ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m32s158ms (1) 098 -running
+32m32s290ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m32s676ms (1) 098 -running
+32m33s418ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m33s795ms (1) 098 -running
+32m34s447ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m34s884ms (1) 098 -running
+32m35s566ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m35s977ms (1) 098 -running
+32m36s592ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m36s984ms (1) 098 -running
+32m37s720ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m38s126ms (1) 098 -running
+32m38s737ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m39s114ms (1) 098 -running
+32m39s870ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m40s284ms (1) 098 -running
+32m40s893ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m41s281ms (1) 098 -running
+32m42s028ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m42s440ms (1) 098 -running
+32m43s050ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m43s422ms (1) 098 -running
+32m44s173ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m44s606ms (1) 098 -running
+32m45s193ms (2) 098 charge=3563 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m45s494ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+32m46s329ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m46s748ms (1) 098 -running
+32m47s453ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m47s825ms (1) 098 -running
+32m48s468ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m48s881ms (1) 098 -running
+32m49s600ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m50s055ms (1) 098 -running
+32m50s623ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m51s017ms (1) 098 -running
+32m51s751ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m52s126ms (1) 098 -running
+32m52s772ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m53s179ms (1) 098 -running
+32m53s896ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m54s279ms (1) 098 -running
+32m54s920ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m55s295ms (1) 098 -running
+32m56s051ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m56s465ms (1) 098 -running
+32m57s074ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m57s492ms (1) 098 -running
+32m58s203ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m58s486ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+32m59s220ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+32m59s774ms (1) 098 -running
+33m00s349ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m00s715ms (1) 098 -running
+33m01s474ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m01s865ms (1) 098 -running
+33m02s509ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m02s931ms (1) 098 -running
+33m03s625ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m04s014ms (1) 098 -running
+33m04s652ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m05s043ms (1) 098 -running
+33m05s785ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m06s160ms (1) 098 -running
+33m06s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m07s187ms (1) 098 -running
+33m07s930ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m08s305ms (1) 098 -running
+33m08s947ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m09s359ms (1) 098 -running
+33m10s084ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m10s459ms (1) 098 -running
+33m11s101ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m11s481ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+33m12s226ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m12s637ms (1) 098 -running
+33m13s356ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m13s715ms (1) 098 -running
+33m14s373ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m14s793ms (1) 098 -running
+33m15s510ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m15s906ms (1) 098 -running
+33m16s528ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m16s899ms (1) 098 -running
+33m17s650ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m18s067ms (1) 098 -running
+33m18s677ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m19s094ms (1) 098 -running
+33m19s811ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m20s216ms (1) 098 -running
+33m20s829ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m21s225ms (1) 098 -running
+33m21s973ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m22s350ms (1) 098 -running
+33m22s985ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m23s385ms (1) 098 -running
+33m24s117ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m24s532ms (1) 098 -running
+33m25s141ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m25s525ms (1) 098 -running
+33m26s258ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m26s586ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+33m27s280ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m27s681ms (1) 098 -running
+33m28s414ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m28s803ms (1) 098 -running
+33m29s432ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m29s826ms (1) 098 -running
+33m30s562ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m30s985ms (1) 098 -running
+33m31s595ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m31s995ms (1) 098 -running
+33m32s711ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m33s085ms (1) 098 -running
+33m33s729ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m34s104ms (1) 098 -running
+33m34s853ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m35s237ms (1) 098 -running
+33m35s884ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m36s304ms (1) 098 -running
+33m37s007ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m37s418ms (1) 098 -running
+33m38s036ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m38s455ms (1) 098 -running
+33m39s165ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m39s539ms (1) 098 -running
+33m40s181ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m40s571ms (1) 098 -running
+33m41s304ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m41s723ms (1) 098 -running
+33m42s328ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m42s744ms (1) 098 -running
+33m43s470ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m43s844ms (1) 098 -running
+33m44s484ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m44s866ms (1) 098 -running
+33m45s613ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m46s002ms (1) 098 -running
+33m46s642ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m47s062ms (1) 098 -running
+33m47s763ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m48s146ms (1) 098 -running
+33m48s785ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m49s177ms (1) 098 -running
+33m49s919ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m50s265ms (1) 098 -running
+33m50s929ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m51s350ms (1) 098 -running
+33m52s063ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m52s438ms (1) 098 -running
+33m53s088ms (2) 098 charge=3562 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m53s488ms (1) 098 -running
+33m54s215ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m54s593ms (1) 098 -running
+33m55s236ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m55s613ms (1) 098 -running
+33m56s359ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m56s736ms (1) 098 -running
+33m57s385ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m57s786ms (1) 098 -running
+33m58s523ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m58s909ms (1) 098 -running
+33m59s531ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+33m59s944ms (1) 098 -running
+34m00s667ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m01s039ms (1) 098 -running
+34m01s692ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m02s058ms (1) 098 -running
+34m02s812ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m03s214ms (1) 098 -running
+34m03s835ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m04s229ms (1) 098 -running
+34m04s967ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m05s341ms (1) 098 -running
+34m05s984ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m06s361ms (1) 098 -running
+34m07s114ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m07s392ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+34m08s136ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m08s558ms (1) 098 -running
+34m09s264ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m09s680ms (1) 098 -running
+34m10s293ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m10s676ms (1) 098 -running
+34m11s413ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m11s820ms (1) 098 -running
+34m12s442ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m12s842ms (1) 098 -running
+34m13s573ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m13s958ms (1) 098 -running
+34m14s583ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m14s973ms (1) 098 -running
+34m15s721ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m16s112ms (1) 098 -running
+34m16s743ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m17s167ms (1) 098 -running
+34m17s874ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m18s275ms (1) 098 -running
+34m18s892ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m19s269ms (1) 098 -running
+34m20s015ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m20s439ms (1) 098 -running
+34m21s044ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m21s461ms (1) 098 -running
+34m22s173ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m22s488ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+34m23s194ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m23s592ms (1) 098 -running
+34m24s321ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m24s696ms (1) 098 -running
+34m25s344ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m25s762ms (1) 098 -running
+34m26s477ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m26s878ms (1) 098 -running
+34m27s492ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m27s875ms (1) 098 -running
+34m28s619ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m29s005ms (1) 098 -running
+34m29s644ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m30s020ms (1) 098 -running
+34m30s773ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m31s147ms (1) 098 -running
+34m31s788ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m32s160ms (1) 098 -running
+34m32s919ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m33s345ms (1) 098 -running
+34m33s952ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m34s324ms (1) 098 -running
+34m35s073ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m35s464ms (1) 098 -running
+34m36s092ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m36s476ms (1) 098 -running
+34m37s222ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m37s620ms (1) 098 -running
+34m38s249ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m38s651ms (1) 098 -running
+34m39s374ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m39s791ms (1) 098 -running
+34m40s397ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m40s780ms (1) 098 -running
+34m41s521ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m41s952ms (1) 098 -running
+34m42s541ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m42s898ms (1) 098 -running
+34m43s667ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m44s044ms (1) 098 -running
+34m44s696ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m45s016ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+34m46s991ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+34m48s040ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+34m49s101ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m49s487ms (1) 098 -running
+34m50s121ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m50s516ms (1) 098 -running
+34m51s246ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m51s638ms (1) 098 -running
+34m52s269ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m52s818ms (1) 098 -running
+34m53s399ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m53s790ms (1) 098 -running
+34m54s533ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m54s944ms (1) 098 -running
+34m55s554ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m55s943ms (1) 098 -running
+34m56s679ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m57s056ms (1) 098 -running
+34m57s693ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+34m58s078ms (1) 098 -running
+34m58s819ms (3) 098 charge=3561 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+34m59s129ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+34m59s858ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m00s247ms (1) 098 -running
+35m00s674ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m01s270ms (1) 098 -running
+35m02s014ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m02s429ms (1) 098 -running
+35m03s038ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m03s457ms (1) 098 -running
+35m04s165ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m04s558ms (1) 098 -running
+35m05s189ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m05s605ms (1) 098 -running
+35m06s310ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m06s727ms (1) 098 -running
+35m07s337ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m07s746ms (1) 098 -running
+35m08s455ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m08s853ms (1) 098 -running
+35m09s492ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m09s898ms (1) 098 -running
+35m10s615ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m10s990ms (1) 098 -running
+35m11s639ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m12s027ms (1) 098 -running
+35m12s758ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m13s161ms (1) 098 -running
+35m13s788ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m14s208ms (1) 098 -running
+35m14s924ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m15s297ms (1) 098 -running
+35m15s932ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m16s300ms (1) 098 -running
+35m17s056ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m17s438ms (1) 098 -running
+35m18s090ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m18s487ms (1) 098 -running
+35m19s222ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m19s615ms (1) 098 -running
+35m20s242ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m20s616ms (1) 098 -running
+35m21s371ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m21s765ms (1) 098 -running
+35m22s392ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m22s773ms (1) 098 -running
+35m23s518ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m23s918ms (1) 098 -running
+35m24s542ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m24s951ms (1) 098 -running
+35m25s664ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m26s114ms (1) 098 -running
+35m26s682ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m27s099ms (1) 098 -running
+35m27s823ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m28s193ms (1) 098 -running
+35m28s846ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m29s218ms (1) 098 -running
+35m29s968ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m30s377ms (1) 098 -running
+35m30s997ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m31s368ms (1) 098 -running
+35m32s108ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m32s503ms (1) 098 -running
+35m33s134ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m33s512ms (1) 098 -running
+35m34s268ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m34s578ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+35m35s617ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+35m36s816ms (1) 098 -running
+35m37s245ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m37s769ms (1) 098 -running
+35m38s464ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m38s889ms (1) 098 -running
+35m39s490ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m39s862ms (1) 098 -running
+35m40s621ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m40s992ms (1) 098 -running
+35m41s635ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m42s036ms (1) 098 -running
+35m42s759ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m43s135ms (1) 098 -running
+35m43s892ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m44s288ms (1) 098 -running
+35m45s019ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m45s412ms (1) 098 -running
+35m46s043ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m46s459ms (1) 098 -running
+35m47s163ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+35m47s561ms (1) 098 -running
+35m48s195ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m48s582ms (1) 098 -running
+35m49s308ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m49s909ms (1) 098 -running
+35m50s328ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m50s729ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+35m51s474ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m51s855ms (1) 098 -running
+35m52s599ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m53s005ms (1) 098 -running
+35m53s625ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m54s032ms (1) 098 -running
+35m54s745ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m55s144ms (1) 098 -running
+35m55s773ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m56s167ms (1) 098 -running
+35m56s898ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m57s293ms (1) 098 -running
+35m57s925ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m58s351ms (1) 098 -running
+35m59s040ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+35m59s493ms (1) 098 -running
+36m00s070ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m00s490ms (1) 098 -running
+36m01s198ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m01s583ms (1) 098 -running
+36m02s216ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m02s618ms (1) 098 -running
+36m03s347ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m03s731ms (1) 098 -running
+36m04s378ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m04s766ms (1) 098 -running
+36m05s504ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m05s845ms (1) 098 -running
+36m06s514ms (2) 098 charge=3560 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m06s896ms (1) 098 -running
+36m07s641ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m08s039ms (1) 098 -running
+36m08s677ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m09s072ms (1) 098 -running
+36m09s805ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m10s241ms (1) 098 -running
+36m10s820ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m11s261ms (1) 098 -running
+36m11s953ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m12s343ms (1) 098 -running
+36m12s970ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m13s371ms (1) 098 -running
+36m14s108ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m14s481ms (1) 098 -running
+36m15s120ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m15s489ms (1) 098 -running
+36m16s243ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m16s608ms (1) 098 -running
+36m17s265ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m17s636ms (1) 098 -running
+36m18s399ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m18s810ms (1) 098 -running
+36m19s437ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m19s847ms (1) 098 -running
+36m20s550ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m20s948ms (1) 098 -running
+36m21s577ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m21s995ms (1) 098 -running
+36m22s748ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m23s114ms (1) 098 -running
+36m23s652ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m24s052ms (1) 098 -running
+36m24s705ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m25s091ms (1) 098 -running
+36m25s694ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m26s089ms (1) 098 -running
+36m26s749ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m27s163ms (1) 098 -running
+36m27s767ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m28s163ms (1) 098 -running
+36m28s854ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m29s209ms (1) 098 -running
+36m29s867ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m30s252ms (1) 098 -running
+36m30s915ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m31s301ms (1) 098 -running
+36m31s947ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m32s324ms (1) 098 -running
+36m33s047ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m33s433ms (1) 098 -running
+36m34s071ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m34s415ms (1) 098 -running
+36m35s109ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m35s474ms (1) 098 -running
+36m36s124ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m36s520ms (1) 098 -running
+36m37s195ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m37s556ms (1) 098 -running
+36m38s168ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m38s560ms (1) 098 -running
+36m39s230ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m39s597ms (1) 098 -running
+36m40s222ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m40s608ms (1) 098 -running
+36m41s277ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m41s671ms (1) 098 -running
+36m42s358ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m42s749ms (1) 098 -running
+36m43s415ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m43s781ms (1) 098 -running
+36m44s409ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m44s787ms (1) 098 -running
+36m45s463ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m45s829ms (1) 098 -running
+36m46s454ms (2) 098 charge=3559 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m46s736ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+36m46s996ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+36m47s586ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m47s972ms (1) 098 -running
+36m48s636ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m49s002ms (1) 098 -running
+36m49s629ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m50s036ms (1) 098 -running
+36m50s679ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m51s059ms (1) 098 -running
+36m51s712ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m52s084ms (1) 098 -running
+36m52s810ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m53s205ms (1) 098 -running
+36m53s845ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m54s231ms (1) 098 -running
+36m54s957ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m55s386ms (1) 098 -running
+36m55s987ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m56s360ms (1) 098 -running
+36m57s104ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m57s526ms (1) 098 -running
+36m58s138ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m58s500ms (1) 098 -running
+36m59s247ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+36m59s628ms (1) 098 -running
+37m00s271ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m00s679ms (1) 098 -running
+37m01s407ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m01s828ms (1) 098 -running
+37m02s429ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m02s839ms (1) 098 -running
+37m03s568ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m03s974ms (1) 098 -running
+37m04s582ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m04s977ms (1) 098 -running
+37m05s718ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m06s086ms (1) 098 -running
+37m06s732ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m07s161ms (1) 098 -running
+37m07s862ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m08s265ms (1) 098 -running
+37m08s867ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m09s298ms (1) 098 -running
+37m10s007ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m10s418ms (1) 098 -running
+37m11s041ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m11s456ms (1) 098 -running
+37m12s157ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m12s561ms (1) 098 -running
+37m13s175ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m13s545ms (1) 098 -running
+37m14s302ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m14s579ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+37m15s336ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m15s753ms (1) 098 -running
+37m16s454ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m16s862ms (1) 098 -running
+37m17s490ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m17s869ms (1) 098 -running
+37m18s606ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m19s033ms (1) 098 -running
+37m19s627ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m20s064ms (1) 098 -running
+37m20s760ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m21s164ms (1) 098 -running
+37m21s790ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m22s178ms (1) 098 -running
+37m22s903ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m23s336ms (1) 098 -running
+37m23s937ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m24s322ms (1) 098 -running
+37m25s050ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m25s438ms (1) 098 -running
+37m26s083ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m26s491ms (1) 098 -running
+37m27s208ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m27s575ms (1) 098 -running
+37m28s234ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m28s610ms (1) 098 -running
+37m29s362ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m29s645ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+37m30s388ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m30s775ms (1) 098 -running
+37m31s509ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m31s943ms (1) 098 -running
+37m32s527ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m32s906ms (1) 098 -running
+37m33s658ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m34s039ms (1) 098 -running
+37m34s683ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m35s107ms (1) 098 -running
+37m35s826ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m36s236ms (1) 098 -running
+37m36s742ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m37s291ms (1) 098 -running
+37m37s852ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m38s261ms (1) 098 -running
+37m38s986ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m39s395ms (1) 098 -running
+37m40s002ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m40s380ms (1) 098 -running
+37m41s141ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m41s507ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+37m42s154ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m42s516ms (1) 098 -running
+37m43s278ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m43s662ms (1) 098 -running
+37m44s300ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m44s712ms (1) 098 -running
+37m45s442ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m45s823ms (1) 098 -running
+37m46s451ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m46s835ms (1) 098 -running
+37m47s582ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m48s005ms (1) 098 -running
+37m48s622ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m49s029ms (1) 098 -running
+37m49s737ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m50s135ms (1) 098 -running
+37m50s756ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m51s196ms (1) 098 -running
+37m51s898ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m52s282ms (1) 098 -running
+37m52s925ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m53s295ms (1) 098 -running
+37m54s033ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m54s424ms (1) 098 -running
+37m55s062ms (2) 098 charge=3558 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m55s444ms (1) 098 -running
+37m56s200ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m56s575ms (1) 098 -running
+37m57s212ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m57s623ms (1) 098 -running
+37m58s348ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m58s738ms (1) 098 -running
+37m59s369ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+37m59s796ms (1) 098 -running
+38m00s491ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m00s865ms (1) 098 -running
+38m01s523ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m01s931ms (1) 098 -running
+38m02s647ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m03s044ms (1) 098 -running
+38m03s674ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m04s046ms (1) 098 -running
+38m04s798ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m05s205ms (1) 098 -running
+38m05s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m06s204ms (1) 098 -running
+38m06s949ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m07s323ms (1) 098 -running
+38m07s972ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m08s397ms (1) 098 -running
+38m09s103ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m09s477ms (1) 098 -running
+38m10s124ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m10s543ms (1) 098 -running
+38m11s242ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m11s654ms (1) 098 -running
+38m12s276ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m12s652ms (1) 098 -running
+38m13s401ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m13s785ms (1) 098 -running
+38m14s412ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m14s822ms (1) 098 -running
+38m15s545ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m15s960ms (1) 098 -running
+38m16s569ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m16s949ms (1) 098 -running
+38m17s692ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m18s093ms (1) 098 -running
+38m18s722ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m19s092ms (1) 098 -running
+38m19s836ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m20s260ms (1) 098 -running
+38m20s862ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m21s256ms (1) 098 -running
+38m22s010ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m22s386ms (1) 098 -running
+38m23s022ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m23s400ms (1) 098 -running
+38m24s146ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m24s520ms (1) 098 -running
+38m25s164ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m25s548ms (1) 098 -running
+38m26s292ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m26s731ms (1) 098 -running
+38m27s330ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m27s733ms (1) 098 -running
+38m28s445ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m28s825ms (1) 098 -running
+38m29s470ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m29s861ms (1) 098 -running
+38m30s598ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m31s001ms (1) 098 -running
+38m31s611ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m31s976ms (1) 098 -running
+38m32s740ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m33s179ms (1) 098 -running
+38m33s780ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m34s209ms (1) 098 -running
+38m34s899ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m35s269ms (1) 098 -running
+38m35s915ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m36s365ms (1) 098 -running
+38m37s060ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m37s468ms (1) 098 -running
+38m38s067ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m38s341ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+38m39s190ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m39s570ms (1) 098 -running
+38m40s327ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m40s736ms (1) 098 -running
+38m41s357ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m41s732ms (1) 098 -running
+38m42s472ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m42s890ms (1) 098 -running
+38m43s494ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m43s916ms (1) 098 -running
+38m44s643ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m45s032ms (1) 098 -running
+38m45s650ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m46s036ms (1) 098 -running
+38m46s774ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m47s159ms (1) 098 -running
+38m47s814ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m48s233ms (1) 098 -running
+38m48s928ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m49s322ms (1) 098 -running
+38m49s951ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m50s319ms (1) 098 -running
+38m51s071ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m51s454ms (1) 098 -running
+38m52s106ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m52s483ms (1) 098 -running
+38m53s228ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m53s620ms (1) 098 -running
+38m54s251ms (2) 098 charge=3557 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m54s647ms (1) 098 -running
+38m55s377ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m55s688ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+38m57s073ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+38m58s128ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+38m58s540ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+38m58s961ms (1) 098 -running
+38m59s674ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m00s093ms (1) 098 -running
+39m00s714ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m01s128ms (1) 098 -running
+39m01s833ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m02s292ms (1) 098 -running
+39m02s846ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m03s232ms (1) 098 -running
+39m03s975ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m04s360ms (1) 098 -running
+39m05s001ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m05s415ms (1) 098 -running
+39m06s127ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m06s490ms (1) 098 -running
+39m07s156ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m07s562ms (1) 098 -running
+39m08s276ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+39m08s700ms (1) 098 -running
+39m09s301ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m09s705ms (1) 098 -running
+39m10s420ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m11s173ms (1) 098 -running
+39m11s449ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m11s835ms (1) 098 -running
+39m12s582ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m12s971ms (1) 098 -running
+39m13s600ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m14s034ms (1) 098 -running
+39m14s727ms (2) 098 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m14s780ms (2) 098 temp=260
+39m15s812ms (1) 098 -wake_lock
+39m15s820ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+39m16s336ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+39m16s881ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m17s263ms (1) 098 -running
+39m18s007ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m18s371ms (1) 098 -running
+39m19s030ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m19s429ms (1) 098 -running
+39m20s151ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m20s530ms (1) 098 -running
+39m21s182ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m21s554ms (1) 098 -running
+39m22s298ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m22s684ms (1) 098 -running
+39m23s328ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m23s699ms (1) 098 -running
+39m24s469ms (30) TIME: 2020-12-17-10-57-25
+39m24s453ms (4) 098 wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m25s478ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+39m25s820ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+39m26s613ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m27s036ms (1) 098 -running
+39m27s744ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m28s110ms (1) 098 -running
+39m28s750ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m29s123ms (1) 098 -running
+39m29s882ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m30s255ms (1) 098 -running
+39m30s912ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m31s344ms (1) 098 -running
+39m32s031ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m32s416ms (1) 098 -running
+39m33s052ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m33s491ms (1) 098 -running
+39m34s177ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m34s602ms (1) 098 -running
+39m35s204ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m35s608ms (1) 098 -running
+39m36s339ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m36s823ms (1) 098 -running
+39m37s373ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m37s749ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+39m38s486ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m38s857ms (1) 098 -running
+39m39s613ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m40s016ms (1) 098 -running
+39m40s641ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m41s035ms (1) 098 -running
+39m41s761ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m42s169ms (1) 098 -running
+39m42s788ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m43s183ms (1) 098 -running
+39m43s916ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m44s312ms (1) 098 -running
+39m44s938ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m45s378ms (1) 098 -running
+39m46s076ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m46s475ms (1) 098 -running
+39m47s090ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m47s499ms (1) 098 -running
+39m48s215ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m48s610ms (1) 098 -running
+39m49s252ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m49s626ms (1) 098 -running
+39m50s365ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m50s670ms (2) 098 charge=3556 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+39m52s913ms (1) 098 -running
+39m53s646ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m54s038ms (1) 098 -running
+39m54s665ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m55s058ms (1) 098 -running
+39m55s793ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m56s193ms (1) 098 -running
+39m56s820ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m57s108ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+39m57s953ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m58s327ms (1) 098 -running
+39m59s071ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+39m59s452ms (1) 098 -running
+40m00s089ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m00s465ms (1) 098 -running
+40m01s213ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m01s672ms (1) 098 -running
+40m02s237ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m02s658ms (1) 098 -running
+40m03s371ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m03s733ms (1) 098 -running
+40m04s386ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m04s821ms (1) 098 -running
+40m05s524ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m05s939ms (1) 098 -running
+40m06s540ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m06s936ms (1) 098 -running
+40m07s672ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m08s074ms (1) 098 -running
+40m08s696ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m09s117ms (1) 098 -running
+40m09s834ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m10s206ms (1) 098 -running
+40m10s855ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m11s263ms (1) 098 -running
+40m11s985ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m12s377ms (1) 098 -running
+40m12s997ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m13s312ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+40m14s118ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m14s510ms (1) 098 -running
+40m15s247ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m15s670ms (1) 098 -running
+40m16s267ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m16s657ms (1) 098 -running
+40m17s396ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m17s826ms (1) 098 -running
+40m18s422ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m18s845ms (1) 098 -running
+40m19s559ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m19s973ms (1) 098 -running
+40m20s573ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m20s937ms (1) 098 -running
+40m21s691ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m22s120ms (1) 098 -running
+40m22s728ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m23s104ms (1) 098 -running
+40m23s849ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m24s224ms (1) 098 -running
+40m24s872ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m25s287ms (1) 098 -running
+40m25s997ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m26s427ms (1) 098 -running
+40m27s026ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m27s401ms (1) 098 -running
+40m28s142ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m28s533ms (1) 098 -running
+40m29s169ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m29s615ms (1) 098 -running
+40m30s298ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m30s685ms (1) 098 -running
+40m31s318ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m31s729ms (1) 098 -running
+40m32s452ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m32s874ms (1) 098 -running
+40m33s478ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m33s785ms (2) 098 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+40m35s558ms (2) 098 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+40m35s605ms (1) 098 -running -wake_lock
+40m36s748ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m37s129ms (1) 098 -running
+40m37s879ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m38s293ms (1) 098 -running
+40m38s917ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m39s317ms (1) 098 -running
+40m40s023ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m40s408ms (1) 098 -running
+40m41s051ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m41s454ms (1) 098 -running
+40m42s170ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m42s557ms (1) 098 -running
+40m43s196ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m43s614ms (1) 098 -running
+40m44s325ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m44s736ms (1) 098 -running
+40m45s353ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m45s778ms (1) 098 -running
+40m46s475ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m46s884ms (1) 098 -running
+40m47s501ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m47s879ms (1) 098 -running
+40m48s625ms (3) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+40m49s050ms (1) 098 -running
+40m49s654ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m50s028ms (1) 098 -running
+40m50s778ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m51s166ms (1) 098 -running
+40m51s803ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m52s204ms (1) 098 -running
+40m52s935ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m53s329ms (1) 098 -running
+40m53s954ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m54s347ms (1) 098 -running
+40m55s077ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m55s499ms (1) 098 -running
+40m56s105ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m56s499ms (1) 098 -running
+40m57s236ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m57s659ms (1) 098 -running
+40m58s248ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m58s642ms (1) 098 -running
+40m59s385ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+40m59s790ms (1) 098 -running
+41m00s403ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m00s790ms (1) 098 -running
+41m01s531ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m01s895ms (2) 098 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+41m02s554ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m02s959ms (1) 098 -running
+41m03s680ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m04s044ms (1) 098 -running
+41m04s710ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m05s083ms (1) 098 -running
+41m05s830ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m06s213ms (1) 098 -running
+41m06s859ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m07s239ms (1) 098 -running
+41m07s987ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m08s377ms (1) 098 -running
+41m09s006ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m09s414ms (1) 098 -running
+41m10s136ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m10s567ms (1) 098 -running
+41m11s168ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m11s579ms (1) 098 -running
+41m12s287ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m12s706ms (1) 098 -running
+41m13s310ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m13s679ms (1) 098 -running
+41m14s431ms (2) 098 charge=3555 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m14s831ms (1) 098 -running
+41m15s449ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m15s833ms (1) 098 -running
+41m16s590ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m16s962ms (1) 098 -running
+41m17s607ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m17s995ms (1) 098 -running
+41m18s743ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m19s125ms (1) 098 -running
+41m19s769ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m20s153ms (1) 098 -running
+41m20s898ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m21s323ms (1) 098 -running
+41m21s916ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m22s310ms (1) 098 -running
+41m23s038ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m23s440ms (1) 098 -running
+41m24s055ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m24s464ms (1) 098 -running
+41m25s187ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m25s560ms (1) 098 -running
+41m26s215ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m26s612ms (1) 098 -running
+41m27s338ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m27s722ms (1) 098 -running
+41m28s357ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m28s776ms (1) 098 -running
+41m29s489ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m29s901ms (1) 098 -running
+41m30s516ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m30s943ms (1) 098 -running
+41m31s649ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m32s046ms (1) 098 -running
+41m32s677ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m33s101ms (1) 098 -running
+41m33s793ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m34s164ms (1) 098 -running
+41m34s808ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m35s217ms (1) 098 -running
+41m35s937ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m36s312ms (1) 098 -running
+41m36s958ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m37s323ms (1) 098 -running
+41m38s084ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m38s493ms (1) 098 -running
+41m39s114ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m39s502ms (1) 098 -running
+41m40s245ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m40s610ms (1) 098 -running
+41m40s647ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m41s194ms (1) 098 -running
+41m41s265ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m41s659ms (1) 098 -running
+41m42s406ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m42s778ms (1) 098 -running
+41m43s413ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m43s812ms (1) 098 -running
+41m44s550ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m44s915ms (1) 098 -running
+41m45s561ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m45s959ms (1) 098 -running
+41m46s693ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m47s145ms (1) 098 -running
+41m47s709ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m48s088ms (1) 098 -running
+41m48s847ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m49s242ms (1) 098 -running
+41m49s861ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m50s286ms (1) 098 -running
+41m50s993ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m51s363ms (1) 098 -running
+41m52s019ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m52s416ms (1) 098 -running
+41m53s146ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m53s547ms (1) 098 -running
+41m54s175ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m54s598ms (1) 098 -running
+41m55s297ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m55s703ms (1) 098 -running
+41m56s316ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m56s734ms (1) 098 -running
+41m57s452ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m57s888ms (1) 098 -running
+41m58s467ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m58s847ms (1) 098 -running
+41m59s596ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+41m59s962ms (1) 098 -running
+42m00s613ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m01s041ms (1) 098 -running
+42m01s751ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m02s142ms (1) 098 -running
+42m02s781ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m03s177ms (1) 098 -running
+42m03s902ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m04s282ms (1) 098 -running
+42m04s926ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m05s299ms (1) 098 -running
+42m06s042ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m06s477ms (1) 098 -running
+42m07s072ms (2) 098 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m07s245ms (2) 097 charge=3554
Details: cpu=41290u+375710s
/proc/stat=41960 usr, 328340 sys, 6230 io, 18650 irq, 19360 sirq, 482680 idle (46.2% of 2h 29m 32s 200ms), PlatformIdleStat Empty
, SubsystemPowerState Empty
+42m07s251ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: hal_bluetooth_lock c8c000.qcom,qup_uart “ stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+42m07s333ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+42m07s333ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+42m07s338ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+42m07s338ms (3) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ stats=0:”get-stats”
+42m07s342ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+42m08s646ms (1) 097 -running
+42m09s329ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m09s719ms (1) 097 -running
+42m10s244ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m10s653ms (1) 097 -running
+42m11s373ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m11s745ms (1) 097 -running
+42m12s401ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m12s783ms (1) 097 -running
+42m13s524ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m13s936ms (1) 097 -running
+42m14s554ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m14s925ms (1) 097 -running
+42m15s676ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m16s052ms (1) 097 -running
+42m16s690ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m17s061ms (1) 097 -running
+42m17s819ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m18s261ms (1) 097 -running
+42m18s842ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m19s234ms (1) 097 -running
+42m19s967ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m20s399ms (1) 097 -running
+42m20s991ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m21s308ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+42m23s681ms (1) 097 -running
+42m24s281ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m24s685ms (1) 097 -running
+42m25s399ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m25s775ms (1) 097 -running
+42m26s523ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m26s935ms (1) 097 -running
+42m27s546ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m27s950ms (1) 097 -running
+42m28s670ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m29s044ms (1) 097 -running
+42m29s693ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m30s064ms (1) 097 -running
+42m30s823ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m31s476ms (1) 097 -running
+42m31s850ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m32s240ms (1) 097 -running
+42m33s016ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m33s383ms (1) 097 -running
+42m33s999ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m34s396ms (1) 097 -running
+42m35s136ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m35s518ms (1) 097 -running
+42m36s170ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m36s539ms (1) 097 -running
+42m37s286ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m37s661ms (1) 097 -running
+42m38s299ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m38s684ms (1) 097 -running
+42m39s428ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m39s860ms (1) 097 -running
+42m40s456ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m40s848ms (1) 097 -running
+42m41s580ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m41s978ms (1) 097 -running
+42m42s602ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m43s019ms (1) 097 -running
+42m43s732ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m44s138ms (1) 097 -running
+42m44s760ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m45s133ms (1) 097 -running
+42m45s879ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m46s266ms (1) 097 -running
+42m46s901ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m47s303ms (1) 097 -running
+42m48s029ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m48s427ms (1) 097 -running
+42m49s054ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m49s435ms (1) 097 -running
+42m50s169ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m50s572ms (1) 097 -running
+42m51s206ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m51s604ms (1) 097 -running
+42m52s328ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m52s717ms (1) 097 -running
+42m53s364ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m53s769ms (1) 097 -running
+42m54s478ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m54s967ms (1) 097 -running
+42m55s506ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m55s895ms (1) 097 -running
+42m56s627ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m57s032ms (1) 097 -running
+42m57s659ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m58s041ms (1) 097 -running
+42m58s786ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+42m59s218ms (1) 097 -running
+42m59s805ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m00s171ms (1) 097 -running
+43m00s929ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m01s375ms (1) 097 -running
+43m01s956ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m02s355ms (1) 097 -running
+43m03s082ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m03s494ms (1) 097 -running
+43m04s104ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m04s549ms (1) 097 -running
+43m05s234ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m05s555ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+43m07s143ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+43m08s198ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+43m08s412ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m08s801ms (1) 097 -running
+43m09s552ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m09s952ms (1) 097 -running
+43m10s559ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m10s923ms (1) 097 -running
+43m11s685ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m12s077ms (1) 097 -running
+43m12s712ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m13s125ms (1) 097 -running
+43m13s831ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m14s260ms (1) 097 -running
+43m14s863ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m15s248ms (1) 097 -running
+43m15s985ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m16s364ms (1) 097 -running
+43m17s012ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m17s442ms (1) 097 -running
+43m18s200ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+43m18s568ms (1) 097 -running
+43m19s162ms (2) 097 charge=3553 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m19s464ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+43m20s285ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m20s671ms (1) 097 -running
+43m20s803ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m21s377ms (1) 097 -running
+43m21s434ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m21s817ms (1) 097 -running
+43m22s553ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m22s930ms (1) 097 -running
+43m23s572ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m24s231ms (1) 097 -running
+43m24s708ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m25s100ms (1) 097 -running
+43m25s812ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m26s216ms (1) 097 -running
+43m26s837ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m27s225ms (1) 097 -running
+43m27s967ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m28s348ms (1) 097 -running
+43m28s989ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m29s403ms (1) 097 -running
+43m30s119ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m30s491ms (1) 097 -running
+43m31s128ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m31s531ms (1) 097 -running
+43m32s271ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m32s663ms (1) 097 -running
+43m33s287ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m33s678ms (1) 097 -running
+43m34s418ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m34s821ms (1) 097 -running
+43m35s446ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m35s824ms (1) 097 -running
+43m36s563ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m36s945ms (1) 097 -running
+43m37s595ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m37s977ms (1) 097 -running
+43m38s714ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m39s138ms (1) 097 -running
+43m39s738ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m40s138ms (1) 097 -running
+43m40s862ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m41s282ms (1) 097 -running
+43m41s896ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m42s286ms (1) 097 -running
+43m43s019ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m43s399ms (1) 097 -running
+43m44s038ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m44s423ms (1) 097 -running
+43m45s164ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m45s578ms (1) 097 -running
+43m46s199ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m46s574ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+43m47s318ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m47s717ms (1) 097 -running
+43m48s449ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m48s828ms (1) 097 -running
+43m49s486ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m49s905ms (1) 097 -running
+43m50s596ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m51s000ms (1) 097 -running
+43m51s618ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m51s993ms (1) 097 -running
+43m52s760ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m53s165ms (1) 097 -running
+43m53s776ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m54s138ms (1) 097 -running
+43m54s890ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m55s306ms (1) 097 -running
+43m55s933ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m56s331ms (1) 097 -running
+43m57s059ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m57s437ms (1) 097 -running
+43m58s079ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m58s438ms (1) 097 -running
+43m59s199ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+43m59s603ms (1) 097 -running
+44m00s233ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m00s635ms (1) 097 -running
+44m01s362ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m01s756ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed”
+44m02s373ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m02s749ms (1) 097 -running
+44m03s502ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m03s889ms (1) 097 -running
+44m04s528ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m04s918ms (1) 097 -running
+44m05s656ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m06s041ms (1) 097 -running
+44m06s672ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m07s058ms (1) 097 -running
+44m07s805ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m08s222ms (1) 097 -running
+44m08s834ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m09s234ms (1) 097 -running
+44m09s963ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m10s340ms (1) 097 -running
+44m10s977ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m11s371ms (1) 097 -running
+44m12s096ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m12s467ms (1) 097 -running
+44m13s118ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m13s517ms (1) 097 -running
+44m14s258ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m14s638ms (1) 097 -running
+44m15s279ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m15s655ms (1) 097 -running
+44m16s410ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m16s817ms (1) 097 -running
+44m17s443ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m17s843ms (1) 097 -running
+44m18s561ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m18s938ms (1) 097 -running
+44m19s590ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m19s977ms (1) 097 -running
+44m20s708ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m21s088ms (1) 097 -running
+44m21s731ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m22s156ms (1) 097 -running
+44m22s871ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m23s478ms (1) 097 -running
+44m23s887ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m24s281ms (1) 097 -running
+44m25s014ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m25s407ms (1) 097 -running
+44m26s039ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m26s426ms (1) 097 -running
+44m27s156ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m27s526ms (1) 097 -running
+44m28s184ms (2) 097 charge=3552 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m28s632ms (1) 097 -running
+44m29s322ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m29s684ms (1) 097 -running
+44m30s338ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m30s708ms (1) 097 -running
+44m31s466ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m31s850ms (1) 097 -running
+44m32s392ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m32s747ms (1) 097 -running
+44m33s428ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m33s793ms (1) 097 -running
+44m34s422ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m34s803ms (1) 097 -running
+44m35s465ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m35s849ms (1) 097 -running
+44m36s488ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m36s855ms (1) 097 -running
+44m37s536ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m37s904ms (1) 097 -running
+44m38s530ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m38s906ms (1) 097 -running
+44m39s580ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m39s958ms (1) 097 -running
+44m40s627ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m41s011ms (1) 097 -running
+44m41s703ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m41s978ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+44m42s721ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m43s116ms (1) 097 -running
+44m43s779ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m44s148ms (1) 097 -running
+44m44s771ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m45s150ms (1) 097 -running
+44m45s834ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m46s215ms (1) 097 -running
+44m46s828ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m47s184ms (1) 097 -running
+44m47s871ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m48s259ms (1) 097 -running
+44m48s880ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m49s271ms (1) 097 -running
+44m49s933ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m50s303ms (1) 097 -running
+44m50s948ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m51s361ms (1) 097 -running
+44m52s043ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m52s459ms (1) 097 -running
+44m53s067ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m53s482ms (1) 097 -running
+44m54s123ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m54s496ms (1) 097 -running
+44m55s146ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m55s536ms (1) 097 -running
+44m56s249ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m56s613ms (1) 097 -running
+44m57s260ms (2) 097 charge=3551 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m57s678ms (1) 097 -running
+44m58s325ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m58s749ms (1) 097 -running
+44m59s353ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+44m59s754ms (1) 097 -running
+45m00s438ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m00s816ms (1) 097 -running
+45m01s467ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m01s859ms (1) 097 -running
+45m02s511ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m02s880ms (1) 097 -running
+45m03s528ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m03s880ms (1) 097 -running
+45m04s569ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m04s937ms (1) 097 -running
+45m05s567ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m05s947ms (1) 097 -running
+45m06s622ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m06s983ms (1) 097 -running
+45m07s707ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m08s109ms (1) 097 -running
+45m08s838ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m09s226ms (1) 097 -running
+45m09s865ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m10s283ms (1) 097 -running
+45m10s976ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m11s381ms (1) 097 -running
+45m12s002ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m12s378ms (1) 097 -running
+45m13s133ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m13s522ms (1) 097 -running
+45m14s150ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m14s597ms (1) 097 -running
+45m15s281ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m15s661ms (1) 097 -running
+45m16s310ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m16s676ms (1) 097 -running
+45m17s436ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m17s820ms (1) 097 -running
+45m18s455ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m18s867ms (1) 097 -running
+45m19s586ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m19s989ms (1) 097 -running
+45m20s609ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m21s024ms (1) 097 -running
+45m21s737ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m22s149ms (1) 097 -running
+45m22s759ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m23s166ms (1) 097 -running
+45m23s889ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m24s311ms (1) 097 -running
+45m24s903ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m25s294ms (1) 097 -running
+45m26s040ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m26s409ms (1) 097 -running
+45m27s055ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m27s484ms (1) 097 -running
+45m28s184ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m28s563ms (1) 097 -running
+45m29s209ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m29s591ms (1) 097 -running
+45m30s329ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m30s705ms (1) 097 -running
+45m31s360ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m31s776ms (1) 097 -running
+45m32s480ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m32s912ms (1) 097 -running
+45m33s503ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m33s810ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+45m35s563ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+45m35s621ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+45m36s792ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m37s188ms (1) 097 -running
+45m37s804ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m38s241ms (1) 097 -running
+45m38s939ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m39s309ms (1) 097 -running
+45m39s957ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m40s345ms (1) 097 -running
+45m41s079ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m41s483ms (1) 097 -running
+45m42s118ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m42s511ms (1) 097 -running
+45m43s243ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m43s618ms (1) 097 -running
+45m44s256ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m44s636ms (1) 097 -running
+45m45s384ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m45s765ms (1) 097 -running
+45m46s415ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m46s780ms (1) 097 -running
+45m47s535ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m47s929ms (1) 097 -running
+45m48s563ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+45m48s923ms (1) 097 -running
+45m49s687ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m50s077ms (1) 097 -running
+45m50s710ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m51s122ms (1) 097 -running
+45m51s835ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m52s283ms (1) 097 -running
+45m52s864ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m53s191ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] “
+45m53s997ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m54s383ms (1) 097 -running
+45m55s113ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m55s521ms (1) 097 -running
+45m56s150ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m56s544ms (1) 097 -running
+45m57s269ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m57s683ms (1) 097 -running
+45m58s295ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m58s669ms (1) 097 -running
+45m59s415ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+45m59s821ms (1) 097 -running
+46m00s443ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m00s854ms (1) 097 -running
+46m01s566ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m01s973ms (1) 097 -running
+46m02s595ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m02s990ms (1) 097 -running
+46m03s720ms (2) 097 charge=3550 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m04s145ms (1) 097 -running
+46m04s735ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m05s108ms (1) 097 -running
+46m05s865ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m06s234ms (1) 097 -running
+46m06s888ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m07s252ms (1) 097 -running
+46m08s011ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m08s439ms (1) 097 -running
+46m09s042ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m09s469ms (1) 097 -running
+46m10s163ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m10s575ms (1) 097 -running
+46m11s194ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m11s586ms (1) 097 -running
+46m12s326ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m12s725ms (1) 097 -running
+46m13s357ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m13s759ms (1) 097 -running
+46m14s483ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m14s876ms (1) 097 -running
+46m15s504ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m15s887ms (1) 097 -running
+46m16s621ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m17s004ms (1) 097 -running
+46m17s652ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m18s039ms (1) 097 -running
+46m18s781ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m19s200ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+46m19s440ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+46m20s925ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m21s325ms (1) 097 -running
+46m21s962ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m22s397ms (1) 097 -running
+46m23s079ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m23s475ms (1) 097 -running
+46m24s098ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m24s460ms (1) 097 -running
+46m25s230ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m25s616ms (1) 097 -running
+46m26s256ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m26s670ms (1) 097 -running
+46m27s380ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m27s750ms (1) 097 -running
+46m28s408ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m28s820ms (1) 097 -running
+46m29s539ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m29s895ms (1) 097 -running
+46m30s556ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m30s946ms (1) 097 -running
+46m31s676ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m32s052ms (1) 097 -running
+46m32s708ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m33s119ms (1) 097 -running
+46m33s832ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m34s224ms (1) 097 -running
+46m34s857ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m35s233ms (1) 097 -running
+46m35s986ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m36s383ms (1) 097 -running
+46m37s003ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m37s391ms (1) 097 -running
+46m38s136ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m38s511ms (1) 097 -running
+46m39s160ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m39s553ms (1) 097 -running
+46m40s281ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m40s669ms (1) 097 -running
+46m41s302ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m41s685ms (1) 097 -running
+46m42s432ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m42s854ms (1) 097 -running
+46m43s459ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m43s837ms (1) 097 -running
+46m44s587ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m44s965ms (1) 097 -running
+46m45s608ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m45s972ms (1) 097 -running
+46m46s732ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m47s122ms (1) 097 -running
+46m47s760ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m48s152ms (1) 097 -running
+46m48s884ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m49s272ms (1) 097 -running
+46m49s907ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m50s277ms (1) 097 -running
+46m51s032ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m51s422ms (1) 097 -running
+46m52s061ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m52s447ms (1) 097 -running
+46m53s177ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m53s549ms (1) 097 -running
+46m54s192ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m54s611ms (1) 097 -running
+46m55s322ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m55s713ms (1) 097 -running
+46m56s348ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m56s739ms (1) 097 -running
+46m57s478ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m57s859ms (1) 097 -running
+46m58s492ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+46m58s870ms (1) 097 -running
+46m59s627ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m00s040ms (1) 097 -running
+47m00s655ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m01s029ms (1) 097 -running
+47m01s784ms (2) 097 charge=3549 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m02s184ms (1) 097 -running
+47m02s808ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m03s198ms (1) 097 -running
+47m03s927ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m04s365ms (1) 097 -running
+47m04s959ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m05s359ms (1) 097 -running
+47m06s076ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m06s491ms (1) 097 -running
+47m07s106ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m07s554ms (1) 097 -running
+47m08s227ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m08s634ms (1) 097 -running
+47m09s258ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m09s673ms (1) 097 -running
+47m10s383ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m10s791ms (1) 097 -running
+47m11s404ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m11s781ms (1) 097 -running
+47m12s527ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m12s890ms (1) 097 -running
+47m13s549ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m13s977ms (1) 097 -running
+47m14s683ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m14s979ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+47m15s262ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+47m17s216ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)”
+47m18s272ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+47m18s974ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m19s412ms (1) 097 -running
+47m20s110ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m20s518ms (1) 097 -running
+47m21s133ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m21s507ms (1) 097 -running
+47m22s262ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m22s628ms (1) 097 -running
+47m23s280ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m23s712ms (1) 097 -running
+47m24s414ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m24s842ms (1) 097 -running
+47m25s435ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m25s852ms (1) 097 -running
+47m26s560ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m26s947ms (1) 097 -running
+47m27s584ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m27s984ms (1) 097 -running
+47m28s714ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+47m29s055ms (1) 097 -running
+47m29s728ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m30s111ms (1) 097 -running
+47m30s555ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m31s131ms (1) 097 -running
+47m31s883ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m32s290ms (1) 097 -running
+47m32s910ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m33s298ms (1) 097 -running
+47m34s038ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m34s410ms (1) 097 -running
+47m35s055ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m35s472ms (1) 097 -running
+47m36s192ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m36s562ms (1) 097 -running
+47m37s208ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m37s591ms (1) 097 -running
+47m38s339ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m38s634ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+47m39s366ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m39s748ms (1) 097 -running
+47m40s490ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m40s863ms (1) 097 -running
+47m41s511ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m41s898ms (1) 097 -running
+47m42s631ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m43s070ms (1) 097 -running
+47m43s670ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m44s071ms (1) 097 -running
+47m44s794ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m45s191ms (1) 097 -running
+47m45s813ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m46s202ms (1) 097 -running
+47m46s936ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m47s311ms (1) 097 -running
+47m47s958ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m48s367ms (1) 097 -running
+47m49s091ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m49s531ms (1) 097 -running
+47m50s111ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m50s498ms (1) 097 -running
+47m51s233ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m51s587ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+47m52s261ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m52s630ms (1) 097 -running
+47m53s380ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m53s821ms (1) 097 -running
+47m54s410ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m54s869ms (1) 097 -running
+47m55s546ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m55s959ms (1) 097 -running
+47m56s567ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m56s948ms (1) 097 -running
+47m57s697ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m58s089ms (1) 097 -running
+47m58s712ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+47m59s117ms (1) 097 -running
+47m59s843ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m00s216ms (1) 097 -running
+48m00s868ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m01s251ms (1) 097 -running
+48m01s985ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m02s385ms (1) 097 -running
+48m03s015ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m03s437ms (1) 097 -running
+48m04s141ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m04s516ms (1) 097 -running
+48m05s168ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m05s555ms (1) 097 -running
+48m06s291ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m06s599ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+48m07s315ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m07s730ms (1) 097 -running
+48m08s437ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m08s843ms (1) 097 -running
+48m09s467ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m09s916ms (1) 097 -running
+48m10s591ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m11s017ms (1) 097 -running
+48m11s616ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m12s064ms (1) 097 -running
+48m12s746ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m13s135ms (1) 097 -running
+48m13s767ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m14s178ms (1) 097 -running
+48m14s896ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m15s268ms (1) 097 -running
+48m15s919ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m16s330ms (1) 097 -running
+48m17s038ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m17s439ms (1) 097 -running
+48m18s074ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m18s418ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+48m19s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m19s614ms (1) 097 -running
+48m20s320ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m20s691ms (1) 097 -running
+48m21s342ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m21s747ms (1) 097 -running
+48m22s476ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m22s908ms (1) 097 -running
+48m23s495ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m23s899ms (1) 097 -running
+48m24s618ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m25s019ms (1) 097 -running
+48m25s642ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m26s042ms (1) 097 -running
+48m26s775ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m27s161ms (1) 097 -running
+48m27s790ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m28s194ms (1) 097 -running
+48m28s921ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m29s331ms (1) 097 -running
+48m29s938ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m30s315ms (1) 097 -running
+48m31s073ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m31s390ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+48m32s100ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m32s483ms (1) 097 -running
+48m33s224ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m33s624ms (1) 097 -running
+48m34s247ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m34s719ms (1) 097 -running
+48m35s369ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m35s744ms (1) 097 -running
+48m36s397ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m36s755ms (1) 097 -running
+48m37s519ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m37s924ms (1) 097 -running
+48m38s550ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m38s940ms (1) 097 -running
+48m39s672ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m40s063ms (1) 097 -running
+48m40s699ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m41s145ms (1) 097 -running
+48m41s829ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m42s224ms (1) 097 -running
+48m42s846ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m43s219ms (1) 097 -running
+48m43s974ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m44s349ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed”
+48m44s992ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m45s425ms (1) 097 -running
+48m46s132ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m46s528ms (1) 097 -running
+48m47s151ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m47s546ms (1) 097 -running
+48m48s273ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m48s667ms (1) 097 -running
+48m49s298ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m49s670ms (1) 097 -running
+48m50s428ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m50s816ms (1) 097 -running
+48m51s443ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m51s829ms (1) 097 -running
+48m52s576ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m52s961ms (1) 097 -running
+48m53s591ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m53s985ms (1) 097 -running
+48m54s726ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m55s121ms (1) 097 -running
+48m55s751ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m56s158ms (1) 097 -running
+48m56s874ms (2) 097 charge=3548 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m57s264ms (1) 097 -running
+48m57s906ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m58s307ms (1) 097 -running
+48m59s034ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+48m59s426ms (1) 097 -running
+49m00s053ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m00s423ms (1) 097 -running
+49m01s180ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m01s572ms (1) 097 -running
+49m02s207ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m02s612ms (1) 097 -running
+49m03s329ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m03s706ms (1) 097 -running
+49m04s348ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m04s747ms (1) 097 -running
+49m05s479ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m05s855ms (1) 097 -running
+49m06s490ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m06s887ms (1) 097 -running
+49m07s630ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m08s003ms (1) 097 -running
+49m08s656ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m09s074ms (1) 097 -running
+49m09s785ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m10s238ms (1) 097 -running
+49m10s798ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m11s018ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+49m11s019ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+49m11s032ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+49m11s032ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+49m11s033ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+49m11s932ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m12s314ms (1) 097 -running
+49m12s953ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m13s374ms (1) 097 -running
+49m14s078ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m14s469ms (1) 097 -running
+49m15s107ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m15s507ms (1) 097 -running
+49m16s226ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m16s646ms (1) 097 -running
+49m17s262ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m17s629ms (1) 097 -running
+49m18s382ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m18s786ms (1) 097 -running
+49m19s412ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a7:”MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth” wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m20s510ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+49m20s515ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”PlatformComm”
+49m21s037ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+49m21s657ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m22s054ms (1) 097 -running
+49m22s783ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+49m23s184ms (1) 097 -running
+49m23s809ms (2) 097 charge=3547 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m24s117ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg “
+49m24s936ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m25s339ms (1) 097 -running
+49m26s066ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m26s441ms (1) 097 -running
+49m27s085ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m27s500ms (1) 097 -running
+49m28s213ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m28s584ms (1) 097 -running
+49m29s231ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m29s663ms (1) 097 -running
+49m30s361ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m30s762ms (1) 097 -running
+49m31s387ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m31s769ms (1) 097 -running
+49m32s507ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m32s902ms (1) 097 -running
+49m33s538ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m33s920ms (1) 097 -running
+49m34s656ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m35s043ms (1) 097 -running
+49m35s681ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m36s086ms (1) 097 -running
+49m36s814ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m37s191ms (1) 097 -running
+49m37s844ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m38s259ms (1) 097 -running
+49m38s965ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m39s378ms (1) 097 -running
+49m39s992ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m40s380ms (1) 097 -running
+49m41s114ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m41s531ms (1) 097 -running
+49m42s142ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m42s505ms (1) 097 -running
+49m43s261ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m43s667ms (1) 097 -running
+49m44s286ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m44s678ms (1) 097 -running
+49m45s417ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m45s790ms (1) 097 -running
+49m46s432ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m46s816ms (1) 097 -running
+49m47s562ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m47s936ms (1) 097 -running
+49m48s580ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m48s961ms (1) 097 -running
+49m49s714ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m50s016ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+49m52s193ms (1) 097 -running
+49m52s792ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m53s200ms (1) 097 -running
+49m53s810ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m54s185ms (1) 097 -running
+49m54s932ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m55s305ms (1) 097 -running
+49m55s963ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m56s383ms (1) 097 -running
+49m57s096ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m57s486ms (1) 097 -running
+49m58s115ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m58s504ms (1) 097 -running
+49m59s237ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+49m59s639ms (1) 097 -running
+50m00s263ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m00s640ms (1) 097 -running
+50m01s386ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m01s773ms (1) 097 -running
+50m02s412ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m02s796ms (1) 097 -running
+50m03s537ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m03s958ms (1) 097 -running
+50m04s570ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m04s953ms (1) 097 -running
+50m05s695ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m06s139ms (1) 097 -running
+50m06s719ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m07s102ms (1) 097 -running
+50m07s839ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m08s232ms (1) 097 -running
+50m08s868ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m09s267ms (1) 097 -running
+50m09s992ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m10s416ms (1) 097 -running
+50m11s013ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m11s420ms (1) 097 -running
+50m12s140ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m12s546ms (1) 097 -running
+50m13s167ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m13s561ms (1) 097 -running
+50m14s292ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m14s728ms (1) 097 -running
+50m15s318ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m15s756ms (1) 097 -running
+50m16s443ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m16s893ms (1) 097 -running
+50m17s469ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m17s873ms (1) 097 -running
+50m18s595ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m18s971ms (1) 097 -running
+50m19s611ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m19s992ms (1) 097 -running
+50m20s734ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m21s105ms (1) 097 -running
+50m21s766ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m22s154ms (1) 097 -running
+50m22s896ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m23s337ms (1) 097 -running
+50m23s921ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m24s293ms (1) 097 -running
+50m25s044ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m25s484ms (1) 097 -running
+50m26s076ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m26s446ms (1) 097 -running
+50m27s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m27s532ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg”
+50m28s213ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m28s614ms (1) 097 -running
+50m29s353ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m29s742ms (1) 097 -running
+50m30s372ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m30s746ms (1) 097 -running
+50m31s501ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m31s914ms (1) 097 -running
+50m32s533ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m32s934ms (1) 097 -running
+50m33s658ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m33s964ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+50m35s566ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a81:”walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver”
+50m35s614ms (1) 097 charge=3546 -running -wake_lock
+50m36s828ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m37s286ms (1) 097 -running
+50m37s949ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m38s351ms (1) 097 -running
+50m38s980ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m39s347ms (1) 097 -running
+50m40s103ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m40s489ms (1) 097 -running
+50m41s135ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m41s499ms (1) 097 -running
+50m42s259ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m42s633ms (1) 097 -running
+50m43s285ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m43s667ms (1) 097 -running
+50m44s337ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m44s706ms (1) 097 -running
+50m45s360ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m45s769ms (1) 097 -running
+50m46s450ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m46s844ms (1) 097 -running
+50m47s484ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m47s861ms (1) 097 -running
+50m48s527ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+50m48s915ms (1) 097 -running
+50m49s563ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m49s855ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+50m50s663ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m51s060ms (1) 097 -running
+50m51s705ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m52s073ms (1) 097 -running
+50m52s715ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m53s095ms (1) 097 -running
+50m53s768ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m54s159ms (1) 097 -running
+50m54s763ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m55s123ms (1) 097 -running
+50m55s805ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m56s203ms (1) 097 -running
+50m56s799ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m57s174ms (1) 097 -running
+50m57s864ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m58s231ms (1) 097 -running
+50m58s851ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+50m59s236ms (1) 097 -running
+50m59s904ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m00s168ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+51m00s906ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m01s279ms (1) 097 -running
+51m01s940ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m02s315ms (1) 097 -running
+51m02s943ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m03s379ms (1) 097 -running
+51m04s001ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m05s009ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m06s059ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m06s411ms (1) 097 -running
+51m07s129ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m07s532ms (1) 097 -running
+51m08s165ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m08s541ms (1) 097 -running
+51m09s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m09s584ms (1) 097 -running
+51m10s240ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m10s594ms (1) 097 -running
+51m11s226ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m11s619ms (1) 097 -running
+51m12s288ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m12s657ms (1) 097 -running
+51m13s283ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m13s569ms (2) 097 charge=3545 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery “
+51m14s334ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m14s722ms (1) 097 -running
+51m15s381ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m15s786ms (1) 097 -running
+51m16s402ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m16s788ms (1) 097 -running
+51m17s482ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m17s886ms (1) 097 -running
+51m18s520ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m18s882ms (1) 097 -running
+51m19s555ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m19s934ms (1) 097 -running
+51m20s580ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m20s959ms (1) 097 -running
+51m21s677ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m22s063ms (1) 097 -running
+51m22s638ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m23s006ms (1) 097 -running
+51m23s727ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m24s113ms (1) 097 -running
+51m24s691ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m25s055ms (1) 097 -running
+51m25s770ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m26s080ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery”
+51m26s357ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=u0a7:”walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000)” wake_reason=0:”Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected”
+51m28s329ms (1) 097 -running -wake_lock
+51m28s852ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m29s240ms (1) 097 -running
+51m29s900ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m30s303ms (1) 097 -running
+51m30s930ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m31s286ms (1) 097 -running
+51m31s964ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m32s358ms (1) 097 -running
+51m32s979ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m33s359ms (1) 097 -running
+51m34s072ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m34s452ms (1) 097 -running
+51m35s104ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m35s464ms (1) 097 -running
+51m36s136ms (2) 097 charge=3544 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m36s520ms (1) 097 -running
+51m37s171ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m37s525ms (1) 097 -running
+51m38s265ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m38s650ms (1) 097 -running
+51m39s295ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+51m39s676ms (1) 097 -running
+51m40s355ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m40s709ms (1) 097 -running
+51m41s019ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m41s722ms (1) 097 -running
+51m42s369ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m42s768ms (1) 097 -running
+51m43s402ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m43s776ms (1) 097 -running
+51m44s452ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m44s819ms (1) 097 -running
+51m45s442ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m45s842ms (1) 097 -running
+51m46s496ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m46s857ms (1) 097 -running
+51m47s495ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m47s862ms (1) 097 -running
+51m48s542ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m48s938ms (1) 097 -running
+51m49s551ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m49s899ms (1) 097 -running
+51m50s138ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m50s554ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock “
+51m51s685ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m52s059ms (1) 097 -running
+51m52s812ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m53s231ms (1) 097 -running
+51m53s835ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m54s200ms (1) 097 -running
+51m54s958ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m55s337ms (1) 097 -running
+51m55s973ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m56s389ms (1) 097 -running
+51m57s120ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m57s497ms (1) 097 -running
+51m58s132ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+51m58s496ms (1) 097 -running
+51m59s250ms (4) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” +screen_doze wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”screen-state”
+52m01s852ms (2) 097 -running -wake_lock stats=0:”screen-state”
+52m02s431ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m02s828ms (1) 097 -running
+52m03s431ms (3) 097 +running +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” wake_reason=0:”610:glink-native-slpi:417:smp2p” stats=0:”screen-state”
+52m04s176ms (3) 097 -wake_lock wake_reason=0:”Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: gf_cmd_wakelock” stats=0:”screen-state”
+52m04s438ms (4) 097 +wake_lock=u0a55:”OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl” -screen_doze stats=0:”screen-state”
+52m04s949ms (2) 097 -running -wake_lock stats=0:”screen-state”
+52m05s601ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m06s008ms (1) 097 -running
+52m06s734ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m07s118ms (1) 097 -running
+52m07s755ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m08s127ms (1) 097 -running
+52m08s877ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m09s317ms (1) 097 -running
+52m09s911ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m10s347ms (1) 097 -running
+52m11s030ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m11s453ms (1) 097 -running
+52m12s070ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m12s459ms (1) 097 -running
+52m13s178ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m13s591ms (1) 097 -running
+52m14s214ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m14s621ms (1) 097 -running
+52m15s329ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m15s709ms (1) 097 -running
+52m16s366ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m16s763ms (1) 097 -running
+52m17s481ms (3) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2” stats=0:”wakelock-change”
+52m17s842ms (1) 097 -running
+52m18s502ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m18s913ms (1) 097 -running
+52m19s130ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m19s549ms (1) 097 -running
+52m19s851ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m20s312ms (1) 097 -running
+52m20s772ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m21s207ms (1) 097 -running
+52m21s369ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m21s776ms (1) 097 -running
+52m22s195ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m22s577ms (1) 097 -running
+52m22s801ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m23s234ms (1) 097 -running
+52m23s431ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m23s816ms (2) 097 wake_reason=0:”Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed”
+52m24s850ms (2) 097 -running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m25s990ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m26s376ms (1) 097 -running
+52m27s108ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m27s486ms (1) 097 -running
+52m28s140ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m28s537ms (1) 097 -running
+52m29s260ms (2) 097 charge=3543 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m29s639ms (1) 097 -running
+52m30s296ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m30s716ms (1) 097 -running
+52m31s407ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m31s785ms (1) 097 -running
+52m32s430ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m32s861ms (1) 097 -running
+52m33s553ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m33s954ms (1) 097 -running
+52m34s580ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m34s986ms (1) 097 -running
+52m35s714ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m36s099ms (1) 097 -running
+52m36s742ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m37s150ms (1) 097 -running
+52m37s861ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m38s298ms (1) 097 -running
+52m38s888ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m39s321ms (1) 097 -running
+52m39s395ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m39s813ms (1) 097 -running
+52m40s629ms (2) 097 +running wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m41s013ms (1) 097 -running
+52m41s128ms (2) 097 +running +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio“ wake_reason=0:”173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2”
+52m41s186ms (1) 097 -wake_lock
+52m41s186ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1000:”telephony-radio
+52m41s194ms (2) 097 -wake_lock stats=0:”dump”
+52m41s215ms (2) 097 +wake_lock=1001:”telephony-radio
+52m41s216ms (1) 097 -wake_lock

Per-PID Stats:
PID 1828 wake time: +32s248ms
PID 3152 wake time: +26ms
PID 3224 wake time: +9s13ms
PID 3702 wake time: +58ms
PID 3152 wake time: +183ms
PID 0 wake time: +3s13ms
PID 1828 wake time: +599ms
PID 5730 wake time: +19s198ms
PID 11266 wake time: +21s172ms
PID 2920 wake time: +8s611ms
PID 1828 wake time: +719ms
PID 1828 wake time: +181ms
PID 5014 wake time: +30ms
PID 1828 wake time: +35ms
PID 1828 wake time: +4ms
PID 1828 wake time: +563ms
PID 1828 wake time: +127ms
PID 1828 wake time: +75ms
PID 3632 wake time: +1s295ms
PID 4218 wake time: +45s429ms
PID 1828 wake time: +663ms
PID 1828 wake time: +4s271ms
PID 1828 wake time: +135ms
PID 1828 wake time: +7ms

Discharge step durations:
#0: +21m30s485ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off)
#1: +11m30s722ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Estimated discharge time remaining: +1d2h41m28s491ms
Estimated screen off time: 1d 3h 31m 0s 300ms

Daily stats:
Current start time: 2020-12-17-03-31-19
Next min deadline: 2020-12-18-01-00-00
Next max deadline: 2020-12-18-03-00-00
Current daily discharge step durations:
#0: +21m30s485ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off)
#1: +11m30s722ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +18m47s340ms to 72 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +18m59s92ms to 73 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +18m53s289ms to 74 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +18m41s470ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +18m29s461ms to 76 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#7: +18m53s744ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#8: +18m40s429ms to 78 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#9: +19m13s487ms to 79 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#10: +38m56s830ms to 80 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#11: +38m53s279ms to 81 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#12: +38m57s385ms to 82 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#13: +35m4s43ms to 83 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 1d 15h 56m 33s 200ms (from 14 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 1d 15h 7m 10s 600ms (from 12 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 1d 17h 26m 24s 600ms (from 10 steps)
Current daily charge step durations:
#0: +9s983ms to 100 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#1: +7m1s889ms to 99 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +6m3s12ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +5m8s989ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#4: +4m37s247ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#5: +3m54s751ms to 95 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#6: +3m28s129ms to 94 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#7: +3m6s882ms to 93 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#8: +2m45s110ms to 92 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#9: +2m23s877ms to 91 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#10: +2m19s12ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#11: +2m2s82ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#12: +1m57s14ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#13: +1m41s894ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#14: +1m41s103ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#15: +1m36s17ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#16: +1m30s881ms to 84 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#17: +1m36s0ms to 83 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#18: +1m35s981ms to 82 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#19: +1m41s150ms to 81 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#20: +1m46s992ms to 80 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#21: +1m40s872ms to 78 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#22: +1m36s4ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#23: +1m35s986ms to 76 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#24: +1m41s890ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#25: +1m52s130ms to 74 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Charge total time: 4h 16m 4s 900ms (from 26 steps)
Charge screen off time: 4h 27m 5s 400ms (from 23 steps)
Charge screen on time: 2h 58m 19s 200ms (from 1 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.baidu.BaiduMap vers=1025
Update com.baidu.BaiduMap vers=1025
Update com.baidu.BaiduMap vers=1025
Update com.qihoo.qeditor vers=1314
Update com.qihoo.qeditor vers=1314
Update com.qihoo.qeditor vers=1314
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=140001
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=140001
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=140001
Daily from 2020-12-16-03-22-16 to 2020-12-17-03-31-19:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +39m5s197ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +40m36s613ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +39m22s704ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +39m52s599ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +40m15s609ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +40m8s985ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +40m25s470ms to 91 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#7: +40m5s381ms to 92 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#8: +40m25s599ms to 93 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#9: +39m32s449ms to 94 (screen-off, power-save-off)
#10: +33m26s892ms to 95 (power-save-off)
#11: +23m26s310ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#12: +23m32s106ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#13: +22m52s600ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off)
#14: +3h6m36s789ms to 67 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#15: +2h43m23s28ms to 68 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#16: +3h17m58s89ms to 69 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 4d 7h 2m 58s 900ms (from 17 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 3d 7h 29m 0s 700ms (from 14 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 3d 12h 3m 42s 100ms (from 12 steps)
Charge step durations:
#0: +7m17s243ms to 100 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#1: +6m7s857ms to 99 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +5m4s144ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +4m52s863ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#4: +4m53s878ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#5: +4m53s139ms to 95 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#6: +4m59s5ms to 94 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#7: +4m47s994ms to 93 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#8: +4m47s983ms to 92 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#9: +6m24s32ms to 91 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#10: +6m50s882ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#11: +5m51s968ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#12: +5m3s110ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#13: +4m53s892ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#14: +4m48s7ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#15: +4m48s2ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#16: +4m37s230ms to 84 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#17: +4m52s864ms to 83 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#18: +4m43s151ms to 82 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#19: +4m47s974ms to 81 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#20: +4m37s790ms to 80 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#21: +4m47s995ms to 79 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#22: +4m53s98ms to 78 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#23: +4m37s18ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#24: +4m47s987ms to 76 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#25: +4m42s893ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#26: +6m34s592ms to 74 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#27: +1m47s11ms to 73 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#28: +1m51s110ms to 72 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#29: +2m7s981ms to 71 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#30: +2m3s141ms to 70 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#31: +1m46s757ms to 69 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Charge total time: 7h 48m 53s 0ms (from 32 steps)
Charge screen off time: 7h 40m 13s 900ms (from 27 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.heytap.speechassist vers=732
Update com.heytap.speechassist vers=732
Update com.heytap.speechassist vers=732
Update com.sankuai.meituan vers=1100040403
Update com.sankuai.meituan vers=1100040403
Update com.sankuai.meituan vers=1100040403
Update com.tencent.mm vers=1800
Update com.tencent.mm vers=1800
Update com.tencent.mm vers=1800
Update com.sina.weibo vers=4764
Update com.sina.weibo vers=4764
Update com.sina.weibo vers=4764
Update com.heytap.smarthome vers=10803
Update com.heytap.smarthome vers=10803
Update com.heytap.smarthome vers=10803
Update com.ss.android.article.news vers=8011
Update com.ss.android.article.news vers=8011
Update com.ss.android.article.news vers=8011
Update com.xunmeng.pinduoduo vers=54200
Update com.xunmeng.pinduoduo vers=54200
Update com.xunmeng.pinduoduo vers=54200
Update cn.wps.moffice_eng vers=1020
Update cn.wps.moffice_eng vers=1020
Update cn.wps.moffice_eng vers=1020
Update com.redteamobile.roaming vers=6727
Update com.redteamobile.roaming vers=6727
Update com.redteamobile.roaming vers=6727
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308103
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308103
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308103
Update com.ximalaya.ting.android vers=314
Update com.ximalaya.ting.android vers=314
Update com.ximalaya.ting.android vers=314
Update ctrip.android.view vers=1344
Update ctrip.android.view vers=1344
Update ctrip.android.view vers=1344
Update com.xingin.xhs vers=6730157
Update com.xingin.xhs vers=6730157
Update com.xingin.xhs vers=6730157
Update com.UCMobile vers=1100
Update com.UCMobile vers=1100
Update com.UCMobile vers=1100
Update com.oppo.community vers=80803
Update com.oppo.community vers=80803
Update com.oppo.community vers=80803
Update com.smile.gifmaker vers=17506
Update com.smile.gifmaker vers=17506
Update com.smile.gifmaker vers=17506
Update com.oppo.store vers=200204
Update com.oppo.store vers=200204
Update com.oppo.store vers=200204
Update com.qiyi.video vers=800111250
Update com.qiyi.video vers=800111250
Update com.qiyi.video vers=800111250
Update com.coloros.videoeditor vers=12402
Update com.coloros.videoeditor vers=12402
Update com.coloros.videoeditor vers=12402
Update com.heytap.health vers=2100200
Update com.heytap.health vers=2100200
Update com.heytap.health vers=2100200
Daily from 2020-12-15-03-14-14 to 2020-12-16-03-22-16:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +2h41m6s588ms to 71 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +7m22s888ms to 69 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +7m54s100ms to 70 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +2h31m31s439ms to 71 (power-save-off)
#4: +3h1m20s166ms to 72 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +2h51m7s989ms to 73 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h48m53s932ms to 74 (power-save-off)
#7: +2h58m37s492ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 8d 22h 8m 52s 400ms (from 8 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 12d 1h 29m 1s 500ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 12d 1h 29m 1s 500ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen on time: 12h 44m 9s 400ms (from 2 steps)
Charge step durations:
#0: +1m40s865ms to 73 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#1: +1m41s888ms to 72 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +1m45s217ms to 71 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +20m6s786ms to 70 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Charge total time: 10h 31m 8s 900ms (from 4 steps)
Charge screen on time: 18h 13m 20s 100ms (from 2 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.coloros.operationtips vers=4000006
Update com.coloros.operationtips vers=4000006
Update com.coloros.operationtips vers=4000006
Update com.heytap.yoli vers=40406020
Update com.heytap.yoli vers=40406020
Update com.heytap.yoli vers=40406020
Update com.wuba vers=100805
Update com.wuba vers=100805
Update com.wuba vers=100805
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=130901
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=130901
Update com.ss.android.ugc.aweme vers=130901
Update com.heytap.browser vers=7140200
Update com.heytap.browser vers=7140200
Update com.heytap.browser vers=7140200
Update com.coloros.findmyphone vers=30501
Update com.coloros.findmyphone vers=30501
Update com.coloros.findmyphone vers=30501
Daily from 2020-12-14-02-56-21 to 2020-12-15-03-14-14:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h11m2s247ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h3m53s917ms to 78 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h4m28s788ms to 79 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h9m58s918ms to 80 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +2h24m36s95ms to 81 (power-save-off)
#5: +3h5m24s688ms to 82 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +3h5m56s553ms to 83 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 12d 13h 16m 28s 600ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 12d 22h 33m 57s 600ms (from 4 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 12d 22h 33m 57s 600ms (from 4 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.heytap.reader vers=71200
Update com.heytap.reader vers=71200
Update com.heytap.reader vers=71200
Daily from 2020-12-13-04-18-18 to 2020-12-14-02-56-21:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h9m9s514ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h11m39s346ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h24m47s396ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h10m11s554ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +3h15m17s964ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +3h7m31s238ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h57m11s907ms to 91 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 6h 3m 4s 500ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 9h 50m 16s 800ms (from 6 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 9h 50m 16s 800ms (from 6 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-12-03-32-23 to 2020-12-13-04-18-18:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +2h44m17s871ms to 93 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h11m38s280ms to 94 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +2h14m15s356ms to 95 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +29m49s120ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +45m14s279ms to 97 (power-save-off)
#5: +12m16s3ms to 98 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Discharge total time: 6d 16h 25m 15s 100ms (from 6 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 8d 5h 37m 5s 200ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 8d 5h 37m 5s 200ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen on time: 20h 26m 40s 300ms (from 1 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.daemon.shelper vers=321
Update com.daemon.shelper vers=321
Update com.daemon.shelper vers=321
Update com.coloros.colordirectservice vers=20606
Update com.coloros.colordirectservice vers=20606
Update com.coloros.colordirectservice vers=20606
Update com.coloros.directui vers=23107
Update com.coloros.directui vers=23107
Update com.coloros.directui vers=23107
Update com.coloros.onekeylockscreen vers=8000007
Update com.coloros.onekeylockscreen vers=8000007
Update com.coloros.onekeylockscreen vers=8000007
Update com.heytap.pictorial vers=72200
Update com.heytap.pictorial vers=72200
Update com.heytap.pictorial vers=72200
Update com.coloros.soundrecorder vers=7007001
Update com.coloros.soundrecorder vers=7007001
Update com.coloros.soundrecorder vers=7007001
Update com.oppo.usercenter vers=80907
Update com.oppo.usercenter vers=80907
Update com.oppo.usercenter vers=80907
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308004
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308004
Update com.finshell.wallet vers=308004
Update com.heytap.market vers=80012
Update com.heytap.market vers=80012
Update com.heytap.market vers=80012
Daily from 2020-12-11-04-20-26 to 2020-12-12-03-32-23:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h12m14s842ms to 15 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h20m30s196ms to 16 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h29m59s890ms to 17 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 22h 51m 37s 600ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 22h 51m 37s 600ms (from 3 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 22h 51m 37s 600ms (from 3 steps)
Charge step durations:
#0: +4m53s103ms to 100 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#1: +4m48s29ms to 99 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#2: +4m47s997ms to 98 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#3: +4m37s759ms to 97 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#4: +4m48s0ms to 96 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#5: +4m47s983ms to 95 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#6: +4m48s20ms to 94 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#7: +4m42s100ms to 93 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#8: +4m42s890ms to 92 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#9: +4m42s110ms to 91 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#10: +4m43s142ms to 90 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#11: +4m42s859ms to 89 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#12: +4m48s17ms to 88 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#13: +4m36s975ms to 87 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#14: +4m36s984ms to 86 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#15: +4m43s157ms to 85 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#16: +4m42s862ms to 84 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#17: +4m37s17ms to 83 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#18: +4m42s871ms to 82 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#19: +4m37s252ms to 81 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#20: +4m37s761ms to 80 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#21: +4m26s223ms to 79 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#22: +4m37s761ms to 78 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#23: +4m37s8ms to 77 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#24: +4m37s257ms to 76 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#25: +4m31s863ms to 75 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#26: +4m32s129ms to 74 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#27: +4m31s873ms to 73 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#28: +4m32s104ms to 72 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#29: +4m37s785ms to 71 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#30: +4m21s116ms to 70 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#31: +4m31s875ms to 69 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#32: +4m32s128ms to 68 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#33: +4m31s871ms to 67 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#34: +4m32s104ms to 66 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#35: +4m21s146ms to 65 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#36: +4m31s869ms to 64 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#37: +4m26s981ms to 63 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#38: +4m31s901ms to 62 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#39: +4m15s984ms to 61 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#40: +4m27s18ms to 60 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#41: +4m26s223ms to 59 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#42: +4m26s772ms to 58 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#43: +4m27s12ms to 57 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#44: +5m9s3ms to 56 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#45: +4m58s995ms to 55 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#46: +4m26s216ms to 54 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#47: +4m20s885ms to 53 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#48: +4m26s986ms to 52 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#49: +4m21s894ms to 51 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#50: +4m21s135ms to 50 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#51: +4m21s99ms to 49 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#52: +4m26s747ms to 48 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#53: +4m27s37ms to 47 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#54: +4m21s109ms to 46 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#55: +4m21s138ms to 45 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#56: +4m15s997ms to 44 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#57: +4m20s862ms to 43 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#58: +4m21s883ms to 42 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#59: +4m16s6ms to 41 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#60: +4m48s10ms to 40 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#61: +4m21s107ms to 39 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#62: +6m3s11ms to 38 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#63: +6m39s861ms to 37 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#64: +6m45s260ms to 36 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#65: +6m39s840ms to 35 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#66: +6m29s894ms to 34 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#67: +6m39s104ms to 33 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#68: +6m40s903ms to 32 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#69: +6m13s10ms to 31 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#70: +5m57s90ms to 30 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#71: +6m40s155ms to 29 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#72: +6m34s753ms to 28 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#73: +6m29s123ms to 27 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#74: +6m24s2ms to 26 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#75: +6m2s989ms to 25 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#76: +4m21s136ms to 24 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#77: +5m30s752ms to 23 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#78: +5m36s127ms to 22 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#79: +5m19s992ms to 21 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#80: +5m9s1ms to 20 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#81: +5m25s884ms to 19 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#82: +6m12s991ms to 18 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#83: +6m13s256ms to 17 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
Charge total time: 8h 16m 36s 500ms (from 84 steps)
Charge screen off time: 7h 36m 28s 700ms (from 62 steps)
Charge screen on time: 10h 20m 40s 500ms (from 17 steps)
Package changes:
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Update com.example.bletest vers=1
Daily from 2020-12-10-04-01-35 to 2020-12-11-04-20-26:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h17m17s437ms to 19 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h12m42s336ms to 20 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +2h56m50s160ms to 21 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h13m9s635ms to 22 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#4: +3h10m0s890ms to 23 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#5: +3h12m18s904ms to 24 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h59m57s783ms to 25 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 2h 49m 47s 700ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 4h 32m 20s 500ms (from 5 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 4h 32m 20s 500ms (from 5 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-09-03-23-52 to 2020-12-10-04-01-35:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h14m40s337ms to 27 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +2h47m44s374ms to 28 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +3h12m18s797ms to 29 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#3: +3h17m39s963ms to 30 (screen-off, power-save-off)
#4: +2h33m35s437ms to 31 (power-save-off)
#5: +3h26m25s367ms to 32 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +2h49m59s910ms to 33 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 12d 17h 20m 2s 600ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 7h 36m 16s 700ms (from 5 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 5h 8m 41s 800ms (from 4 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-08-04-39-15 to 2020-12-09-03-23-52:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h14m44s300ms to 35 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h15m16s481ms to 36 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#2: +2h26m24s304ms to 37 (power-save-off)
#3: +10m28s987ms to 38 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#4: +11m6s884ms to 39 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#5: +20m53s970ms to 40 (power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#6: +14m18s907ms to 41 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#7: +13m57s113ms to 42 (screen-on, power-save-off, device-idle-off)
#8: +2h43m8s176ms to 43 (power-save-off)
#9: +3h25m48s902ms to 44 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#10: +3h8m28s740ms to 45 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 7d 8h 27m 23s 300ms (from 11 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 13h 0m 39s 0ms (from 2 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 13h 0m 39s 0ms (from 2 steps)
Discharge screen on time: 20h 46m 37s 200ms (from 4 steps)
Daily from 2020-12-07-03-01-32 to 2020-12-08-04-39-15:
Discharge step durations:
#0: +3h21m3s753ms to 47 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#1: +3h8m56s980ms to 48 (power-save-off)
#2: +3h8m48s586ms to 49 (power-save-off)
#3: +3h4m36s485ms to 50 (power-save-off)
#4: +3h6m33s672ms to 51 (power-save-off)
#5: +3h19m59s871ms to 52 (power-save-off, device-idle-on)
#6: +3h12m20s416ms to 53 (screen-off, power-save-off, device-idle-on)
Discharge total time: 13d 7h 36m 8s 0ms (from 7 steps)
Discharge screen off time: 13d 15h 50m 8s 400ms (from 2 steps)
Discharge screen off device idle time: 13d 15h 50m 8s 400ms (from 2 steps)

Statistics since last charge:
System starts: 0, currently on battery: true
Estimated battery capacity: 4065 mAh
Min learned battery capacity: 3.00 mAh
Max learned battery capacity: 3.00 mAh
Time on battery: 52m 41s 318ms (100.0%) realtime, 25m 54s 471ms (49.2%) uptime
Time on battery screen off: 52m 6s 683ms (98.9%) realtime, 25m 19s 825ms (48.1%) uptime
Time on battery screen doze: 52m 5s 638ms (98.9%)
Total run time: 52m 41s 323ms realtime, 25m 54s 476ms uptime
Battery time remaining: 1d 2h 41m 28s 491ms
Discharge: 120 mAh
Screen off discharge: 116 mAh
Screen doze discharge: 2.00 mAh
Screen on discharge: 4.00 mAh
Device light doze discharge: 74.0 mAh
Device deep doze discharge: 22.0 mAh
Start clock time: 2020-12-17-10-18-00
Screen on: 34s 635ms (1.1%) 0x, Interactive: 34s 373ms (1.1%)
Screen brightnesses:
dim 34s 635ms (100.0%)
Device light idling: 25m 9s 673ms (47.8%) 1x
Idle mode light time: 24m 59s 514ms (47.4%) 3x – longest 10m 4s 843ms
Device full idling: 21m 55s 626ms (41.6%) 1x
Idle mode full time: 21m 55s 626ms (41.6%) 1x – longest 0ms
Total partial wakelock time: 2m 1s 684ms

Logging duration for connectivity statistics: 52m 41s 318ms
Cellular Statistics:
Cellular kernel active time: 0ms (0.0%)
Cellular Sleep time: 33m 7s 580ms (62.9%)
Cellular Idle time: 19m 28s 529ms (37.0%)
Cellular Rx time: 13s 135ms (0.4%)
Cellular Tx time:
less than 0dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
0dBm to 8dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
8dBm to 15dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
15dBm to 20dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
above 20dBm: 0ms (0.0%)
Cellular data received: 0B
Cellular data sent: 0B
Cellular packets received: 0
Cellular packets sent: 0
Cellular Radio Access Technology:
none 52m 41s 318ms (100.0%)
Cellular Rx signal strength (RSRP):
good (-108dBm to -98dBm): 52m 26s 514ms (99.5%)
great (greater than -98dBm): 14s 804ms (0.5%)
Wifi Statistics:
Wifi kernel active time: 52m 41s 318ms (100.0%)
WiFi Scan time: 3s 417ms (0.1%)
WiFi Sleep time: 37m 29s 959ms (71.2%)
WiFi Idle time: 14m 50s 328ms (28.2%)
WiFi Rx time: 19s 320ms (0.6%)
WiFi Tx time: 1s 725ms (0.1%)
WiFi Battery drain: 1.40mAh
Wifi data received: 289.89KB
Wifi data sent: 329.04KB
Wifi packets received: 3696
Wifi packets sent: 3121
Wifi states:
disconn 52m 38s 531ms (99.9%)
sta 2s 787ms (0.1%)
Wifi supplicant states:
disconn 52m 38s 496ms (99.9%)
completed 2s 822ms (0.1%)
Wifi Rx signal strength (RSSI):
great (greater than -55dBm): 52m 41s 318ms (100.0%)
GPS Statistics:
GPS signal quality (Top 4 Average CN0):
poor (less than 20 dBHz): 0ms (0.0%)
good (greater than 20 dBHz): 0ms (0.0%)

Bluetooth total received: 0B, sent: 0B
Bluetooth scan time: 35s 967ms
Bluetooth Idle time: 14s 50ms (0.4%)
Bluetooth Rx time: 1m 55s 958ms (3.7%)
Bluetooth Tx time: 141ms (0.0%)
Bluetooth Battery drain: 0.737mAh

Device battery use since last full charge
Amount discharged (lower bound): 2
Amount discharged (upper bound): 3
Amount discharged while screen on: 0
Amount discharged while screen off: 3
Amount discharged while screen doze: 0

Estimated power use (mAh):
Capacity: 4065, Computed drain: 48.8, actual drain: 81.3-122
Unaccounted: 32.5 ( ) Including smearing: 0 ( ) Excluded from smearing
Ambient display: 25.2 Excluded from smearing
Uid 0: (root)7.34 ( cpu=4.82 wake=2.52 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1000: (android)7.10 ( cpu=6.52 wake=0.0579 wifi=0.463 bt=0.0507 sensor=0.00735 ) Excluded from smearing
Idle: 2.81 Excluded from smearing
Uid 2000: (android.uid.shell:2000)1.51 ( cpu=0.955 wifi=0.558 ) Excluded from smearing
Cell standby: 0.878 ( radio=0.878 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1001: (android.uid.phone:1001)0.725 ( cpu=0.725 wake=0.000222 ) Excluded from smearing
Bluetooth: 0.687 ( bt=0.687 ) Including smearing: 0.891 ( proportional=0.204 )
Uid u0a156: (com.google.android.gms)0.530 ( cpu=0.456 wake=0.0738 ) Including smearing: 0.687 ( proportional=0.157 )
Uid u0a55: (com.android.systemui)0.445 ( cpu=0.432 wake=0.0126 ) Excluded from smearing
Wifi: 0.336 ( wifi=0.336 ) Including smearing: 0.435 ( proportional=0.0997 )
Uid 1010: (android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service)0.201 ( cpu=0.201 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a7: (com.tencent.mm)0.171 ( cpu=0.0912 wake=0.0681 wifi=0.0113 ) Including smearing: 0.221 ( proportional=0.0506 )
Uid u0a215: (com.xunmeng.pinduoduo)0.0970 ( cpu=0.0919 wake=0.0000126 wifi=0.00511 ) Including smearing: 0.126 ( proportional=0.0288 )
Uid 1036: (logd)0.0743 ( cpu=0.0743 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a214: (com.heytap.health)0.0621 ( cpu=0.0563 wifi=0.00585 ) Including smearing: 0.0806 ( proportional=0.0184 )
Uid 1047: (android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service_64)0.0618 ( cpu=0.0618 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1021: (android.hardware.gnss@2.0-service-qti)0.0436 ( cpu=0.0436 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1002: (android.uid.bluetooth:1002)0.0430 ( cpu=0.0430 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a67: (com.heytap.market)0.0407 ( cpu=0.0379 wake=0.00128 wifi=0.00150 ) Including smearing: 0.0528 ( proportional=0.0121 )
Uid u0a79: (com.heytap.quicksearchbox)0.0396 ( cpu=0.0396 ) Including smearing: 0.0513 ( proportional=0.0117 )
Uid 1041: (android.hardware.audio@2.0-service)0.0294 ( cpu=0.0276 wake=0.00182 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a126: (com.coloros.calendar)0.0274 ( cpu=0.0273 wake=0.000125 ) Including smearing: 0.0356 ( proportional=0.00814 )
Uid 1000: (com.heytap.mcs)0.0265 ( cpu=0.0265 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a128: (com.coloros.assistantscreen)0.0254 ( cpu=0.00429 sensor=0.0211 ) Including smearing: 0.0329 ( proportional=0.00753 )
Uid 1013: (vppservice)0.0226 ( cpu=0.0226 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a75: (com.oppo.usercenter)0.0204 ( cpu=0.0179 wifi=0.00255 ) Including smearing: 0.0265 ( proportional=0.00606 )
Uid 1000: (com.android.settings)0.0197 ( cpu=0.0197 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1066: (statsd)0.0189 ( cpu=0.0189 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a56: (android.uid.shared:10056)0.0186 ( cpu=0.0186 ) Including smearing: 0.0241 ( proportional=0.00553 )
Uid u0a186: (com.coloros.gamespaceui)0.0181 ( cpu=0.0124 wifi=0.00570 ) Including smearing: 0.0235 ( proportional=0.00537 )
Uid u0a132: (com.nearme.gamecenter)0.0135 ( cpu=0.0130 wake=0.000507 ) Including smearing: 0.0175 ( proportional=0.00401 )
Uid u0a161: (com.android.vending)0.0132 ( cpu=0.0108 wake=0.00237 ) Including smearing: 0.0171 ( proportional=0.00391 )
Uid 1069: (lmkd)0.0130 ( cpu=0.0130 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a71: (com.heytap.cloud)0.0124 ( cpu=0.00917 wifi=0.00326 ) Including smearing: 0.0161 ( proportional=0.00369 )
Uid 9999: (ashmemd)0.0118 ( cpu=0.0118 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a81: (com.coloros.sceneservice)0.0118 ( cpu=0.0110 wake=0.000240 wifi=0.000600 ) Including smearing: 0.0153 ( proportional=0.00350 )
Uid u0a76: (oppo.uid.launcher:10076)0.0112 ( cpu=0.0112 ) Including smearing: 0.0146 ( proportional=0.00334 )
Uid u0a49: (android.uid.calendar:10049)0.00904 ( cpu=0.00904 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a147: (com.sohu.inputmethod.sogouoem)0.00705 ( cpu=0.00705 ) Including smearing: 0.00914 ( proportional=0.00209 )
Uid u0a121: (com.coloros.alarmclock)0.00673 ( cpu=0.00669 wake=0.0000451 ) Including smearing: 0.00873 ( proportional=0.00200 )
Uid 2903: (tftp_server)0.00646 ( cpu=0.00646 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a99: (com.heytap.pictorial)0.00559 ( cpu=0.00439 wifi=0.00120 ) Including smearing: 0.00725 ( proportional=0.00166 )
Uid u0a158: (com.google.android.partnersetup)0.00516 ( cpu=0.00484 wake=0.000316 ) Including smearing: 0.00669 ( proportional=0.00153 )
Uid u0a134: (com.tencent.android.location)0.00459 ( cpu=0.00309 wifi=0.00150 ) Including smearing: 0.00595 ( proportional=0.00136 )
Uid u0a153: (com.google.android.configupdater)0.00437 ( cpu=0.00430 wake=0.0000668 ) Including smearing: 0.00566 ( proportional=0.00130 )
Uid 1000: (com.heytap.habit.analysis)0.00397 ( cpu=0.00397 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 2906: (qrtr-ns)0.00396 ( cpu=0.00396 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a87: (com.oppo.instant.local.service)0.00378 ( cpu=0.00378 ) Including smearing: 0.00490 ( proportional=0.00112 )
Uid u0a53: (com.android.providers.downloads)0.00363 ( cpu=0.00363 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a130: (com.nearme.romupdate)0.00343 ( cpu=0.00343 wake=0.00000722 ) Including smearing: 0.00445 ( proportional=0.00102 )
Uid u0a200: (com.coloros.oppopods)0.00329 ( cpu=0.00329 ) Including smearing: 0.00427 ( proportional=0.000976 )
Uid u0a50: (com.coloros.gallery3d)0.00310 ( cpu=0.00310 ) Including smearing: 0.00402 ( proportional=0.000920 )
Uid 1053: (webview_zygote)0.00306 ( cpu=0.00306 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1051: (noPkg)0.00305 ( wifi=0.00305 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a57: (oppo.uid.softsim:10057)0.00267 ( cpu=0.00267 ) Including smearing: 0.00346 ( proportional=0.000792 )
Uid u0a165: (com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts)0.00258 ( cpu=0.00233 wake=0.000244 ) Including smearing: 0.00334 ( proportional=0.000765 )
Uid u0a194: (com.coloros.digitalwellbeing)0.00248 ( cpu=0.00248 ) Including smearing: 0.00321 ( proportional=0.000735 )
Uid u0a74: (android.ext.services)0.00243 ( cpu=0.00243 ) Including smearing: 0.00316 ( proportional=0.000722 )
Uid u0a106: (com.coloros.weather.service)0.00197 ( cpu=0.00194 wake=0.0000289 ) Including smearing: 0.00256 ( proportional=0.000586 )
Uid 1027: (android.uid.nfc:1027)0.00191 ( cpu=0.00191 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a139: (com.oppo.ctautoregist)0.00152 ( cpu=0.00152 ) Including smearing: 0.00197 ( proportional=0.000451 )
Uid u0a149: (com.qualcomm.timeservice)0.00150 ( cpu=0.00147 wake=0.0000271 ) Including smearing: 0.00194 ( proportional=0.000445 )
Uid u0a140: (com.opos.ads)0.00119 ( cpu=0.00119 ) Including smearing: 0.00154 ( proportional=0.000353 )
Uid 1000: (com.oppo.ota)0.00113 ( cpu=0.00113 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a154: (com.google.android.onetimeinitializer)0.00112 ( cpu=0.00112 ) Including smearing: 0.00146 ( proportional=0.000334 )
Uid 1000: (com.oppo.logkit)0.000851 ( cpu=0.000851 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1000: (com.coloros.safecenter)0.000851 ( cpu=0.000851 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a80: (com.android.settings.intelligence)0.000714 ( cpu=0.000714 ) Including smearing: 0.000926 ( proportional=0.000212 )
Uid u0a65: (com.heytap.browser)0.000567 ( cpu=0.000567 ) Including smearing: 0.000735 ( proportional=0.000168 )
Uid u0a163: (com.qualcomm.qti.services.systemhelper)0.000506 ( cpu=0.000506 ) Including smearing: 0.000656 ( proportional=0.000150 )
Uid u0a144: (com.android.smspush)0.000422 ( cpu=0.000422 ) Including smearing: 0.000548 ( proportional=0.000125 )
Uid u0a172: (com.qualcomm.atfwd)0.000389 ( cpu=0.000389 ) Including smearing: 0.000504 ( proportional=0.000115 )
Uid 1040: (media.extractor)0.000378 ( cpu=0.000378 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid 1046: (media.codec)0.000378 ( cpu=0.000378 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a115: (com.coloros.regservice)0.000318 ( cpu=0.000318 ) Including smearing: 0.000412 ( proportional=0.0000944 )
Uid 1068: (android.uid.se:1068)0.000228 ( cpu=0.000228 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a52: (com.dolby.daxservice)0.000211 ( cpu=0.000211 ) Including smearing: 0.000274 ( proportional=0.0000627 )
Uid 1017: (keystore)0.000189 ( cpu=0.000189 ) Excluded from smearing
Uid u0a61: (com.coloros.smartlock)0.000189 ( cpu=0.000189 ) Including smearing: 0.000245 ( proportional=0.0000561 )
Uid u0a104: (oppo.uid.instant:10104)0.000189 ( cpu=0.000189 ) Including smearing: 0.000245 ( proportional=0.0000561 )
Uid u0a86: (com.heytap.speechassist)0.000106 ( cpu=0.000106 ) Including smearing: 0.000137 ( proportional=0.0000313 )

All kernel wake locks:
Kernel Wake lock qcom_rx_wakelock: 57m 6s 571ms (12295 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManagerService.WakeLocks: 14m 40s 79ms (611 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManagerService.Display: 13m 20s 788ms (44 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManager.SuspendLockout: 13m 20s 779ms (44 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock [timerfd]: 9m 33s 221ms (22380 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock hal_bluetooth_lock: 4m 7s 758ms (520 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock alarmtimer: 1m 12s 512ms (36 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock radio-interface: 46s 420ms (232 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock bluetooth_timer: 24s 912ms (190 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock prox_lock: 19s 695ms (10 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock lux_aod_lock: 14s 117ms (8 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock wlan: 7s 935ms (21 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock c8c000.qcom,qup_uart: 7s 744ms (7 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock amd_lock: 7s 222ms (15 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock PowerManagerService.Broadcasts: 6s 366ms (12 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock qcril_pre_client_init: 4s 164ms (4 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock IPA_CLIENT_APPS_LAN_CONS: 2s 880ms (48 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock tftp_server_wakelock: 2s 668ms (24 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock battery: 1s 581ms (294 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock /vendor/bin/sscrpcd:631: 1s 368ms (3936 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock WakeLockCheck: 1s 59ms (1413 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock KeyEvents: 1s 29ms (659 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock rpmb_access_wakelock: 664ms (276 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock smp2p-sleepstate: 592ms (3 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock SensorService_wakelock: 539ms (49 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock event3: 535ms (1040 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock qcril: 461ms (234 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock wlan_fw_rsp_wakelock: 354ms (54 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock rmt_storage_525170896208: 240ms (12 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock mgmt_txrx tx_cmp: 215ms (30 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock ApmAudio: 160ms (312 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock qcom-step-chg: 131ms (294 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock rmt_storage_525171932496: 120ms (8 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock eventpoll: 102ms (30430 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock event0: 100ms (25 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock vdev_start: 80ms (5 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock ApmOutput: 76ms (280 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock gf_cmd_wakelock: 55ms (8 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock DIAG_WS: 49ms (196 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock adsprpc: 19ms (7804 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock sensor_ssc_cq: 18ms (55 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock tavil-slim-pgd: 18ms (78 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock netmgr_wl: 4ms (4 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock /vendor/bin/sscrpcd:1042: 3ms (33 times) realtime
Kernel Wake lock smp2p: 1ms (9 times) realtime

All partial wake locks:
Wake lock u0a156 wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService: 39s 340ms (2 times) max=45061 actual=45063 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 PlatformComm: 16s 407ms (26 times) max=1093 actual=21771 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 fiid-sync: 16s 376ms (4 times) max=11384 actual=18161 realtime
Wake lock 1000 deviceidle_maint: 10s 215ms (2 times) max=5252 actual=10357 realtime
Wake lock 1000 AnyMotionDetector: 8s 969ms (1 times) max=9827 actual=9827 realtime
Wake lock 1000 Sensor Calibration: 6s 722ms (0 times) max=9789 actual=9789 realtime
Wake lock u0a55 OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl: 4s 924ms (6 times) max=2526 actual=7592 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth: 3s 310ms (9 times) max=1022 actual=6365 realtime
Wake lock 1000 athena:compress_lock: 2s 794ms (2 times) max=2726 actual=3208 realtime
Wake lock 1000 athena:onekeyclear_wakelock_tag: 1s 835ms (1 times) max=5673 actual=5673 realtime
Wake lock u0a161 job/com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.process.mainimpl.PhoneskyJobServiceMain: 1s 314ms (1 times) max=4271 actual=4271 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 MicroMsg.Alarm: 1s 198ms (13 times) max=216 actual=2739 realtime
Wake lock u0a55 OnScreenFingerprintAODShowMech: 1s 74ms (2 times) max=940 actual=1878 realtime
Wake lock 1041 AudioMix: 1s 10ms (1 times) max=3013 actual=3013 realtime
Wake lock u0a55 AodService:wakeLock: 913ms (1 times) max=3025 actual=3025 realtime
Wake lock u0a67 alarm: 708ms (1 times) max=719 actual=719 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarm: 523ms (25 times) max=78 actual=654 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 GmsDownloadIntentOp: 408ms (1 times) max=1037 actual=1037 realtime
Wake lock u0a7 alarm: 400ms (15 times) max=212 actual=599 realtime
Wake lock u0a132 alarm: 281ms (1 times) max=563 actual=563 realtime
Wake lock 1000 deviceidle_going_idle: 261ms (4 times) max=424 actual=513 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.reminders.notification.RefreshNotificationsIntentOperation: 221ms (4 times) max=245 actual=325 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarmCheckReport: 210ms (1 times) max=502 actual=502 realtime
Wake lock u0a158 job/com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: 176ms (2 times) max=662 actual=663 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 Icing: 167ms (3 times) max=376 actual=687 realtime
Wake lock 1000 NetworkStats: 166ms (16 times) max=36 actual=307 realtime
Wake lock u0a165 job/com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: 135ms (1 times) max=135 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.chimera.container.InitConfigOperation: 124ms (1 times) max=680 actual=680 realtime
Wake lock 1001 telephony-radio: 115ms (27 times) max=57 actual=165 realtime
Wake lock u0a81 alarm: 112ms (4 times) max=43 actual=129 realtime
Wake lock 1000 guardelf:checksensor: 100ms (1 times) max=236 actual=236 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 gms_scheduler:internal: 96ms (17 times) max=84 actual=345 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleTimeRemindersIntentOperation: 80ms (2 times) max=96 actual=119 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService: 77ms (3 times) max=153 actual=275 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 CMWakeLock: 72ms (3 times) max=164 actual=274 realtime
Wake lock u0a126 KeepTaskRunning: 69ms (1 times) max=69 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/com.oppo.logkit/.service.UploadJobSchedulerService: 66ms (1 times) max=198 actual=198 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 GCoreFlp: 63ms (7 times) max=250 actual=290 realtime
Wake lock u0a55 show keyguard: 59ms (1 times) max=118 actual=118 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.auth.frp.FrpUpdateIntentOperation: 52ms (1 times) max=104 actual=104 realtime
Wake lock 1000 guardelf:forcestop: 51ms (2 times) max=100 actual=176 realtime
Wake lock 1000 ActivityManager-Sleep: 46ms (1 times) max=117 actual=117 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$PersistentReceiverIntentOperation: 45ms (4 times) max=70 actual=200 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 NlpWakeLock: 42ms (6 times) max=25 actual=54 realtime
Wake lock 1000 startDream: 39ms (1 times) max=77 actual=77 realtime
Wake lock u0a153 alarm: 38ms (1 times) max=75 actual=75 realtime
Wake lock u0a121 AlarmAlertWakeLock: 26ms (1 times) max=50 actual=50 realtime
Wake lock 1000 deep:sleep: 25ms (10 times) max=43 actual=72 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 wake:CollectionChimeraSvc: 24ms (2 times) max=136 actual=145 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 wake:com.google.android.gms/.checkin.CheckinService: 23ms (1 times) max=46 actual=46 realtime
Wake lock 1000 com.heytap.mcs: 21ms (8 times) max=23 actual=58 realtime
Wake lock u0a81 PolicyDispatcher: 21ms (6 times) max=7 actual=23 realtime
Wake lock 1000 DeviceIdleHelper: 17ms (2 times) max=13 actual=25 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$GmsReceiverIntentOperation: 17ms (2 times) max=25 actual=40 realtime
Wake lock u0a106 job/com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: 16ms (1 times) max=35 actual=35 realtime
Wake lock 1000 telephony-radio: 16ms (3 times) max=8 actual=18 realtime
Wake lock u0a149 TimeService: 16ms (1 times) max=31 actual=31 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 Wakeful StateMachine: GeofencerStateMachine: 11ms (5 times) max=47 actual=53 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleLocationRemindersIntentOperation: 10ms (1 times) max=60 actual=60 realtime
Wake lock u0a215 job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: 7ms (2 times) max=4 realtime
Wake lock u0a156 UlrDispSvcFastWL: 6ms (3 times) max=25 actual=32 realtime
Wake lock 1001 RILJ-Oppo/0: 5ms (1 times) max=22 actual=22 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarmCheck: 5ms (2 times) max=9 actual=12 realtime
Wake lock u0a130 alarm: 4ms (1 times) max=4 realtime
Wake lock 1000 alarmAlign: 3ms (1 times) max=10 actual=10 realtime
Wake lock 1000 NtpTimeHelper: 3ms (1 times) max=3 realtime
Wake lock 1001 RILJ-Oppo/1: 3ms (1 times) max=14 actual=14 realtime
Wake lock 1000 WifiSuspend: 2ms (1 times) max=6 actual=6 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/com.oppo.lfeh/.service.UploadJobService: 1ms (1 times) max=4 actual=4 realtime
Wake lock 1000 job/com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: 1ms (1 times) max=1 realtime
Wake lock 1000 GnssLocationProvider realtime
Wake lock u0a81 location realtime
Wake lock u0a156 GCM_READ realtime

All wakeup reasons:
Wakeup reason 173:WLAN_CE_2:173:WLAN_CE_2: 15m 27s 24ms (2427 times) realtime
Wakeup reason 609:glink-native-cdsp: 4m 45s 616ms (1169 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: qcom_rx_wakelock : 32s 717ms (51 times) realtime
Wakeup reason 609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2: 18s 284ms (51 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:noirq suspend of 18800000.qcom,icnss device failed: 15s 875ms (39 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Disabling non-boot cpus failed: 13s 834ms (37 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected: 1m 0s 32ms (35 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: battery: 8s 733ms (24 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery : 4s 241ms (12 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: qcom-step-chg: 4s 110ms (11 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: battery qcom-step-chg : 3s 396ms (9 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: [timerfd] : 1s 443ms (4 times) realtime
Wakeup reason 173:WLAN_CE_2: 1s 112ms (3 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:noirq suspend of alarmtimer device failed: 1s 65ms (3 times) realtime
Wakeup reason 173:WLAN_CE_2:609:glink-native-cdsp:173:WLAN_CE_2: 703ms (2 times) realtime
Wakeup reason unknown: 335ms (1 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:alarmtimer device failed to power down: 366ms (1 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Last active Wakeup Source: gf_cmd_wakelock realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:18800000.qcom,icnss device failed to power down: 326ms (1 times) realtime
Wakeup reason Abort:Pending Wakeup Sources: hal_bluetooth_lock c8c000.qcom,qup_uart realtime
Wakeup reason 610:glink-native-slpi:417:smp2p realtime

CPU freqs: 300000 403200 499200 576000 672000 768000 844800 940800 1036800 1113600 1209600 1305600 1382400 1478400 1555200 1632000 1708800 1785600 710400 825600 940800 1056000 1171200 1286400 1401600 1497600 1612800 1708800 1804800 1920000 2016000 2131200 2227200 2323200 2419200 825600 940800 1056000 1171200 1286400 1401600 1497600 1612800 1708800 1804800 1920000 2016000 2131200 2227200 2323200 2419200 2534400 2649600 2745600 2841600

Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 344B sent (packets 0 received, 7 sent)
Total cpu time: u=50ms s=382ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 94550 18110 9450 5540 6290 3720 3440 47460 6640 19190 8260 4510 3770 3130 41220 38470 30 50 30 20 20 3630 90 10 10 0 30 40 0 0 30 1970 13020 0 0 0 10 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1750
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 92700 17990 9380 5530 6250 3700 3430 47220 6500 19120 8230 4390 3660 3110 40380 38450 30 50 30 20 20 3620 90 0 10 0 20 0 0 0 0 1280 13010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.0-service:
CPU: 30ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:9:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 470ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 250ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 970ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 800ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 540ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cdsprm-wq:
CPU: 0ms usr + 760ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 390ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:2H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 260ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:10:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:0H:
CPU: 20ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 300ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 280ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 260ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:0H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:0H:
CPU: 10ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:1H:
CPU: 0ms usr + 210ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc usbtemp_kthread:
CPU: 0ms usr + 110ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc storaged:
CPU: 40ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc shortc_thread:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 570ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 550ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 770ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 670ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc migration/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/4:
CPU: 10ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 850ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 690ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ksoftirqd/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cds_ol_rx_threa:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 530ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc msm_watchdog:
CPU: 40ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc crtc_event:139:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc irq/32-90b6400.:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 860ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u17:10:
CPU: 0ms usr + 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:17:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 420ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:16:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 610ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:15:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:14:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 950ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:13:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:12:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 830ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:11:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/u16:10:
CPU: 0ms usr + 7s 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ecryptfs-kthrea:
CPU: 0ms usr + 220ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc khungtaskd:
CPU: 0ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc irq/33-90cd000.:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 930ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 610ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/5:
CPU: 160ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/4:
CPU: 10ms usr + 580ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 710ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 170ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuos/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 880ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 190ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 240ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 680ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 780ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcuop/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 660ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 390ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 870ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 780ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 700ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 70ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 8s 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cpuhp/1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 11s 690ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc zygote64:
CPU: 70ms usr + 1s 110ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc scheduler_threa:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vl53l1_daemon_main:
CPU: 0ms usr + 410ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 770ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/7:0:
CPU: 10ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 590ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/6:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:9:
CPU: 0ms usr + 630ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/5:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 70ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 440ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/4:0:
CPU: 10ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:6:
CPU: 0ms usr + 3s 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 490ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 620ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 780ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/3:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5s 290ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 460ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 140ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/2:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 500ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 220ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/1:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:5:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 580ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:4:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 800ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:3:
CPU: 0ms usr + 650ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:2:
CPU: 0ms usr + 980ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:1:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 620ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kworker/0:0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 830ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc irq/113-8804000:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 550ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wlan_logging_th:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 850ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qrtr_rx:
CPU: 0ms usr + 250ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc irq/303-touchpa:
CPU: 0ms usr + 70ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kthreadd:
CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcu_sched:
CPU: 0ms usr + 2s 160ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rcu_preempt:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 660ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vold:
CPU: 440ms usr + 700ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc netd:
CPU: 590ms usr + 4s 640ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc init:
CPU: 130ms usr + 1s 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc dpmd:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kgsl_worker_thr:
CPU: 0ms usr + 340ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kswapd0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 4s 550ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ueventd:
CPU: 44s 10ms usr + 10s 810ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sdf7-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 200ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sde9-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 290ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sda8-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sda6-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 470ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/sda2-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 260ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc crtc_commit:139:
CPU: 0ms usr + 6s 550ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oom_reaper:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc zygote:
CPU: 60ms usr + 830ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc msm_irqbalance:
CPU: 1s 390ms usr + 2s 290ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc iptables-restore:
CPU: 10ms usr + 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc system:
CPU: 0ms usr + 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kauditd:
CPU: 10ms usr + 390ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc jbd2/dm-2-8:
CPU: 0ms usr + 890ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc kcompactd0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 390ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc atlasservice:
CPU: 20ms usr + 290ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc tbatt_pwroff:
CPU: 30ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ip6tables-restore:
CPU: 30ms usr + 380ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc thermal-engine:
CPU: 380ms usr + 2s 560ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc core_ctl/7:
CPU: 0ms usr + 390ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc core_ctl/4:
CPU: 10ms usr + 790ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc core_ctl/0:
CPU: 0ms usr + 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oae_server:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Screen brightnesses:
dim 34s 635ms (100.0%)

Wi-Fi network: 29.16KB received, 57.58KB sent (packets 178 received, 266 sent)
Wifi Running: 0ms (0.0%)
Full Wifi Lock: 0ms (0.0%)
Wifi Scan (blamed): 10s 545ms (0.3%) 6x
Wifi Scan (actual): 10s 545ms (0.3%) 6x
Background Wifi Scan: 10s 545ms (0.3%) 6x
   WiFi Scan time:  0ms (0.0%)
   WiFi Sleep time:  52m 32s 298ms (99.7%)
   WiFi Idle time:   0ms (0.0%)
   WiFi Rx time:     7s 878ms (0.2%)
   WiFi Tx time:     1s 217ms (0.0%)
Bluetooth Scan (total actual realtime): 35s 967ms  (0 times)
Bluetooth Scan (background realtime): 35s 972ms  (0 times)
Bluetooth Scan Results: 80 (80 in background)
User activity: 4 touch
Wake lock ActivityManager-Sleep: 46ms partial (1 times) max=117 actual=117, 117ms background partial (1 times) max=117 realtime
Wake lock deep:sleep: 25ms partial (10 times) max=43 actual=72, 72ms background partial (10 times) max=43 realtime
Wake lock WifiSuspend: 2ms partial (1 times) max=6 actual=6, 6ms background partial (1 times) max=6 realtime
Wake lock *alarm*: 523ms partial (25 times) max=78 actual=654, 654ms background partial (25 times) max=78 realtime
Wake lock com.heytap.mcs: 21ms partial (8 times) max=23 actual=58, 58ms background partial (8 times) max=23 realtime
Wake lock PhoneWindowManager.mPowerKeyWakeLock realtime
Wake lock *job*/com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: 1ms partial (1 times) max=1, 1ms background partial (1 times) max=1 realtime
Wake lock athena:compress_lock: 2s 794ms partial (2 times) max=2726 actual=3208, 3s 208ms background partial (2 times) max=2726 realtime
Wake lock *job*/com.oppo.lfeh/.service.UploadJobService: 1ms partial (1 times) max=4 actual=4, 4ms background partial (1 times) max=4 realtime
Wake lock guardelf:forcestop: 51ms partial (2 times) max=100 actual=176, 176ms background partial (2 times) max=100 realtime
Wake lock NetworkStats: 166ms partial (16 times) max=36 actual=307, 307ms background partial (16 times) max=36 realtime
Wake lock alarmCheckReport: 210ms partial (1 times) max=502 actual=502, 502ms background partial (1 times) max=502 realtime
Wake lock *telephony-radio*: 16ms partial (3 times) max=8 actual=18, 18ms background partial (3 times) max=8 realtime
Wake lock NtpTimeHelper: 3ms partial (1 times) max=3, 3ms background partial (1 times) max=3 realtime
Wake lock *job*/com.oppo.logkit/.service.UploadJobSchedulerService: 66ms partial (1 times) max=198 actual=198, 198ms background partial (1 times) max=198 realtime
Wake lock DeviceIdleHelper: 17ms partial (2 times) max=13 actual=25, 25ms background partial (2 times) max=13 realtime
Wake lock alarmCheck: 5ms partial (2 times) max=9 actual=12, 12ms background partial (2 times) max=9 realtime
Wake lock GnssLocationProvider: 1ms background partial (1 times) max=1 realtime
Wake lock alarmAlign: 3ms partial (1 times) max=10 actual=10, 10ms background partial (1 times) max=10 realtime
Wake lock *job*/android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService realtime
Wake lock deviceidle_maint: 10s 215ms partial (2 times) max=5252 actual=10357, 10s 357ms background partial (2 times) max=5252 realtime
Wake lock AnyMotionDetector: 8s 969ms partial (1 times) max=9827 actual=9827, 9s 827ms background partial (1 times) max=9827 realtime
Wake lock Sensor Calibration: 6s 722ms partial (0 times) max=9789 actual=9789, 9s 789ms background partial (0 times) max=9789 realtime
Wake lock startDream: 39ms partial (1 times) max=77 actual=77, 77ms background partial (1 times) max=77 realtime
Wake lock guardelf:checksensor: 100ms partial (1 times) max=236 actual=236, 236ms background partial (1 times) max=236 realtime
Wake lock athena:onekeyclear_wakelock_tag: 1s 835ms partial (1 times) max=5673 actual=5673, 5s 673ms background partial (1 times) max=5673 realtime
Wake lock deviceidle_going_idle: 261ms partial (4 times) max=424 actual=513, 513ms background partial (4 times) max=424 realtime
TOTAL wake: 32s 91ms blamed partial, 40s 122ms actual partial, 40s 122ms actual background partial realtime
Job android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: 14ms realtime (1 times), 14ms background (1 times)
Job com.oppo.logkit/.service.UploadJobSchedulerService: 414ms realtime (1 times), 414ms background (1 times)
Job com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: 114ms realtime (1 times), 114ms background (1 times)
Job com.oppo.lfeh/.service.UploadJobService: 131ms realtime (1 times), 131ms background (1 times)
Job Completions android/com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService: canceled(1x)
Job Completions com.oppo.logkit/.service.UploadJobSchedulerService: device_idle(1x)
Job Completions com.heytap.habit.analysis/.service.PeriodJobService: canceled(1x)
Job Completions com.oppo.lfeh/.service.UploadJobService: canceled(1x)
Sensor 6: 5s 905ms realtime (2 times), 5s 905ms background (2 times)
Sensor 16: 4s 802ms realtime (2 times), 4s 802ms background (2 times)
Sensor 20: 35s 681ms realtime (0 times), 35s 686ms background (0 times)
Sensor 23: 15m 2s 458ms realtime (1 times), 15m 2s 458ms background (1 times)
Sensor 24: 8s 583ms realtime (1 times), 8s 583ms background (1 times)
Sensor 1000: 1s 333ms realtime (1 times), 1s 333ms background (1 times)
Foreground activities: 34s 635ms realtime (0 times)
Foreground for: 52m 41s 318ms
Total running: 52m 41s 318ms
Total cpu time: u=43ms s=416ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 116810 28160 18360 11800 11950 8050 7320 83610 14590 30230 13800 8320 6330 5530 78740 7820 140 70 30 40 70 8680 120 30 0 30 20 20 20 10 0 1690 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 113140 27840 18180 11680 11860 7920 7310 83340 14460 30110 13760 8260 6260 5490 76460 7780 130 70 30 40 70 8680 110 0 0 20 10 0 20 10 0 1610 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.lfeh:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
  1 starts, 1 crashes
Proc pd-mapper:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 380ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 140ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.colordirectservice:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 220ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.appmanager:
  CPU: 70ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.persist.system:
  CPU: 3s 380ms usr + 9s 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.floatassistant:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.qualcomm.qti.poweroffalarm:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
  1 starts
Proc perfservice:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.color.eyeprotect:
  CPU: 270ms usr + 290ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc sensors.qti:
  CPU: 20ms usr + 1s 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc servicemanager:
  CPU: 90ms usr + 170ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.accessory:
  CPU: 360ms usr + 710ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc hypnusd:
  CPU: 2s 20ms usr + 4s 500ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qseecomd:
  CPU: 40ms usr + 4s 160ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc tloc_daemon:
  CPU: 80ms usr + 5s 830ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.safecenter:push:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.mcs:
  CPU: 1s 150ms usr + 720ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.settings:
  CPU: 210ms usr + 100ms krn ; 1s 80ms fg
Proc android.hardware.light@2.0-service:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.deepthinker:
  CPU: 310ms usr + 210ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 1s 150ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3-service:
  CPU: 410ms usr + 2s 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.oiface@1.0-service:
  CPU: 1s 90ms usr + 5s 290ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.securepay:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.health@2.0-service:
  CPU: 270ms usr + 1s 910ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.oppo.logkit:
  CPU: 50ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
  1 starts
Proc android.system.suspend@1.0-service:
  CPU: 390ms usr + 5m 20s 760ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.wallpaper.livepicker:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc bspFwUpdate:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 410ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc checkfutexwait:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.oppo.sos:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.oppo.ota:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc subsystem_ramdump:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 650ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.usb@1.0-service:
  CPU: 110ms usr + 780ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc time_daemon:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 2s 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.nearme.statistics.rom:
  CPU: 620ms usr + 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.oppo.ovoicemanager:
  CPU: 40ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.sau:
  CPU: 70ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.exserviceui:ZoomAppControlService:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc .pasr:
  CPU: 50ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.lmvibrator@1.0-service:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.securitykeyboard:
  CPU: 40ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc hans:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 430ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc neo:
  CPU: 360ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cnd:
  CPU: 50ms usr + 2s 820ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc sh:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.daemon.shelper:
  CPU: 70ms usr + 240ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc bspCriticalLog:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.oppo.multimedia.dolby:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc surfaceflinger:
  CPU: 1s 460ms usr + 1s 620ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qvrservice:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 1s 140ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.activation:
  CPU: 70ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.persist.multimedia:
  CPU: 70ms usr + 420ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service:
  CPU: 270ms usr + 1s 570ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc adsprpcd:
  CPU: 20ms usr + 1s 470ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.floatassistant:edgepanel:
  CPU: 50ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cnss-daemon:
  CPU: 20ms usr + 1s 560ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc system:
  CPU: 27s 120ms usr + 24s 780ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ssgtzd:
  CPU: 100ms usr + 4s 900ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oiface:
  CPU: 90ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.keymaster@4.0-service-qti:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.exsystemservice:
  CPU: 40ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc logcat:
  CPU: 170ms usr + 1s 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.openid:
  CPU: 250ms usr + 170ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc hwservicemanager:
  CPU: 4s 290ms usr + 1s 680ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc pm-service:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 400ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.oppo.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc oppo_kevent:
  CPU: 0ms usr + 400ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service:
  CPU: 120ms usr + 2s 300ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc cdsprpcd:
  CPU: 30ms usr + 1s 430ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc vendor.qti.hardware.display.allocator-service:
  CPU: 20ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.gamespace:
  CPU: 40ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
  2 starts
Proc ATFWD-daemon:
  CPU: 10ms usr + 720ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.habit.analysis:
  CPU: 190ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
  2 starts
Proc sscrpcd:
  CPU: 40ms usr + 1s 960ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.coloros.wirelesssettings:
  CPU: 150ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.oppo.lfeh:
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:*job.delay*: 1 times
  Service com.oppo.lfeh.service.UploadJobService:
    Created for: 0ms uptime
    Starts: 0, launches: 1
  Service com.oppo.lfeh.service.OppoEncodeHelperService:
    Created for: 0ms uptime
    Starts: 0, launches: 1
Apk com.heytap.mcs:
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:com.heytap.mcs.action: 7 times
  Service com.heytap.mcs.service.McsSdkService:
    Created for: 65ms uptime
    Starts: 4, launches: 4
Apk com.android.settings:
  Service com.coloros.settings.feature.othersettings.timepower.TimepowerUpdateConfigService:
    Created for: 25m 8s 164ms uptime
    Starts: 1, launches: 1
Apk com.oppo.qualityprotect:
  Service com.oppo.qualityprotect.QualityProtectService:
    Created for: 25m 18s 260ms uptime
    Starts: 1, launches: 1
Apk com.coloros.safecenter:
  Service com.coloros.safecenter.appfrozen.services.AppFrozenService:
    Created for: 368ms uptime
    Starts: 1, launches: 1
  Service com.coloros.safecenter.sysfloatwindow.FloatWindowUpdateService:
    Created for: 13ms uptime
    Starts: 1, launches: 1
Apk com.oppo.logkit:
  Service com.oppo.logkit.service.opush.PushMessageService:
    Created for: 22m 17s 105ms uptime
    Starts: 1, launches: 1
  Service com.oppo.logkit.service.UploadJobSchedulerService:
    Created for: 0ms uptime
    Starts: 0, launches: 1
Apk com.oppo.ota:
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:oppo.intent.action.OTA_KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE: 1 times
Apk com.coloros.oppoguardelf:
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:oppo.intent.action.oppoguardelfdeepsleep.AutoStopTraffic: 1 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:android.intent.action.FRAME_ACTIVE_UPLOAD: 2 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:oppo.intent.action.oppoguardelfdeepsleep.step: 1 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:com.oppo.android.service.SENSORSTART: 1 times
  Service com.coloros.oppoguardelf.CheckSensorService:
    Created for: 22m 16s 926ms uptime
    Starts: 1, launches: 1
Apk android:
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:WriteBufferAlarm: 0 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:DeviceIdleController.deep: 2 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:*job.deadline*: 0 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:WifiConnectivityManager Schedule Watchdog Timer: 1 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:DeviceIdleController.light: 3 times
  Service com.android.server.pm.BackgroundDexOptService:
    Created for: 0ms uptime
    Starts: 0, launches: 1
Apk com.coloros.athena:
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:oppo.intent.action.BOOT_MEM_OPTIMIZE: 1 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:oppo.intent.action.REQUEST_MEMORY_COMPRESS: 2 times
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:oppo.intent.action.REQUEST_SMART_CLEAR_DELAY: 1 times
Apk com.heytap.habit.analysis:
  Wakeup alarm *walarm*:*job.delay*: 1 times
  Service com.heytap.habit.analysis.service.PeriodJobService:
    Created for: 0ms uptime
    Starts: 0, launches: 1

Wake lock RILJ-Oppo/1: 3ms partial (1 times) max=14 actual=14, 14ms background partial (1 times) max=14 realtime
Wake lock RILJ-Oppo/0: 5ms partial (1 times) max=22 actual=22, 22ms background partial (1 times) max=22 realtime
Wake lock telephony-radio: 115ms partial (27 times) max=57 actual=165, 165ms background partial (27 times) max=57 realtime
TOTAL wake: 123ms blamed partial, 170ms actual partial, 170ms actual background partial realtime
Foreground for: 52m 41s 317ms
Total running: 52m 41s 317ms
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=60ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 18510 3790 2820 1910 1850 1320 1040 5110 2680 1890 1470 880 690 610 9630 0 10 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 18350 3770 2820 1910 1840 1310 1040 5090 2680 1890 1470 870 680 610 9570 0 10 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc .dataservices:
CPU: 30ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc imsrcsd:
CPU: 10ms usr + 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc netmgrd:
CPU: 480ms usr + 30s 370ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc imsdatadaemon:
CPU: 80ms usr + 1s 460ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.phone:
CPU: 660ms usr + 490ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc imsqmidaemon:
CPU: 70ms usr + 730ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ssgqmigd:
CPU: 10ms usr + 520ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc port-bridge:
CPU: 0ms usr + 910ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ipacm:
CPU: 200ms usr + 930ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc adpl:
CPU: 10ms usr + 1s 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qti:
CPU: 30ms usr + 1s 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc .qtidataservices:
CPU: 50ms usr + 560ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.incallui:
CPU: 30ms usr + 40ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel:
CPU: 10ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc qcrild:
CPU: 800ms usr + 20s 390ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.qualcomm.qti.telephonyservice:
CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ims_rtp_daemon:
CPU: 20ms usr + 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc ipacm-diag:
CPU: 0ms usr + 460ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.qualcomm.qti.modemtestmode:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 52m 41s 317ms
Total running: 52m 41s 317ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=3ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1360 210 160 110 90 30 60 350 140 90 80 50 20 40 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1030 200 160 100 90 30 60 350 140 90 70 50 20 40 440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.bluetooth:
CPU: 460ms usr + 2s 250ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service-qti:
CPU: 110ms usr + 1s 140ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=4ms s=12ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 8570 790 460 280 370 230 190 1080 290 390 290 170 170 120 2560 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 8150 760 460 280 370 230 190 1070 290 390 290 170 170 120 2530 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service:
CPU: 4s 50ms usr + 6s 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wpa_supplicant:
CPU: 70ms usr + 4s 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wificond:
CPU: 120ms usr + 2s 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=2ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 690 130 100 60 60 30 30 150 70 30 30 10 20 0 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 690 130 100 60 60 30 30 150 70 30 30 10 20 0 320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc vppservice:
CPU: 20ms usr + 1s 180ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc adsprpcd:
CPU: 0ms usr + 1s 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc keystore:
CPU: 0ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
(nothing executed)
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=3ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1240 200 200 100 110 80 70 290 110 110 90 80 40 10 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1240 200 200 100 110 80 70 290 110 110 90 80 40 10 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.hardware.gnss@2.0-service-qti:
CPU: 50ms usr + 1s 210ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc mlid:
CPU: 10ms usr + 850ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc loc_launcher:
CPU: 10ms usr + 420ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc xtra-daemon:
CPU: 10ms usr + 1s 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 52m 41s 317ms
Total running: 52m 41s 317ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.nfc:
CPU: 150ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=1ms s=4ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1840 270 190 140 130 110 80 340 200 160 120 110 40 70 1730 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1510 250 180 140 120 110 80 320 190 140 120 90 40 70 1460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc logd:
CPU: 1s 540ms usr + 4s 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc media.extractor:
CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock AudioMix: 1s 10ms partial (1 times) max=3013 actual=3013, 3s 13ms background partial (1 times) max=3013 realtime
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=2ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 800 110 100 60 60 20 30 140 130 90 50 10 20 10 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 790 110 100 60 60 20 30 140 130 90 50 10 20 10 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc audioserver:
CPU: 80ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.audio@2.0-service:
CPU: 200ms usr + 2s 270ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc media.codec:
CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=1ms s=2ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1210 280 170 100 100 120 100 390 220 240 170 130 90 110 980 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1210 280 170 100 100 120 100 390 220 240 170 130 90 110 970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc cameraserver:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4-service_64:
CPU: 1s 790ms usr + 2s 620ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 2.82KB received, 1.42KB sent (packets 21 received, 21 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 356ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 61ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
(nothing executed)
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 80 20 10 10 0 0 10 40 0 20 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 80 20 10 10 0 0 10 40 0 20 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc webview_zygote:
CPU: 20ms usr + 400ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 260 50 30 30 50 30 10 120 40 40 30 30 40 10 520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 260 50 30 30 50 30 10 120 40 40 30 30 40 10 490 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc statsd:
CPU: 470ms usr + 1s 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 52m 41s 317ms
Total running: 52m 41s 317ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.se:
CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 180 50 40 20 20 10 10 50 0 0 20 0 10 0 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 120 50 30 10 20 10 10 40 0 0 20 0 10 0 540 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc lmkd:
CPU: 40ms usr + 960ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 168.62KB received, 208.45KB sent (packets 3210 received, 2442 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 30s 338ms (99.6%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 10s 614ms (0.3%)
WiFi Tx time: 471ms (0.0%)
Total cpu time: u=4ms s=38ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 4420 540 440 290 350 280 180 1380 280 170 190 150 150 150 1780 50 0 0 20 20 10 22950 0 0 0 10 70 20 10 10 10 3160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 12530
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 4340 520 440 290 350 280 180 1380 280 170 190 150 150 150 1730 50 0 0 20 0 10 22940 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 1740 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 540
Proc adbd:
CPU: 240ms usr + 2s 680ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc sh:
CPU: 20ms usr + 670ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc calculator:
CPU: 710ms usr + 22s 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 220 40 10 10 20 0 0 70 30 20 0 0 10 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 220 40 10 10 20 0 0 70 30 20 0 0 10 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc tftp_server:
CPU: 20ms usr + 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 100 10 10 10 0 10 0 30 40 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 100 10 10 10 0 10 0 30 40 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc qrtr-ns:
CPU: 0ms usr + 390ms krn ; 0ms fg
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 180 20 20 10 20 10 10 50 20 30 10 10 10 10 360 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 180 20 20 10 20 10 10 50 20 30 10 10 10 10 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc ashmemd:
CPU: 170ms usr + 360ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc rmt_storage:
CPU: 0ms usr + 400ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 21.52KB received, 12.99KB sent (packets 73 received, 88 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 205ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 208ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 15ms (0.0%)
Wake lock MicroMsg.MMAutoAuth: 3s 310ms partial (9 times) max=1022 actual=6365, 6s 365ms background partial (9 times) max=1022 realtime
Wake lock alarm: 400ms partial (15 times) max=212 actual=599, 599ms background partial (15 times) max=212 realtime
Wake lock PlatformComm: 16s 407ms partial (26 times) max=1093 actual=21771, 21s 771ms background partial (26 times) max=1093 realtime
Wake lock fiid-sync: 16s 376ms partial (4 times) max=11384 actual=18161, 18s 161ms background partial (4 times) max=11384 realtime
Wake lock MicroMsg.Alarm: 1s 198ms partial (13 times) max=216 actual=2739, 2s 739ms background partial (13 times) max=216 realtime
TOTAL wake: 37s 691ms blamed partial, 39s 653ms actual partial, 39s 653ms actual background partial realtime
Background for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=3ms s=3ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1410 240 170 70 110 60 70 450 130 130 160 70 180 120 2620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1400 240 170 70 110 60 70 450 130 130 160 70 180 120 2520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.tencent.mm:
CPU: 990ms usr + 1s 230ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.tencent.mm:push:
CPU: 1s 180ms usr + 1s 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.tencent.mm:
Wakeup alarm walarm:ALARM_ACTION(10000): 13 times
Service com.tencent.mm.booter.CoreService:
Created for: 21m 10s 812ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Foreground for: 2s 129ms
Cached for: 44s 250ms
Total running: 46s 379ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.providers.calendar:
CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 80B sent (packets 0 received, 2 sent)
Background for: 1m 11s 722ms
Total running: 1m 11s 722ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 40 20 10 0 10 0 10 40 0 0 20 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.gallery3d:
CPU: 140ms usr + 120ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.dolby.daxservice:
CPU: 20ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 1s 954ms
Cached for: 52m 21s 329ms
Total running: 52m 23s 283ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.process.media:
CPU: 40ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.android.providers.downloads:
CPU: 80ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.android.providers.downloads:
Service com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadService:
Created for: 104ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
User activity: 1 other
Wake lock Window:OnScreenFingerprintPressedIcon: 194ms draw (4 times) realtime
Wake lock OnScreenFingerprintDisplayControl: 4s 924ms partial (6 times) max=2526 actual=7592, 7s 592ms background partial (6 times) max=2526 realtime
Wake lock Window:Sys2023:dream: 71ms draw (2 times) realtime
Wake lock show keyguard: 59ms partial (1 times) max=118 actual=118, 118ms background partial (1 times) max=118 realtime
Wake lock OnScreenFingerprintAODShowMech: 1s 74ms partial (2 times) max=940 actual=1878, 1s 878ms background partial (2 times) max=940 realtime
Wake lock AodService:wakeLock: 913ms partial (1 times) max=3025 actual=3025, 3s 25ms background partial (1 times) max=3025 realtime
Wake lock Window:StatusBar: 113ms draw (2 times) realtime
Wake lock Window:OnScreenFingerprintIcon: 2s 656ms draw (6 times) realtime
TOTAL wake: 6s 970ms blamed partial, 8s 611ms actual partial, 8s 611ms actual background partial,3s 34ms draw realtime
Sensor 8: 52m 5s 320ms realtime (1 times), 52m 5s 320ms background (1 times)
Foreground for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=5ms s=8ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1290 190 70 70 60 90 50 340 150 90 90 110 100 80 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 530 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1060 160 70 50 50 80 50 330 130 70 90 110 100 70 1400 0 0 0 0 0 0 530 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.systemui:
CPU: 3s 580ms usr + 1s 260ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc wakelock:
CPU: 0ms usr + 5ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.android.systemui:
Service com.coloros.systemui.aod.AodService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Foreground for: 1s 586ms
Background for: 2s 129ms
Cached for: 51m 53s 197ms
Total running: 51m 56s 912ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 30 10 0 0 0 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 30 10 0 0 0 1750 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.process.acore:
CPU: 490ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Background for: 498ms
Cached for: 6s 222ms
Total running: 6s 720ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.redteamobile.roaming:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Background for: 1m 11s 627ms
Total running: 1m 11s 627ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Proc com.ted.number:
CPU: 10ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Cached for: 21s 878ms
Total running: 21s 878ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cached for: 22s 359ms
Total running: 22s 359ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 40B sent (packets 0 received, 1 sent)
Cached for: 22s 500ms
Total running: 22s 500ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cached for: 21s 919ms
Total running: 21s 919ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Wi-Fi network: 12.23KB received, 4.02KB sent (packets 27 received, 34 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 411ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 30ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Wake lock alarm: 708ms partial (1 times) max=719 actual=719, 719ms background partial (1 times) max=719 realtime
Background for: 26m 18s 318ms
Cached for: 81ms
Total running: 26m 18s 399ms
Total cpu time: u=1ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1270 40 10 10 10 10 0 30 20 30 20 10 60 0 1120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 1220 40 10 10 10 10 0 30 20 30 20 10 60 0 1110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.market:
CPU: 990ms usr + 600ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.heytap.market:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.heytap.market.ALARM.half_hour: 1 times
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.push.OPushService:
Created for: 10m 18s 523ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wi-Fi network: 2.98KB received, 15.65KB sent (packets 17 received, 21 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 379ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 56ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 8ms (0.0%)
Background for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 130 30 30 10 20 30 0 50 20 10 0 10 20 20 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 60 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.cloud:
CPU: 340ms usr + 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 40 0 10 10 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 40 0 10 10 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc android.ext.services:
CPU: 120ms usr + 70ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 5.57KB received, 2.30KB sent (packets 17 received, 22 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 395ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 51ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Foreground for: 2s 111ms
Background for: 6s 329ms
Cached for: 52m 24s 410ms
Total running: 52m 32s 850ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 170 60 10 0 20 10 10 90 20 10 50 30 0 20 740 0 0 0 0 0 10 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 110 40 0 0 20 0 10 60 20 10 40 20 0 10 660 0 0 0 0 0 10 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.usercenter:
CPU: 550ms usr + 230ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Foreground for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 230 30 10 0 10 10 0 70 30 0 10 50 10 20 220 0 0 0 0 10 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 230 30 10 0 10 10 0 70 10 0 10 50 10 10 200 0 0 0 0 10 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.launcher:
CPU: 530ms usr + 380ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 240B sent (packets 0 received, 6 sent)
Cached for: 22s 138ms
Total running: 22s 138ms
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 3020 80 40 20 0 20 10 90 10 0 0 30 30 10 170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.quicksearchbox:
CPU: 320ms usr + 260ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.quicksearchbox:privileged_process0:
CPU: 240ms usr + 130ms krn ; 0ms fg
Background for: 30ms
Cached for: 52m 41s 286ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 20 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 20 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.settings.intelligence:
CPU: 40ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 6.05KB received, 2.33KB sent (packets 22 received, 23 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 438ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 12ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Wake lock alarm: 112ms partial (4 times) max=43 actual=129, 129ms background partial (4 times) max=43 realtime
Wake lock PolicyDispatcher: 21ms partial (6 times) max=7 actual=23, 23ms background partial (6 times) max=7 realtime
Wake lock location: 1ms background partial (1 times) max=1 realtime
TOTAL wake: 133ms blamed partial, 153ms actual partial, 153ms actual background partial realtime
Foreground for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 210 20 10 0 30 0 0 60 0 10 30 10 50 0 270 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 160 20 10 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 10 10 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.sceneservice:
CPU: 450ms usr + 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.coloros.sceneservice:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.coloros.sceneservice/com.coloros.service.common.schedule.ScheduleTaskManager$AlarmBroadcastReceiver: 10 times
Cached for: 21s 813ms
Total running: 21s 813ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 120B sent (packets 0 received, 3 sent)
Cached for: 22s 147ms
Total running: 22s 147ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreground for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 90 20 0 0 0 20 0 30 10 10 10 0 10 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 90 20 0 0 0 20 0 30 10 10 10 0 10 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.instant.local.service:
CPU: 40ms usr + 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wi-Fi network: 1.17KB received, 2.13KB sent (packets 8 received, 10 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 431ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 24ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Foreground for: 52m 41s 316ms
Total running: 52m 41s 316ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 10 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.pictorial:
CPU: 120ms usr + 90ms krn ; 0ms fg
Cached for: 22s 509ms
Total running: 22s 509ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wake lock job/com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: 16ms partial (1 times) max=35 actual=35, 35ms background partial (1 times) max=35 realtime
Job com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: 39ms realtime (1 times), 39ms background (1 times)
Job Completions com.coloros.weather.service/.AutoUpdateWeatherService: canceled(1x)
Foreground for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.weather.service:
CPU: 40ms usr + 60ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.coloros.weather.service:
Service com.coloros.weather.service.AutoUpdateWeatherService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Background for: 1m 11s 823ms
Total running: 1m 11s 823ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.regservice:
CPU: 10ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
Cached for: 22s 220ms
Total running: 22s 220ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Wake lock AlarmAlertWakeLock: 26ms partial (1 times) max=50 actual=50, 50ms background partial (1 times) max=50 realtime
Background for: 431ms
Cached for: 17s 53ms
Total running: 17s 484ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.alarmclock:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Cached for: 22s 31ms
Total running: 22s 31ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Wake lock KeepTaskRunning: 69ms partial (1 times) max=69, 69ms background partial (1 times) max=69 realtime
Background for: 802ms
Cached for: 16s 860ms
Total running: 17s 662ms
Total cpu time: u=1ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 1330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 1330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.calendar:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.coloros.calendar:
Service com.android.calendar.alerts.AlertService:
Created for: 318ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 104B sent (packets 0 received, 2 sent)
Sensor 19: 52m 41s 303ms realtime (1 times), 52m 41s 308ms background (1 times)
Foreground for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.assistantscreen:
CPU: 180ms usr + 80ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock alarm: 4ms partial (1 times) max=4, 4ms background partial (1 times) max=4 realtime
Background for: 287ms
Cached for: 17s 321ms
Total running: 17s 608ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.nearme.romupdate:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
2 starts
Apk com.nearme.romupdate:
Wakeup alarm walarm:oppo.intent.action.RUS_KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE: 1 times
Service com.coloros.romupdate.service.UpdateService:
Created for: 127ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wake lock alarm: 281ms partial (1 times) max=563 actual=563, 563ms background partial (1 times) max=563 realtime
Background for: 22m 5s 649ms
Cached for: 72ms
Total running: 22m 5s 721ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.nearme.gamecenter:
CPU: 70ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.nearme.gamecenter:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.nearme.gamecenter.ALARM.half_hour: 1 times
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.thread.EmptyService:
Created for: 9m 2s 596ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.heytap.cdo.client.domain.push.OPushService:
Created for: 9m 2s 504ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wi-Fi network: 2.29KB received, 4.90KB sent (packets 16 received, 30 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 437ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 30ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Foreground for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 90 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 40 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.tencent.android.location:
CPU: 150ms usr + 100ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock alarm realtime
Wake lock CTAutoRegist:RegisterThread realtime
Background for: 58ms
Cached for: 45s 310ms
Total running: 45s 368ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.oppo.ctautoregist:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.oppo.ctautoregist:
Wakeup alarm walarm:com.oppo.ctautoregist/.RegisterReceiver: 0 times
Foreground for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.opos.ads:service:
CPU: 10ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Foreground for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.smspush:
CPU: 30ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Cached for: 21s 860ms
Total running: 21s 860ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Background for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 120 40 10 0 10 10 10 30 10 0 0 10 10 0 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 120 40 10 0 10 10 10 30 10 0 0 10 10 0 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.sohu.inputmethod.sogouoem:
CPU: 230ms usr + 350ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock TimeService: 16ms partial (1 times) max=31 actual=31, 31ms background partial (1 times) max=31 realtime
Background for: 181ms
Cached for: 17s 160ms
Total running: 17s 341ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.qualcomm.timeservice:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wake lock alarm: 38ms partial (1 times) max=75 actual=75, 75ms background partial (1 times) max=75 realtime
Background for: 218ms
Cached for: 32m 11s 490ms
Total running: 32m 11s 708ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.android.configupdater:
CPU: 60ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
2 starts
Background for: 52ms
Cached for: 9s 541ms
Total running: 9s 593ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.android.onetimeinitializer:
CPU: 20ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 0B received, 1.19KB sent (packets 0 received, 16 sent)
Wake lock wake:com.google.android.gms/.checkin.CheckinService: 23ms partial (1 times) max=46 actual=46, 46ms background partial (1 times) max=46 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.auth.frp.FrpUpdateIntentOperation: 52ms partial (1 times) max=104 actual=104, 104ms background partial (1 times) max=104 realtime
Wake lock GCoreFlp: 63ms partial (7 times) max=250 actual=290, 290ms background partial (7 times) max=250 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService: 77ms partial (3 times) max=153 actual=275, 275ms background partial (3 times) max=153 realtime
Wake lock NlpWakeLock: 42ms partial (6 times) max=25 actual=54, 54ms background partial (6 times) max=25 realtime
Wake lock gms_scheduler:internal: 96ms partial (17 times) max=84 actual=345, 345ms background partial (17 times) max=84 realtime
Wake lock Wakeful StateMachine: GeofencerStateMachine: 11ms partial (5 times) max=47 actual=53, 53ms background partial (5 times) max=47 realtime
Wake lock wake:com.google.android.gms/.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService: 39s 340ms partial (2 times) max=45061 actual=45063, 45s 63ms background partial (2 times) max=45061 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleTimeRemindersIntentOperation: 80ms partial (2 times) max=96 actual=119, 119ms background partial (2 times) max=96 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$PersistentReceiverIntentOperation: 45ms partial (4 times) max=70 actual=200, 200ms background partial (4 times) max=70 realtime
Wake lock GCM_READ: 1ms background partial (1 times) max=1 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.chimera.container.InitConfigOperation: 124ms partial (1 times) max=680 actual=680, 680ms background partial (1 times) max=680 realtime
Wake lock Icing: 167ms partial (3 times) max=376 actual=687, 687ms background partial (3 times) max=376 realtime
Wake lock wake:CollectionChimeraSvc: 24ms partial (2 times) max=136 actual=145, 145ms background partial (2 times) max=136 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.common.broadcast.BackgroundBroadcastReceiverSupport$GmsReceiverIntentOperation: 17ms partial (2 times) max=25 actual=40, 40ms background partial (2 times) max=25 realtime
Wake lock GmsDownloadIntentOp: 408ms partial (1 times) max=1037 actual=1037, 1s 37ms background partial (1 times) max=1037 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.reminders.notification.RefreshNotificationsIntentOperation: 221ms partial (4 times) max=245 actual=325, 325ms background partial (4 times) max=245 realtime
Wake lock CMWakeLock: 72ms partial (3 times) max=164 actual=274, 274ms background partial (3 times) max=164 realtime
Wake lock UlrDispSvcFastWL: 6ms partial (3 times) max=25 actual=32, 32ms background partial (3 times) max=25 realtime
Wake lock IntentOp:.reminders.notification.ScheduleLocationRemindersIntentOperation: 10ms partial (1 times) max=60 actual=60, 60ms background partial (1 times) max=60 realtime
TOTAL wake: 40s 878ms blamed partial, 45s 531ms actual partial, 45s 531ms actual background partial realtime
Foreground for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=11ms s=11ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 610 100 60 40 50 70 30 300 90 50 80 130 50 70 7450 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 590 90 60 30 50 60 30 300 90 50 80 130 50 70 7420 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.process.gapps:
CPU: 40ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc wakelock:
CPU: 5ms usr + 8ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.google.android.gms:
CPU: 1s 870ms usr + 1s 120ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.google.process.gservices:
CPU: 520ms usr + 330ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.google.android.gms.ui:
CPU: 100ms usr + 210ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.google.android.gms.unstable:
CPU: 330ms usr + 240ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.google.android.gms.persistent:
CPU: 3s 330ms usr + 1s 890ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.google.android.gms:
Service com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.AdvertisingIdService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.wearable.service.WearableControlService:
Created for: 51ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentInternalBoundBrokerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.checkin.CheckinApiService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.container.FileApkIntentOperation$ExternalFileApkService:
Created for: 48ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.account.be.channelid.ChannelBindingStateIntentService:
Created for: 35ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.icing.service.IndexService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.gcm.PushMessagingRegistrarProxy:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 3
Service com.google.android.gms.wearable.service.WearableService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.lockbox.LockboxService:
Created for: 2s 113ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.rcs.binding.RcsBindingPersistentService:
Created for: 488ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.backup.BackupAccountManagerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.GmsInternalBoundBrokerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 16
Service com.google.android.location.internal.server.HardwareArProviderService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.account.authenticator.GoogleAccountAuthenticatorService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.common.stats.GmsCoreStatsService:
Created for: 24m 58s 268ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.lockbox.service.LockboxBrokerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.easyunlock.authorization.InitializerIntentService:
Created for: 96ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.backup.GmsBackupAccountManagerService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedService:
Created for: 63ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.location.internal.GoogleLocationManagerService:
Created for: 24m 57s 574ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService:
Created for: 24m 57s 718ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService:
Created for: 24m 56s 666ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.UiIntentOperationService:
Created for: 9s 378ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ReportingAndroidService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.location.persistent.LocationPersistentService:
Created for: 24m 55s 996ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.reporting.service.DispatchingService:
Created for: 361ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.icing.service.IndexWorkerService:
Created for: 721ms uptime
Starts: 3, launches: 3
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentIntentOperationService:
Created for: 40s 909ms uptime
Starts: 5, launches: 5
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentDirectBootAwareApiService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 4
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService:
Created for: 33s 530ms uptime
Starts: 4, launches: 4
Service com.google.android.gms.security.verifier.InternalApkUploadService:
Created for: 30ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.thunderbird.EmergencyPersistentService:
Created for: 24m 56s 501ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.location.geofencer.service.GeofenceProviderService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.gcm.http.GoogleHttpService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 4
Service com.google.android.gms.trustagent.api.bridge.TrustAgentBridgeService:
Created for: 21ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.gcm.nts.SchedulerService:
Created for: 24m 56s 736ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.fido.fido2.pollux.CableAuthenticatorService:
Created for: 24m 58s 97ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.tron.CollectionService:
Created for: 513ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.GmsBoundBrokerService:
Created for: 100ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.instantapps.routing.DomainFilterUpdateService:
Created for: 14ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.authzen.GcmReceiverService:
Created for: 88ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.chimera.PersistentApiService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 4
Service com.google.android.gms.clearcut.debug.ClearcutDebugDumpService:
Created for: 24m 58s 350ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.setup.devicesignals.LockScreenService:
Created for: 24m 59s 117ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.fitness.service.recording.FitRecordingBroker:
Created for: 71ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.deviceconnection.service.DeviceConnectionWatcherService:
Created for: 24m 58s 216ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.magictether.host.TetherListenerService:
Created for: 1s 238ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.icing.service.AppIndexingService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.auth.account.be.accountstate.LoginAccountsChangedIntentService:
Created for: 125ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.ReceiveSurfaceService:
Created for: 535ms uptime
Starts: 1, launches: 1
Wake lock job/com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: 176ms partial (2 times) max=662 actual=663, 663ms background partial (2 times) max=662 realtime
Job com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: 825ms realtime (2 times), 825ms background (2 times)
Job Completions com.google.android.partnersetup/.PhenotypeJobService: canceled(2x)
Background for: 2s 61ms
Cached for: 51m 36s 284ms
Total running: 51m 38s 345ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 30 20 30 0 0 10 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 10 30 20 30 0 0 10 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.android.partnersetup:
CPU: 70ms usr + 140ms krn ; 0ms fg
2 starts
Apk com.google.android.partnersetup:
Service com.google.android.partnersetup.PhenotypeJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2
Wake lock job/com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.process.mainimpl.PhoneskyJobServiceMain: 1s 314ms partial (1 times) max=4271 actual=4271, 4s 271ms background partial (1 times) max=4271 realtime
Job com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.process.mainimpl.PhoneskyJobServiceMain: 4s 900ms realtime (1 times), 4s 900ms background (1 times)
Job Completions com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.process.mainimpl.PhoneskyJobServiceMain: canceled(1x)
Background for: 4s 800ms
Cached for: 29s 487ms
Total running: 34s 287ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 10 0 0 0 10 0 20 10 10 0 0 0 10 930 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 40 10 0 0 0 10 0 20 10 10 0 0 0 10 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.android.vending:
CPU: 0ms usr + 10ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Proc com.android.vending:download_service:
CPU: 0ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.android.vending:
Service com.google.android.finsky.scheduler.process.mainimpl.PhoneskyJobServiceMain:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Service com.google.android.finsky.ipcservers.downloadservice.DownloadServiceGrpcServerAndroidService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Foreground for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.qualcomm.qti.services.systemhelper:systemhelper_service:
CPU: 40ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
Wake lock job/com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: 135ms partial (1 times) max=135, 135ms background partial (1 times) max=135 realtime
Job com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: 151ms realtime (1 times), 151ms background (1 times)
Job Completions com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts/.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService: canceled(1x)
Background for: 320ms
Cached for: 7s 16ms
Total running: 7s 336ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.google.process.gapps:
CPU: 40ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Apk com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts:
Service com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts.ContactsSyncAdapterJobIntentService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 1
Background for: 52m 41s 315ms
Total running: 52m 41s 315ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.qualcomm.telephony:
CPU: 20ms usr + 30ms krn ; 0ms fg
Cached for: 47s 122ms
Total running: 47s 122ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Background for: 1m 11s 759ms
Total running: 1m 11s 759ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Wi-Fi network: 16.32KB received, 5.95KB sent (packets 38 received, 46 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 376ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 114ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Foreground for: 4s 256ms
Background for: 212ms
Cached for: 40m 28s 35ms
Total running: 40m 32s 503ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 100 30 20 0 0 10 20 20 0 0 10 0 0 0 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 100 30 20 0 0 10 20 20 0 0 10 0 0 0 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.gamespaceui:
CPU: 40ms usr + 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
2 starts
Apk com.coloros.gamespaceui:
Service com.coloros.gamespaceui.service.UpdateConfigService:
Created for: 47ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Service com.coloros.gamespaceui.service.PackageChangedService:
Created for: 272ms uptime
Starts: 2, launches: 2
Foreground for: 1s 72ms
Cached for: 51s 801ms
Total running: 52s 873ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.digitalwellbeing:
CPU: 50ms usr + 0ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Background for: 52m 30s 294ms
Cached for: 96ms
Total running: 52m 30s 390ms
Total cpu time: u=0ms s=0ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 150 10 0 0 0 10 10 20 0 0 20 10 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 20 10 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.coloros.oppopods:
CPU: 100ms usr + 50ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 18.42KB received, 6.62KB sent (packets 39 received, 60 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 377ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 117ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 0ms (0.0%)
Background for: 52m 41s 314ms
Total running: 52m 41s 314ms
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=1ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2740 100 80 50 90 50 10 220 70 90 60 90 40 80 1160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 2670 100 80 50 90 50 10 220 70 90 60 90 40 80 1160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.heytap.health:transport:
CPU: 560ms usr + 480ms krn ; 0ms fg
Proc com.heytap.health:SportDaemonService:
CPU: 2s 150ms usr + 1s 310ms krn ; 0ms fg
1 starts
Wi-Fi network: 2.73KB received, 2.59KB sent (packets 30 received, 21 sent)
WiFi Scan time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Sleep time: 52m 41s 393ms (100.0%)
WiFi Idle time: 0ms (0.0%)
WiFi Rx time: 100ms (0.0%)
WiFi Tx time: 2ms (0.0%)
Wake lock job/com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: 7ms partial (2 times) max=4, 7ms background partial (2 times) max=4 realtime
Job com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: 12ms realtime (2 times), 12ms background (2 times)
Job Completions com.xunmeng.pinduoduo/.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService: canceled(2x)
Foreground for: 52m 41s 314ms
Total running: 52m 41s 314ms
Total cpu time: u=2ms s=2ms
Total cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 500 140 140 70 160 100 90 430 150 140 100 110 140 180 2130 10 0 0 0 0 60 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
Total screen-off cpu time per freq: 0 0 0 450 140 140 70 160 90 90 410 150 140 100 110 130 180 2130 10 0 0 0 0 60 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proc com.xunmeng.pinduoduo:titan:
CPU: 2s 130ms usr + 3s 20ms krn ; 0ms fg
Apk com.xunmeng.pinduoduo:
Service com.xunmeng.pinduoduo.lifecycle.service.LifeCycleJobService:
Created for: 0ms uptime
Starts: 0, launches: 2

Total cpu time reads: 0
Batched cpu time reads: 0
Batching Duration (min): 28
All UID cpu time reads since the later of device start or stats reset: 284
UIDs removed since the later of device start or stats reset: 1
OP46C3:/data/local/tmp/calculator $