graalvm license分析

1 背景


2 入口资料

2.1 官网介绍 有专门的说明。

GraalVM Community Edition is open source software built from the sources available on GitHub and distributed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License with the “Classpath” Exception, which are the same terms as for Java. We also recommend checking the licenses of the individual GraalVM components (which are generally derivative of the license of a particular language). GraalVM Community is free to use for any purpose and comes with no strings attached, but also no guarantees or support.

1 社区版本整体为GPLV2 with “Classpath” Exception,与 JAVA的jdk一样(可参考 这里的说明,整个openjdk都是有例外的,不会因为链接而传染);
2 社区版本不限制用途(可以商用),也不会要求特殊的回报(当然也没有质量保证和技术支持保证);
3 每一个componets有不同的license

2.2 发布包和代码中的LICENSE文件


          Product License  - GraalVM Community Edition

GraalVM Community Edition consists of multiple modules. The software as a
whole, is released under version 2 of the GNU General Public License with the
“Classpath” Exception. Certain modules of GraalVM Community Edition are released
under separate and/or additional licenses, as follows: Graal.js and Graal
Node.js are released under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) Version 1.0;
Sulong – LLVM is released under a 3-clause BSD license.

The text of the foregoing licenses is reproduced below.

Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

其中有一些没有提及的组件,从 下载源代码。
Each GraalVM component is licensed:


for x in `grep  "designates" ./ -RI -L |grep '\.java'| grep -v generated |grep -v /test/ |grep -v \.class` ; do grep 'GENERATED CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT' $x -L ; done

3 license影响分析

graalvm社区版本使整体是GPLV2 with classpath exception, 本次分析开源license的主要目的是:识别代码被传染开源的风险 和 专利纠纷的风险。

3.1 传染性分析

3.1.1 Graal架构分析


3.1.2 传染性分析结论


3.2 专利纠纷分析


3.2.1 GPLV2协议分析


  1. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License.

  2. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.


3.2.2 UPL协议分析

参考, UPL是非常开放友好的开源协议。
The most important features and things to understand about the UPL are the following:

  • Clear patent protection. The UPL is a broad permissive license including both a copyright license and an express patent license, covering at least a version licensed by someone under the license (for example a distributor) and/or a version someone contributed to even if they never distribute the whole. (The reason the latter is needed is discussed below.) By virtue of the unambiguous patent license, the UPL is materially clearer with respect to the rights licensed and likely broader than either the MIT or BSD licenses.
  • Clear & simplified relicensing. The UPL expressly permits sublicensing under either the UPL or under other terms, which clearly allows someone to relicense code received under the UPL either on copyleft terms, on proprietary terms, or otherwise, thus permitting maximum flexibility in reuse.
  • Reduced overhead in source files. The UPL expressly permits use of the license without including a full copy of the text, which is useful for JavaScript or other cases where minimizing space consumed by licenses is desired - see below for our recommendation of how to apply the license or include proper attribution without the full text.
  • It can be used as a contributor agreement. Finally, the UPL may be used as a contributor license agreement licensing both the software itself and also contributor patents for use in one or more “Larger Works.” The Larger Works licensed in this fashion are designated by the use of a separate file accompanying the license, akin to the NOTICE file that accompanies the Apache License, Version 2.0. The Larger Works file can be used to control for both contributions to other works (for example, we could specify MySQL in a Larger Works file for a work, which would then license contributor patents for MySQL as well as the contribution), to set patent license scope for specific versions (for example, we could specify the approved reference implementation of JSR-xxx including Maintenance Releases to ensure that all contributors to an RI are licensing both the final version of the RI and qualified updates under the JCP program), or both.

3.2.3 3-Clause BSD协议分析


4 总结

4.1 协议分析结论


4.2 后续风险讨论

从oralce当前的安排来看,graalvm将使用与openjdk类似的盈利策略。社区版使用GPL协议开放核心功能(并且通过classpath exception确保不传染用户的代码),商业版本提供更高的性能和更好的支持获取利润(商业版本授权非常昂贵,以cpu数计费,每月单个cpu接近20美元,参考。
如果oracle 对该模式提供保护,事实上无论GPL传染风险(oralce不会故意去传染用户代码,破坏这种运作模式)和专利纠纷(oracle不会作为专利原告,并且会为bsd协议的组件提供保护)的风险都是非常小的。